Leaf-Chronicle Weekly from Clarksville, Tennessee (2024)

a em Leaf-Chronicle. 89TH YEAR---NO. 101. CLARKSVILLE. F.IDAY, JANUARY 7.

1898. SUBSCRIPTION $2 OLD CITIZEN DEAD. Samuel Bumpus, of Cherry Grove, 76 Years of Age. Samuel the Cherry Grove neighborhood, died at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning of ailments incidantto old age. He was 76 years old.

Mr. Bumpus comes of a family noted for longevity, One of his brothers is 92 years old. He leaves a wife and nine children. Mr. Bumpus had, been coming to.

Clarksville on Christmas eve. each. year for a long time, but missed the past Christmas, the first time in fiftythree years, He was a member of the Cherry Grove Methodist church, where his funeral will be preached today at 10, o'clock by Rev. Klyce. The burial will be at the Brame grave: yard, Card.

I have accepted a position with MeGehee Bros. and will be pleased to have. my friends and former patrons to call on me when needing anything in the shoe line, dry goods, furnishing goods, clothing, etc. Respectfully, A. J.

GREEN. 1w. WHAT PUSH MEANS. Given a Practical By Quarles Bros. In Fifteen Mouths They Have Built Up a splendid Trade and Increased Their Stock Tu fifteen months Quarles Bros.

have built up a trade in Clarksville that would justly make other merchants envious. It was about the first of October, 1896, when they opened a jewelry store where they are, carrying a small stock and increasing it as their business demanded, until now they carry five times as large a stock as when they embarked in business. Quarles Bros. always pay the closest attention to even the smallest detaila when the interest- of their customers require it, and there is not a. more clever or accommodating firm to be found any where than this one.

The large increase in their business demanded that more convenient a safe be used and accordingly they lately purchased a large Herring- HallMarvin safe for the storing of jewelry and precious stones. The store is always a pretty sight to see and the proprietors at all times accord visitors a warm welcome, ever endeavoring to cause every thing to be pleasant for their customers and friends. To My Friends. Having resigned my place with Rosenfeld and accepted a position with N. V.

Gerhart's Sons, The Mammoth Dry Goods and Clothing House, I ask you to remember me this year and give me your trade, promising you the beat. goods at lowest prices. -Thanking you for past favors and in advance for your future patronage, I am yours, j6d18w1c. JACK SETTLE. Houston County Man.

George Moore, of. Houston. county, died last Sunday of pneumonia, only a few days' Hhress. He wasting about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and three children: The burial took place Monday. We have keen cutting bargains for keen figuring buyers at Variety Store.

dewtf. Awarded Highest Honors -World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. PRICES BAKING POWDER A Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, and many other towns, and hearing nothing, but still sticking to the trait.

At Paris the postmaster told her: he had forwarded a letter to him at this She came here and her trip was place. over, luck at last: They are boarding at Mr. Booth's, and have in the rear of the shop poles, trapeze and so on, rigged up, where they practice daily, and in the spring will again go on the road. By their quiet lady and gentleman-like behavior they have won many friends, and among them is GARTIE. Taxes For 1897.

The time for paying taxes without cost. will soon close. Come up and settle before the rush begins and save time and trouble. Respectfully, R. H.

PICKERING, Deputy Trustee. FORMER PARTNERS FIGHT. V. R. Harris and H.

I. Buquo Engage in a Fisticufi. BUSINESS MATTERS CAUSE. The Lie Passed, and Fists and Rocks Wore. Used Extends Interfered and Stopped the Monday V.

R. Harris and H. H. Buquo, former. partners in manufactur: king lime and staves, and merchant bad a little about the lime works Mr.

Buquo has been operating for the past two or three years, 80 news from Erin Their partnership business is in chancery court for a settlement. A decree from Chancellor Gribble recently was to turn over the operations of the plant to" Mr. Harris. Clerk and Master J. Nesbit was with, the two gentlemen on the property for the.p purpose of passing it from one to the other, when Harris asserted that the quarry was not in as good condition as it was a year ago.

An angry dispute took place, whereupon Buquo called Harris liar and dealt Harris a blow with his fist, staggering him almost to the ground. Harris, before straightening up, got hold of a briek-bat or stone and struck Buquo on the head with it. At this juncture 'Squ Nesbitt and Charley Buquo, a nephew of' H. H. Buquo, prevented farther attacks.

Big lot granite ware and tinwere cheaper than ever will arrive this week at Variety Store. THE CHARTER FILED. United States Savings and Loan Co. Represented Here By Live. Agents and Is Ready For Business.

The United States Saving and Loan Company has filed a copy of its charter with County Register Munford and is now ready to do business in Clarksville and Montgomery county. This company is one of the most reliable in the land." It loans money for building and repairing and also makes straight loans on real estate. Its local agents are Martin Ewing, composed of Messrs. W. D.

Martin and O. B. Ewing, Its rates of interest are strictly within the legal lines and terms are eusy. IN OLDEN TIMES People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs, will permanently overcome habitual constipation, wellinformed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co.

After hearing some friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anabeim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now us enthusiastle over its wonderful work as anyoue can be The 25 and 60 cent. sized for sale by Owen dE DISTRICT VOTERS Favor McMillin For United States Senator BY A LARGE MAJORITY. Questions of Moment Debated by the Omar Stars--Enjoyable Musical -Other Items From Omar Neighborhood. (Special Correspondence Leaf-Chronicle. OMAR, Jan.

Tonie Walker, assisted by Misses Ella and Annie Gann, entertained on Tuesday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock with a music. al. Among those present were Misses Bessie Bradburry, Inez Smith, Florence Wooldridge, Ellen- Highsmith, Hallie Achey, Eita Sawyer, Wilmoth' Highsmith, Eddie Barnett, Tinie Achey, Allie Sawyer, Mattie Achey. Messrs. Edward L.

Bradbury, Jim Smith, Prof. C. B. Plummer, Roy Whitfield, Arthur Bradbury, Jesse Blackard, Jim Cauley, Jim Tucker, Prof. R.

S. Luton, Willie Conley, Jack Rinebart, Joe Gunn, Clarence. Bradbury, John Welch, Willie Wool. dridge, Edgar Rosson, John Easley, Tom Rosson, Curb" Davis, "George Bradbury, Will Welch, Willle Baker, Web Gunn, Er B. Grant, Will Holt, Lee Grant, Arthur" Whitfield, Guy Wooldridge, Mr.

and Mrs. G. A. Ford, Mr. and Mrs.

George Smith and Mr. Tom Gunn. The "Omar debating club meets every Monday at 7 p.m. The attendance is good and the debates are warm and animated. The club discussed on last Monday evening the question: Resolved, That a drunkard is a greater nuisance to society than a liar.

The subject for the next meeting last Resolved, That the white people are not justifiable in dispossessing the Indians of this country in the way in which they did. The speakers for the affirmative are: Jesse Blackard, Edward L. Bradbury, E. B. Grant, J.

W. Davis, Gus Holt, W. B. Cauley, H. Farmer.

Negative--George Green, Prof. 0. B. Plummer, Iley Hooper, W. N.

Woodson, J. E. Tucker, Lee Grant. There is talk of the "Omar Stars" challenging the Tyler Society in joint debate, and -it-ie more than likely that this will be done at the next meeting. Miss Nora Bradbury spent yesterday with her cousin, Mrs.

A. McMurrE. Mre. West Frey has been sick -for the past week, A large majority of the voters here are for McMillin for Senator, and it is believed that his supporters are largely in the majority in the Fifth civil district. COYOTE.

Children's Musicale. The Children's musicale for the beneft of the Y. M. O. that was postponed before the holidays, will take place next Friday evening at the rosidence of E.

B. Ely, on Madison street, at 7:30 o'clock. All tickets purchased before the holidays are good, "All are cordially invited. Admission 10 and 15 cents. j6 2t There is no use to wear dirty and greasy clothes when you can get them cleaned and repaired as cheap as I do it: Suit dyed and cleaned, suit scoured and cleaned, pants dry cleaned, 35 cents; pants scoured and cleaned, 40 cents; suit dyed, pants dyed, 75 cente; dress dyed, 81.00; shirt dyed, 75 cents.

This work is only done by L. Malter at Moore's old place, opposite postoffice. All work guaranteed. Call and give, me a trial. d12 1m Convalescent.

The many friends of Mre. B. F. Hadley will be pleased to hear of her (convalesence and almost entife recovery. She is now able to sit up a short time each day, and with returning strength will soon be able to be out.

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fatte to cure. 250. The genuine has B. Q.

ou each tablet, tr PRICE IS WORSE. His Right Side Is Now Completely Paralyzed. Wood Drane, is much worse from Fred Price, the colored employee the apoplectic stroke he suffered yesterday. Ho has had five or six convulsions since, and his entire right side is completely paralyzed. There is a chance for him to recover, though he is in a very bad condition.

Arnica Selve: The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money. refunded. Price 25 cents. per box.

For sale by Owen Moore. ACCIDENT A CROSSING. A Train Collided With a Wagon While Switching YESTERDAY NEAR GUTHRIE. Two of the Legs of One Mule Cut Off, the Other Injured and the Driver Had a Narrow Escape. Special to the GUTHRIE, Jan.

6. Yesterday about 2 o'clock p.m. a man driving a two" mule team attempted to cross the railroad track at the road crossing just south of the freight depot at Guthrie while a local freight train was switching near there. The train backed into the wagon, damaging it considerably, and the wheels cut off two legs of one of the mules and injured the other mule. The driver was not lujured, but had A very narrow escape.

The injured mule was shot by Marshal Rickman to relieve it suffering. Business staguation is death, there: fore we are always on the move to find bargains for customers at Variety Store. dewtf. NEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL To be Erected on Commerce Street By Dr. T.

W. Scott--A First-Class Establishment la Every Respect. Clarksville is to have a new and upto-date veterinary hospital. Dr. T.

W. Scott, who recently removed here from Nashville and took charge of the establishment heretofore conducted on Franklin, just above Second, by Dr. Stanton, has severed his connection with the Stanton establishment and will in fature bave no in it. De. Scott.

is to have a veterinary hospital built on Commerce street, next to J. M. Jarrell's wagon factors. The building is to be constructed of brick, 61x24 feet. This will be a well ventilated, thoroughly appointed veterinary hospital, equipped with the latest appliances and all necessary ap-1 purtenances, and will be conducted capon -strict professional and business.

principles. In connection Dr. Scott will conduct a first-class horse-shoeing shop, where animals will be under his personal supervision and the work will be drst-class, all stock having the proper attention in the remedy of defects, etc. Dr. Scott expects to be in his new hospital about the first of next month, but in the meantime will occupy portion of the Jarrell wagon factory, where he will practice his profession and carry on a horse shoeing shop.

He can be reached by telephone 69 at: any time. The LEAF-CHRONICLE is pleased to announce that -Dr. Soott will not remove from the city, but will soon be permanently located in his own establshment, where he. be pleased to serve the stock-owning pablic. We sell many close buyers.

Why not you? Variety Store. a SERIOUS AGGIEN. The Proprietor's Daughter Loved the Shownian. MET AT ST. BETHLEHEM.

Detalls of a Love Affair Out of the Ordinary and Other Interesting Matters Reported By Special Correspondence Leal-Chronicle. ST. BETHLEHEM, Jan. my last I wrote you that Will Killebrew and Uncle Drew, Taylor were out after a fox. Well, they got him down on Gill's bluff, and he was as pretty a red one as you ever saw.

Ferdy McBride says he don't see any use in a fellow whooping, and yelling and galloping all over the country for a fox, when he baited two traps a few nights ago, (with an old hen that wouldn't lay and couldn't be and the next morning he got a fox in each trap, and Mac ain't one bit foxy. Frank White and wife, of ham, are: spending. the holidays with Garth Brockman's family. Mrs. White, who was charming Martha Brockman, is known and admired.

all over this Edward Ligon, an old Bethlehemer, with his same red head and cute smile, spent Christmas with his relatives here: Warfield Sypert, an embryo lawyer of Vanderbilt University, also spent Christmas with his parents. A recent report from a correspondent to your columns stuted that Uncas Bourne and Miss Rena Heathman, popular young people from this village, were married. Uncas asked me the other day it I ever happened to talk to the LEAF to correct the report, and say that while he cherished the blessed hope, the happy event had not so far materialized. Mrs. Clifton, who for several years.

has been keeping house for Theodore Walthall, has given up the position and gone to Clarksville to live. "Theo" says nothing blue golden hair, nor ruby lips could induce him to give up the delights of a single man, but if you see any young woman. who wants a job of bossing a busband, just send her to "Theo? and I'll be responsible. Charley Booth is still running the postoffice, but the papers say J. H.

G. Slaughter has been appointed. Ag there is no complaint against Mr. and he is a democrat and Mr. Slaughter a populist, the puzzle is, what does the government gain? The monotony of our town was somewhat broken into by a very romantic marriage recently.

A few weeks. ago a Mr. Forbes opened a general wagon and blacksmith shop here. Shortly afterwarde. an unknown lady registered at the Booth House as Miss Alice Howard, and inquired of genial proprietor, John Booth, if he knew a Mr.

Forbes living here, as she was anxious. to see him. John corted. her to. Mr.

Forbes' boardhouse, and ear short, interview, the lady returned to her hotel and next morning they together. boarded the train to Clarksville, and that night returned here as man ard wife. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes have for some time been members of the same circus company, and for some time they bave dearly loved each other.

Mra. father was one of, the the show, and he. objected to his daughter's choice of a son-inlaw for him and fired him from the show. Forbes followed the circus till his money gave out, but owing to the watch kept on his lady love could never steal her away. When it got too cold for the airy exbibitions of the sawdust arena, Miss Howard.

(her real name Clark) with her sister and father went to winter at Cincinnati. This was her chance. She only knew her lover was in Tennessee, and with a true woman's grit she set out to find She visited Nashville, Memphis Attorney J. D. Tyler Shot Himself HANDLING A REVOLVER.

A Very Painful, But Not Dangerous, Wound Produced In the Thigh -The Bullet Removed. Attorney J. D. Tyler shot himself accidentally about 11:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Daring the last term of court he had defended a colored man on the charge of carrying a pistol.

The negro was acquitted, but left his pistol in Tyler's office, afraid to take it home for fear of being re-arrested. Yesterday while Mr. Tyler was taking the weapon from one drawer of his desk to place it in another, it was accidentally discharged, the bullet passing through the fleshy portion of the left thigh, entering from the right, ranging over the bone, and the bullet. was found on the left. Mr.

Tyler was removed across the ball from his office in the Bailey Block to the apartment of W. D. Martin. -Drs. Johnson, Brandan and Eilis were cull d.

The bullet, a 32-caliber, was soon found and removed, and the wound dressed and limb bandaged, then Mr. Tyler was sent to his home. in New Providence. He will be all right withia a few days. It is quite a painful but not dangerous injury, and was a lucky escape.

Fight. Reliable goods and low prices are what makes business good at Variety Store. dewtf. THE TENNESSEE. New Competing Boat: on the: Cum berland.

Within a few days there will be two competing lines of boats on the Cumberland, as the new boat, the Tennes: see, is to enter the Nashville and Evansville trade in opposition to the Ryman line. This new steamer will be commanded by Capt. George Jobes, formerly of Nashville. Circuit Court. The case of Dineen vs.

the City was being heard in cireuit court yesterday. This is the second trial of this case in circuit court. It is a suit in regard to the grade of the alley between the rear of the First National Bank and Dineen's property. Happy New Year Your want a Happy New Year. You can have it.

How Begin the year right and you. will go on right BY TRADING AT OUR STORE You will will begin economically, and economy will help you save money AND BE HAPPY. Money won't buy happiness, but the fellow that saves has always a better. chance. of happiness than those who don't.

BY SAVING MONEY You are laying up sunshine against the dark days. The smile of satisfaction illuminates every buyer's face when he gets our bargains. Try for yourself the Sunshine and the Smiles. a Gee END. E.


Leaf-Chronicle Weekly from Clarksville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.