Etherian Dreams - Chapter 53 - DukeSigward78 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

--- Few Hours after the Yakuza Raid ---

“According to the charts, you’ve seemingly received no obvious or life threating injuries aside from that makeshift burn on your side. Tried to stop some bleeding?” The doctor asked as they were reviewing Izuku’s current condition. In which the sorcerer’s answer was a yes and a nod. “Your heart also seems to be alright, despite that your scar has grown in size and length. But I’m sure you realized that already.”

It was true as Izuku turned to a nearby mirror. The lightning scar had grown and extended it’s reach. Now creeping over to the other side of his chest somewhat, wrapping itself around his arm more some with dozens more jagged branches and slipping past his jawline to the corner of his mouth and a little up to his ear on the right side of his face.

It was probably reaching over onto his back as well if he could turn his head all the way around to see. “In any case, other then that previous rush patch job, your completely fine.” Analysis finished, the doctor left Izuku to his devices, leaving him the only one in the room at the moment.

It had only been a few hours since the Shie Hassaikai were defeated and Chisaki’s plan thwarted. They managed to get all of evidence they needed, not to mention with the involvement of the League of Villains, their sentence was to be sent directly to prison. But it wasn’t a complete victory.

Not everyone got out unscathed or lucky like he was. Nighteye was taken immediately to intensive care and Tamaki had received dozens of injures from fighting off three of the elite members of the Yakuza group. Kirishima and Fatgum were on the brink from whatever battle they managed to finish and were now recovering slowly.

Some members of the elite group were also missing, and heroes were out looking for them or to find where they went. Apparently, there were recently dug tunnels all throughout the stronghold, but they collapsed shortly after the battle was over. Covering the tracks of whoever or whatever made them…

Several officers and minor heroes were also barely clinging to life due to the sudden transformation of the Yakuza grunts into horrific monsters. The drug responsible… No one knew what or where the drug came from as any or all samples were taken or were destroyed in the chaos. Those that didn’t take it wouldn’t say a word of where the drug came from.

Eri also hadn’t woken up and developed a very intense fever once she finally made it to safety. Which did give Izuku a large amount of relief to hear that she was safe at last but unfortunately, she was to be quarantined until further notice due to her lack of control of her quirk. He understood the reasons, it didn’t mean he had to like them.

Things would have been a lot worse if it weren’t for…

Glimmer was there. She was here. Fighting with him just like on Etheria. Not to mention she actually came around with the costume he designed for her. Izuku was surprised she actually remembered it considering everything. At first, he thought that what saved him was an illusion his magic made up unconsciously like the last time in Kamino.

But she was real. She was really there. Fighting, shouting, helping… Izuku should’ve been thinking how she managed to get to Earth let alone Japan, but his mind wandered to other things.

How he didn’t want Glimmer’s first experience of Earth being combat. Izuku wanted to take her to all of the sights Japan had to offer first. Then maybe a bookstore after they got something to eat and then maybe meet everyone once she could speak Japanese better. Maybe introduce her to his mom and unpack all of the problems that would bring up. It had to be done eventually. Might as well do it before the final battle of a war…

As his mind wandered to that increasingly pleasant thought, a small but true smile building on his face, his hand moved towards his cheek without thinking.

He wanted to see her eyes sparkle… Like she used too… Have his hand in hers… All of his worries and nervousness simply… faded away when she was there. No one made him feel that sort of peace before… Only Etheria made him feel better but Glimmer… She made him feel important, worthy of being a hero, that all of the fighting and pain would be worth it in the end.

Just from a comforting touch…

What… was this? Why can’t I stop thinking about-

“Heyo Buckaroon! How’re ya feeling?”

Without warning, Izuku quickly shot his hand down back to his lap with a slap and his eyes shot open as swivelled around to see Mirio’s head through the room door. The third year smiled brightly before phasing back and just opened the door normally and came in. “But seriously, how are you? Nothing broken I hope?” He asked the sorcerer who responded with that he was fine. Just some minor, unimportant stuff. “Glad to hear it. …Hey, Midoriya. I think Sir is open to visitors. Want to come see him with me?”

Izuku stood up and followed Mirio to where Nighteye was being treated, the sorcerer asking how the pro was or if Mirio knew his condition. “All I know is… that he… I’m just glad he’s still alive.” Mirio said with a tinge of pain before hopping back to a smile. “I just hope my jokes don’t break his funny bone!”

Though Izuku wasn’t the best person for this, seeing he was only barely ok at hiding his feelings… for the tiniest part, he figured he’d give it a shot anyway. “And… how are you Mirio? Especially with everything that happened.” Mirio was silent for a second before slowly nodding to the question.

“…I’m… doing alright. Much better than the ride here let me tell you, Hehe. …When I saw Tamaki, I… couldn’t leave his side. I think I was more relieved than anything when we finally made it. Rode with him in the same ambulance if you can believe it! …Sir, Tamaki, Eri. I know their strong. Stronger than anyone I’ve known. All I can do now is trust them that they’ll be ok now. And between you and me…” Mirio leaned in towards Izuku to say…

“After this, I’m taking Tamaki to all his favourite places! He’s going to love it! …That is if the doctors are ok with him leaving, ha!” Izuku couldn’t help but laugh too. They must really care for each other, he thought. Plus, a little humour would be good before they went in. Mirio turned to the door and grabbed the handle, glancing to Midoriya. “Ready?”

He nodded and Mirio opened the door carefully as to not interrupt anyone who might be with Nighteye. Mirio spoke first, signalling their presence to the room’s occupants.

Which was a nurse on their way out and Nighteye laying in bed. Izuku hadn’t gotten the chance to see the pro since the final battle, which made the meeting all the more shocking when the sorcerer saw him. Nighteye was missing the entirety of his left leg and his left arm from the bicep down. Both of which where greatly bandaged among dozens of other injures. But hopefully he’d still be ok after everything is over.

Despite the state he was in, he seemed none the worse for ware. Even looking over to the pair as they entered. The pro looked exhausted but, for the first time Izuku had met the pro, Nighteye had a tiny smile on his face. “Ah… It’s good to see you both. I never got the chance to congratulate you on the operation.” Both young heroes came closer as Nighteye leaned back into his bed slightly. “My apologies for my behaviour as well. My pain medications are… kicking in.”

“Don’t worry! It’ll just make getting you to smile all the more easy!” Mirio said with a bright and cheery smile, striking a small pose. Happy on seeing his mentor still fighting on. Which did get a small laugh out of the hero before he started coughing heavily. Mirio quickly jumping in to check if Nighteye was ok and comfortable. Only for Nighteye to stop him with raised hand.

“I’m fine, Mirio. Thank you.” His smile faded slightly as he moved on and tried to relax more. “The girl, Eri… Is she safe?” Both heroes eased the pro’s worries and informed of everything he might’ve missed while he was rushed to the hospital. His shoulders visibly lowered as a sigh left him. “…That’s good. Thank you again. Both of you. Despite the odds, you prevailed.”

He glanced to Midoriya for a moment before coming back to Mirio. “Mirio. Shouldn’t you check on Amajiki as well? I also heard from the nurse the cafeteria is open. Perhaps you can grab something for all of us.”

Mirio paused for a moment before it clicked on what was going on. “…Now I know you just want to talk to Midoriya alone for a sec… But your super right! He’s probably super hungry!” Mirio stood straight up and left the room, but not before flashing another smile before leaving the two alone for the moment. “I’ll be back later though! I’ll figure out something you want too!” He said, his head popping through the door before phasing back out.

Izuku looked to the door before slowly turning back to Nighteye who was doing the same. Giving it a second or so just to make sure Mirio wasn’t just sticking outside the door. Izuku was still confused on way Nighteye wanted them both alone-

“I saw it you know. His future.” The sorcerer turned back to the bed ridden hero, who in turn look out to the nearby window. Occasionally glancing to his missing arm and leg before back to the sunny sky. “The result of the battle. What should have happened.”

“…When Chisaki took that drug, I never thought the horrific future I would see. But when Mirio came to find me, I saw it.” He closed his eyes tightly as he recalled the dark future he foresaw.

“While… Mirio would have survived, Chisaki tore everything and everyone apart. Even as he escaped with Eri in tow, he destroyed the entire area and ensured countless deaths in a path of pure carnage. The last image that came to me was… Mirio crying out as… you and I were broken and barely recognizable at his feet as Chisaki fled after his slaughter was finished…”

Izuku didn’t know what to say or even know if there was anything to say to that. “And yet… Even with the future set-in stone. Even with it being certain to be…” Nighteye slowly turned back to the sorcerer at his bedside. “You fought still… and succeeded. You fought the certain future, fought fate, and won.”

As the words left his mouth, it sounded like Nighteye himself still couldn’t believe it. “…Was this… the power you spoke of…?”

“The power that would shine brighter than All Might’s smile…?”

One thing was for certain though. Without Glimmer or Eri’s help, no one would be alive right now. Izuku probably would be stone dead from a heart attack if Chisaki didn’t kill him first. “Whatever your case might be, Midoriya. Thank you.” Izuku was briefly surprised before asking what the hero meant as he was still in the dark. Nighteye simply smiled and said…

“For proving me wrong and… showing me that it is possible. Thank you.”

Still not getting it, but thinking Nighteye was probably wanting rest, Izuku moved on to leave him be and allow the hero some time to himself now knowing that everything was ok. He turned around towards the door only for the door to be already open.

And All Might to be standing in the doorway. “I… hope your still accepting visitors?” Yagi nervously said as he stepped inside, a very expensive bottle in his hand as he saw Izuku. Thinking that the two were conversing before he barged in. “I hope I’m not interrupting either. I-I can come back later if-“

Izuku walked past the old pro, a small smile on his face as he nodded to him before leaving. The door closed shortly after. Leaving the two alone. Nighteye expression was filled with surprise even in his tired state and Yagi didn’t know what to think of it either. Seeing as he never seen Nighteye surprised to this extent before.

Before the silence became too long, Nighteye spoke first. “Is that… really you?”

Yagi sighed, looking down to the bottle in his hand as a smile crept onto his face, nodding slowly during before pulling a chair so he could sit. “Afraid so.” He put the bottle, one of Mirai’s favourites, down before looking up to his old sidekick. “It’s… good to see you, old friend. How’re feeling?”

Nighteye still couldn’t believe his eyes and Yagi could tell. It was also easy to see that Nighteye was struggling to say something. But not from physical pain or anything of that sort. “…All Might-“

“Toshinori is fine. And… before you say what I think your trying to say, let me say some things. Things I… should have said instead of just walking away.” Nighteye became silent and waited for Yagi to say his piece. Yagi stopped and started himself a few times before taking a breath and finally speaking once again.

“Night-… Mirai. I shouldn’t have allowed my stubbornness to ruin our partnership. Ruin our friendship. Back then, I just couldn’t fathom the thought of a world without All Might in it. Maybe pride, some self-imposed pity for myself, regret that I began to think that I was nothing… I don’t know.”

“It’s all been flipped on its head either way. All I did was keep up the status quo and the world became a slightly safer place thanks to what I stood for. Now, with me gone, it’s a rallying cry for stronger villains to appear. New threats are rearing their faces, and people can’t look up to just one person to save them. They need more than just a symbol, Mirai. And I hope you saw some of them today. And… I wished this reunion, if you can call it that, was under better circ*mstances…”

Yagi bowed his head deeply. “Whatever poor excuse may come out of my mouth, I ask for your forgiveness. I refuse to burn any more bridges or push people away. I-… I want to be a better person.” The words were met with silence as Yagi remained in that position for a few more seconds until Nighteye finally said something.

“All-… Toshinori.” Yagi raised his head. “…There’s-… I could never hate you. Never. While I don’t always agree with you, I can see that… you mean what you say. All I wanted was… was for the world to not forget you. Or allow the legacy of One for All to be left behind with you. The number of times I shouted at the screen watching you fight All for One…” Mirai chuckled, coughing heavily afterwards, his wounds flaring for a moment then relaxing.

“I did see them, Toshinori. All of them. Each one of those young heroes who stood up and tried to stop injustice from being carried out. To stop the suffering of a little girl. Even if it would cost them their lives… A lot of people would be dead if it weren’t for them…” Mirai smiled again as he looked over to Yagi at his bedside. “…Did you know I still have my limited edition All Might Silver Age figure that you signed? Still in the box with the gold lined accessory speech bubbles.”

Yagi paused, his brow raised, until he started to chuckle. “You kept it? I figured you would’ve locked it in the most secure place in the whole world! Not a greasy finger would lay upon it, nor would it see the light of day!” Both laughed, though Mirai’s was far more subdued than Yagi’s. Eventually, the laughter fell and returned to a more pleasant quiet.

And with it, a question. One that needed to be said. “…You still don’t accept my choice, do you?”

Mirai was quiet. “…No.” he said solemnly with little to no leeway for error or misunderstanding. “I still believe Mirio would have been a greater successor to you. And I know how stubborn you are, so there is no point in trying to change your mind now.” Yagi was disappointed from the answer, but he wouldn’t allow it to ruin seeing his friend again. “But… perhaps it’s because I haven’t seen their full potential. I suppose we will see. Won’t we?”

“Then again, perhaps your secret son will take the future for himself, eh?”


It took several seconds and an awkward pause for it to finally click who Mirai was talking about. When it did, shock and surprise filled Yagi’s being as he flailed about and fell over onto the floor. A spray of spit and blood causing him to hit the floor harder than what would be healthy. “W-What!? It’s not-!” Yagi scrambled across the floor, moving towards the door in a blind panic as he took a peek outside.

Midoriya was no where in sight as Yagi poked his head out and looked down both sides of the hallway. He sighed and gently closed the door, turning back to Mirai who had a bit of a smirk on his face. “…Still find ways to keep me on my toes, huh? Yeesh.”

Even after all this time… Mirai was still the same hidden jokester… A part of him was glad. Even if it caused a bit of a minor heart attack…

“You know it was one of my better qualities.” Mirai smiled again. “Although perhaps I’m not far off, hehe.” He moved the conversation along as Yagi returned to his seat, shaking his head with a smile of his own. “Have you been keeping in touch with Mr. Shield? And how is Mellisa? You didn’t leave them be for years as well, I hope?” Yagi sighed and answered, eager to move past this line of questions.

“Like I could even try. Do you know the amount of calls I got from the both of them when I was in the hospital?” Yagi laughed, glad that David was still keeping in touch with him even after all these years and going their separate ways. “Apparently, Mellisa has been working on a big surprise for me. At least, that’s what David tells me. Other than that, their doing well.” He really ought to go visit them both one of these days…

“That is good to hear. I trust your also keeping in better health. How is retirement treating you?”

Yagi spoke to his friend without missing a beat. As if the years hadn’t separated them at all or at least very little. He told Mirai how he’s been casually exercising instead of hero scaled training routines and how he’s been able to focus on teaching his students. Even so much as to say how he has come to love his job and is eager to see future with these bright new heroes on the horizon.

They conversed back and forth for quite a while, asking what the other was up to when they parted ways all that time ago.

Eventually, it came back to the topic of retirement. And what would become of Mirai’s hero status. “So… What will you do now?” Yagi asked, glancing over Mirai’s missing leg and forearm. “Will the agency remain open?”

“I’m… not sure. I will most likely take up more of a strategic position at the office. Relaying orders from afar rather than taking part in field operations directly.” Mirai sighed, though it wasn’t of disappointment or of the like. “As for the future? Who knows… My perception of fate has been rattled recently. Now that a lingering ember has been given new life. One I thought impossible… That the future can be changed.”

“And… wherever this new path may take me… This… new beginning.” Mirai then… smiled. A rather bright one. In fact, one Yagi had not seen in… forever. “I look forward to it. Now knowing that even the darkest of fates can be changed.”


Kirishima, despite being in a full body cast, trying to rest as his wounds and hurts healed slowly thanks to Recovery Girl, tossed and turned in his hospital bed. Sweat pouring down his brow as he felt something starting to tug on him.

Within his mind, he was… floating. Or… it felt like he was floating. He wasn’t sure. What he was sure that he was floating in some sort of empty void, wisps of that same darkness wrapping around his broken body and mouth and even one of his eyes.

Despite his lack of perfect sight, he could still see he was moving towards something. Or rather, something was heading towards him. He tried to cry out, but nothing came out of his bound mouth, and he couldn’t move his arms to grab or even find the charm to protect him.

All he could try to do, was struggle. Try to wake himself up from this nightmare and get away from whatever was coming to get him or before the arms came back-

“Whoa! Easy there, kid. We ain’t here to hurt ya.”

“Far from it. We wished to speak with you.”

Kiri slowly opened his one eye and what he saw surprised him greatly. Despite floating in this endless space, two people stood in front of him upon a slab of stone of which started to build underneath their feet so that all three could stand on some sort of footing.

The taller white-haired man, a crack over one of his eyes leading down to his lip, spoke first. “Once again, I apologize for the suddenness of this meeting, Kirishima Ejirou. My name is Shinomori Hikage or Forth in case that is hard to remember.” He then gestured to the grizzled man next to him. “And this is…”

“Banjo Daigoro. Pleasure to meet ya, Kirishima.” The gruff man said kindly. Kirishima was still incredibly confused, not to mention unsure if this was some sort of hallucination. “Now, you probably gotta lot of questions so let’s speed through the easy ones. Firstly, where we, or you, are right now.” Banjo or ‘Fifth’ as Kiri’s brain was telling him for some reason, looked over to his comrade next to him.

“Indeed.” ‘Fourth’ took point as he turned back to Kirishima. “Right now, we are currently residing within One for All. And we are two of its previous holders. We would be with the others but due to unforeseen obstructions on your end, one among being you haven’t completely connected with One for All and… one of our number being… displeased, we are the only ones you can interact with for the moment.”

Fifth than continued, filling the gaps to Kiri as best he could. “Reasons among them being you connected with our quirks. Me with Blackwhip during that raid business…” Fifth raised his hands and black tendrils emerged from his forearm, slowly swinging side to side before retracting. “And Hikage’s Danger Sense when you were fighting that metal knife freak before that.”

“That was when we tried to contact with you directly. Seventh was with us as well and was the one to push our meeting upon this realization.” Hikage said. “Due to whatever item you were given, it somehow blocked us out. Preventing the other vestiges to be with us and hence we’ve had to take our chance when the item in question was no longer blocking us.”


“I think we’ve confused the kid.” Daigoro leaned in next to Hikage. “I mean, look at ‘em. Seventh would probably be better at this then us.”

“We all were when we first arrived. Though we had First to help us. Despite that, we still have to try even if he isn’t here or wishes to speak with him right now.” Kiri was still trying to process this truckload of information being dumped on him while he was in this coma-esqe state. Other wielders, connecting to other quirks, being inside One for All, somehow. Not to mention Midoriya’s charm actually working.

It was a whole lot to take in the span of a few minutes.

The realm shook briefly, which startled Kiri briefly, but the other two remained unphased. “Looks like you’re wakin’ up.” Daigoro looked around the space then returned his gaze to Kirishima. Whose form was slowly being pulled away. “Looks we’re out of time but before you go, we’ve got to tell ya somethin’!”

“Be careful!” Hikage called out as Kiri was pulled further and further away from the two previous wielders. Their voices becoming fainter and fainter… “We believe an agent of All for One is coming! We aren’t sure when, but a great power has made itself known. Look out for anything or if anyone starts to act strangely! We can’t be sure so stay vigilant!”

“If anythin’ else comes up, we’ll try to reach ya!”

The voices soon faded into nothing as Kirishima’s vision turned black.


Kirishima’s eyes slammed open and bulged as he awoke. Still unable to move but due to far more understandable means.

He was still in that full body cast. Also, OW.

After getting his bearings and getting over how nearly all of him was broken right now, Kiri relaxed and tried to gather his thoughts and all of the information he was given. So. Apparently, he could use the quirks of dead people that have had One for All before. Or at least, that’s what it sounded like to him.

But the most troubling bit on top of meeting said former wielders was that someone was coming for his classmates and Kiri already had a few ideas of the people the agent could be interested in. Maybe somehow take their quirks then leave like nothing ever happened?

Maybe All Might would know more… Once Kiri was completely healed, he would-


“WHOA! Fatgum!?” The still thinned out hero dashed over after screaming Kiri’s name, seeing he was mostly awake now. It was also at that point Kiri noticed Amajiki across the room in a similar situation. Awake but slowly healing, slowly munching on some snacks Fatgum brought.

Kiri also realized that he was pretty hungry too.

Game Plan: Eat something, heal up, talk to All Might. Starting now! “Fatgum, sir? Do you still have any small snacks left?”

--- Brightmoon Castle, The following morning ---

After everyone was given the all-clear around afternoon, and after a hefty questioning session to debrief with the police, which lasted until it was dark, Izuku and his classmates participating in the raid had arrived back at the dorms and were quickly bombarded with questions, worry and astonishment that they fought a legitimate crime organization from the others.

But the sorcerer was more focused on finding Glimmer after everything. Only he couldn’t and since he was pulled all over the place, it at least gave him some moments to sense for Glimmer’s magic. She was never one to hide her power and finding her should be fairly easy. But no matter what he did, or had Vree search for, Glimmer was no where to be found. As if she vanished like a puff of smoke.

Izuku quickly excused himself from the group and hurried to bed. Shortly waking up in Brightmoon as the sun was still rising over the castle. He got his stuff on and quickly made his way to Glimmer’s room. One half worrying she might’ve gotten stuck on the Earth side and the other half telling him it was fine.

If she truly managed to get to Earth, he needed to ask her face to face and get every single detail. Even the most stupid detail could help them understand not only how she traveled but also could lead to answers of Izuku’s own predicament. Before long, he arrived at the queen’s door. Taking a moment to collect himself and raising his hand to knock.

“Come in! Door’s unlocked!”

A great sense of relief filled Izuku as he physically relaxed at the voice coming from the other side. So, Glimmer did make it back… One less thing to worry about. Izuku opened the door and let himself in. “Glimmer, we need to taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” As he turned, his gaze was uncontrollably fixed to the queen…

…Who was standing in some sleep wear, lazily throwing on a loose crop top over herself. “’zuku!” Glimmer hopped over, the biggest smile on her face and looking in far better spirts he’d seen in a while. More relaxed than anything. But… Izuku was currently trying to rewire his brain as Glimmer came closer. “…Izuku?”

Glimmer snapped her fingers in front of the sorcerer’s face a couple times and still no response from him. Izuku was currently fighting an ongoing battle against his thoughts as he couldn’t stop thinking about how nice she looked despite not wearing anything fancy. He also picked up on how he’d never seen Glimmer with makeup in all the time he’d known her. Maybe once or twice during special events but even then, that didn’t do much for her.

Not that she would need it. She was beau- STOP!

Even though she wasn’t as toned or muscular as Izuku or Adora, Glimmer still could lift Izuku easily if years of her doing just that was any indication of her strength. Bulky arms but still very pretty- COOL. Pretty cool… waist… yes… her soft waist… Of which he had full sight of thanks to the green crop top she was wearing. One of the sleeves drooping off her shoulder as well so he could see one of her old scars.

As the blush reached his face and he came to his senses, Izuku covered his face with both hands and tried his hardest to forget what he had seen. Even if a part of him kept the image seared over his eyes. “C-C-Can you- D-Did I come a-at a bad time?” Izuku stuttered, trying to gather his lost composure. What was he, a teenager!? He was eighteen soon to be nineteen, GET IT TOGETHER, IZUKU!

“You… good? I can still hear you.” Izuku opened his hand, but not move them from his face, to allow one eye to see. His blush still apparent as he saw Glimmer with a tilted head awaiting an answer. He turned completely away, took in a deep breath, slapped his cheeks and turned back around to face the Queen a second time. “All better?”

“…Mhmm…” Izuku nodded rapidly. His cheeks still having a tinge of red. It was cute, but Glimmer kept that thought to herself.

“Alright.” She turned around and started to walk off, moving over to her bed and grabbing the brush she threw on it when she saw Izuku come in. “So…” She started again, ‘wondering’ why Izuku had came this morning and overall being catty about it. “Anything you want to talk about? Anything in particular?” Glimmer could barely contain her smile though as she waited for the obvious.

Izuku took a breath and focused, not wanting to waste any more of Glimmer’s time. Since she was barely dressed, he should’ve waited at least an hour before he barged in but can’t go back now. “Glimmer. Did-… Have you- Were you-… Ugh, were you at Earth last nig-“

“YES!” Glimmer had abruptly appeared in the sorcerer’s face without word or warning. Noses mere inches apart before hopping around the room. Recounting the epic tale from her side of things. “Yes, yes, YES! I was there! Can you believe it!? You were like wapow! And I was like ‘Luna Crest Slash!’ and we both sent that jerk FLYYING! Hahahahaha!” Izuku blinked, watching her spin around the room like that…

“You seem to be in a good mood…” Izuku couldn’t help but smile as he watched Glimmer laugh and spin. It made his heart flutter and make him feel… lighter…

Glimmer finally stopped as she turned back to the sorcerer in the midst of her re-enactment. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just I feel so great after that whole thing! Finally able to let loose and knock some heads after so long! It felt so good! You would not believe how good it felt when I slammed that first bird masked guy into that building! All me, baby!”

Yeah, that sounded- wait. First? Did that mean she wasn’t there after Chisaki opened the ceiling, but before? There was that report of a vig- Oh… That was Glimmer too… wasn’t it? She was the one who knocked out the elite Yakuza on the surface before most likely teleporting and finding him. “Ok, ok. Glimmer, I need you to tell me everything that happened. Before, during, after. I need every detail.”

He needed to figure out how Glimmer arrived on Earth. How she accomplished it. Glimmer was more than happy to oblige, walking over to her queen-sized bed and patting a spot for Izuku to sit next to her. As he took his seat, Glimmer told the whole story to the sorcerer, trying to get as many details that could help as possible. Knowing the sorcerer was always a stickler for details of anything of any kind.

First how she woke up in some random alley not too far from the raid area. Then getting dressed up before rushing directly into combat against some mutated goons and the elite Yakuza, despatching them easily then moving into the underground itself. Helping out a little then running into Izuku which led to the big battle. “What happened after you left? Did anyone follow you?”

“Pfft, no.” Glimmer giggled softly. “They looked but I was long gone. But… as for what happened… well… So. I kept going until I found the most barren spot I could find on some random roof and relaxed. Thinking about what you said. The whole ‘figure it out when we got back’ bit. Got comfortable, close my eyes and next thing I knew, I was in my bed. A part of me was really-“

“Wait, wait, wait. You… came back? In the middle of the day? Was it still night in Brightmoon?” Spurned on by Izuku’s surprise, Glimmer nodded and answered that it was. Heck, the moon was still shining through her window when she got up. “You came back… at will… I mean, you probably have a stronger connection to Etheria then I do thanks to the Moonstone. And those strange dreams were probably something similar to what I experienced before fully coming over…”


“Which might mean that it is possible that some level of control of the shift between Earth and Etheria can be made so long as a strong enough anchor is made on one side to call back too… But what can substitute the strength or be similar to a Runestone…


“Maybe if I use sufficiently charged and custom crystals to create some sort of anchor I could-“ The sorcerer’s rambling was cut short when he felt a hand over top his own. He looked down to Glimmer’s hand which was wrapping itself around Izuku’s as the sorcerer looked up to the que-… To Glimmer. Who was only smiling and waiting. “S-Sorry… I got carried away, didn’t I?” He scratched his cheek with his free hand, a tinge of red on his cheeks.

“I don’t mind if you do. It’s my fault for thinking that you wouldn’t notice.” She sort of sounded… disappointed. “Sorry for cutting you off like that.” She was about to pull her hand away but felt some force preventing it. She looked down to see a surprise of her own. “Uh… ‘zuku?”

“What?” He looked back down at their hands to see that Izuku’s was holding onto Glimmer’s for dear life. Not tightly or uncomfortable, but just enough force so that separation would be difficult. His thumb slowly moving back and forth over the top of her hand. And he was completely unaware he did that. “I-I-I’m sorry!” Izuku was about to remove his hand, thinking he was making her uncomfortable. “I w-wasn’t thinking!”

“Izuku! It’s ok!” But he stopped when he heard Glimmer say his name. And that it… was ok. “I don’t mind.” She looked at him right in the eyes as she said “I’ve never minded. …Not if its you.” The last part she said softly. So much so, he barely heard it. But it rang louder than anything in the sorcerer’s head before. She cleared her throat and moved on. “…Anyway, you probably want to tell the others about the whole ‘going to Earth’ thing, right?”

Why did it sound like there was an ‘or’ to this thought. “Or…” There it is. “We… don’t do that.” With a brow raised, the sorcerer asked why and for an explanation. Genuinely curious why they shouldn’t tell the others this… this… astonishing discovery. “Well, uh… because… since we don’t know much about how it happens… we should keep this between us so that we don’t worry the others and we can learn more about the specifics. So that when we do tell them, we’ll have all the answers then we can get them to Earth too.”



“That’s a terrible reason.”

“I know.” Glimmer grumbled, facepalming with her free hand as she was still holding Izuku’s with the other. She ran her hand down her face before letting it sit in her lap and sighed. “And this is gonna sound stupid but… I… want this to be an ‘Us’ thing. You know? Just for the two of us. Our own hang out time away from… everything. Time to relax or train or go out or plan ahead or something!”

Izuku was about to speak but Glimmer kept going. Trying to explain her reasoning. “And I know what your thinking, ‘Glimmer, I see you everyday!’ But it’s always with meetings or Juliet or the other princesses. And when we do get time alone together, we get interrupted and pulled apart! ‘Izuku needs to speak with Mysticor and will be gone for the whole week unless you go instead!’ or ‘Your Majesty. you shouldn’t be wasting your time with- Urggh!”

“And who decides that!? Who decides what I do with my time!” Glimmer yelled before taking a breath to calm. “I-… I know I’m sounding selfish. But… we all got to have at least one thing to be selfish about. No one’s perfect. No matter how much I wish I could be. Because a perfect queen would have all of this sorted out and fixed and she’d actually have time, and no one would bother her with such stupid little things!”

She took another breath and turned to the sorcerer. “So… that’s my reason. A bad one if you think about. If you say tell them, then I’ll tell them. Up to you.” She squeezed Izuku’s hand tightly, finding the brushing sensation of the sorcerer’s hand relaxing.

Izuku was silent. …Time for themselves, huh?

It was true. Whenever it was just the two of them, it would get derailed by either him getting distracted by advisor duties or school/hero work. Or they’d have to do separate meetings that suddenly had to happen right at that moment. Most of them were very important, planning strategies against the resurgence of Horde activity as of late. And after the meetings or other necessary duties, they were just too tired to do really anything together.

If they did do this, did make this choice, then they’d have tons of time for themselves on the Earth side so that they didn’t feel as pulled apart when they came back. Since they could always talk and hang out on Earth and then focus on Etherian matters afterwards. Having gotten their time together already in. It could also lead to more information of how Glimmer shifts between Earth and Etheria seemingly at will.

On top of that, if he introduced her to his classmates, they’d might finally get off his case about asking about them all the time. After that lengthy thought process, Izuku made his choice. “…Ok. We won’t tell them.”

Glimmer’s expression grew brighter near instantly. “Really?”

“On the exception that we tell the others once we figure out how you pulled it off. Until then… It’ll be us. Just us.” When he said that, it looked like Glimmer was about to jump on top of him or pull him into a hug, but she stopped herself. Only keeping her hand in his as the only touch between them at the moment.

It felt… weird that she didn’t hug him. In fact, it was… disappointing?

Just be happy with what you have…

Glimmer’s mood instantly flipped from downtrodden to beaming again. Already listing all of the things the two were going to do on Earth if they figured this out. Try foods, go shopping for special clothes, meet interesting people and see amazing places. She was about to rocket off and get some paper but remained sitting at his side.

She looked up to him and smiled. Her cheeks a little red. “Thank you, ‘zuku.”

He smiled back, his were red too. “Of course, Glimmer.”

“Huh. You know, I don’t think you’ve given me a nickname yet.” Glimmer paused to ask that question just out of nowhere.

“Well, I have two and one of them is an insult. Plus, I was never good at naming things.” Glimmer still asked him to give it a try. That he could just make a bunch of names off the top of his head, and she’d say yes or no to them. Seeing it was still rather early, he figured he’d give it a shot.

As soon as he agreed however, Glimmer scooted closer to him. Telling him to start whenever he was ready. “You got comfortable quick.” Izuku remarked bashfully, unable to stop smiling and noticing how comfy she felt in turn.

“That doesn’t sound like a list, ‘zuku~.” Ok. Ok… How about…




“Not a chance.”


“Does not sound like you. Plus, I’m only half one.”


“Don’t take my thing!” Glimmer giggled, shoving him gently yet their bodies remained close together and hands still intertwined. “You get one more. I just remembered I’m technically still not dressed…” Not needing to be reminded of that point, Izuku quickly got to thinking of a nickname to distract his brain from any… thoughts

He looked over to the girl at his side, seeing the shining violet eyes look back at him. There were only a few things that could compare. And that was the moment Izuku had a name. “Ok, I think I’ve got one.” He said, getting the queen’s interest as she waited for it.

“How about… Stardust?” After a few seconds of no response or of Glimmer not moving, Izuku started to get nervous. Instead of back peddling into a different one, he tried to explain why he picked that one. “B-Because your uh, your eyes t-they sparkle like stars whenever your happy or when you’re doing something you really like or s-something like that- we can pick something else if you don’t like it.”

“No no I like it.” She leaned into him a little more, resting her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. “‘Stardust…’ Heh. I can’t wait to see the real deal…” Glimmer really liked the name. Also sitting on the fact that Izuku compared her eyes to the stars of Earth. It made her feel… she wasn’t sure what she was feeling. All she did know was that the only person that could get this close to Izuku normally was her.

Ever since they were kids, Glimmer had noticed that she was always the one to initiate contact between the two. Sure, Bow could get a shoulder pat or a high five, but Glimmer managed to get away with more. At first, he flinched at the slightest motion but after some time getting used to one another, he just accepted her touch. Even welcomed it years after.

That was the thing though. It took years for even touch to be an ok thing to do. What would happen if she told him that… that she…

Glimmer couldn’t. Call it cowardly, but she couldn’t do it. Because she wasn’t sure if that feeling was exactly what she was thinking of. If… that… was what she was feeling. She wanted to be sure. She wanted to be absolutely sure that was the thing she was feeling.

Besides, she doubted Izuku would feel the same if that was the case…

They remained close, enjoying the quiet until Glimmer spoke up. “’zuku?”

“Yes, Er… Stardust?” Izuku responded.

It sounded better coming out of him. “…Can you get out? I still need to get dressed.”

“O-On it.”

--- Commission HQ, a day after the Yakuza Raid ---

Detective Tsukauchi walked through the halls of Commission Headquarters, several reports of the past operations under his arm. Ready to be presented to Director Toriwake. Most pressing being the attempted capture of Kurogiri, the League of Villian’s teleporter and the results of the raid against the Yakuza. Including the attack on Chisaki Kai by the League which left many dead and the Yakuza boss the only survivor.

A message of their influence and power as they vanished as quickly as they appeared. Tsukauchi was still recovering from the battle and appearance of the mountain sized villain which Kurogiri had called ‘Gigantomachia’ which caused untold destruction, levelling a mountain side with one blow. Thanks to Gran Torino being on scene, they managed to get away with Kurogiri in custody. Although the huge villain had somehow vanished and escaped from the area he appeared in.

Once both operations had been completed, Toriwake had requested a report from the police on what exactly happened at each location. That despite the sudden dangers, they were still accomplished. As he turned the corner to the hall leading to the Director’s office, a faint yet putrid stench assailed his nose. Taking note of the strange, block dots of some sort of liquid on the tile floor which led straight to the office door.

Before he could bend over and investigate, a body made itself known. One of the hazmat agents, who Tsukauchi had seen several of throughout the building, stepped in front of him. Standing over the detective for several seconds before stiffly turning around, mop in hand, and got to cleaning up the dots. Tsukauchi stood back up and adjusted his tie, stepping around the agent and moving towards the office.

The stench only grew stronger as he drew closer. It smelt like something… rotting. No other way to describe it. Despite the smell, the detective knocked on the door to make his presence known. After a moment or two, the only noise to keep him company being the wet slop of a mop cleaning the floor behind him, a click was heard from the door which signalled the detective to step inside.

Two other people were with the director as Tsukauchi stepped inside. The Director himself sitting at his desk with Nagant standing off to the right and not far off.

The third person, however, was someone he never seen before. While they were dressed like an agent, the freakishly tall and gangly looking man was hunched over the desk. Bandages completely covered any surface of which could have shown skin.

Their head turned with a sickening snap, the only thing not covered by the bandages was a single yellow, beady spiralling eye and a grin which seemed unnaturally large and wide for the size of his head. “Please ignore Agent Yūdoku. He can be quite intense towards newcomers. He suffered an egregious accident recently so don’t let it distract you.”

The detective turned away from the agent and to the Director who crossed his hands and placed them on his desk. “In any case, welcome detective Tsukauchi. It has been some time since we’ve spoken or seen each other. I trust you are in good health.” He was. And he had the report. “Excellent! Please. Inform us what has happened.”

Tsukauchi went to explain all of the information gathered by both heroes and the police. Ignoring the chilling feeling going down his neck. “As I’m sure your aware, the League attacked the transport carrying Overhaul. Everyone was killed except for Overhaul who was mutilated at the scene. Both arms removed from the bicep down.”

“And the drug he was working on? What became of it? Was it secured and placed as evidence?”

It sounded like he was more interested in the item then the lives lost yesterday. “It would seem the completed product the Yakuza were trying to create was destroyed during the final moments of the raid. Only a few incomplete versions of the drug were found on site and did confirm that Overhaul was indeed using the blood of a little girl named Eri to create it.”

Tsukauchi continued on with the state of the girl, how other members of Hassaikai were missing and the capture of Kurogiri as well as the appearance of Gigantomachia. Once all of the details were laid out, Toriwake leaned into his chair and took in everything that had transpired. “I see… Well… Perhaps Overhaul will be more compliant now seeing his own supposed allies turn on him. Perhaps he will also tell us where the rest of Hassaikai are.”

Even though he knew better, Tsukauchi couldn’t help but ask the question “And how will you do that? Are you thinking of having Overhaul in the rehabilitation program? That once he passes through it, he’ll be more compliant to turn on his former subordinates?”

There was a tense pause when the question was heard. The agent reacting the most as its single eye narrowed upon the detective. It might’ve taken a step towards him, but Toriwake eventually answered. “No, no, nothing like that. I have received a special request from the board that Overhaul be taken elsewhere for questioning. Concerning how he managed to break down a quirk and weaponize it to such terrifying effect. Perhaps even find means to protect ourselves from such weapons in the future.”

Tsukauchi was not satisfied with that answer. But he was already pushing his luck with the gangly, disfigured agent staring him down like meat. “If that is all, then I believe we are done here. You may go, detective.” Tsukauchi bowed and turned to leave, but not before hearing a cold cackle from the agent to the left of the room.

Before he could even turn to see what that was about, that cold chill becoming a flight response through his body, the door swung open with a tacky boot popping out of the doorway.

“Yo! Tsukauchi! Good to see ya, man! …Ugh, what is that smell?” In came the soon to be number two hero Hawks, a big grin on his face. Walking over to the detective and putting an arm over Tsukauchi’s shoulder. “Never thought you’d be here! How you’ve been.” Hawks then turned his gaze upon the room, the other three surprised at his sudden appearance. “Am I interrupting something? Ah, whatever, you mind if I take the detective here? Official hero biz, you understand.”

Before anyone in the room could object, Hawks was already pulling Tsukauchi out of the room. “Don’t worry about the door! Just deduct it from my pay! Later!” The door closed behind them both and before the detective could ask what was going on, Hawks leaned and whispered “Keep moving. Not a word until the third hall. There’s a blind spot in the corner.”

“What is going on?” Tsukauchi was truly confused on why Hawks just barged in like that. “If its something related to the case then could it have waited after?”

“…Tsukauchi. Man, If I were a minute late, you’d probably be dead.” What?! “Mister Putrid in there, smelling like a rotting dumpster? I could tell from a glance that he was bad news. When I first met him, he did not look or smell like that. And I think I know why.”

They eventually reached the blind spot Hawks was talking about and the hero quickly got to explaining. “The files I got about Project Valkyrie. They came from the director’s computer.” He snuck in and hacked the Director’s computer!? What was he thinking!? “Easy. Easy. Because it was the only way to get that much information. Besides, I’m sure for a fact that Toriwake hates my guts. Especially when I bugged his office.”

“You bugged his office!?” Hawks slapped the detective’s mouth shut as the two looked over to see one of the hazmat agents scanning through the halls before moving on past them. He removed his hand afterwards and explained.

Which gave me some vital intel. Toriwake knows something about Project Valkyrie and he’s the reason why so many Tartarus inmates are being moved into his program. Even if he didn’t directly say it, the files already make it look like the program is nothing but a cover for this secret project of his.”

But what is it? “I don’t know yet. Nagant found the bugs before Toriwake spouted about that. Half of the recording I got was him just rambling about ‘light’ and the Valkyrie or whatever.” Hawks sighed, looking down the hall to make sure the coast was clear. Then signaled for them both to move on. “Better for me to have a target on my back then you. People will notice the number two missing.”

“They won’t notice an officer…” Tsukauchi finished the thought. “Are you sure that is what’s happening?” A nod was the only response he got as they moved. “…Alright. I’ll fill in Nezu about this. Maybe he can give some suggestions of how to proceed. Send me the recording when you get the chance.”

“You got it boss.” Hawks said with his trade-mark smirk and grin. “Stay safe on duty! We need good cops to make us heroes look even better!” He said, jogging away but still staying within eyesight. Even if Tsukauchi didn’t completely believe it, that his life was in danger for a second, things were only going to escalate from here…


Back in the office, the room was silent until ‘Yūdoku’ growled. “Such an easy new suit… wasted…” He then turned to the director with a glare. “If only you had better control of your subordinates, Puppet. I still have no understanding why His Glorious Light saw fit to give you such command.”

“I have proven my loyalty, Oh Venom His. The project is moving accordingly and the subjects-“

“-Are FAILURES! ALL OF THEM! THEY ALL BECOME BRAINLESS NOTHINGS WHEN THEY ARE EXTRACTED! Only the useful ones die before they’re completely integrated! Only good to become Hypertuned fodder.” Despite how loud His Venom was screaming, no noise left that soundproofed room. “Not to mention, if things were going as smoothly as you say, His Radiance would not see fit to send me. He would have also allowed me to get a new body! This one is already rotting away!”

“You had your chance and you wasted it. The detective would have been perfect for you if you had any sense of purpose, you worthless sludge. Or perhaps I need to remind you of your failures as well.” Toriwake spoke without flinching, staring down His Venom with annoyance. Angering the ‘sludge’ even more some.

“Know your place, Puppet. I am His Virulent Venom! His most loyal apostle! You. You. Are nothing more than an easily replaceable sack of meat that I would take great pleasure in picking apart should our Lord command it.” His Venom hissed, the bandages starting to become blackened from the true form starting to seep out. Taking a step forward as Toriwake raised his-

“Need I remind you both that we are his loyal servants. Or would you prefer to be mindless thralls yourselves instead?” Both turned to Nagant who glared at them both. “Remember your places. We are proud to serve so that this world can be led to salvation. Your both pathetic if you think this is what He expects from us.”

Toriwake leaned forward onto his desk and sighed. “…You are correct, Nagant. Arguing will get us no where.” He then looked up to His Venom, who’s own anger was subdued for the time being. “Overhaul will be sent directly as a guest. Such is His command.”

“Glory be to He who stands above all…”

“Glory be to Lord Prime.”

--- Classes end for another day… ---

“Man… So glad that’s over…” Ashido groaned, landing face first into the common room couch with a comfy thump. Uraraka close behind and taking a seat next to her, putting her bag and schoolwork down on the coffee table nearby. She was so tired from the amount of work the class was getting but was super glad that she wasn’t a part of the makeup classes for those who had managed to grab work studies.

Of which led to an actual hero supported raid of an actual criminal organization! Can’t forget that little detail! “I’m sorry, Ashido. But we were under strict orders not to say anything! There are even details I’m pretty sure I still can’t say.” Ashido let out a lighthearted but exaggerated sigh while she sat back up and stretched. “How are the ideas for the festival going?”

“Gettin’ there. But I’m pretty sure Yamomo and Iida want to wait for everyone to be back propers before anything. Have it be a whole class thing.” With makeup classes still in effect and Bakugou and Todoroki taking a licence remedy course, there were still a few things to finish before they got to brewing ideas. Even if it was only going to be a school thing like Mr. Aizawa said.

As Ashido kept talking, she noticed Uraraka’s gaze turn away towards the kitchen. Low and behold, Midoriya was grabbing himself a snack. Or rather, attempting to. He was nose deep in one of his old looking books. More focused on reading then grabbing hold of the fridge handle, missing twice before finally looking and grabbing it.

It was no secret that Uraraka had a big fat crush on Midoriya but when pressed, or rather teased about it, she said she didn’t. Even if her face lighting up like a tomato said otherwise. That’s why Mina had been gently pushing the poor girl to try and talk to him more. With… very little success on that part. Which only left fewer and fewer options to get them together.

But her inner matchmaker would not be laid low! “Soooo… You gonna tell him this time?”

“Huh? Wha- Ashido! It’s not like that! Midoriya is just a friend.” Even if she tried to hide it from her friend, Uraraka sounded sad about that answer. Of course, Ashido was having none of it which only left one option left to get this girl connecting with her crush! Not only as a matchmaker but as friend and club member, Mina had a duty to cheer her up!

Ashido Mina’s Two-Part Matchmaker Super Plan! Engage! “Ok, ok. I gotcha, boo. …Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be free tomorrow night, would you?”

“Uh… I guess? What’re you planning?” Uraraka responded to the sudden and rather strange question confused, watching Ashido then stand up and walk to the kitchen where Midoriya was. “Hey, where are you-“

“Yo, Midoriya!” Ashido called out as she walked over, getting his attention as he looked up from his weird book. Snacking on some side dishes before putting those down too so they could speak. “You free tomorrow night?” Midoriya answered that he could be since that’s probably when his makeup classes would be finished. He then asked why she was asking.

Part One complete! Now for Part Two…

With a grin of satisfaction, Ashido turned around and started to walk away but not before spluttering out “Cool! Because I’m not! You two have fun on your date!”

Both froze up when the words left the girls mouth as the only words that left the two were…

“…Huh?” from Midoriya.

“W-W-WHAAAT!?” from Uraraka.

Uraraka hid her face from embarrassment, trying her hardest to not float away. Even if she really, really wanted too right now. Izuku on the other hand was more surprised than anything, a familiar anxiety filling his chest as Mina turned back towards him with a serious look in her eye. “Alright, look. Imma break it down to you.”

“That girl over there likes you a lot. So, as her friend and super cool fellow club member, I want to help her. So, if you do both of us a solid and say yes, that would be great.” Both looked over to Uraraka mumbling under her embarrassed breath before back to one another.

“She does want to hang out and I can tell she’s been bummed about not being able too. So, take her out! Go see a movie, walk through a park, eat at fancy place, something! Just cheer her up!” Mina then sighed and dropped the serious look with more sympathetic one. “…Please.” Izuku stood there dumbfounded. Trying to get a handle on this sudden situation but hearing that Uraraka was sad that they couldn’t just talk bothered him.

He had been avoiding everyone on this end since the raid started, and it probably worried everyone. But the fact that Uraraka liked him was what was throwing him for a loop. Nobody thought of him like that, so he was genuinely curious as to why. The only why to find out more would be going tomorrow.

After passing the idea back and forth, the sorcerer gave his answer. “…Could you give me advice on that? I… never been on a date before.” Ashido just smiled and said to ‘roll with it’ before strutting over to Uraraka to tell her the news. As soon as they got her back down from floating above the common room.

Izuku Midoriya, Sorcerer of Brightmoon and Hero in Training would be going on… a date. “I wonder what the others would think… Maybe they can tell me what to do… I’m sure Glimmer would know a thing or two…” Izuku mumbled to himself as he walked away, a tiny thought in the back of his head telling him he’d rather go on his first date with someone else…

Etherian Dreams - Chapter 53 - DukeSigward78 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.