• 1.1. Context and background of the thesis
    • 1.2. Area of the research
    • 1.3. Research hypothesis and methodology

    • 2.1. Structure of BOT Projects
    • 2.2. Parties to BOT Projects
    • 2.3. The Agreements
    • 2.4. Construction Contract
    • 2.7. Other Documents
    • 2.8. BOT Contracts Issues

    • 3.2. Decision Tree Analysis
    • 3.3. Porter's Five Forces
    • 3.4. SWOT Analysis
    • 3.5. The project Risk Management Approach
    • 3.6. Project Risk Management: A Proactive Approach
    • 3.7. The Security Triangle of Project Risk Management
    • 3.8. Conclusion of the Chapter

    • 4.1. Risk Minimization Process
    • 4.2. Construction Phase Risk - Completion Risk
    • 4.3. Operation Phase Risk - Resource / Reserve Risk
    • 4.4. Risks Common to both Construction and Operational Phases
    • 4.5. Finance Procedure
    • 4.6. Project Finance Case Study 1- Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture

    • 5.1. Risks in PPP Projects
    • 5.2. Risk Assessment Approaches
    • 5.3. Risk Analysis Techniques and Selection Criteria
    • 5.4. Problems of Current Techniques
    • 5.5. Proposed Approach
    • 5.6. Elements of the Conceptual Model
    • 5.7. Embedded Decisions
    • 5.8. State Variables
    • 5.9. Calculated Variables
    • 5.10. Objective Function

    • 6.1. What is mean by PPP?
    • 6.2. Benefits and limitations of PPP projects
    • 6.3. Major risk factors contributing to success or failure of PPP projects
    • 6.4. Correct and precise diagnosis of a need is a fundamental step in the search and prescription of the solution
    • 6.5. Optimum ticket or toll price is the only way to ensure the usage of the PPP infrastructure and hence return on investment
    • 6.6. Achieving value for money and Public Sector Comparator (PSC)
    • 6.7. Ensuring balance of interests for different project partners and stakeholders, including protecting public interests
    • 6.8. Proper risk allocation/sharing is of absolute importance to ensure success of PPP projects
    • 6.9. A proposed life-cycle risk management

    • 7.1. The context
    • 7.2. Key requirements of a DSS
    • 7.3. Review of current DSSs
    • 7.4. Numerical example
    • 7.5. The ANP advantage

    • 8.1. The context
    • 8.2. PFI/PPP project agreements - risk allocation issues to consider in flow down of risks.
    • 8.3. Flow-down or step-down of risks and obligations

    • 9.1. The Context
    • 9.2. The risk transfer process
    • 9.3. How risk is assessed?

    • 10.1. Selecting a Viable Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project to Propose
    • 10.2. Conceptual model
    • 10.3. Current research
    • 10.4. Preliminary Results
    • 10.5. Factor enhancing VFM in PPP projects

    • 11.1. Guidelines for BOT road project development under Public – Private Partnership
    • 11.2. Recommendations: 10 Golden rules of project risk management


    • 13.1. Risk matrix in PPP transaction ( see matrix bellow)


    Public Private Partnership (PPP) in infrastructure concerns a “long-term contractual arrangement between a public sector agency and a private sector concern, whereby resources and uncertainties are shared for the purpose of developing or refurbishing a public facility” (Li 2005). PPP is currently used for public procurement by many countries. Several types of PPP structures have been introduced worldwide and they differentiate upon the responsibilities and risk allocation between the public and private sectors. The PPP spectrum ranges from a simple commercialization of assets that remain under public ownership on one side, right through full privatization of facilities on the other, with several schemes with varying degrees of private-public financing. In India, since 1995 a number of infrastructure projects in various sectors such as highways, airports, seaports, energy etc have been introduced in PPP mode. Infrastructure projects are considered generally risky. However, the characteristics of the risk depend highly on the type of procurement being adopted for managing the project. One of the popular methods of PPP procurement currently used in the Indian highways sector is the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model. In the BOT model, the private party builds, finance, operates and maintains the facility for a predetermined period, called “concession period”. During this period, tolls are collected from the road users by the private party. The type of contracts for procurement of these projects, called the “concession agreement” vary widely in the final form depending on the apportionment of risk and the scope of work among various parties involved in these PPPs.

    Types of risks in PPP projects are widely documented and classified in two broad categories: external and internal. External risks are associated with political and legal conditions, economic conditions, social conditions and relationships among project participants. The internal risks, on the other hand, relate to development, construction and operations of infrastructure facilities. These risks vary with the stages of the projects, i.e. the planning stage; the design stage; the construction phase and the operations phase. The objective of risk assessment is to serve as a precursor to exploring all feasible options towards its management and to analyse their outcomes. There are several models proposed by various researchers in the past for assessing risks and uncertainties. This thesis analyses contributions of past researchers in this area and proposes a new approach called as system dynamics approach for the risk assessment.

    1.1. Context and background of the thesis
    In many developing countries, rapid economic growth is outstripping infrastructure supply (Gupta and Sravat, 1998). Governments in these countries are unable to fund vital infrastructure development and rehabilitation, so they are increasingly turning to large international firms as a source of funding through concession contracts such as Build-Own-Transfer (BOT). These firms generally have a greater credit standing and capacity to finance the large scale projects. If procured properly, the BOT option presents a win-win-win solution for governments, private sector firms, and the community at large. From the government’s perspective, private sector participation offers off balance-sheet funding whilst bringing an added advantage of cost and resource efficiency to the project. From the private sector’s perspective, BOT projects present great opportunities to expand market share and earn higher returns. Finally, thanks to a user pays system, the community at large does not experience taxation increases.

    However, although globalization has created greater opportunities for construction companies to expand their market share abroad and earn higher returns, almost 15% of the top 225 global contractors have sustained losses on their international projects (Han and Diekmann, 2001) despite the fact that international projects are generally more profitable than domestic projects. Such losses can mainly be attributed to the difficulties experienced in assessing and evaluating the impact of non-financial (risk) factors on international projects (Dailami et al., 1999, Ho and Liu, 2002, Zhi, 1995), and more specifically on BOT projects in developing countries (Baloi and Price, 2002, Gupta and Sravat, 1998, Kumaraswamy and Morris, 2002, Ozdoganm and Birgonul, 2000). BOT projects are by nature long-term investments involving complex organisational structures. Over the lifespan of these projects the legislative, political, social, market, and economic environment could all change significantly. This is especially the case in developing countries, where the social, political and economic conditions are unstable. Thus a high degree of risk and uncertainty surround BOT investment opportunities in these countries and it is critical that adequate identification, assessment, and evaluation of non-financial (risk) factors take place at the feasibility stage. This thesis argues that a Decision Support System (DSS) would be beneficial to users, during this stage, in evaluating the impact of such factors, individually or in combination, on the investment opportunities at hand.

    1.2. Area of the research
    History and past case always delivered valuable resource and experiences. People who ignore the past destined to relive it. A person unaware of mistakes made by others is likely to repeat them. The wise person studies the past to avoid its pitfalls and benefits from its achievements.

    Since late 1980s, research work has been carried out to study the risk management of BOT projects in developing countries (Tiong, 1990, 1992, 1995a; McCarthy and Tiong, 1991; B&M, 1996; Donnelly,1997; Nielsen, 1997; Ruster, 1997; Staigerwald, 1997; Westring, 1997).

    However, there has been still little research nowadays that focused specifically on the management of unique or critical risks of developing countries BOT/PPP projects, also there is little research based on two opposite cases to illustrate that the methods are practically.

    The main research (Staigerwald, 1997; CIRIA, 2002; Clifford and Erik 2005) on risk management indicates that the process of risk management consists of risk identification, analysis and risk mitigation followed by confirmation that the risk management actions were implemented adequately. One important goal of this study is therefore to identify the unique or critical risks associated with developing countries BOT projects which are different from those in other sectors and in other countries. These risks are unique or critical to the foreign investors and developers; hence special attention should be paid in taking corresponding risk management.

    The objectives of the study are:

    • Identify the unique or critical political and currency risks associated with developing countries BOT projects;
    • Recommend actions that are available to manage these risks; and
    • Provide a risk management framework as guidelines for project promoters planning to invest in future BOT projects in developing countries.

    Although the objectives have been basically achieved in the course of the case study, it is not appropriate to state the findings in this study being enough. Further studies are to be needed to detailed aspects of the cases and topic. As the title of the thesis has indicated, this thesis will report on risk management and recommendation based on the study of one case in Ivory Coast.

    1.3. Research hypothesis and methodology
    The study does not have a clearly defined research hypothesis, but it has two key research questions to which answers would be sought.

    • Which kind of particular risk can adversely affect even damage the BOT/PPP project
    • What tactics the successful projects have show us to avoid BOT/PPP related risks.

    To this end it will attempt to find out to what extent does the evidence from the case study reflects existing risks and how these be addressed or lose-control.

    It is anticipated that answers to these questions will form the basis for making investigative recommendations and suggestions.

    The methodology used in this study includes:

    a) A comprehensive literature review together with two case studies to develop initial lists of unique or critical risks associated with BOT/PPP in developing countries and generally available mitigating measures for these risks;
    b) Structured telephone interviews and questionnaire with personnel and staff who were involved in these cases;
    c) One case study to provide additional insight concerning contract clauses and a risk management framework for investing in Ivory coast forthcoming BOT/PPP.


    While the term BOT is a relatively new one, the concept has been in operation for centuries. Most of the early turnpikes and canals in this country operated on the principle that a grantor, usually but not always a government body, would offer an operating license to a concessionaire for a long term contract to develop and operate a transportation company with exclusive rights to a length of road or river. Over time, the concept was extended to include frontier postal services, local telephone services, electrical utilities and many municipal service functions such as land management. In this way, infrastructure upgrades were financed without public finding, and a method of long-term payback from operating revenues was established with a contract period deemed lengthy enough to make the operating concession a lucrative project.

    In the modern setting, a cash-strapped corporation, municipality, county or state will enter into a profit sharing agreement with a concessionaire. This profit sharing principle is the key aspect differentiating the BOT approach from the outsourcing arrangements commonly undertaken in this country. The concessionaire will operate as an independent business organization contractually accountable for a series of technical, operational and service related goals. The contract will often be setup such that the risk of revenue fluctuation is offset to the concessionaire by means of a fixed fee payment obligation to the owner. The upside to this arrangement, however, can be considerable if revenues are better than anticipated. Obviously, a well-crafted business plan for the concessionaire including carefid financial modeling and disciplined cost-control procedures will be essential.

    A number of variations on the Build-Operate-Transfer theme have emerged from the experience of international infrastructure development. These differ mainly in the exact ownership and payment arrangement between the owner and the concessionaire on completion of the construction portion of the contract. The main approaches are summarized below:


    The capital required for equipment or facilities upgrades will be the main determinant in setting the length-for a BOT contract. Infrastructure- development projects funded by means of BOT contracts in developing countries will typically require capital investments of $50 million or more and an operating period of greater than 10 years. A number of dynamic factors affect the overall structure of the contract and particularly the length of time required for the concessionaire to achieve a break-even on the capital investment. In proposing a BOT concession to an existing owner, the following factors m-ust be considered and allowed for:


    In the case of a BOT project, the project team, acting as the releasing authority for the work, must establish the financial feasibility of the BOT project as a stand-alone business operation. This will entail the collection of the necessary detail to allow a bidding consortium to develop a business plan for their intended operation of the work. The key information for the project team will be the necessary return on investment to be derived from the profit-sharing scheme. This will determine how the revenue will be distributed once a consortium undertakes the work. An RFP will then be put out for tender and a list of bidders, each providing a business plan, will respond. The bidders will typically represent a consortium of companies, each bringing a particular skill to the team. The proponent consortium will be selected from the bidders based on what capital upgrade is being offered and how large a revenue cut is being proposed for the operator. Flowchart C illustrates this arrangement.

    The involvement of the private sector in the development of infrastructure in some developing countries by way of BOT projects, alternatively called BOO (build-own-operate) or BOT (build-own-operate-transfer) is proving to be a challenging exercise. The lead time of a project is very long, and associated up-front costs are significant. Further, there are a number of complex issues which have yet to be resolved by any of the infrastructure projects settled to date.

    Such projects are complex by virtue of the number of parties involved and the corresponding number of contracts, which must all interlock. Furthermore, each party is dependent upon the performance of not only its counterpart, but also the performance of all parties to the project.

    BOT projects are generally structured on a project basis requiring all parties to share the risks of the project. Project risk sharing is necessary because the sponsor, a joint venture of one sort or another, will have a limited worth being substantially less than the aggregate net worth of the equity parties.

    2.1 Structure of BOT Projects
    In a BOT arrangement, the private sector designs and builds the infrastructure, finances its construction and owns, operates and maintains it over a period, often as long as 20 or 30 years. This period is sometimes referred to as the "concession" period.


    Traditionally, such projects provide for the infrastructure to be transferred to the government at the end of the concession period. (in Australia, primarily for reasons related to the borrowing powers of states, the transfer obligation is omitted).

    BOT is a type of project financing. The hallmarks of project financing are:

    (i) The lenders to the project look primarily at the earnings of the project as the source from which loan repayments will be made. Their credit assessment is based on the project, not on the credit worthiness of the borrowing entity.

    (ii) The security taken by the lenders is largely confined to the project assets. As such, project financing is often referred to as "limited recourse" financing because lenders are given only a limited recourse against the borrower.

    Most project finance structures are complex. The risks in the project are spread between the various parties; each risk is usually assumed by the party which can most efficiently and cost-effectively control or handle it.

    Once the project's risks are identified, the likelihood of their occurrence assessed and their impact on the project determined, the sponsor must allocate those risks. Briefly, its options are to absorb the risk, lay off the risk with third parties, such as insurers, or allocate the risk among contractors and lenders. The sponsor will be acting, more often than not, on behalf of an sponsor at a time when the equity participants are unknown. Nevertheless, each of the participants in the project must be satisfied with the risk allocation, the creditworthiness of the risk taker and the reward that flows to the party taking the risk. In this respect, each party takes a quasi equity risk in the project.

    A listing of privately funded infrastructure projects completed and proposed in Australia over the last few years is attached at the end of this paper.

    2.2. Parties to BOT projects
    There are a number of major parties to any BOT project, all of whom have particular reasons to be involved in the project. The contractual arrangements between those parties, and the allocation of risks, can be complex.

    The major parties to a BOT project will usually include:

    Government Agency
    A government department or statutory authority is a pivotal party. It will:

    • grant to the sponsor the "concession", that is the right to build, own and operate the facility,
    • grant a long term lease of or sell the site to the sponsor, and
    • often acquire most or all of the service provided by the facility.

    The government's co-operation is critical in large projects. It may be required to assist in obtaining the necessary approvals, authorisations and consents for the construction and operation of the project. It may also be required to provide comfort that the agency acquiring services from the facility will be in a position to honour its financial obligations.

    The government agency is normally the primary party.

    It will initiate the project, conduct the tendering process and evaluation of tenderers, and will grant the sponsor the concession, and where necessary, the offtake agreement. The power of a government agency to enter into the documentation associated with an infrastructure project and perform its obligations thereunder, and the capacity in which that body enters the documents (agent of the Crown or otherwise) is a critical issue. This is examined in detail below.

    The doctrine of ultra vires is largely irrelevant to companies, as the Corporations Law provides that they have the powers of a natural person, subject to any express exclusion in a company's constituent documents. However, this is not so for statutory authorities.

    It is settled law that a statutory authority constituted under legislation has only the powers for which its constituent legislation provides. Therefore, its statutory powers and functions must, without doubt, be wide enough to empower it to enter into each of the project documents to which it is a party and perform its obligations thereunder. If the authority does not have the requisite powers, its actions are ultra vires and thereby void.

    To determine whether a government agency's actions are intra vires or ultra vires, one must closely examine the legislation under which the authority is constituted.

    Examples of the powers required by the authority in a typical BOO(T) project are:

    • to contract with another person for that person to carry out one or more of the authority's functions (eg, the construction and operation of the relevant infrastructure);
    • to make payments to that person in consideration of the services provided;
    • to resume land and then make that land "available" to that person;
    • to lease or sell land to that person together with providing easem*nts and rights of way for access; and
    • to provide undertakings, indemnities or guarantees to financiers and others in relation to its or other persons' liabilities.

    The sponsor is the party, usually a consortium of interested groups (typically including a construction group, an operator, a financing institution, and other various groups) which, in response to the invitation by the Government Department, prepares the proposal to construct, operate, and finance, the particular project.

    The sponsor may take the form of a company, a partnership, a limited partnership, a unit trust or an unincorporated joint venture. The investors in the sponsor are often referred to as the "equity investors" or the "equity providers". It is not unusual for equity investment to be approximately 20% of the cost of the project. Equity funds are, however, expensive compared to the cost of debt. An equity investor may require a return of 20% to 25% in today's market to compensate it for assuming the major risks inherent in an infrastructure project. As a result it may be cost-efficient for equity to be much less than 20% of the project cost.

    The sponsor may be a company, partnership, a limited partnership, a unit trust, an unincorporated joint venture or a combination of one or more.

    Construction Contractor
    The construction company may also be one of the sponsors. It will take construction and completion risks, that is, the risk of completing the project on time, within budget and to specifications. These can be sizeable risks and the lenders will wish to see a construction company with a balance sheet of sufficient size and strength with access to capital that gives real substance to its completion guarantee.

    Often the general design of the infrastructure is dictated by the experienced utility. The construction risk is then taken by the construction company. Further, depending upon the nature of the infrastructure, the commissioning risk is often allocated to the construction company. The sponsor will aim to require the construction company to enter into a fixed price fixed time construction contract. However, this is rarely fully achieved, as there are normally some cost or timing issues which are not taken by the construction company which can lead to variations in price or timing.

    Operation and Maintenance Contractor
    The operator will be expected to sign a long term contract with the sponsor for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Again the operator may also inject equity into the project.

    There has not been a shortage of operators, mainly from offshore, for proposed infrastructure projects. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that operators tend to accept little risk in the form of up-front capital or expenditure. An operator simply anticipates making a profit from operating the infrastructure more efficiently than an equivalent government run project.

    In a large project there is likely to be a syndicate of banks providing the debt funds to the sponsor. The banks will require a first security over the infrastructure created. The same or different banks will often provide a stand-by loan facility for any cost overruns not covered by the construction contract.

    As the financing of BOO(T) structure projects is a form of project finance, debt financiers will undertake a review of all core project documents to assess the allocation of risks and how that allocation impacts upon their credit approval. There has been some difficulty in attracting debt financiers to infrastructure projects, mainly because of the long term nature of the repayment of the bank debt, which may have a repayment term of up to 20 years, and the large number of infrastructure projects currently in the market place. Debt financiers have traditionally seen themselves as short term financiers, as evidenced by the fact that there is little long term debt in Australia. Accordingly, debt financiers are only comfortable financing the construction phase of an infrastructure project, provided they have a take out for the long term repayment phase of 15 years or more. The size of the debt required for many infrastructure projects may also limit the number of willing financiers. Furthermore, tax exempt infrastructure bonds are only available to limited types of infrastructure. For example, infrastructure bonds are not available to water and heath projects but are available to land transport, seaport and electricity generation.

    Equity Investors
    It is always necessary to ensure that proposed investors in an infrastructure project have sufficient powers to enter into the relevant contracts and perform their obligations under those contracts. Two examples where powers must be carefully reviewed are life insurance companies and trustees of superannuation funds.

    Other Parties
    Other parties such as insurers, equipment suppliers and engineering and design consultants will also be involved. Most of the parties too will involve their lawyers and financial and tax advisers.

    Other parties are involved in an infrastructure project. These include equity providers, insurers, equipment suppliers, fuel suppliers and, of course, consultants.

    2.3 The Agreements
    Offtake Agreement
    The offtake agreement is normally the key document in an infrastructure project. It is the agreement between the government agency and sponsor under which the government agency agrees to purchase the output of the infrastructure (be it water, health services or electricity etc) at agreed prices and volume.

    Performance Standards
    The critical element of the offtake agreement from the government agency's perspective is the performance warranties to be given by the sponsor. The performance warranties should deal with both the quantity and quality of output from the project together with the timing within which that output is required by the government agency.

    The government agency will also require the offtake agreement to detail the consequences of a failure to meet the performance standards, such as liquidated damages and/or the right to call an event of default.

    Revenue Stream/Tariff
    The viability of the project and in particular its "bankability" will depend upon the reliability of the cashflow under the offtake agreement, and the government agency and sponsor performing their respective obligations.

    Tariff Structure
    The aim of the sponsor in negotiating the offtake arrangement with the government agency will be to minimise its market risk. This may, to a certain extent, be achieved by structuring the cashflow in two parts, namely, an availability fee and a usage fee.

    The availability fee is a fee payable by the government agency to the sponsor in consideration of the sponsor making the infrastructure available, irrespective of actual throughput. The usage fee regulates the price per unit that the government agency will pay for the actual amount of product supplied to it.

    The sponsor will want the availability fee to cover all or at least a substantial part of its fixed costs. The usage fee will cover the balance of fixed costs (if any) and the variable costs.

    While the sponsor will push for a high availability fee to minimise its market risk, it must be careful in so doing because if all market risk is shifted to the government agency this may undermine the ability of the private sector to obtain taxation deductions and also of the Government to obtain a ruling from Loan Council that the project falls outside global limits.

    Effect of Default on Tariff
    The government agency will want to structure the transaction so that the sponsor has the maximum incentive to attain the pre-agreed performance standards. To do this, it will want the ability to reduce the tariff payable or impose liquidated damages if the performance standards are not achieved.

    Financiers, on the other hand, will want to restrict the ability of the government agency to interrupt the cashflow under the offtake agreement (especially if this could affect the sponsor's ability to meet repayments on the bank debt). The financiers will firstly argue that non-performance related defaults should not have any impact on the tariff, as the government agency would in such circ*mstances still be receiving what it bargained for, namely, a high quality product. They will also argue that provided any default is being promptly rectified, the cashflow should not be interrupted, and other remedies, such as liquidated damages, may be more appropriate.

    The obvious consequence of an interruption of cashflow is that the financiers will not have a source of revenue through which to repay their debt. However, as stated above, the government agency's ability to reduce tariff is its principal weapon to ensure the sponsor strives to achieve the performance standards.

    Escalation of Tariff
    The offtake agreement must also provide for part of the tariff stream to escalate during the probable long term life of the agreement. The base tariff is normally negotiated prior to the start of construction. The base tariff must be regularly indexed in accordance with CPI or some other agreed formula to ensure that the tariff stays in line with the probably movement in costs over the life of the project.

    Furthermore, there must be provisions enabling the tariff to be adjusted in the event of unforeseen circ*mstances occurring. For example, the sponsor will require the ability to increase the tariff in the event of its costs increasing due to a new law or regulation being introduced which affects the costs of operating the infrastructure. The government agency will also want the tariff to be decreased if costs decrease due to an unforeseen event occurring.

    The formula regulating the indexing of the tariff, and the events entitling either party to seek an adjustment to the tariff, will be heavily negotiated. For example, the government agency is unlikely to accept an increase to the tariff if a tax change affects the sponsor's return on its investment.

    A further issue which will impact upon the escalation of the tariff is the cost of funds. The finance arrangements may provide a right to the financier to increase the costs it charges the borrower if certain events occur, for example, change of law, changes in capital adequacy, etc. The financiers would like these increases to be matched by an increase in the tariff payable under the offtake agreement. The government agency will obviously resist this.

    2.4. Construction Contract
    The Construction Agreement is, typically, a turnkey design and construct fixed price contract, intended to reflect the back to back arrangements necessary to match up with the interdependent offtake agreement, operation and maintenance agreement, and other agreements comprising the BOT project.

    There are a number of construction contract considerations peculiar to BOT projects:

    Force Majeure
    BOT projects, typically, to date, have involved substantial construction over a long period of time. The costs of delay under such construction contracts are always significant.

    Traditionally, in non-BOT projects, the risk of delay has been allocated as follows:

    o Delays caused by sponsor:
    Contractor receives extension of time and more money (delay costs).
    o Delays by Contractor:
    Contractor receives neither an extension of time nor more money.
    o Force Majeure delays:

    Parties negotiate Contract Sum dependent on whether Contractor is to receive extension of time and more money or both. (This regime differs project to project. A guiding principle, for principals, might be to always give the contractor an extension of time for no-fault delays, but to never give the contractor more money. The reverse principle might be true for contractors.)

    There are strategic reasons for this regime beyond the scope of this discussion.

    In relation to BOT structures, however, if it is accepted that the sponsor has no assets and no ability to bear risk, this regime may not be possible.

    It may be that the Government would be prepared to accept a negotiated date for delivery of the project. It is extremely unlikely, however, that the Government would accept any potential obligation to pay extra costs arising out of those delays. The Government's obligation, in relation to construction of the Facility, is to buy the product on completion (not to pay the Construction cost).

    The Sponsor would not, typically, be in a position to make extra payment.

    The Financiers will not usually (ever?) accept that risk.

    For these reasons, therefore, the Force Majeure risk will nearly always be borne as follows:

    Extension of Time: borne by Government;

    Delay Costs: borne by Contractor.

    This may vary with negotiation. For example, the Contractor may be willing (and this may assist the negotiation of the BOT structure generally) to bear the extension of time risk. This will, traditionally, increase the tender sum.

    So long as this increased cost of construction is reflected in the sponsor's agreement with the Government, this would in fact be more convenient. (It begs the question, however, of delays caused by the sponsor.)

    The risk of additional cost and/or time where the sponsor causes delay to the construction contractor is more complex.

    If, for the sake of this discussion, the sponsor is a special purpose vehicle with no assets and no ability to deal with claims for more time or more money from the Contractor, and if, for the reasons set out above, the Government will not usually be willing to accept the risk of claims for additional time and/or money where the sponsor is in default under the Construction Contract, the Contractor may be left without a remedy in the event of sponsor default under that agreement. (The obvious way of dealing with this difficulty is to completely back-to-back the obligations of the sponsor under the construction agreement with the take-or-pay agreement. We simply comment that this will usually be easier said than done, and it does not take into account the overriding interest of the Financiers.)

    A possible finesse (but not an ultimate solution) to this difficulty might be to equip the sponsor with the capacity to deal with claims up to a certain limit (in effect, a contingency capacity) and leave the contractor exposed beyond that limit.

    Underperformance in this context means a failure to deliver the product as specified (for example, a power generating plant which is not generating the specified output, or is not available to the specified extent).

    This is not a major problem in a traditional construction contract. The owner, in that circ*mstance, would simply be entitled to damages from the contractor to compensate it for the level of underperformance.

    In a BOT structure, however, underperformance has substantial consequences for the Government and the Financiers. The Government might have structured its capital expenditure program on the successful completion of the project (for example, it would usually have structured the State's electricity needs on the basis of the power project). Although it might have relief under its take-or-pay contract (in fact, those circ*mstances will usually be identified in the agreement and a regime of damages agreed) this may still be a serious concern.

    The Financiers will usually be relying, for their security, on the product which is to be sold to the Government. In the event of underperformance, that security will (at best) be diminished.

    Further, the Operation and Maintenance Contractor may have to operate and maintain an undeperforming plant for a substantial period thereby diminishing its hoped-for output-based return over that period.

    (i) underperformance will usually be expressly catered for;
    (ii) bare minimum performance requirements will usually be spelt out;
    (iii) the consequences are serious.

    Underperformance, where caused by the Contractor, is easily allocated under the BOT structure. The risk will continue to lie with the Contractor. It may be, however, that the total loss is too vast to be borne by the Contractor alone. In that case, the risk might (on the premise that the sponsor is an asset-limited entity) ultimately end up with the Government and/or the Financiers. There is little doubt that those parties never intend, as a rule, to bear that risk (at least beyond certain limits).

    A more difficult scenario is where the underperformance, for some reason, is the fault of the sponsor under the Construction Contract (for example, where the sponsor is responsible for providing fuel and the fuel is below the specified quality).

    The critical conclusion is that the sponsor must back-to-back its obligations to the Contractor under the Construction Contract with its obligations (and remedies) under the offtake agreement.

    Again, the risk would, therefore, ultimately end up in the hands of the Government and/or the Financiers (again, not a position which they set out to achieve).

    Limitation of Liability
    The need to limit a Contractor's liability is not special to BOT structure projects. The amounts involved, however, are so large as to deserve special attention.

    A Contractor under a traditional Construction Contract, will typically need to limit its exposure. (For example, where an excavation contractor is doing a $1M excavation on a $200M project, any delay which he causes will delay the entire $200M project. For this reason, his liability, if not expressly limited, might exceed several times over the value of his contract.)

    For the same reason, the Construction Contractor in a BOT project is potentially exposed to damages for beyond the value of the Construction Contract.

    In particular, the Construction Contractor has potential liabilities for:
    (i) damages to the sponsor for underperformance of the project;
    (ii) damages to the sponsor for lateness in delivering the project;
    (iii) damages to the sponsor in rectifying defects;
    (iv) damages to the sponsor for consequential losses incurred by the sponsor under the offtake agreement, or under the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, or under the Finance Agreements.

    Under the agreements referred to in paragraph (iv) above, the sponsor itself will need to limit its liability or contract that risk away. To the extent that it retains such liability, those limits will need to reflect the funding under the Finance Agreements.

    This may cause insoluble problems in allocating risk.

    If the sponsor is an asset-less vehicle, and if the Contractor simply does not have the financial capacity to bear the unlimited risk, then the inescapable conclusion is that the risk is, in fact, being borne (irrespective of the contractual position) by either the Government or the Financiers or both. Again, neither the Government nor the Financiers would have intended this, in coming to the project.

    Termination/Step In
    In a BOT structure project, the Government and the Financiers must have the ability, in the event that the sponsor is in default to the point where the take-or-pay Agreement and/or the Finance Agreements are terminated, to "step in" and take over the obligations of the sponsor under the Construction Contract and the Operation and Maintenance Contract.

    The agreements with the Construction Contractor and the Operation and Maintenance Contractor, therefore, must include provisions obliging the Construction Contractor and the Operation and Maintenance Contractor to comply with that regime.

    In fact, that outcome (the stepping-in) would usually be in the interest of both the Construction Contractor and the Operation and Maintenance Contractor. The rights to assume the sponsor's position under those agreements would always be dependent on curing any contractual defects (for example, non-payment) existing under those agreements. (Otherwise, contractually, the Contractors could terminate their respective contracts, irrespective of the identity of the sponsor for the time being.)

    For this reason, the Construction Contractor and the Operation and Maintenance Contractor should have no concerns in relation to these provisions. As a matter of practice, however, they do have peripheral concerns. Accordingly, they would prefer to have approval rights over the step-in process. This is not possible.

    It is a critical feature of BOT projects that the right to terminate or step in, in appropriate circ*mstances, exists at all times for the Financiers and the Government. It is strategically impossible for the Construction Contractor and/or the Operation and Maintenance Contractor to have a right of approval over such step-in or termination.

    Changes/Variations/Scope Changes
    In BOT structures (which will usually involve design and construction contracts) the usual principles will apply to variations (also referred to from time to time as "Changes", or "Scope Changes"), but with some additional qualifications.

    Under a BOT structure project, the risks arising out of such variations are slightly more complex than traditional construction contracts because:

    (i) the sponsor needs (again, on the premise that it is an asset-less vehicle) to pass such costs up to the Government;
    (ii) the Government is only paying for the product (as opposed to the construction cost) under the offtake agreement; and
    (iii) the Financiers would not be expecting (usually) to fund such variations.

    The real difference between a BOT structure project and a traditional construction contract, in this regard therefore, is that there are other parties involved.

    Traditionally, a contractor obliges itself, at the time of executing a construction contract, to perform extra work, at the whim of the sponsor, within limits. The sponsor, under such a traditional contract, agrees that it will pay the cost of that extra work at a price to be determined by an agreed mechanism.

    Under a BOT structure project, however, the sponsor will usually have no fascination, itself, for the product to be delivered and no personal involvement in the decision to require variations. This will, necessarily, be a right (with its incumbent limitations) of the Government under the offtake agreement, which is necessarily given effect under the Construction Contract.

    For this reason, the critical limitations will occur not only in the Construction Contract, but also in the offtake agreement.

    As a further complication, the limitations imposed on the sponsor's/Government's right to demand variations will include limits arising necessarily out of the existence of the Finance Agreements.

    One could envisage, as a matter of contract but not in practice, variations being financed directly by the Government where the finance caused problems.

    The contract regime for variations in a BOT structure, therefore, will extend beyond the Construction Contract, and will require an extended set of limitations on this right.

    Operating & Maintenance Agreement
    The Operation and Maintenance Agreement is a long term contract. Many of the contractual considerations which are set out below need to be considered in context of the matters set out above.

    Terms of Operating and Maintenance Agreements
    Typically, the following types of terms may be expected in this type of Agreement:
    (i) Pre-Operational Phase

    The Operator will have a contractual role on the project even before the hand over of the Facility by the sponsor.

    In particular, the sponsor will typically require the Operator to advise, prior to acceptance testing of the Facility as to the necessary staffing levels, work programs, organisational matters, and other administrative functions necessary to be put into place upon acceptance and hand over of the Facility by the sponsor to the Operator.

    The Agreement would also, typically, set out the hand over procedures, particularly having regard to the transfer of responsibility from the Construction Contractor to the Operator upon acceptance. An issue likely to arise in the negotiation of the agreements will be the degree to which the Operator will be responsible during the period when the Operator's staff are in control of the Facility under the supervision of the Construction Contractor, during the acceptance testing phase but prior to hand over. As a matter of principle, the Construction Contractor is still responsible for the Facility. The acceptance testing procedures will, however, usually take, depending on the project, a substantial operating time during which the Facility is, in fact, in the possession of and being managed by the Operator.

    (ii) Operation of the Facility
    The substantive contractual obligation of the Operator is to operate and maintain the Facility for the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement.

    The responsibilities of the Operator during this period will need to be set out in detail in the Agreement. The Agreement will need to cover matters such as operating procedures, maintenance of the Facility (including major overhauls and outages), performance levels, reporting requirements to the sponsor and to the Government agency, maintenance of the continuing contractual relationship with the Government agency and with utility suppliers on behalf of the sponsor, and compliance with operational requirements imposed under the documentary regime (for example, compliance with environmental controls imposed on the project).

    The description of the Operator's obligations can be complex. This may be treated contractually by attempting to describe the general requirements on the Operator and relating the obligations of the Operator to the performance results required to be achieved out of the operation of the Facility, including all matters necessary and incidental to that performance. This may be difficult to draft and/or negotiate during the documentation phase. This is further complicated by the long term nature of such contracts. Finally, having regard to the long term nature of such agreements, there is a real likelihood of a substantial change of circ*mstances during the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement (for example, where political change occurs, legislative regimes are expanded/altered, or the original contract regime otherwise altered).

    (iii) Sponsor Obligations
    The obligations on the sponsor during the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement will relate principally to the payment to the Operator out of the proceeds of the offtake agreement.

    There will, typically, be other major continuing obligations, for example, the supply of utility fuel, water and other consumables. In addition, the Agreement may provide for certain specific obligations (for example, there may be an obligation on the sponsor to provide an initial spare parts inventory). Further, there will usually be an obligation on the sponsor under the offtake agreement to maintain records in relation to the Operator's compliance with particular matters (for example, use of fuel, waste disposal) which may affect the sponsor's payment obligations under the Operation and Maintenance Agreement. The Agreement will usually provide for payment mechanisms (for example, mechanisms to cater for Consumer Price Index rises, payment in respect of major overhaul expenses, payment in respect of costs arising for work performed by the Operator beyond the scope of services described in the agreement, changed in law and other potential factors which give rise to necessary adjustments to the payment provisions.

    (iv) Performance Obligations
    The Operation and Maintenance Agreement will need to specify the performance obligations of the Operator during the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement.

    Such performance criteria will, typically embrace matters such as availability, outages, production levels, and other technical performance criteria depending on the nature of the Facility. The Agreement will also, typically, specify the performance levels which might give rise to rights to damages and/or termination under the Operation and Maintenance Agreement where performance falls below certain levels (in some cases, there may also be provisions as to bonuses where performance exceeds particular levels).The substantive terms of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, therefore, relate to the detailed technical requirements on the Operator, and the payment obligations of the sponsor. By definition, therefore, the negotiation process will involve substantial technical review in addition to the legal negotiations.

    Force Majeure
    The consequences of a force majeure event during the construction period are severe but probably manageable in that the force majeure event, even if prolonged, will simply increase the cost of construction. This risk can be allocated between the parties to the BOT project prior to commencement of the project and taken into consideration in determining the economics of the BOT project.

    The consequences of a prolonged force majeure event during the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, however, may lead to an insoluble difficulty. In this event, the Operator may not be able (even if it was prepared to increase its financial commitment which, typically, it is not) to perform its obligations to the performance standard set out in the Agreement. This will have a direct effect on the offtake agreement, affecting (possibly beyond repair) the ability of the project to repay the Financiers.

    In these circ*mstances, the solvent parties will ultimately bear the loss. (Typically, the Government agency may prove to be the only participant capable of bearing the losses caused by a prolonged force majeure event during the Operation and Maintenance Agreement.)

    Most losses caused by force majeure events can be insured against.

    The contractual obligations, typically, in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement will impose the obligation on the party affected by the force majeure event to take such steps as are possible to overcome the force majeure event, including reasonable expenditure of funds. The failure to perform contractual obligations because of the force majeure event, however, will, typically, prevent such a party from being in default.If, however, a prolonged force majeure event causes a loss beyond the available insurance to the point where the project cannot repay the Financiers, the loss will fall on those parties to the BOT project who happen to be sufficiently solvent to meet that loss (typically, the Financiers will never, in any circ*mstances, accept this risk in the negotiation of the documentation, however their ultimate exposure could conceivably depend on a future government's attitude to support of the project). One would expect the Government agency always to be a participant in such a loss. On occasion, the project sponsor may, itself, be a consortium of substance and, therefore, able to and contractually oblige the participant in that loss.

    The Operation and Maintenance Agreement will, typically, make detailed provisions for the consequences of default by the Operator in its performance obligations.

    In particular cases (for example on a power project) the Agreement will specify the performance levels below which the Operator is in default under the Agreement and the remedy options available to the sponsor in the various circ*mstances arising out of the different levels of that default.

    Typically (again, for example on a power project) such performance requirements will specify matters such as output, availability, outages, and other specific performance-related events.

    Further, the Agreement will, typically, specify a lity of fuel or other consumables falls below the technical criteria specified in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement.

    Similarly, the agreement will typically provide for an adjustment in the payment entitlements of the Operator where there is a change in law which results in the Operator being required to perform obligations beyond those obligations described in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement at the time of execution of the Agreement (for example, increased environmental regulations leading to a more detailed treatment of wastes being required).

    The treatment of the payment regime, in such circ*mstances, typically follows the following format. To the extent that particular changes can be and are anticipated in the Agreement at the time of execution (for example, inadequate quantities of or low grade fuels), the payment adjustment provisions can be specified in the Agreement at the time of execution. To the extent that such changes cannot be anticipated (for example, changes in law) or, at the option of the parties, though potentially able to be anticipated, for convenience the parties elect not to do so at the time of execution of the Agreement (for example the effects of inclement weather), the Agreement will need to provide a mechanism (rather than a dollar amount) to determine the consequential price adjustment.

    This will, typically, be a reference of the issue to an agreed dispute resolution mechanism.

    In the absence of any such contractual mechanism, the Operator will, in fact, have a contractual right to resist the imposition by the sponsor of the obligation to perform the Operator's changed duties. It is a critical prerequisite of the Agreement, therefore, that the sponsor have a suitable contractual mechanism to cater for such changed circ*mstances.

    Where, during the construction phase, it becomes necessary and/or advisable for the sponsor to either step-in or terminate the Construction Contract, the sponsor and the Financier (and to an extent the Government agency) will wish the sponsor to have the construction completed by others (so too, where the sponsor is in default, the Financiers would usually wish to take over the project to ensure the completion of construction of the Facility.)

    Where, however, during the period of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, the sponsor becomes in default to the point where the Operator seeks to terminate the Agreement, or the Operator becomes in default to the point where the sponsor seeks to determine the Agreement, the Financiers will be critically interested in creating a suitable regime to ensure the continued operation of the Facility and, in turn, to ensure the ability to repay the Financiers from the proceeds of the offtake agreement.

    For this reason, the provisions of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement will, as in the case of the Construction Contract, in addition to the normal contractual terms setting out the grounds for and procedures to be employed in relation to termination of the Agreement, contain additional provisions to give, first, temporary step-in rights and, then, if necessary, assignment rights, to the Financiers.

    2.6. Finance Facility
    Financiers are concerned about the level and allocation of risk, as they are lending large amounts of money prior to the project being completed.

    Financiers to the project will examine every aspect of risk allocation and the offtake agreement. The major issues a financier will examine are:

    o the dates for completion of the infrastructure must be in accordance with those in the construction contract and be readily achievable;
    o the commissioning procedures must be realistic;
    o the warranted performance obligations of the sponsor must be reasonable;
    o tariff calculations must be understood and financiers comfortable that the tariff is sufficient to repay the bank debt and to provide the equity providers with sufficient return on their investment;
    o the tariff should not be capable of being offset against liquidated or unliquidated claims by the government agency against the sponsor; and
    o the effect force majeure and default will have on the debt servicing.

    2.7. Other Documents
    There are many other documents, depending on the particular project, which will be required to make up the BOT project documents. Those documents must be compatible. Those documents might include any or all of the following:

    - Shareholders Agreement (between the Investors)
    - Site Lease (between the government and the sponsor)
    - Design Agreement (between the sponsor and the design consultants)
    - Equipment Supply agreements
    - Fuel/Water Supply agreements

    Interdependency of Contracts
    Infrastructure projects normally require many contracts. Each contract evidences an internal allocation of the underlying risks between the parties to the agreement. There are a large number of issues that will arise when negotiating the contracts for an infrastructure project. Most of the issues which will arise occur in the offtake agreement. Many of the issues will also arise in the other project documents.

    Many of the project documents evidencing an infrastructure project are closely interdependent. A default under one contract is likely to trigger cross defaults in other documents.

    The financiers will want to examine all of the core contracts. They will want to be satisfied that each party's obligations under the relevant documents are reasonable and that defaults throughout each document are consistent. The financiers' interest in core contracts extends through until the repayment of the bank debt.

    The construction company's interest in the project documents is much shorter in duration. Principally, it will want to ensure that the sponsor will be in sufficient funds to meet progress payments under the construction contract. To achieve this, the construction company will want to review the sponsor's ability to drawdown under the facility agreement and ensure that that ability matches the sponsor's potential liability to the construction company under the construction contract.

    The government agency will normally only be a party to the offtake agreement with the sponsor. The sponsor then contracts for other parties to perform its design and construction, operating and other obligations. The government agency will want to review those documents to ensure that the obligations of the sponsor's co-contracting parties are consistent with the obligations under the off take agreement.

    The operator will be interested in the offtake agreement to ensure that it provides the sponsor with sufficient funds to meet payments that it will be entitled to claim under the operating and maintenance contract.

    Mismatching of Risks
    Each project documents will contain an allocation of risks to the contracting parties.

    Each document must clearly define each party's obligations and their commencement and end. For example, if the construction company's obligations are simply to design and construct the infrastructure, with the commissioning obligation lying with the operator, agreement will need to be reached between the construction company and operator as to when each party's liabilities commence and finish. If of the operator will be liable for liquidated damages for delays in commissioning, it will want to ensure that its commissioning period does not commence until such time as it is satisfied that the construction company has satisfied all of its obligations under the construction contract.

    Therefore, it is critical that all parties carry out a review of all documents and the risk allocation inherent in them. Mismatching of risks will then need to be corrected. To identify any mismatching of risks, matrices of the risks inherent in each project document should be prepared and any mismatching of risks corrected.

    Force Majeure
    All the core contracts of an infrastructure project will have a force majeure provision, and in a perfect world these provisions would match and be consistent.

    Typically, a force majeure clause will provide that in the event of a party being unable to perform its obligations due to the occurrence of a force majeure event, then that party' obligations shall be suspended for the duration of the force majeure event. The clause may go on to provide that for extended force majeure parties may have rights of termination.

    What should be a Force Majeure Event?
    Force majeure events typically include those events which are outside the control of the parties; examples are war, earthquake, flood, fire, storm, tempest and the like. What will or will not constitute a force majeure event will need to be tailored to meet the needs of the specific project.

    Time Extension - Effect on Cost
    The first issue that requires examination is whether a party should be afforded an extension of time for a delay caused by a force majeure event occurring during the construction period.

    The occurrence of a force majeure event may allow the construction company to extend its time to complete the project and increase its costs, depending upon the terms of the construction contract.

    To the extent that the force majeure risk is taken by the construction company, it is likely its price will increase to take that risk into account.

    Independent of the terms of the construction contract, a force majeure event will increase the sponsor's end cost to complete the infrastructure because the extended term of construction will increase interest costs of the project borrowings. Furthermore, if interest is capitalised for the project borrowings, it may have a dramatic effect on the economics of the project, because these costs are compounded.

    Other contractors will be committed to complete their works within a particular time frame which is geared to the timing of completion of construction under the construction contract. If the construction period is extended under the construction contract, the contractors will either have the ability to defer the date they complete their works or will be required to complete their works at the same time as was the link date with completion under the construction contract. In any event, the delay in construction may result in the contractor not being able to earn its projected income until a later date, which may result in it incurring additional finance costs.

    Mismatching of Force Majeure
    A delay in construction due to force majeure will have an impact on other related project documents other than simply costs. For example, if the sponsor of the infrastructure has entered into a contract for the acquisition of raw materials needed to operate the infrastructure, that contract may have a date by which the sponsor is required to commence purchasing the materials from the supplier. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the force majeure provisions of all project documents match and are consistent.

    If possible, the costs of delays during construction due to force majeure should be covered by insurance. To the extent that they cannot, the risk is generally borne by the construction company or the sponsor.

    A more difficult issue is how force majeure events during the operating phase which cannot commercially be insured should be dealt with. An example of this may be a protracted national strike.

    Putting aside the cost impact of force majeure, a further issue is whether a party should be entitled to terminate contracts due to a prolonged force majeure. During the construction period, if the contracts are terminated due to the occurrence of a force majeure event, the risk lies with the sponsor (and hence the financiers).

    Sponsors and financiers will want to restrict the right to terminate due to an extended force majeure, as they would be left with say a half built and potentially valueless asset, and therefore, with no means of repaying the project debt.

    During the operating phase, if a force majeure event occurs which affects the operation of the plant and last for more than an agreed period, the parties may want the ability to terminate the offtake agreement. If this is permitted, the sponsor's source of repayment of its project debt ceases.

    Sharing of Security
    The interests of the government agency and the financiers may conflict in circ*mstances of default. For example, the government agency may want the right to terminate agreements for prolonged default while the financiers will want the ability to remedy defaults once the sponsor has failed to do so. To regulate such conflicts, it may be desirable for these parties to enter into what is known as a security sharing deed or enforcement arrangement deed.

    The issues which one would look to see addressed in this document are:

    o if the government agency requires second securities, it will want the consent of the financiers to it taking these securities together with an agreement with the financiers regarding the order of enforcement of securities and relevant priorities. The financiers will in all likelihood want first priority for all their debt and the first right to enforce securities;
    o the financiers and the government agency may each want the other to be obliged to discuss defaults and appropriate remedies as a consequence thereof;
    o the government agency may require the financiers to provide it with an agreed notice period prior to the financiers accelerating repayment of the project debt; and
    o the rights of the government agency to terminate the offtake agreement will be regulated, eg., additional cure rights afforded to the financiers including replacing the sponsor with a party acceptable to the government agency.

    Of pivotal importance to the viability of an infrastructure project is the ability of the sponsor to perform its financial and contractual obligations. This must be assessed taking into account the fact that due to the high capital cost of infrastructure projects the sponsor will be highly leveraged through its project financing and the sponsors (and if appropriate other equity providers) will limit their financial injection into and liability for the project.

    There are many parties which will rely on the credit of the sponsor. The construction company is in its hands for progress payments under the construction contract. The operator is reliant upon it for payments during the operating phase. Further, if the sponsor fails to make payments, this is likely to affect the output available for purchase by the government agency.

    The credit of the sponsor is further complicated by the fact that the financiers to the project will require first ranking security over the assets and undertakings of the sponsor. Other contracting parties (and in certain cases the government agency) may also want security over the sponsor to protect their investment. Multiple securities may firstly be resisted by the financiers as they could limit their rights as a first security holder, and, in any event, if such security is provided it will rank behind the financiers' security and for at least the initial phases of the project be close to worthless.

    Any equity in the sponsor will be utilised to assist in the funding of the construction of the infrastructure. If costs are greater than anticipated, will the equity participants be required to make further equity contributions? The financiers in particular will be concerned to ensure that such further equity contributions are made.

    Government agency
    The ability of the government agency to perform its obligations and in particular, make payments to the sponsor, is central to any project.

    If the financiers are not satisfied with the creditworthiness of the government agency, they will not finance the project unless other forms of security, such as government guarantee, are available.

    Long Term Contracts
    Each of the core documents evidencing an infrastructure project are of a long term nature, normally in the vicinity of 20-30 years. Examples of the contracts which will be of such duration are the offtake agreement, the operating and maintenance agreement and fuel supply agreement.

    It is possible to identify the risks present at the time of negotiation and entry into the contracts. However, it is impossible to foresee the events which will occur during the term of these agreements which may have an impact on each party's respective rights and obligations. Therefore, you will never have a contract that is appropriate for 30 years, nor would you want to be bound by a fixed 30 year contract.

    The long term success of these projects will therefore very much depend upon the relationship built up between all contracting parties, and each party's monitoring of the situations affecting the contracts.

    Parties to long term contracts have tended to rely upon the Australian legal principles of force majeure, frustration, implied terms and fundamental breach to handle these issues if the parties were unable to negotiate an acceptable middle ground at the time they arose.

    This approach, however, is not acceptable in long term contracts, and in particular, infrastructure projects. A consequence of the parties not attempting to deal with these issues in the contract is that an event may arise which entitles either party at law to contend that the contract is frustrated, and therefore at an end, or to invoke a force majeure clause suspending their obligations and ultimately entitling them to terminate the contract. It goes without saying that such a result is totally unacceptable to the parties.

    Further, Courts and the legislature have not adequately addressed these issues to date and, accordingly, they should be addressed to the extent possible by the parties to the contract so as to avoid the uncertain applications of these legal principles to their contract.

    Unforeseen Circ*mstances
    Given that it is impossible to estimate or anticipate a range of events which may occur, it seems the best that can be done is to insert into long term contracts a provision which requires the parties to discuss in good faith the impact of the unforeseen event with a view to solving any hardships or difficulties caused in the spirit of mutual understanding and collaboration. Such an approach does not attempt to allocate the risk, but merely bring the parties together in good faith to discuss.

    To add further weight to the good faith negotiation provision, it may be advisable that a dispute committee containing an equal number of senior representatives of each party be formed to meet and attempt to resolve an unforeseen event if the parties' respective contract managers fail to agree. Other remedies such as expert determination or arbitration may also be considered.

    Changes in Circ*mstances
    It is also likely that the circ*mstances surrounding the project will change during its life. For example, the demand for the output of the infrastructure is likely to increase over the life of the project and laws regulating the standard of output may change. We examine these 2 possibilities below.

    (i) Increased Demand
    It appears that there are 2 alternative means by which the offtake agreement can regulate the obligation of the sponsor to upgrade or expand the facility in the event that future demand necessitates it.

    Firstly, the government agency and sponsor may agree up-front on the timing and cost of the amplification of the infrastructure during the term of the agreement. In this case, the document would detail the obligations of the sponsor to upgrade at given times and for an agreed price. However, it is unlikely that the timing and cost of carrying out future upgrades can be predicted.

    Alternatively, if (as is likely) the parties are unable to agree on the timing and cost of amplification, possibly the only avenue open to them is to insert into the contract a provision requiring the sponsor to, at the request of the government agency, upgrade the plant. This obligation to upgrade would be subject to 2 principal issues being resolved at the time of the proposed upgrade, namely the sponsor's ability to obtain finance for such upgrade and the impact of the upgrade on the tariff. Given that these 2 variables which cannot be predetermined are the most critical in the transaction, there is the clear risk of the parties being unable to agree on the cost of upgrades. This is a risk that government authorities run in that they may lose the ability to dictate their future infrastructure requirements.

    (ii) Performance Standards
    The performance standards contained in the offtake agreement will be tied to the laws and conditions prevalent at the time the document is entered into. These conditions may change. For example, a new law may require water to be treated to a higher standard or change the means by which electricity is to be produced.

    The offtake agreement must provide that the sponsor is required to comply with future laws. This, however, will have a cost component which cannot be pre-agreed. Therefore, if performance standards change due to a new law or directive, the parties should be required to negotiate in good faith to attempt to agree on the cost impact of the change. Such a clause would be similar to the unforeseen circ*mstances clause referred to above.

    Default by any party to the project documents will have a significant impact on the project. In fact, it is likely that default under one project document (for example, the design and construction contract) will trigger default under the other documents (for example, the offtake agreement).

    Invariably, the government agency is not obliged to commence making payments to the sponsor until the infrastructure is completed and commissioned. Therefore, during the design and construction phase, the real risk of loss due to default lies with theinanciers because they have advanced funds for the construction prior to the revenue stream under the offtake agreement commencing. The financiers are required to rely upon the credit of the sponsor and the construction company under the design and construction contract.

    Management of the construction risk is a well known tool; completion guarantees, performance bonds and/or liquidated damages may be payable if milestones are not achieved or construction is not completed by an agreed end date. However, if the construction cost of infrastructure is large then it is unlikely that these amounts could recover sufficient moneys to repay the debt outstanding at the time default occurs. Clearly the later int he construction phase that the default (and termination) occurs the greater the financiers' risk.

    To mitigate their risks, the financiers will want the offtake agreement to remain on foot if there is a construction default so that they may seek a replacement construction company to complete the project.

    During the operating phase, default may occur under the operating and maintenance contract, any equipment supply contract and of course the offtake agreement. Default under the operating or supply contracts may not be fatal to the project. The sponsor may have agreed periods within which it must find replacement operators/suppliers acceptable to the government agency. However, default under, and thereafter termination of, the offtake agreement is obviously critical, as when this document is terminated so too is the cashflow.

    Defaults are generally categorised into 4 groups:
    o performance default;
    o failure to pay liquidated damages for non-performance;
    o insolvency; and
    o breach of miscellaneous contractual obligations.

    Non-termination Remedies
    (i) Step In
    If a default is not rectified within the agreed cure period, the government agency may require a novel remedy known as "step in". Step in is a right afforded to the government agency by the sponsor (and acknowledged by the operator and financiers) whereby the government agency is entitled to step in and operate the facility to ensure a continuous supply of the product to its customers.

    The government agency when exercising its step in right is not normally an agent of the sponsor. It is simply given limited rights pursuant to the contract to assume management of the facility. Therefore, while exercising its rights of step in, it should not have the right to terminate the project documents or take action which may prejudice the sponsor's rights. The government agency also would not be obliged to assume the obligations of the sponsor under the project documents.

    There are risks to the government agency involved when exercising a step in. One of the most apparent is potential liability to third parties if the government agency is negligent. Further, officers of the government agency may be seen to be involved in the management of the sponsor, with the potential exposure to liability under the Corporations Law as de facto directors where the sponsor is insolvent.

    (iii) Liquidated Damages
    To protect itself against financial loss, the government agency may require liquidated damages to be paid in the event of default (and in particular performance default). It is unlikely that liquidated damages will fully compensate the government agency for continued underperformance.

    Liquidated damages will be payable by the construction company to the sponsor if completion of construction is delayed due to default by the construction company. The question is then who should benefit from the payment of such liquidated damages, especially if they are insufficient to meet all claims on the sponsor by its co-contracting parties?

    The answer comes down to deciding whether the liquidated damages should be paid to the government agency to ensure the offtake agreement is not terminated, thereby keeping the project on foot, or be paid to the financiers to repay the debt. The first course may be the most beneficial in the long term if a default under the offtake agreement can be avoided.

    The Government agency's Claim
    Delay in completion of the facility will affect the government agency. It will need to find alternative sources from which it can acquire the relevant product, and that product may be more costly than that contracted for with the sponsor. The government agency may also have incurred costs if it was required to construct infrastructure supporting the sponsor's facility to be built.

    The Sponsor's Claim
    Delay in construction will obviously affect the sponsor. Its liability to the financiers will increase due to interest capitalising beyond its committed repayment schedule. It is also likely that it will be liable for liquidated damages for the delay caused by the construction company.

    Sharing of Liquidated Damages
    It is unlikely that the liquidated damages payable by the construction company will be sufficient to meet all of the above costs. The question is then who should benefit and in what priority for the liquidated damages? Should one party have a right to liquidated damages paid by the construction company in priority to others or should the damages be under the control of and distributed by the sponsor?

    This pre-completion risk will require commercial resolution via negotiations between all parties. Similar considerations apply in relation to operation phase liquidated damages, for example, liquidated damages payable by the operator to the sponsor under the operation and maintenance contract.

    (iv) Options/Take-outs
    Liquidated damages and/or a right of termination may not be satisfactory to the government agency. Further, the right to step in generally is intended only to be a short term remedy,

    In these circ*mstances, the government agency may require an option to purchase the sponsor and/or the infrastructure.

    The financiers may want the government agency to either assume the sponsor's obligations or purchase the facility at a price sufficient to repay the debt. A government agency will resist this, as it is an indirect guarantee that the debt will be repaid.

    Once the infrastructure is commissioned, the sponsor (and its financiers) will argue that there should be long cure periods to remedy any defaults prior to the government agency being entitled to terminate the offtake agreement. They will also argue that during such cure period, the government agency should be obliged to continue paying both the availability fee and usage fee (on the basis of performance at that time) without setoff, to ensure the continued viability of the project.

    While government authorities recognise the need for cure periods prior to being entitled to terminate, the hard issue is how long such cure periods should last. Ideally, lenders would like there to be no fixed cure periods. Rather, they will argue that provided best endeavours are being used to remedy the default then the payments should continue to be made and the authority should not be entitled to terminate.

    The government agency, on the other hand, will be seeking to minimise the length of cure periods afforded to the sponsor (and financiers) prior to it being entitled to terminate.

    The land law issues associated with infrastructure projects are not simple. There are many complex issues, and the following are examples of some of the issues which may arise:

    Long Term Leases
    Many infrastructure projects involve a long term (up to 30 years) lease of the land upon which the infrastructure is to be built. This can give greater control over the site to the government body. It also ensures that the redevelopment potential of the site is not transferred to the sponsors.

    Financiers and other interested parties are becoming more aware of the issues involved in long term leases. For example, long term leases should be equivalent to freehold, they should only be terminable in the most extreme circ*mstances. They are very different to a 5 year CBD or factory lease. There is, however, a lack of Australian case law on long term leases.Recently, this form of "ownership" has given rise to lawyers revisiting the question of ownership of fixtures.

    Land leased to the sponsor by way of long term lease which is only part of the land in a title deed, may be deemed to effect a subdivision of the site under the Local Government Act, with the consequent need for relevant approvals if the government agency is bound by that legislation. This will involve Local Councils who may have an agenda different to the State or Federal Government, or their agencies.

    If the private sector is obliged to obtain subdivision approval additional timing and costs must be allowed for in timetables.

    Easem*nts/Rights of Way
    In addition to the lease of the main site, the following interests in land may be required:

    o easem*nts over privately owned or other Government land through which pipelines and other works associated with the main infrastructure are to be constructed; ando rights of way/licences over private land or other Government land through which the sponsor must pass to obtain access to the main site and/or land subject to an easem*nt.

    These property interests may result in different income tax treatments for plant or other improvements located on these parts of the site. Further, there is the question of whether the government agency will get involved in the obtaining of the required easem*nts/rights of way.

    The sponsor will not have the power to resume land. Therefore, any land or interest in land required for the project will probably be acquired by the government agency by either private agreement or resumption.

    The power of a government agency to deal with land is normally strictly regulated in its constituent documents. For example, some government authorities do not have the power to grant long term leases. Therefore, like all other aspects of infrastructure projects, one must closely review the relevant powers of the government agency.

    State Taxes
    Certain aspects of infrastructure projects are not envisaged by the stamp duty legislation of the relevant jurisdiction. This has resulted in attempts to fit complex structured finance transactions into existing stamp duty principles, with unusual results. Two examples are set out below:

    Duty on Site Lease
    Stamp duty is normally payable on the rent payable or, if higher, the market rent of the property, which may be greater than the more usual peppercorn rent. However, in infrastructure projects site leases (or the collateral offtake agreement) contain an obligation on the lessee to build the infrastructure. This obligation could lead to stamp duty being payable on the significantly higher value of the property to be constructed. It is also possible that the sale of the output of the infrastructure will be treated as "rent".

    Transfer of Partnership Interests
    As the law presently stands, the transfer of an interest in a partnership may be liable to ad valorem duty calculated on the higher of the purchase price and the unencumbered value of the interest being transferred. This treatment of a transfer of an interest in a limited partnership compares unfavourably with the transfer of "marketable securities". Therefore, if a viable market is to be created for the transfer of interests in a limited partnership, the stamp duty legislation must be amended so that interest in a limited partnership are treated on the same footing as shares in a company.


    Project Risk Management begins with an exercise that explores the challenges of planning for and managing project risk in today's complex, ever-changing business environment. It continues with the four critical building blocks for understanding and managing uncertainty probability distributions. Simple examples are presented in the context of Project Management.

    The risk of organizational failure in projects can now be predicted and mitigated using ideas and tools developed at Stanford over the past 16 years. We introduce the "Virtual Design Team" approach to modeling the information processing requirements of a fast-track project and assessing the information processing capacity of your project organization, so you can proactively anticipate these organizational risks and intervene to mitigate them (Adler, R.J., R.E. Feldman, and M.S. Taggu, 1998).

    We continue by introducing a process for assessing and planning for risk. You'll examine a process that allows you to identify risk management considerations, assess the severity and consequences of a given risk and its overall threat to your project or program, and explore options and trade-offs for managing the risk.

    We also examine several case studies where missed opportunities to plan and/or effectively manage risk led to monumental consequences, and conclude with a discussion on whether your management system enables the organization to do the right things to facilitate the successful achievement of its business objectives.

    3.1. Risk Analysis & Risk Management
    Evaluating and Managing the Risks You Face

    Almost everything we do in today's business world involves a risk of some kind: customer habits change, new competitors appear, factors outside your control could delay your project. But formal risk analysis and risk management can help you to assess these risks and decide what actions to take to minimize disruptions to your plans. They will also help you to decide whether the strategies you could use to control risk are cost-effective (Benjamin, J.R., and C. Allin Cornell III, 1970).

    How to use the tool
    Here we define risk as 'the perceived extent of possible loss'. Different people will have different views of the impact of a particular risk – what may be a small risk for one person may destroy the livelihood of someone else.
    One way of putting figures to risk is to calculate a value for it as:
    risk = probability of event x cost of event
    Doing this allows you to compare risks objectively. We use this approach formally in decision making with Decision Trees.
    To carry out a risk analysis, follow these steps:

    Identify Threats
    The first stage of a risk analysis is to identify threats facing you. Threats may be (Cox, L.A., Jr. 2002):

    • Human - from individuals or organizations, illness, death, etc.
    • Operational - from disruption to supplies and operations, loss of access to essential assets, failures in distribution, etc.
    • Reputational - from loss of business partner or employee confidence, or damage to reputation in the market.
    • Procedural - from failures of accountability, internal systems and controls, organization, fraud, etc.
    • Project - risks of cost over-runs, jobs taking too long, of insufficient product or service quality, etc.
    • Financial - from business failure, stock market, interest rates, unemployment, etc.
    • Technical - from advances in technology, technical failure, etc.
    • Natural - threats from weather, natural disaster, accident, disease, etc.
    • Political - from changes in tax regimes, public opinion, government policy, foreign influence, etc.
    • Others - Porter's Five Forces analysis may help you identify other risks.

    This analysis of threat is important because it is so easy to overlook important threats. One way of trying to capture them all is to use a number of different approaches:

    • Firstly, run through a list such as the one above, to see if any apply
    • Secondly, think through the systems, organizations or structures you operate, and analyze risks to any part of those
    • See if you can see any vulnerabilities within these systems or structures
    • Ask other people, who might have different perspectives.

    Estimate Risk
    Once you have identified the threats you face, the next step is to work out the likelihood of the threat being realized and to assess its impact.

    One approach to this is to make your best estimate of the probability of the event occurring, and to multiply this by the amount it will cost you to set things right if it happens. This gives you a value for the risk.

    Managing Risk
    Once you have worked out the value of risks you face, you can start to look at ways of managing them. When you are doing this, it is important to choose cost effective approaches - in most cases, there is no point in spending more to eliminating a risk than the cost of the event if it occurs. Often, it may be better to accept the risk than to use excessive resources to eliminate it.

    Risk may be managed in a number of ways:

    • By using existing assets:Here existing resources can be used to counter risk. This may involve improvements to existing methods and systems, changes in responsibilities, improvements to accountability and internal controls, etc.
    • By contingency planning:You may decide to accept a risk, but choose to develop a plan to minimize its effects if it happens. A good contingency plan will allow you to take action immediately, with the minimum of project control if you find yourself in a crisis management situation. Contingency plans also form a key part of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) or Business Continuity management (BCM).
    • By investing in new resources:Your risk analysis should give you the basis for deciding whether to bring in additional resources to counter the risk. This can also include insuring the risk: Here you pay someone else to carry part of the risk - this is particularly important where the risk is so great as to threaten your or your organization's solvency.

    Once you have carried out a risk analysis and management exercise, it may be worth carrying out regular reviews. These might involve formal reviews of the risk analysis, or may involve testing systems and plans appropriately.

    Key points
    Risk analysis allows you to examine the risks that you or your organization face. It is based on a structured approach to thinking through threats, followed by an evaluation of the probability and cost of events occurring.

    Risk analysis forms the basis for risk management and crisis prevention. Here the emphasis is on cost effectiveness. Risk management involves adapting the use of existing resources, contingency planning and good use of new resources.

    Decision Tree Analysis
    Decision Trees are useful tools for helping you to choose between several courses of action.

    They provide a highly effective structure within which you can explore options, and investigate the possible outcomes of choosing those options. They also help you to form a balanced picture of the risks and rewards associated with each possible course of action.

    This makes them particularly useful for choosing between different strategies, projects or investment opportunities, particularly when your resources are limited.

    How to Use the Tool
    You start a Decision Tree with a decision that you need to make. Draw a small square to represent this on the left hand side of a large piece of paper, half way down the page.

    From this box draw out lines towards the right for each possible solution, and write a short description of the solution along the line. Keep the lines apart as far as possible so that you can expand your thoughts.

    At the end of each line, consider the results. If the result of taking that decision is uncertain, draw a small circle. If the result is another decision that you need to make, draw another square. Squares represent decisions, and circles represent uncertain outcomes. Write the decision or factor above the square or circle. If you have completed the solution at the end of the line, just leave it blank.

    Starting from the new decision squares on your diagram, draw out lines representing the options that you could select. From the circles draw lines representing possible outcomes. Again make a brief note on the line saying what it means. Keep on doing this until you have drawn out as many of the possible outcomes and decisions as you can see leading on from the original decisions (Breyfogle, Forrest W., III, 1999).


    Once you have done this, review your tree diagram. Challenge each square and circle to see if there are any solutions or outcomes you have not considered. If there are, draw them in. If necessary, redraft your tree if parts of it are too congested or untidy. You should now have a good understanding of the range of possible outcomes of your decisions.

    Evaluating Your Decision Tree
    Now you are ready to evaluate the decision tree. This is where you can work out which option has the greatest worth to you. Start by assigning a cash value or score to each possible outcome. Make your best assessment of how much you think it would be worth to you if that outcome came about.

    Next look at each circle (representing an uncertainty point) and estimate the probability of each outcome. If you use percentages, the total must come to 100% at each circle. If you use fractions, these must add up to 1. If you have data on past events you may be able to make rigorous estimates of the probabilities. Otherwise write down your best guess.


    Calculating Tree Values
    Once you have worked out the value of the outcomes, and have assessed the probability of the outcomes of uncertainty, it is time to start calculating the values that will help you make your decision.

    Start on the right hand side of the decision tree, and work back towards the left. As you complete a set of calculations on a node (decision square or uncertainty circle), all you need to do is to record the result. You can ignore all the calculations that lead to that result from then on.

    Calculating The Value of Uncertain Outcome Nodes
    Where you are calculating the value of uncertain outcomes (circles on the diagram), do this by multiplying the value of the outcomes by their probability. The total for that node of the tree is the total of these values.

    In the example in Figure 2, the value for 'new product, thorough development' is:



    Calculating the Value of Decision Nodes
    When you are evaluating a decision node, write down the cost of each option along each decision line. Then subtract the cost from the outcome value that you have already calculated. This will give you a value that represents the benefit of that decision.

    Note that amounts already spent do not count for this analysis – these are 'sunk costs' and (despite the emotional cost) should not be factored into the decision.

    When you have calculated these decision benefits, choose the option that has the largest benefit, and take that as the decision made. This is the value of that decision node.


    In this example, the benefit we previously calculated for 'new product, thorough development' was $420,400. We estimate the future cost of this approach as $150,000. This gives a net benefit of $270,400.

    The net benefit of 'new product, rapid development' was $31,400. On this branch we therefore choose the most valuable option, 'new product, thorough development', and allocate this value to the decision node.

    By applying this technique we can see that the best option is to develop a new product. It is worth much more to us to take our time and get the product right, than to rush the product to market. And it's better just to improve our existing products than to botch a new product, even though it costs us less.

    Key Points
    Decision trees provide an effective method of decision making because they:

    • Clearly lay out the problem so that all options can be challenged.
    • Allow us to analyze the possible consequences of a decision fully.
    • Provide a framework to quantify the values of outcomes and the probabilities of achieving them.
    • Help us to make the best decisions on the basis of existing information and best guesses.

    As with all Decision Making methods, decision tree analysis should be used in conjunction with common sense - decision trees are just one important part of your Decision Making tool kit.

    Porter's Five Forces
    Assessing the Balance of Power in a Business Situation
    The Porter's 5 Forces tool is a simple but powerful tool for understanding where power lies in a business situation. This is useful, because it helps you understand both the strength of your current competitive position, and the strength of a position you're looking to move into.

    With a clear understanding of where power lies, you can take fair advantage of a situation of strength, improve a situation of weakness, and avoid taking wrong steps. This makes it an important part of your planning toolkit.

    Conventionally, the tool is used to identify whether new products, services or businesses have the potential to be profitable. However it can be very illuminating when used to understand the balance of power in other situations too.

    How to Use the Tool
    Five Forces Analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine competitive power in a situation. These are:

    1. Supplier Power: Here you assess how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the uniqueness of their product or service, their strength and control over you, the cost of switching from one to another, and so on. The fewer the supplier choices you have, and the more you need suppliers' help, the more powerful your suppliers are.

    2. Buyer Power: Here you ask yourself how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. Again, this is driven by the number of buyers, the importance of each individual buyer to your business, the cost to them of switching from your products and services to those of someone else, and so on. If you deal with few, powerful buyers, they are often able to dictate terms to you.

    3. Competitive Rivalry: What is important here is the number and capability of your competitors – if you have many competitors, and they offer equally attractive products and services, then you’ll most likely have little power in the situation. If suppliers and buyers don’t get a good deal from you, they’ll go elsewhere. On the other hand, if no-one else can do what you do, then you can often have tremendous strength.

    4. Threat of Substitution: This is affected by the ability of your customers to find a different way of doing what you do – for example, if you supply a unique software product that automates an important process, people may substitute by doing the process manually or by outsourcing it. If substitution is easy and substitution is viable, then this weakens your power.

    5. Threat of New Entry: Power is also affected by the ability of people to enter your market. If it costs little in time or money to enter your market and compete effectively, if there are few economies of scale in place, or if you have little protection for your key technologies, then new competitors can quickly enter your market and weaken your position. If you have strong and durable barriers to entry, then you can preserve a favorable position and take fair advantage of it.

    These forces can be neatly brought together in a diagram like the one below:

    To use the tool to understand your situation, look at each of these forces one-by-one.


    Brainstorm the relevant factors for your market or situation, and then check against the factors listed for the force in the diagram above.

    Then download our free worksheet, mark the key factors on the diagram, and summarize the size and scale of the force on the diagram. An easy way of doing this is to use, for example, a single “+” sign for a force moderately in your favor, or “--" for a force strongly against you (you can see this in the example below).

    Then look at the situation you find using this analysis and think through how it affects you. Bear in mind that few situations are perfect; however use environmental scanning as a framework for thinking through what you could change to increase your power with respect to each force.


    Martin Johnson is deciding whether to switch career and become a farmer - he's always loved the countryside, and wants to switch to a career where he's his own boss. He creates the following Five Forces Analysis as he thinks the situation through:


    This worries him:

    • The threat of new entry is quite high: if anyone looks as if they’re making a sustained profit, new competitors can come into the industry easily, reducing profits;
    • Competitive rivalry is extremely high: if someone raises prices, they’ll be quickly undercut. Intense competition puts strong downward pressure on prices;
    • Buyer Power is strong, again implying strong downward pressure on prices; and
    • There is some threat of substitution.

    Unless he is able to find some way of changing this situation, this looks like a very tough industry to survive in. Maybe he'll need to specialize in a sector of the market that's protected from some of these forces, or find a related business that's in a stronger position (Shenhar, A.J. 2001).

    Key points
    Porter's Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for profitability in an industry. With a little adaptation, it is also useful as a way of assessing the balance of power in more general situations.

    It works by looking at the strength of five important forces that affect competition:

    • Supplier Power: The power of suppliers to drive up the prices of your inputs;
    • Buyer Power: The power of your customers to drive down your prices;
    • Competitive Rivalry: The strength of competition in the industry;
    • The Threat of Substitution: The extent to which different products and services can be used in place of your own; and
    • The Threat of New Entry: The ease with which new competitors can enter the market if they see that you are making good profits (and then drive your prices down).

    By thinking through how each force affects you, and by identifying the strength and direction of each force, you can quickly assess the strength of the position and your ability to make a sustained profit in the industry.

    You can then look at how you can affect each of the forces to move the balance of power more in your favor.

    4. SWOT Analysis
    4.1 Discover New Opportunities: Manage and Eliminate Threats

    SWOT Analysis is a powerful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for looking at the Opportunities and Threats you face.

    Used in a business context, it helps you carve a sustainable niche in your market. Used in a personal context, it helps you develop your career in a way that takes best advantage of your talents, abilities and opportunities. Click here for Business SWOT Analysis, here for Personal SWOT Analysis.

    Business SWOT Analysis
    What makes SWOT particularly powerful is that, with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well placed to exploit. And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.

    More than this, by looking at yourself and your competitors using the SWOT framework, you can start to craft a strategy that helps you distinguish yourself from your competitors, so that you can compete successfully in your market.

    How to use the tool
    To carry out a SWOT Analysis, answer the following questions:

    • What advantages does your company have?
    • What do you do better than anyone else?
    • What unique or lowest-cost resources do you have access to?
    • What do people in your market see as your strengths?
    • What factors mean that you "get the sale"?

    Consider this from an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers and people in your market. Be realistic: It's far too easy to fall prey to "not invented here syndrome". (If you are having any difficulty with this, try writing down a list of your characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths!)

    In looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to your competitors - for example, if all your competitors provide high quality products, then a high quality production process is not a strength in the market, it is a necessity.

    • What could you improve?
    • What should you avoid?
    • What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?
    • What factors lose you sales?

    Again, consider this from an internal and external basis: Do other people seem to perceive weaknesses that you do not see? Are your competitors doing any better than you? It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible.

    • Where are the good opportunities facing you?
    • What are the interesting trends you are aware of?

    Useful opportunities can come from such things as:

    • Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale
    • Changes in government policy related to your field
    • Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, etc.
    • Local events?

    A useful approach for looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities.

    Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could create opportunities by eliminating them.

    • What obstacles do you face?
    • What is your competition doing that you should be worried about?
    • Are the required specifications for your job, products or services changing?
    • Is changing technology threatening your position?
    • Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
    • Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?

    Carrying out this analysis will often be illuminating - both in terms of pointing out what needs to be done, and in putting problems into perspective.

    Strengths and weaknesses are often internal to your organization. Opportunities and threats often relate to external factors. For this reason the SWOT Analysis is sometimes called Internal-External Analysis and the SWOT Matrix is sometimes called an IE Matrix Analysis Tool.

    You can also apply SWOT Analysis to your competitors. As you do this, you'll start to see how and where you should compete against them.


    A start-up small consultancy business might draw up the following SWOT matrix:

    • We can respond very quickly as we have no red tape, no need for higher management approval, etc.
    • We can give really good customer care, as the current small amount of work means we have plenty of time to devote to customers
    • Our lead consultant has strong reputation within the market
    • We can change direction quickly if our approach isn't working
    • We have little overhead, so can offer good value to customers.

    • Our company has no market presence or reputation
    • We have a small staff with a shallow skills base in many areas
    • We are vulnerable to vital staff being sick, leaving, etc.
    • Our cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages

    • Our business sector is expanding, with many future opportunities for success
    • Our local council wants to encourage local businesses with work where possible
    • Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies

    • Will developments in technology change this market beyond our ability to adapt?
    • A small change in focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we achieve.

    The consultancy may therefore decide to specialize in rapid response, good value services to local businesses. Marketing would be in selected local publications, to get the greatest possible market presence for a set advertising budget. The consultancy should keep up-to-date with changes in technology where possible (Roberts, Edward B., ed. 1978).

    You can see this analysis in diagram format in figure 1 below.


    Key points
    SWOT Analysis is a simple but powerful framework for analyzing your company's Strengths and Weaknesses, and the Opportunities and Threats you face. This helps you to focus on your strengths, minimize threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available to you.

    The project risk management approach
    The purpose of project risk management is to obtain better project outcomes, in terms of schedule, cost and operations performance.

    The project risk management process is needed to ensure that:
    • All significant risks to the success of the project are identified;
    • Identified risks are understood, with both the range of potential consequences they represent and the likelihood of values in that range being determined as far as is necessary for decision-making;
    • Assessment is undertaken of individual risks relative to the other risks to support priority setting and resource allocation;
    • Strategies for treating the risks take account of opportunities to address more than one risk;
    • The process itself and the risk treatment strategies are implemented cost-effectively.
    • Method

    The recommended approach to project risk management is consistent with the approach adopted for a wide range of other risk management processes.The application of those processes to projects requires integration of risk management with project management processes and activities.

    Project risk management guidelines
    The broad objectives of the project risk management process are to:
    • enhance the capability of the organization;
    • extend the organization’s overall risk management processes to projects, and apply them in a consistent way; and
    • enhance the management of projects across the organization and obtain better project outcomes, in terms of schedule, cost and operations performance, by reducing risks and capturing opportunities.
    • Good project risk management within an organization has the following characteristics:
    • project risk management activities commence at the initiation of the project, risk management plans are developed and risk management continues throughout the project life cycle;
    • project risk management is not a discrete stand-alone process, but is integrated with other project management functions; and
    • the implementation of project risk management is the responsibility of all project stakeholders and they participate actively in the process.
    This chapter provides a brief summary of the material that is developed in the following chapters.

    The objective of risk management is to identify and manage significant risks. It involves several key phases, with feedback through a monitoring and review process.In most projects, risk management overlaps with other management processes and procedures, in that many of the steps are undertaken as part of normal project management.This provides the basis for integrating risk management and project management activities.


    Identify the risks
    Risk identification determines what might happen that could affect the objectives of the project, and how those things might happen.The risk identification process must be comprehensive, as risks that have not been identified cannot be assessed, and their emergence at a later time may threaten the success of the project and cause unpleasant surprises. The process should be structured using the key elements to examine risks systematically, in each area of the project to be addressed.A number of techniques can be used for risk identification, but brainstorming is a preferred method because of its flexibility and capability, when appropriately structured, of generating a wide and diverse range of risks.Information used in the risk identification process may include historical data, theoretical analysis, empirical data and analysis, informed opinions of the project team and other experts, and the concerns of stakeholders.The output is a comprehensive list of possible risks to the successful outcome of the project, usually in the form of a risk register, with management responsibilities (risk owners) allocated to them (Miller, Roger, and Donald R. Lessard. 2000).

    Analyze and evaluate the risks
    Risk assessment is the overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation. Its purpose is to develop agreed priorities for the identified risks.
    • Risk analysis is the systematic use of available information to determine how often specified events may occur and the magnitude of their consequences.
    • Risk evaluation is the process of comparing the estimated risk against given risk criteria to determine the significance of the risk.
    • The assessment process:
    • determines the consequences of each risk, should it arise;
    • assesses the likelihood of those consequences occurring;
    • converts the consequence and likelihood ratings to an initial priority for the risk; and
    • develops agreed risk priorities and inherent risk levels.

    WATERFALL Diagrams
    A risk mitigation effort is a project activity and thus should have assigned resources, assigned personnel, and an estimated cost and duration. Similarly, a risk mitigation activity should be included in the project network and tracked, reported, and managed along with other project activities. The assigned objective of a risk mitigation activity is to reduce the impact or likelihood of a specific risk factor. If a risk is high, it is unacceptable to the project, its mitigation is critical to project success, and it must therefore be closely monitored by project management. A risk mitigation activity may thus be on the project’s critical path, making the activity especially important. Even if actual execution of a risk mitigation activity is assigned to a contractor, the owner’s project director should follow its progress, because failure to mitigate the risk may require other efforts to avoid project failure.

    Waterfall diagrams are used to incorporate risk mitigation activities in the standard project management procedures. They differ in this way from a risk register, which tracks and monitors risks separately from other project activities. Figure 3F shows a hypothetical waterfall diagram, extracted from the context of a project network diagram, with the project risks qualitatively tracked over time and divided into three color-coded zones of severity. The red zone corresponds to high or unacceptable risks; the yellow zone corresponds to moderate but unacceptable risks; and the green zone corresponds to low, acceptable risks. Using this simple scale, a project as a whole is characterized as high risk if any project risk is in the red zone; the project is reported as moderate risk if any risk is in the yellow zone and no risks are in the red zone; and the project may be reported as acceptable risk only if there are no risks in the red or yellow zones.


    Figure 3 shows the progression of a risk as mitigation actions are applied over time. A risk mitigation activity is initiated and tracked because a risk assessment has shown that there is a high risk. This risk could be related to technology, scope, performance, quality, schedule, or any other factor that could expose the project to risks. Because the risk is high, a mitigation activity should be defined and established to reduce it. This mitigation activity is resource loaded, budgeted, and scheduled like any other project activity. At the conclusion of the risk mitigation activity, a new risk assessment is performed. While the mitigation activity might reduce the risk from high to acceptable, in this example the risk has only fallen to moderate—an improvement, but not enough. The project director then initiates a second risk mitigation activity, to try again to get the risk down into the acceptable zone. If this does not succeed, additional risk mitigation steps might be required.

    Two risk mitigation steps are shown in Figure 3; however, in practice, the risk reduction might be done in one step or in several steps, depending on the risk and the success of the risk mitigation methods.

    Thus, the initiation of some risk mitigation activities may be contingent on the outcomes of others. Of course, the longer it takes to reduce a risk to acceptable, the more the project will cost and the longer it will take, especially if these activities are on the critical path. If time is critical, one might undertake two or more risk mitigation activities simultaneously, which, if the risk reduction activities are independent of each other, might cost more but hasten success. Determining which risk mitigation activities to undertake should be based on a cost-effectiveness analysis of the costs, durations, and probabilities of success for each.

    Regardless of the actual risk reduction strategies used, the waterfall diagram is a useful way to track specific risks, to be sure that risk reduction activities are scheduled and executed, and to communicate the status of risk reduction efforts to the project team and owner. This method, which highlights the activities related to risk reduction, avoids the common situation in which the project director reports that everything is 99 percent on target and that therefore the whole project is low-risk, despite the fact that the remaining 1 percent related to risk could kill the project. If the owner’s representative is not engaged in the actual risk reduction process, the owner should require that contractors present their progress in a similar way, so that the owner is aware of the status of all significant risks and the progress being made to mitigate them.

    Monitor and review
    Continuous monitoring and review of risks ensures new risks are detected and managed, and that action plans are implemented and progressed effectively. Review processes are often implemented as part of the regular management meeting cycle, supplemented by major reviews at significant project phases and milestones.
    Monitoring and review activities link risk management to other management processes.
    They also facilitate better risk management and continuous improvement.
    The main input to this step is the risk watch list of the major risks that have been identified for risk treatment action. The outcomes are in the form of revisions to the risk register, and a list of new action items for risk treatment.
    Communicate and consultCommunication and consultation with project stakeholders may be a critical factor in undertaking good risk management and achieving project outcomes that are broadly.

    Project Risk Management: A Proactive Approach
    As we get better at project management -- through a better understanding of team operation and by employing computerized scheduling, budgeting, and work breakdown tools, for example -- the "surprises" (risks) that occur in any project become more frustrating.

    Project risk arises especially in product development projects by their very nature. In product innovation, we are attempting something never done before, so risk is naturally higher.

    The surprising thing about these risks is that they are often not so surprising. Similar problems have occurred before on another project, or someone suspected that something similar would happen -- but they didn't voice their concern or take action.

    Project risk management, then, is simply the process of consciously and aggressively identifying these "surprises" and making plans to do something about them before they happen and while we have attractive options for resolving them.

    So, how does one manage project risk? The normal process is remarkably consistent across many books, articles, and trainers. The Project Management Institute's body of knowledge, PMBOK®, provides a common process used across many types of projects. We suggest a process that varies somewhat from this one but is basically similar:


    Although this process can be applied broadly to projects, we focus here on product development projects, for two reasons:
    Such projects are our specialty
    As stated, the innovative nature of product development presents greater challenges in identifying and resolving risks, and the payback is likely to be greater in this less predictable arena

    However, there is much more to effectively mitigating risks than the process involved. A key to effective execution of a process is an efficient means of identifying problems beforehand and an inescapable methodology for taking action proactively against your most serious risks (Ford, D., and J. Sterman. 2003).

    We accomplish these critical activities with the help of a very useful tool -- a model of a risk, which allows you to put compelling facts behind your risk (we call them "drivers" in the diagram below) so that you can determine how serious a risk is (see our article, "A Portrait of Risk"). Even more importantly, these facts lead you automatically toward effective, proactive resolution plans (see our column, "Just the Facts, Ma'am"). Below is the Standard Risk Model, which is the one we use most often:


    For more about using this model as the core of your process, in product development or other fields, please contact us, refer to our book, Proactive Risk Management, or download our articles or our book chapter on the subject.

    If you are wondering how time to market is affected by project risk management, see that discussion.

    The security triangle of project risk management
    With any road map, you must first establish your starting location in order to plan out a route. In security, this start point can often be found in a guide to setting computer security policies and procedures, called RFC 2196, which states that a security policy is a formal statement of rules by which people who are given access to the IT resources of an organization must abide.Well, just what the heck does that really mean? Let’s break it down into smaller parts and form a triangle of the “people” and processes. First, who in the organization can put out formal rules that everyone within the organization must follow? That would have to be the owners as it is quite conceivable that they may have to prove in a court of law that they have protected shareholder investments in that company, which includes all network resources. So owners are responsible for policy, or what is expected in regards to security within the organization. However, policies typically are very high-level statements that don’t always indicate how we are going to get there in regards to security.


    This is where procedures come into play. Procedures say how we are going to meet the “what” of policies. The custodians of the owners’ information assets and data are typically responsible for the procedures. The custodians are the security managers, network administrators, system administrator, and other administrative types that take the policies and determine how to best implement those requirements. The bridge that makes that happen is risk management (Greenberg, H.R., and J.J.Cramer, eds. 1991).

    Risk management takes into account several factors to determine actions necessary to reduce risk to an acceptable level. Finally, the last and most important piece of the triangle is the users, for they are the true implementers of security. Policies and procedures are not secrets. They must be disseminated to the users, and the users must have a buy-in. The users need security awareness training that includes how to use the security technology being put in place.

    Conclusion of the chapter
    Managing risk is one of an owner’s most important functions in making any major project successful. In general, the owner is initially responsible for all of the project risks, as it is usually the owner’s decision to execute the project or not. (Of course, the owner may not have a completely risk-free strategy, because not executing the project may entail risks to the successful implementation of the owner’s mission or business plan.) The owner has the ultimate responsibility for identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and controlling project risks, including acceptance of the project risks, or modification, or termination of the project—all of which are project risk management activities. This is true whether the project execution is managed directly by the owner or by contractors under the owner’s supervision.

    Effective risk management begins with risk assessment. There are two primary purposes for a preproject risk assessment: (1) to decide whether to execute the project and accept the risks, or terminate it as unacceptably risky and (2) to identify the highest-priority risk factors that should receive the most attention by management.

    One form of risk mitigation for the owner is to transfer some of the project risks by contract to others, presumably at a mutually acceptable price. For example, under a cost-plus-fee contract, the owner retains the cost risk; however, under a fixed-price contract, the owner seeks to transfer the cost risk to the contractor. Whether the fixed-price or cost-plus-fee approach is more beneficial to the owner depends on circ*mstances, such as whether the owner or the contractor is better able to manage the risks.

    If the owner is going to have a cooperative, integrated project team, the entire team has to share the objective of risk reduction for every member of the project, rather than delegating the responsibility to one participant who may have incentives to impose risks on the other project members. Contractors and consultants may play major roles in identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and controlling project risks, but project risk management is not a function that the owner can completely delegate to contractors or to consultants with impunity. There are no paradigms for assigning responsibility for specific risk management activities to the members of the project team. The optimal delegation of responsibilities needs to be determined by the owner, then tracked and managed using the tools described in the text. There remains an essential role for the owner that cannot be delegated—the responsibility for the management of the owner’s interests and the owner’s risks.


    Project financing is an innovative and timely financing technique that has been used on many high-profile corporate projects, including Euro Disneyland and the Eurotunnel. Employing a carefully engineered financing mix, it has long been used to fund large-scale natural resource projects, from pipelines and refineries to electric-generating facilities and hydro-electric projects. Increasingly, project financing is emerging as the preferred alternative to conventional methods of financing infrastructure and other large-scale projects worldwide (Beenhakker, H.L., 1997).

    Project Financing discipline includes understanding the rationale for project financing, how to prepare the financial plan, assess the risks, design the financing mix, and raise the funds. In addition, one must understand the cogent analyses of why some project financing plans have succeeded while others have failed. A knowledge-base is required regarding the design of contractual arrangements to support project financing; issues for the host government legislative provisions, public/private infrastructure partnerships, public/private financing structures; credit requirements of lenders, and how to determine the project's borrowing capacity; how to prepare cash flow projections and use them to measure expected rates of return; tax and accounting considerations; and analytical techniques to validate the project's feasibility

    Project finance is finance for a particular project, such as a mine, toll road, railway, pipeline, power station, ship, hospital or prison, which is repaid from the cash-flow of that project. Project finance is different from traditional forms of finance because the financier principally looks to the assets and revenue of the project in order to secure and service the loan. In contrast to an ordinary borrowing situation, in a project financing the financier usually has little or no recourse to the non-project assets of the borrower or the sponsors of the project. In this situation, the credit risk associated with the borrower is not as important as in an ordinary loan transaction; what is most important is the identification, analysis, allocation and management of every risk associated with the project (Dale, C. and Stephen, G. 2005).

    The purpose of this paper is to explain, in a brief and general way, the manner in which risks are approached by financiers in a project finance transaction. Such risk minimization lies at the heart of project finance.

    In a no recourse or limited recourse project financing, the risks for a financier are great. Since the loan can only be repaid when the project is operational, if a major part of the project fails, the financiers are likely to lose a substantial amount of money. The assets that remain are usually highly specialized and possibly in a remote location. If saleable, they may have little value outside the project. Therefore, it is not surprising that financiers, and their advisers, go to substantial efforts to ensure that the risks associated with the project are reduced or eliminated as far as possible. It is also not surprising that because of the risks involved, the cost of such finance is generally higher and it is more time consuming for such finance to be provided (Beenhakker, H.L., 1997).

    Risk minimization process
    Financiers are concerned with minimizing the dangers of any events which could have a negative impact on the financial performance of the project, in particular, events which could result in: (1) the project not being completed on time, on budget, or at all; (2) the project not operating at its full capacity; (3) the project failing to generate sufficient revenue to service the debt; or (4) the project prematurely coming to an end.

    The minimization of such risks involves a three step process. The first step requires the identification and analysis of all the risks that may bear upon the project. The second step is the allocation of those risks among the parties. The last step involves the creation of mechanisms to manage the risks.

    If a risk to the financiers cannot be minimized, the financiers will need to build it into the interest rate margin for the loan.

    Risk identification and analysis
    The project sponsors will usually prepare a feasibility study, e.g. as to the construction and operation of a mine or pipeline. The financiers will carefully review the study and may engage independent expert consultants to supplement it. The matters of particular focus will be whether the costs of the project have been properly assessed and whether the cash-flow streams from the project are properly calculated. Some risks are analysed using financial models to determine the project's cash-flow and hence the ability of the project to meet repayment schedules. Different scenarios will be examined by adjusting economic variables such as inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and prices for the inputs and output of the project. Various classes of risk that may be identified in a project financing will be discussed below (Dale, C. and Stephen, G. 2005).

    Risk allocation
    Once the risks are identified and analyzed, they are allocated by the parties through negotiation of the contractual framework. Ideally a risk should be allocated to the party who is the most appropriate to bear it (i.e. who is in the best position to manage, control and insure against it) and who has the financial capacity to bear it. It has been observed that financiers attempt to allocate uncontrollable risks widely and to ensure that each party has an interest in fixing such risks. Generally, commercial risks are sought to be allocated to the private sector and political risks to the state sector (Nielsen, K.R. (1997)).

    Risk management
    Risks must be also managed in order to minimize the possibility of the risk event occurring and to minimize its consequences if it does occur. Financiers need to ensure that the greater the risks that they bear, the more informed they are and the greater their control over the project. Since they take security over the entire project and must be prepared to step in and take it over if the borrower defaults. This requires the financiers to be involved in and monitor the project closely. Such risk management is facilitated by imposing reporting obligations on the borrower and controls over project accounts. Such measures may lead to tension between the flexibility desired by borrower and risk management mechanisms required by the financier (Hodge, Graeme A. (2000)).

    Types of risks
    Of course, every project is different and it is not possible to compile an exhaustive list of risks or to rank them in order of priority. What is a major risk for one project may be quite minor for another. In a vacuum, one can just discuss the risks that are common to most projects and possible avenues for minimizing them. However, it is helpful to categorize the risks according to the phases of the project within which they may arise: (1) the design and construction phase; (2) the operation phase; or (3) either phase. It is useful to divide the project in this way when looking at risks because the nature and the allocation of risks usually change between the construction phase and the operation phase (David Boddy, 2006).

    Construction phase risk - Completion risk
    Completion risk allocation is a vital part of the risk allocation of any project. This phase carries the greatest risk for the financier. Construction carries the danger that the project will not be completed on time, on budget or at all because of technical, labour, and other construction difficulties. Such delays or cost increases may delay loan repayments and cause interest and debt to accumulate. They may also jeopardize contracts for the sale of the project's output and supply contacts for raw materials.

    Commonly employed mechanisms for minimizing completion risk before lending takes place include: (a) obtaining completion guarantees requiring the sponsors to pay all debts and liquidated damages if completion does not occur by the required date; (b) ensuring that sponsors have a significant financial interest in the success of the project so that they remain committed to it by insisting that sponsors inject equity into the project; (c) requiring the project to be developed under fixed-price, fixed-time turnkey contracts by reputable and financially sound contractors whose performance is secured by performance bonds or guaranteed by third parties; and (d) obtaining independent experts' reports on the design and construction of the project. Completion risk is managed during the loan period by methods such as making pre-completion phase drawdowns of further funds conditional on certificates being issued by independent experts to confirm that the construction is progressing as planned (Nielsen, K.R. (1997)).

    Operation phase risk - Resource / reserve risk
    This is the risk that for a mining project, rail project, power station or toll road there are inadequate inputs that can be processed or serviced to produce an adequate return. For example, this is the risk that there are insufficient reserves for a mine, passengers for a railway, fuel for a power station or vehicles for a toll road.

    Such resource risks are usually minimized by: (a) experts' reports as to the existence of the inputs (e.g. detailed reservoir and engineering reports which classify and quantify the reserves for a mining project) or estimates of public users of the project based on surveys and other empirical evidence (e.g. the number of passengers who will use a railway); (b) requiring long term supply contracts for inputs to be entered into as protection against shortages or price fluctuations (e.g. fuel supply agreements for a power station); (c) obtaining guarantees that there will be a minimum level of inputs (e.g. from a government that a certain number of vehicles will use a toll road); and (d) "take or pay" off-take contacts which require the purchaser to make minimum payments even if the product cannot be delivered (Donnelly, C. (1997)).

    Operating risk
    These are general risks that may affect the cash-flow of the project by increasing the operating costs or affecting the project's capacity to continue to generate the quantity and quality of the planned output over the life of the project. Operating risks include, for example, the level of experience and resources of the operator, inefficiencies in operations or shortages in the supply of skilled labour. The usual way for minimizing operating risks before lending takes place is to require the project to be operated by a reputable and financially sound operator whose performance is secured by performance bonds. Operating risks are managed during the loan period by requiring the provision of detailed reports on the operations of the project and by controlling cash-flows by requiring the proceeds of the sale of product to be paid into a tightly regulated proceeds account to ensure that funds are used for approved operating costs only(David Boddy, 2006).

    Market / off-take risk
    Obviously, the loan can only be repaid if the product that is generated can be turned into cash. Market risk is the risk that a buyer cannot be found for the product at a price sufficient to provide adequate cash-flow to service the debt. The best mechanism for minimizing market risk before lending takes place is an acceptable forward sales contact entered into with a financially sound purchaser.

    Risks common to both construction and operational phases
    Participant / credit risk
    These are the risks associated with the sponsors or the borrowers themselves. The question is whether they have sufficient resources to manage the construction and operation of the project and to efficiently resolve any problems which may arise. Of course, credit risk is also important for the sponsors' completion guarantees. To minimize these risks, the financiers need to satisfy themselves that the participants in the project have the necessary human resources, experience in past projects of this nature and are financially strong (e.g. so that they can inject funds into an ailing project to save it).

    Technical risk
    This is the risk of technical difficulties in the construction and operation of the project's plant and equipment, including latent defects. Financiers usually minimize this risk by preferring tried and tested technologies to new unproven technologies. Technical risk is also minimized before lending takes place by obtaining experts reports as to the proposed technology. Technical risks are managed during the loan period by requiring a maintenance retention account to be maintained to receive a proportion of cash-flows to cover future maintenance expenditure (Hodge, Graeme A. (2000)).

    Currency risk
    Currency risks include the risks that: (a) a depreciation in loan currencies may increase the costs of construction where significant construction items are sourced offshore; or (b) a depreciation in the revenue currencies may cause a cash-flow problem in the operating phase. Mechanisms for minimizing resource include: (a) matching the currencies of the sales contracts with the currencies of supply contracts as far as possible; (b) denominating the loan in the most relevant foreign currency; and (c) requiring suitable foreign currency hedging contracts to be entered into.

    Regulatory / approvals risk
    These are risks that government licenses and approvals required to construct or operate the project will not be issued (or will only be issued subject to onerous conditions), or that the project will be subject to excessive taxation, royalty payments, or rigid requirements as to local supply or distribution. Such risks may be reduced by obtaining legal opinions confirming compliance with applicable laws and ensuring that any necessary approvals are a condition precedent to the drawdown of funds.

    Political risk
    This is the danger of political or financial instability in the host country caused by events such as insurrections, strikes, suspension of foreign exchange, creeping expropriation and outright nationalization. It also includes the risk that a government may be able to avoid its contractual obligations through sovereign immunity doctrines. Common mechanisms for minimizing political risk include: (a) requiring host country agreements and assurances that project will not be interfered with; (b) obtaining legal opinions as to the applicable laws and the enforceability of contracts with government entities; (c) requiring political risk insurance to be obtained from bodies which provide such insurance (traditionally government agencies); (d) involving financiers from a number of different countries, national export credit agencies and multilateral lending institutions such as a development bank; and (e) establishing accounts in stable countries for the receipt of sale proceeds from purchasers.

    Force majeure risk
    This is the risk of events which render the construction or operation of the project impossible, either temporarily (e.g. minor floods) or permanently (e.g. complete destruction by fire). Mechanisms for minimizing such risks include: (a) conducting due diligence as to the possibility of the relevant risks; (b) allocating such risks to other parties as far as possible (e.g. to the builder under the construction contract); and (c) requiring adequate insurances which note the financiers' interests to be put in place (Ruster, J. (1997)).

    Finance procedure
    Usually when a project is accepted for financing, a professional-quality Business Plan/Executive Summary is required and an official Letter of Request to Fund signed by a person who has been officially authorized by you’re your company's Board of Directors.

    A) Is you Business Plan / Executive Summary complete? Is it at least 15 pages, preferably more? (60-100 is a good size for a full Business Plan, 15-20 is more suitable for an Executive Summary; always be thorough an complete!).

    B) Did you include all financial projections, background information on your management team, cost estimates, descriptions of your product or project, time estimates for completion of construction, and any other relevant information for the Lender?

    C) Did you provide official letters or documents to support your Security/Collateral? Evidence must prove that you have the Security or Collateral to guarantee the principal and the interest on the loan. If you have a standby letter/line of credit from a Top 100 bank equal to or greater than your loan request, that is the best of all; be sure to include all documentation that the guaranteeing bank will give you.

    For Project Finance only – Your Letter of Request to Fund must be complete, and signed by a person with legal authority to do so.

    A) Did you state the exact amount you need?

    B) Did you include a Corporate Board authorization statement, signed by the head of your company, which authorizes you to sign legally binding documents on behalf of your company?

    C) Did you make sure that the Letter of Request to Fund is signed and that you've included your company's seal, or a Notary seal? Be sure it is on your own company's letterhead!

    Borrowers who understand the importance of good documentation and good collateral, will almost always obtain good financing and excellent interest rates, no matter how large the loan is, and no matter what the purpose. It is essential that the borrower "think from the Lender's point of view." If you were a Lender, you would want to be absolutely sure that you would be repaid your money, even in the extremely rare or worst case of a disaster, bankruptcy, etc. by the borrower. Give the Lender maximum confidence and assurance that he will not lose his money by lending to you. He should feel comfortable with the lending of his money.

    Project Finance Case Study 1- Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture
    The Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture (the “Joint Venture”) produces gold from ore obtained from the Muruntau mine, located in the Kyzylkum desert of Uzbekistan (250 miles west of Tashkent). The Maruntau mine is one of the world’s largest open pit mines that exclusively produces gold, and ore has been stockpiled since 1969. In total, the mine is expected to have contained roughly 950Mt of ore. However, gold comprises a tiny fraction of the ore produced from the mine (roughly one ton of gold can be obtained from every 200,000 tons of ore). The Joint Venture uses a heap-leaching technique to process the raw ore and produce gold that is 99.9% pure and ready to be exported. The operation employs roughly 725 employees and has created several hundred million dollars of economic benefit.

    Uzbekistan declared independence from the Soviet Union on August 31, 1991. The nation’s first and only President is Islam Karimov, a former Soviet party leader. Karimov won his initial election with 86% of the vote, but the election was declared a sham by opponents. After the election, Karimov cracked down on political opposition, and subsequent elections are widely regarded to have been unfair.

    During the early 1990s a great deal of optimism surrounded Uzbekistan and many of the other CIS nations. The emergence of democracy, the end of the communist system, and the desperate need for capital made many eastern European nations appear to be attractive investment opportunities. Uzbekistan’s conservative approach to economic liberalization and privatization produced declines in GDP that were significantly smaller than the declines experienced by other former Soviet states, leading some commentators to praise the strategy.

    Uzbekistan’s large untapped reserves of a number of minerals and hydrocarbons made it a particularly attractive destination for foreign investment. Uzbekistan has some of the world’s largest gold and uranium reserves, and also large reserves of natural gas, copper, and oil. Many observers believed that infusions of western capital and expertise would not only yield profits for investors, but also reduce poverty and precipitate further democratic reforms.

    Despite these grounds for optimism, there were a number of grounds for concern. For one, corruption was rampant. Second, Uzbekistan has a history of human rights abuses, often directed at those who are openly critical of the government. The government has a history of jailing political activists who criticize it, and assaults carried out by hooligans are often believed to be sanctioned by the government. Religious organizations and their leaders are subject to illegal searches and arrests.In addition, populations near the border with Tajikistan have been forced to move against their will. (There are also large ethnic Uzbek populations in Tajikistan near the border with Uzbekistan, a situation that has led to some violence and calls to expand Uzbekistan’s territory to encompass these populations). Additionally, people in the country are trafficked to be used as forced labor in the construction and agricultural sectors, both within Uzbekistan and in surrounding countries.

    Production process
    Zarafshan-Newmont crushes the ore from the mine into fragments less than 3.7mm in diameter. A heap-leaching process is then employed, where the crushed ore is mixed with a cyanide solution which dissolves the gold contained in the ore. The cyanide/gold solution is then collected, and the gold is later separated. More detailed information regarding the technical aspects of the production process is available here.

    The heap-leaching process produces 9 tons of waste for each ounce of gold. In other countries water containing cyanide has escaped from containment pools in a number of well publicized incidents, such as a 1992 spill in Colorado and a 1995 spill in Guyana. A spill at the Baia Mare mine in Romania in 2000 contaminated 2000 kilometers of the Danube River with cyanide. 1,240 tons of fish in Hungary were killed, and losses were also reported in Romania and Yugoslavia.

    Market for gold
    Gold has a wide variety of industrial and personal uses. 70% of the world’s gold is used in jewelry, 11% is used in industrial activities, and 13% is used for investment purposes. A long established global gold market exists, making gold an extremely liquid asset. However, despite diversified demand, the price of gold fluctuates substantially. During the 1990s the price of gold on world markets ranged from roughly $250 to $415, and historical highs have approached $850. Volatility in supply (only 145,000 tons of gold have ever been mined) and market speculation likely accounts for much of the fluctuation.

    Structure of the Deal
    • State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    o (25% stake - $12 million)
    o State entity of the Republic of Uzbekistan that makes arrangements for geological research to increase the availability of minerals for mining and processing industries, and exercises state supervision over geological operations.
    • Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine
    o (25% stake - $12 million)
    o State entity of the Republic of Uzbekistan that explores, mines, and produces a wide range of minerals, machines, and construction materials. The operation is one of the world’s largest producers of both uranium and gold.
    • Newmont Mining Corporation
    o Founded in 1921, Newmont Mining is the largest gold company in the world. While still producing some copper and silver, in 1987 the company divested most of its non-gold operations in a restructuring. Newmont has been publicly traded on the NYSE since 1925, and is also traded in several foreign markets. Newmont’s headquarters is located in Denver, Colorado (where they moved in 1989). Today the company employs roughly 15,000 workers around the world.
    • Newmont Uzbekistan Limited
    o (50% stake - $24 million)
    o A Cypriot subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation. Newmont Uzbekistan Limited is wholly owned by the Newmont Mining Corporation.
    • Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture
    o Project company created for the sole purpose of conducting the operation. The State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, and Newmont Uzbekistan own 100% of the company.
    • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
    o The EBRD was established in 1991 when communism was crumbling in central and eastern Europe and ex-soviet countries needed support to nurture a new private sector in a democratic environment. The EBRD's mandate is to help build market economies and democracies in countries from central Europe to central Asia. In fact, it is only permitted to work in countries that "are committed to democratic principles." The EBRD also states that "Respect for the environment is part of the strong corporate governance attached to all EBRD investments."
    o The EBRD is owned by 61 countries and two intergovernmental institutions. It invests mainly in private enterprises, usually together with commercial partners. It also works with publicly owned companies, to support privatisation, restructuring state-owned firms and improvement of municipal services.
    o The EBRD provided $105,000,000 in loans to Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture to complete the project.

    The parties were bound by a number of contracts. The most important were the following:
    • Loan Agreement:
    o Commits EBRD to make available to the Joint Venture a loan up to $105,000,000. The State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, and Newmont Mining Corporation guaranteed the loan. Several different types of loans were made available through the bank, each carrying different interest rates and obligations.
    • Collateral Agreement:
    o Affirmed the right of the Bank to have priority in seizing the Joint Venture’s assets in the event of foreclosure. States duties placed on the Joint Venture in accordance with its acceptance of the loan.
    • Sponsors’ Performance, Subordination and Ownership Retention Agreement:
    o Requires each Sponsor to do everything in their power to ensure that the other Sponsors fulfill all of their obligations. The Agreement also prohibits Sponsors from acting outside of the best interests of the project and indemnifies the EBRD against actions taken by the Sponsors.
    • Insurance and Designated Accounts Assignment and General Security Agreement:
    o Limits the rights of the Joint Venture in the event of default, and further elucidates the rights of the Bank to seize assets. States how receivers may be designated and their rights.
    • Uzbek Sponsors' Completion Agreement:
    o Requires the two Uzbeki Sponsors to repay the loans from the EBRD should the Zarafshan-Newmont Company fail to make payments. The rights of the Bank and responsibilities of the two Sponsors are clearly detailed.
    • Newmont Completion Guarantee Agreement:
    o Serves the same function as the Uzbek Sponsors' Completion Agreement, but binds Newmont (USA) to be responsible for failed loan payments as well.
    • Pledge of Compensation and Rights of Ownership of Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture:
    o Outlines the restrictions placed on the Sponsors regarding their ability to transfer ownership of assets that could be used to repay the EBRD. The Pledge also states the affirmative steps that the Bank could take should the Sponsors not act to maintain ownership.

    • February 1992: Newmont becomes one of the first overseas companies to enter into a joint venture in the former Soviet Union when it signs the Zarafshan agreement with Uzbekistan.
    • Summer 1993: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Barclays approve loans for the project.
    • Fall 1993: The Zarafshan-Newmont joint venture breaks ground.
    • May 1995: The Zarafshan-Newmont begins production. Production is expected to continue for 18 years.
    • December 1995: Zarafshan-Newmont reaches full production levels of 1 metric ton of gold per month.
    • Summer 2005: Uzbekistan changes its tax laws to end the tax benefits offered to some foreign companies.
    • March 2006: Uzbekistan informs ZN that tax laws will be changing.
    • June 2006: Uzbek tax authorities deliver a $49 million bill in back taxes from the last four years.
    • August 2006: Zarafashan-Newmont challenges the bill in an Uzbek court and the court rules in favor of the Uzbek tax authorities, seizes the company’s assets and halts gold exports.
    • August 2006: Bankruptcy proceedings begin and a temporary manager is appointed.
    • September 2006: The Supreme Economic Court upholds the earlier court rulings regarding the tax claims and dismisses an appeal by the joint venture.
    • October 2006: Navoi Regional Economic Court in Uzbekistan adjudges ZN gold mining joint venture bankrupt. Sale of the JV’s assets is scheduled for December.
    • October 2006. Zarafshan-Newmont initiates two arbitration proceedings against Uzbekistan.
    • December 2006: Auction of Zarafshan-Newmont assets is postponed after only one bid is received.
    • January 2007: Auction is once again postponed, this time because no bids are made.
    • March 2, 2007: Scheduled auction of ZN assets is canceled due to lack of interest. Starting price is just over $140 million and creditors refuse to lower that price.
    • July 2007: Newmont announces that the dispute has been settled and that the government of Uzbekistan has agreed to pay it $80 million.

    The Project Sponsors needed to consider a number of factors that had the potential to negatively impact the project. The complexity of the project, as well as circ*mstances particular to Uzbekistan, necessitated a large due diligence effort on behalf of all of the parties.

    Currency risks
    Inconvertibility – The government of Uzbekistan maintained strict control over the country’s currency. The country also faced budgetary and balance of payment pressures.
    • How is this risk assigned in the deal documents?
    • What recourse is available to the Joint Venture if the government does not permit the proceeds to be converted into US dollars?
    • Section 3.08 of the Loan Agreement requires that all payments be deposited into an offshore account. Who does this provision affect?
    • Should the EBRD be responsible for any of this risk?
    • Can the government guarantee the convertibility of the profits? How would this impinge on Uzbekistan’s sovereignty.

    Devaluation – During each year of the period from 1991 to 1995, GDP growth in Uzbekistan was negative. The government employed fiscal policies to overcome budgetary shortfalls that encouraged inflation.
    • How is the risk of devaluation mitigated?
    • How will each party be impacted by currency fluctuations? See Loan Agreement § 3.01

    Supply Risks – The project requires large quantities of several inputs, notably water, power, and gold ore. Ensuring a steady supply of these and other crucial materials is essential to ensure that the operation remains profitable.
    • Are the supply agreements sufficient to ensure a steady supply of necessary inputs?
    o See the Legal Due Diligence Report.
    • What recourse does the Joint Venture have if needed inputs are not supplied?
    o See the Legal Due Diligence Report.
    • Are the mechanisms used to determine the prices of inputs clear?

    Demand risks
    Although there is a relatively stable world demand for gold, the price can fluctuate considerably. Further, Uzbekistani controls on exports may impact the Venture’s ability to sell refined gold.

    • Is the Joint Venture a low cost producer?
    o See Documentation Relating to the Project Financing for Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture Gold Heap Leaching Project, § 22.
    • Are proper provisions in place to relieve parties of their obligations should the price of gold drop below the level of production costs?
    • Would Zarafshan-Newmont be able to effectively sell the refined gold in the event that Navoi declined to purchase it?
    • Will the demand for gold expand throughout the life of the project?
    o See Documentation Relating to the Project Financing for Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture Gold Heap Leaching Project, § 22.
    • Did the Sponsor’s take appropriate steps to forecast the gold market throughout the life of the project?
    o See Documentation Relating to the Project Financing for Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture Gold Heap Leaching Project, § 22.
    • Does the Sales/Purchase Agreement place Zarafshan-Newmont at a competitive disadvantage?
    o See the Legal Due Diligence Report, § 13-15.

    Environmental risks
    The heap-leaching process used in the venture involves storing large quantities of cyanide solutions. Accidents at other gold production facilities around the world have resulted in environmental damage costing millions of dollars.
    • What steps were taken to identify and abate these risks?
    o See Documentation Relating to the Project Financing for Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture Gold Heap Leaching Project, § 19.
    • To what environmental standards is the project being held?
    • Do you think that transnational standards such as those embodied in the Equator principles would have been more appropriate?
    • How would each party be affected if an environmental breach were to occur?
    • Did the parties adequately protect their own interests in the event of such a breach?
    • Whose interests are served by holding the project to high environmental standards?
    • Could the venture have been structured differently to create stronger incentives to avoid environmental damage?

    Legal/political risks
    Power in Uzbekistan is concentrated in the executive branch of the government, making it easy for law to be changed abruptly. The Zarafshan-Newmont project would only remain a profitable venture if government regulations and taxes remained favorable.

    • How did the Venture seek to avoid the risk of government interference?
    o See the Joint Venture Agreement, §
    • Do the parties have much power to avoid such changes?
    • Does the EBRD assume any risk of changes in the law?
    o See the Sponsors Completion Guarantee and the Loan Agreement.
    • What binding effect does the Decree of Cabinet Ministers have?
    • Can the government’s guarantees prohibit future legislation from taking effect?
    o See Joint Venture Agreement
    • What future events would justify the government’s imposition of additional taxes or regulations?
    • How much can Zarafshan-Newmont realistically expect the government of Uzbekistan to limit their future autonomy?
    • What recourse would the Venture have if the government did impose high taxes or burdensome regulations?
    • What insurance, if any, was obtained to mitigate this risk?
    • What recourse would be available to the insurer?

    Expropriation risks
    Uzbekistan, formerly part of the Soviet Union, promoted a government controlled economy. Development of extractive industries and divestment from the agricultural sector were considered central to the government’s economic development plan. The Zarafshan-Newmont project was the first major foreign investment in the country following independence, so there was no prior history of government conduct to provide guidance.

    • What assurances did the government give that expropriation would not occur?
    o See Decree of Cabinet Ministers
    • How much risk remained allocated to the Joint Venture?
    o See § 2.5 of the Joint Venture Agreement
    • Was the Joint Venture sufficiently insured against this risk?
    • What legal recourse would be available to the Joint Venture in the event of an expropriation?
    o See § 6.01(e)(1) of the Loan Agreement
    • What additional steps could have been taken to either a) mitigate the financial risks caused by an expropriation, or b) provide incentives for the Uzbekistan not to expropriate assets?
    • Would the risk of expropriation have been lower were the Uzbeki government more democratic, or if the benefits of the Joint Venture were distributed broadly throughout the country?
    • How much weight should be afforded to government guarantees?

    Risks of political violence
    The government of Uzbekistan has an authoritarian history, and opposition parties have contested all national elections. Concentrated Uzbek populations live in several adjacent nations, leading to fears of border disputes.

    • Is the Venture sufficiently insured against production stoppages caused by political violence?
    • Does financial support from the EBRD ease concerns of political violence?
    • What other considerations must Newmont (USA) take into consideration regarding the risk of political violence?
    • Will the Joint Venture itself mitigate or increase the risk of political violence?

    Human rights risks
    Uzbekistan has a history of using forced labor to complete construction projects. The Zarafshan-Newmont project would further the government’s development plans as well as provide a significant source of income, both strong incentives to ensure that the project would be completed on time.

    • What are the consequences to each party if human rights violations are alleged?
    • Would the use of forced labor violate any applicable human rights obligations?
    • What steps, if any, were taken to ensure that human rights abuses did not occur?
    • Did the government of Uzbekistan provide any assurances that human rights violations would not occur?
    o See Documentation Relating to the Project Financing for Zarafshan-Newmont Joint Venture Gold Heap Leaching Project, § 54-55.
    • What difficulties would arise in obtaining such assurances?
    • Would Newmont (USA) face legal sanctions for human rights abuses committed by the either the government of Uzbekistan or the other Sponsors?
    o For more analysis of this issue see Eric Marks, Avoiding Liability for Human Rights Violations in Project Finance, 22 Energy L.J. 301.
    • How would Newmont (USA) be affected by human rights violations in Uzbekistan that are not associated with the Venture?

    Dispute Resolution
    Given the high degree of risk associated with the project, as well as its complexity, disputes were likely to arise. Decisions regarding what forums and which law would be used could have a large impact on what remedies would be available and what types of issues could be litigated. The legal system in Uzbekistan was undergoing rapid change, and was not independent from the other branches of government.

    • What choice of law provisions governed each aspect of the project, and why?
    o Loan Agreement – § 7.07
    • If violations of international law are alleged (i.e. expropriation occurs without proper timely compensation), what forum will be used to litigate the proceedings?
    o Would the government of the United States be able (or willing) to intervene on Newmont’s behalf?
    • Are there relevant treaties that govern how investment disputes between the parties must be resolved?
    • Could a foreign forum pass judgment on the legality of a change in Uzbekistan’s laws?
    • Which matters, if any, would best be litigated in Uzbekistan’s courts?
    • Should the parties exhaust local remedies before seeking foreign or international adjudication?
    • What are the costs and benefits of resolving disputes in arbitration rather than courts?

    Conclusion of this case
    The worldwide financial crisis puts a new emphasis on infrastructure spending, seen by many governments as a way to head off economic downturn, and as a way of holding on to achievements made in the developing world. Recent research by the Economic and Social Research Council finds that Project Finance (PF), one of the most commonly used methods of funding major infrastructure projects in the developing world, can pose potential risks in the communities in which it is deployed. In a study that has focused on the role of this financing technique in the developing world, the results point to potential damage to the environment, health and safety, and human rights concerns that can arise from the pressures that the funding strategy creates.

    Project finance typically sees multinational developers reduce their exposure to financial risk by shifting responsibility for repayment of loans on a particular project to the subsidiary set up solely for the purpose of owning the assets of that project. With the lender's only recourse for reimbursem*nt narrowed to revenue from the project, and not from the general revenues of the parent company, there is heightened anxiety to meet payment targets. This can result in tight schedules for project completion in order to start revenue flowing, with allocations of risk for failures to meet deadlines sometimes placed on contractors and sub-contractors who have limited capacity to meet the deadlines while taking the necessary precautions on safety; environmental protection standards; and human rights of workers and communities.

    In order to address these risks, and others, the research proposes a code of practice that would accompany the existing social and environmental requirements made by private lenders and by the World Bank/International Finance Corporation. The code would encourage:

    • Greater emphasis in financial planning on the prevention of damage rather than on compensation after it has occurred.
    • Earlier consultation with contractors and local communities about project standards and completion schedules so that environmental and social concerns can be better incorporated into project design.
    • Making compliance with environment and human rights standards a condition of eligibility for insurance against certain commercial losses
    • Greater attention to possible moral hazards arising from project insurance, and
    • Greater use of social and environmental impact assessment tools by rating agencies specializing in project finance, together with a widening of focus by these agencies to include an indication of the damage to lenders' reputations arising from a failure to meet social and environmental targets.

    The thesis indicates that key lenders of project finance in the public and private sectors are making increasing demands that projects be developed in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible as a condition of their involvement, and so provide valuable leadership in the international investment community. However, Professor Leader warned that this leadership can be undermined by the policies of risk allocation that unduly insulate parent company responsibility; provide little meaningful prior consultation with or remedies for local populations affected by the project; and place responsibility on the shoulders of contractors that are thinly resourced and/or not involved in setting realistic targets for completion at the outset of project design.

    Professor Leader commented "along with a code of practice, we have recommended changes to the legal instruments framing project finance aimed at improving their ability to deliver on social, environmental, and human rights objectives. These include strengthening developers' accountability to lenders; to the host state; and to individuals or groups of victims in the event of failure to meet project standards. This should make it easier for host states to meet their international environmental and social obligations; and can lead to recasting contracts so as to permit legal action by local individuals and groups damaged at the construction or operational phases of projects."


    Risk is characterized by three components i.e. (1) the risk event: what might happen to the detriment or in favor of the project; (2) the probability of occurrence: the chance of the event occurring; and (3) the potential loss/gain: consequence of the event happening that can be specified as loss or gain. From the above characteristics, the impact of risk may be measured by multiplying probability of occurrence with its consequence (Williams 1996). Gray and Larson (2006) also take into account the ease of detection of risk and redefine risk value as the product of the probability of occurrence, impact and the ease of detection (predictability).

    There are many researchers who have defined risk based on their perceptions and studies. Wideman (1986) and Akintoye and Macleod (1997) have defined risk as the likelihood of unforeseen factors occurring, which would adversely affect the successful completion of the project in terms of cost, time and quality. Niwa (1989), Chicken and Posner (1998), and APM (2000) also consider only on the down-side of risk. Al-Bahar (1989) combined the essence of both risk and uncertainty and defined risk in the context of project management as “the exposure to the chance of occurrences of events adversely or favourably affecting project objectives as a consequence of uncertainty”. Al-Bahar (1990), Raftery (1994), Chapman (1997), Vaughan (1997), and PMI (2000) consider both down-side (loss or threat) and up-side (gain or opportunity) of risk. Definitions that emphasize only down-side may not recognize the existence of opportunity. Effective risk management aims to improve the project performance by helping to manage both threats and opportunities. Thus risk can be identified as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the project objective (PMBOK Guide 2003).

    However, project risk management processes have a restricted focus. They confine it to the management of project uncertainty related to down-side of occurrence. Thus most studies contain references to ‘risks’ in threat terms, with descriptions such as ‘severity of impact’, ‘ease of detection’ and the use of probability-impact matrices to determine whether a risk is low, moderate or high.

    The general principles for risk management are well known. It suggests various risks involved to be first unbundled and then assigned to the participants able to manage them at least cost. Risks that can be more efficiently handled by agencies outside the project are shifted to these agencies, thereby reducing the residual risk borne by the project. This process of shifting risks typically involves a cost, which is subsumed in the user charges levied by the sponsors. If risks have been efficiently assigned to those best able to manage them, the cost of risk management is minimized and the tariff is a minimum-cost tariff. Some of these risks are prevalent in most investment projects. Many are particularly important in infrastructure projects.

    Risks in PPP Projects
    UNIDO [1996] divide different types of risks BOT projects are exposed to, in two broad categories: general risks and specific project risks. General risks are associated with the political, economic and legal environment of the host country and over which the project sponsors generally have little or no control. To some extent, specific project risks are controllable by the project sponsors. Figure 1 represents the taxonomy of risks in BOT projects.

    Baker (1986) has identified the risks of BOT projects as political risks; construction completion risks; operating risks; finance risks; and legal risks. Akintoye et al (1998), based on a survey among the various stake holders in private finance initiative (PFI) projects in UK, identified the important risk factors as: design risk, construction cost risk, performance risk, risk of delay, cost overrun, commissioning risk, volume risk, operating /maintenance risk, payment risks and tendering cost risks. The land acquisition, debt risk, bankers’ risk and political risks are found to be least important. Salzmann and Mohamed (1999) have four super factor groupings, i.e. host country, investors, projects and project organisation, for international Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) projects. Wang et al. (1999 and 2000) have studied the various political risks in China’s BOT projects. The critical risks identified by them are credit worthiness and reliability of Chinese parties, change in law, force majeure, and delay in approval, expropriation and corruption. Asian Development Bank (ADB Report on PSP Roads, 2000) has categorised the PPP risks in expressways as related to design, construction, traffic & revenue, operational & maintenance and finance. Arndt and Maguire (1999) have carried out research in risk identification and allocation of Australian BOOT projects. The risks in private sector toll roads operating under public sector road network were identified and classified as design and construction risks, operating risks, market risk, sponsor risk, legislation risk, network risk, technology risk in operation and external risks. Thomas (2003) conducted a survey among the major stake holders/participants of Indian BOT road projects (Government representatives, promoters/developers, lenders and consultants) and identified twenty two risks in Indian BOT road projects. Among them, the eight most critical risks were i) Traffic revenue risk, ii) Delay in land acquisition, iii) Demand risk, iv) Delay in financial closure, v) Completion risk, vi) Cost overrun risk, vii) Debt servicing risk and viii) Political risk.


    Risk Assessment Approaches
    From a review of the existing methodologies used for the evaluation and assessment of risk in the financial appraisal of projects, risk modeling techniques are generally categorised as qualitative or quantitative in their approach. Numerous researchers have quoted and enhanced the available techniques. A range of available techniques are summarised in Table 1 based on models suggested by Bajaj et al (1997), Baker et al (1998), Betts and Gunner (1993), Chicken and Posner (1998), Jaafari (1998), Krimsky and Golding (1992), Lewin (1998), Del Cano (2002) and Toakley (1995a & b). Based on the extent of detailing and quantification achieved they are categorized in the above two - qualitative and quantitative - techniques.

    The qualitative risk analysis is intended to prioritise risks according to their potential effect on project objectives and is one way of determining the importance of addressing specific risks and guides risk response measures. Such techniques are used for compiling a list of main risk sources and describing their likely consequences, without entering in detail about the quantification of the probability of their occurrence. Some of the commonly used qualitative techniques are Checklists, Probability-Impact matrix tables, cause-and-effect diagrams, flow charts, influence diagrams, event tress and fault tress. The quantitative risk analysis process aims to analyse numerically the probability of each risk and its impact on project objectives in terms of the usual planning measures, such as time and money. On the other hand the commonly used quantitative techniques are Sensitivity analysis, Expected value tables, Triple estimates and probabilistic sums applied to cost estimating, Monte Carlo simulation, Decision trees, Multi-criteria decision-making support methods (MDMSMs) such as Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), System dynamics, and Fuzzy logic (Cano 2002).


    Risk analysis techniques and selection criteria
    Cano (2002) emphasized that the best way to begin a risk evaluation would to be use qualitative techniques and later gradually increase the complexity of the techniques until one has achieved the best cost-profit ratio for each type of firm and project. He stated that the selection of risk analysis techniques would be affected by the following factors:

    • In cases where a certain degree of maturity is involved, whether or not the organization is, for the first time, in the transition from applying the process in small and well-managed projects to its application in more problematic and larger ones;
    • The motivation and attitudes of personnel involved in the implementation of the risk management process;
    • Whether or not the risk management process is applied from the project’s inception;
    • The way in which risk management is carried out in the program that includes the present project;
    • The available resources (internal and external) and time;
    • The type of contracting system; and
    • The prioritization of objectives.

    Problems of current techniques
    Despite their widespread application and relative simplicity of the above quantitative techniques, study of literature has identified certain problems in some of them while analyzing risks of PPP projects. Limitations of these techniques with reference to their use in PPP projects are enumerated below in Table 2D.


    Proposed approach
    The preceding critique of modeling techniques has confirmed the need for the development of a new modeling approach to assist in infrastructure risk management decisions. The requirement of such a model is that the technique should:

    • Consider project outcomes from the perspective of all stakeholders
    • Recognize that infrastructure decisions are often ad-hoc and thereby require a flexible and dynamic approach if they are to reflect reality
    • Incorporate time as a critical parameter, as the acceptance or otherwise of a particular decision unfolds with time
    • Incorporate into the decision process, risk and uncertainty of events, post the decision to proceed with an investment.

    System Dynamics was introduced by Forrester in mid 1950s as a method for modeling and analyzing the behavior of complex social systems in an industrial context. It has been used to understand various social, economic and environmental systems, where a holistic view is important (Rodrigues 1996). In recent years, this approach has also attracted the attention of project managers (Towell 1993, Rodrigues 1996, Sycamore 1999, Mawby 2002, Love 2002 , Ogunlana 2003, Naseena 2006 and Iyer 2006).

    System Dynamic approach is primarily based on cause-effect relationship. This cause-effect relationship is explained with the help of stock, flow and feedback loops. Stocks and flows are used to model the flow of work and resources through the project. Feedback loops are used to model decisions and project management policies. System Dynamics can be used to model processes with two major characteristics (1) those involving change over time, and (2) those that involve feedback (Ogunlana 2003).

    The central concept of System Dynamics is to understand how the parts in a system interact with one another, and how a change in one variable affects the other variable over time, which in turn affects the original variable. Systems can be modeled in a qualitative and quantitative manner. In Systems Dynamics, verbal descriptions and causal loop diagrams are more qualitative; stock and flow diagrams and model equations are more quantitative ways to describe a dynamic situation. As systems Dynamics is largely based on the soft systems thinking, i.e. the “learning” paradigm it is well suited to those managerial problems which are ambiguous and require better conceptualization and insight (Sushil 1993).

    SD modeling has been extensively applied to construction research. A summary of past application is available in Rodrigues and Bowlers (1996). Sterman (1992) has advocated the use of System Dynamics to construction projects on account of the following reasons:

    1. Construction projects are extremely complex, consisting of multiple interdependent components;
    2. highly dynamic;
    3. involve multiple feedback processes;
    4. involve non linear relationships; and
    5. involve both “hard” (quantitative) and “soft”(qualitative) data

    Jessen (1998) used SD to model the client-project relationships in construction projects. Saeed and Broke (1996) demonstrated how SD can be used to improve civil contracting work. Love et al (2002) used System Dynamics to identify and understand the major factors influencing construction project performance. Ogunlana (2003) used SD for modeling the performance of a construction organisation.

    The fast changing economic environment and complexity has increased risk exposure of infrastructure projects. The range of problems in structuring a Public Private Partnership is very vast, ranging from simple to complex; from well-structured to un-structured; from hard to soft; from quantitative to qualitative; from short horizon to long time horizon; from operational to strategic; from single entity to multiple entities etc. Assessing the performance of a PPP project involves monitoring many variables such as current status of schedule, costs and revenues, potential problems that need to be addressed, causes for schedule and cost overruns, achievements from the money spent etc. In infrastructure projects, risks take place within a complex web of numerous interconnected causes and effects, which generates closed chain of feedback. This is evident from the Influence Diagram in Fig 2, which depicts the dynamic behaviour of various variables in a typical PPP project. This dynamism calls for incorporation of flexibilities in the form of ‘real options’ in the concession agreement. Real options, quite similar to the option derivatives in the financial market, could take various forms such as minimum traffic guarantee, shadow toll, bridging loan, equity participation, grant etc.

    Elements of the Conceptual Model
    Once the decision, fundamental objectives, uncertainties, and consequences have been identified, and the decision context has been understood, the next step in the decision analysis process is to create a conceptual model of the decision. Influence diagrams provide simple graphical representations of decision situations, where the elements appear as different shapes. These shapes are then linked with arrows in specific ways to show the relationships among the elements.

    An influence diagram is a snapshot of the decision situation at a particular time, which must account for all the decision elements that play a part in the decision. In an influence diagram, rectangles represent decisions, and ovals represent uncertainties or state variables. The rectangles with rounded corners represent calculated variables or constant values and have a variety of uses, but the most important is to represent consequences. The three shapes are referred to as nodes: decision nodes, uncertainty nodes, and consequences or calculation nodes. Uncertainty nodes mean that although the decision-maker is not completely sure of what will happen, he or she has some idea of the likelihood of the different possible outcomes. Nodes are put together in a diagram, connected by arrows. The node at the beginning of an arrow is called a predecessor and the node at the end of the arrow is called a successor. The arrows can represent either relevance or sequence between the decision elements through link.

    The approach to structure an influence diagram is first to put together a simple version of the diagram and then add details as necessary until the diagram captures all of the relevant aspects of the problem. For the purpose of this research, the decision context has already been set for incorporating options in the concession agreement, with the fundamental objective of making a profitable investment, one that meets the investor’s profitability criteria (NPV or IRR). Hence this objective feeds into an overall consequence node, the extent of deficit which is to be bridged, which is henceforward called the objective function. All the decision elements that affect the objective function had to be identified and added to the diagram. The diagram is said to be appropriate or requisite, when it contains everything that the decision-maker considers important in making the decision. Identifying all its basic elements was achieved by working through the problem based on the background information available.

    The influence diagram in Fig 2 graphically depicts the decision problem, whether to incorporate real options in the concession agreement, the decisions embedded within this one, and the state variables or uncertainties that affect these decisions. It also depicts the constant variables and the calculated variables that result from the interaction between state variables and decisions, and finally the objective function that serves to evaluate the extent of deficit which is required to be bridged. The influence diagram illustrates the interactions among all these elements, allowing the assessment of the information needed to make the decision. The elements in the influence diagram can be grouped as follows.

    Embedded Decisions
    There are three embedded decisions that have to be made as a consequence of deciding to incorporate real options in the project.

    1. Financing Mechanism. This refers to those issues affecting the choice of financing structure of the project, such as debt/equity, type of financing instrument used, foreign or local capital markets, and guarantees.
    2. Toll Collection Method. The choice of toll collection method, manual, mechanical, or electronic for each booth impacts both, initial construction and operation costs.
    3. Options Exercise. The choice of exercising various options such as minimum traffic guarantee, shadow toll, bridging loan, equity participation, grant etc to account for the shortfall in desired rate of return.

    State Variables
    There are six state variables in the diagram that indicate uncertainty.

    1. General Economy. The economic and political conditions prevailing in the country or region where the project is located and includes issues such as foreign trade, balance of payments, GNP growth, inflation, employment, etc.
    2. Currency Exchange Rate. This is the value of the local currency in the host country as compared to major international currencies. Its value is directly linked to the general economy.
    3. Inflation. The inflation rate represents the general price level in the economy as a bearing the interest rates and toll rates (which are indexed to the price index).
    4. Real Interest Rate. It is about the real interest rate on borrowed funds. It is a function of the prevailing commercial interest rates and inflation; hence, it is also directly affected by the status of the general economy.
    5. Traffic Growth Rate. This indicates the rate at which the traffic will grow over the life of the facility. It is a function of a variety of factors, such as economic development, price of fuel, competition from alternate modes of transport etc.
    6. Desired Rate of Return. This represent the rate of return on the invested capital, the project is expected to generate.

    9. Calculated Variables
    There are thirteen calculated variables or constant values that result from the decision and state variables.

    1. Project Schedule. This is the duration of the project design and construction phases, finishing at the start of project operations.
    2. Total Project Cost. The total amount of project direct costs, including design, construction, and right of way in case it is not furnished by the government.
    3. Finance Cash Flow. It includes the amount and timing of funds flow from the project investors and creditors to the project during project design and construction stages.
    4. Total Project Cash Flow. The total amount of funds needed to cover for total project cost plus the interest charged on borrowed funds.
    5. Maintenance Costs. These are the costs for maintaining the facility over the concession period, including cleaning, patching, rehabilitation, etc.
    6. Operation Costs. These are the costs for operating and administrating the facility, ranging from toll collection to office work, emergency services, etc.
    7. Facility Expenses. This is the sum of the total costs for the project financing, design, construction, operations and maintenance over the concession period.
    8. Toll Rate. This is the toll charged to each type of vehicle for using the facility. It is a function of a number of factors, such as regulations, traffic demand, road damage, etc. It can be pre-specified by the host government (constant), or calculated by the concessionaire in its bid (variable).
    9. Average Daily Traffic (ADT). This is the calculated amount and type of vehicles that will use the facility on a daily average over the life of the concession.
    10. Other Income. The use of the right of way for commercial purposes, such as leasing it for fiber optics, electricity, oil stations, traveler services, advertisem*nt, etc.
    11. Total Facility Revenue. The total revenue that the concession will produce over its life from toll income and other revenue sources.
    12. Fiscal Regime. The legal regime under which the project company will be taxed over its life (income taxes, local taxes, depreciation, etc.).
    13. Cash Flow. This is arrived at from the Total cash flow, operating expenses, depreciation and taxes and will be used to arrive at the amount of operating deficit.

    Objective Function
    The bold rounded square at the bottom is the objective function, the operating deficit of the project. The objective function of the project serves as the basis for making the decision regarding exercise of contractual options embedded in the concession. Such options could be in the various forms such as minimum traffic guarantee, shadow toll, bridging loan, equity participation, grant etc.



    What is meant by PPP?There is no single definition of Public-Private Partnership (PPP). PPP broadly refers to longterm, contractual partnerships between public and private sector agencies, specially targeted towards financing, designing, implementing, and operating infrastructure facilities services that were traditionally provided by the public sector.In a PPP, each partner, usually through legally binding contract(s) or some other mechanism, agrees to share responsibilities related to implementation and/or operation and management of a project. This collaboration or partnership is built on the expertise of each partner that meets clearly defined public needs through appropriate allocation of:

    − Resources
    − Risks
    − Rewards
    − Responsibilities

    The allocations of these elements and other aspects of PPP projects such as, details of implementation, termination, obligations, dispute resolution and payment arrangements are negotiated between the parties involved and are documented in written contract agreement(s) signed by them.As per the Scheme for Financial Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure, of the Government of India,

    Public private partnership (PPP) arrangements have been used in different sectors such as transport, technology, water, prisons, health, welfare, and urban regeneration. It may be as extensive as privatizing facilities and services, or may be simply obtaining management or financing techniques from the private sector (McDonough, 1998, cited in Li and Akintoye, 2003). The basic PPP format is that the state or federal government departments are transformed from being owners and operators of infrastructures and public assets into the purchasers of services from the private sector, with the private sector becoming the long-term provider of services by taking the responsibility for the financing, feasibility study, design, construction, and the operation of the infrastructure and facilities (Ahadzi and Bowles, 2004). The Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships defined PPP as “a cooperative venture between the public and private sectors, built on the expertise of each partner, that best meets clearly defined public needs through the appropriate allocation of resources, risks and rewards” (CCPPP, 2001). As PPP arrangements are project specific and dependant on many factors such as public and private partners' skills, capabilities, limitations, projects' characteristics and also the environment in which the project is going to proceed, the partners' assumption of responsibility may differ and the partnership may take different forms such as Build Operate Transfer (BOT), Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT), Leasing, Joint Ventures or Operation and Management contracts, etc. Regardless of the names, there are common characteristics among all types of PPPs (Grimsey and Lewis, 2004; and Peters, 1998 cited in Li and Akintoye, 2003). All PPPs involve two or more actors, at least one from the public and another from the private sector: Each participant is capable of bargaining on his own behalf; The partnership is establishing an enduring and stable relationship among actors; Each participant brings something of value to the partnership; Sharing of risks and responsibilities for the outcomes or activities between parties involved, is essential; A framework contract underpins the partnership and provides the partners with some degree of certainty.

    Benefits and limitations of PPP projects
    As any other types of procurement, PPP projects have many benefits and limitations as summarized in Table I.


    Major risk factors contributing to success or failure of PPP projects
    It is necessary to investigate the major risk factors that make PPP projects successful or otherwise. Apart from the factors which create an enabling environment for private involvement such as transparency of the process, competitiveness of the bids, developers' return commensurate with their risks, and credit enhancements (Malhotra, 1997), critical risk factors for successful PPP projects have also been probed and investigated (Wang et al., 2000, Jefferies et al., 2002, Lane et al., 2003; Parker and Hartley, 2003; Robinson et al., 2004, Li et al., 2005; Grimsey and Lewis, 2005; Zhang, 2005; Australian Government Department of Finance and Administration, 2005, Ng and Loosemore, 2006). On the other hand, Reijniers (1994), the World Bank ( Asian Business, 1996), identified a few reasons why many partnered infrastructural projects have been held up. A summary of these positive and negative risk factors is presented in Table II.


    Correct and precise diagnosis of a need is a fundamental step in the search and prescription of the solution
    It is important to pay attention to the need's life span and the periods in which the need might slow down or increase. For example, it would be illogical to build the railway to the airport if it is just for the purpose of peak periodic needs (such as the Olympics Games) when it would have been possible to satisfy that need through a different medium. The complication of the issue after the identification of a need and an appropriate solution is to identify the future equilibrium point which will define the feasibility of the project from the private sector's perspective. Conducting risk management at this stage would be useful in identifying the short-term and long-term demand risk and develop responses strategies.

    Optimum ticket or toll price is the only way to ensure the usage of the PPP infrastructure and hence return on investment
    For infrastructure road and rail projects, return on investment are mainly dependents on toll (ticket price).At feasibility stage, all risks related to return on investment should be identified and simulation analysis carried out to achieve optimal toll versus traffic volume. This optimised model should be monitored in the operation stage and changes made if the actual performance of return on investment is different from the predicted ones.

    Achieving value for money and Public Sector Comparator (PSC)
    The “value for money” aspect of a project and the comparison between PPP projects and the conventional alternatives in procuring public assets are the essential elements of government decision-making on PPPs. Value for money, defined as the effective use of public funds on a capital project, can come from the private sector innovation and skills in asset design, construction techniques and operational practices, and also from transferring key risks in design, construction delays, cost overruns and finance and insurance to private sector entities (Grimsey and Lewis, 2002). Value for money was proposed to be examined by the comparison between partnership proposal and the “Public Sector Comparator” (PSC) (Blaiklock, 2003). PSC is a model of cost incurred by the Government through conventional publicly financed and managed approaches, which also allows for the risks that may realize during the lifecycle of the project as costs.

    Ensuring balance of interests for different project partners and stakeholders, including protecting public interests
    Usually, the public sectors are more concerned with the realization of a social goal, which is strongly correlated with their political standing and to maintain their influence, while private sectors are more interested in achieving returns on the invested funds and realizing a corporate goal. Under these incentives, the public sector tends to minimize the risks on its shoulder whereas the private sector is willing to take reasonable business risks. The balance of the different interests is the core issue in PPPs (Reijniers, 1994). Therefore, having checks and balances in place to ensure the bearing capacity in toll fee or rental fee and the long term quality of the facilities, are very important from the public perspective, while these are the limitations posted to the private investors. On the other hand, the Governments' guarantee on minimum facility usage volume and/or minimum return on investments, are crucial for the private sector. Hence, balancing the interests of the public and private sectors is essential for the successful implementation of PPP projects.

    The balance of interest is a dynamic and integrated synergy. A PPP project needs to be structured well to achieve balance of interests in order to attain value for money for both the public and private sectors,

    Proper risk allocation/sharing is of absolute importance to ensure success of PPP projects
    Research found that unless the risks in terms of financial, technical, managerial, environmental and social, are properly analysed, allocated and managed, the goals of a true value for money and a win-win PPP is hardly attainable. In a PPP-type of arrangement, the Government's role in the delivery of infrastructural and public services changes from owners/managers to overseers, where the investors undertake far more responsibilities and assumes more complicated risks than a mere contractor (Reijniers, 1994). Using PPP schemes, public sectors try to transfer as many risks as possible to the private enterprises and thus, shed their responsibilities. However, every entrepreneur will require a risk surcharge for each risk conveyed. How to fairly share the responsibilities of risks and the potential benefits between public and private sector bodies, or to achieve optimum risk transfer as against maximum risk transfer when dealing with risk in PPP projects, deserves further consideration in PPP research (Grimsey and Lewis, 2002). In addition to the typical risks related to technical, political, environmental issues, the financial risk factors, such as changing interest rates, fluctuating inflation and unpredictable revenue variables (e.g. toll fee per passenger and amount of usage in bridge and road projects), is of the most concern among private sectors (Spackman, 2002). Furthermore, Grimsey and Lewis (2004) pointed out that “the PPP programme has raised awareness of project risks in ways that public procurement has to date not been able to do. The result is that the identification, allocation and management of risks have grown to become an essential part of PPP processes”. Due to the lack of PPP experience and expertise in many countries and regions, identifying and managing the risks are decisive to the success of PPPs (Zhang, 2005) and the application of risk management techniques can make enormous contributions in identifying risks and minimizing their negative impacts, and also in optimizing the overall construction project performance (Loosemore and Zou, 2005).

    The common practice regarding the risk is to first identify the risks in a structured or ad hoc method through analysis of the previous projects, use of standard checklists, interviewing involved parties and end users, or brainstorming and workshop sessions. The common risks associated with PPP projects may include:

    • legal risks;
    • political risks;
    • financial/market risks: project cost, interest rate, exchange rates, currency inflation, traffic volume, toll fee level and adjustment;
    • economical risks;
    • social and public acceptance risks;
    • construction and geological risks;
    • technical risks;
    • technology risks;
    • health risks;
    • safety risks; and
    • management risks.

    When the risks are identified and risk matrix is prepared, the public sector can take four different approaches regarding identified risks:

    1. Retain certain risks.
    2. Insure against them.
    3. Transfer risk to the project company (Lane et al., 2003).
    4. Try to mitigate those risks.

    Figure 4a shows the relationship of proper risk allocation versus project efficiency and project cost.


    A proposed life-cycle risk management
    Based on the issues discussed in previous sections, it is clear risk identification and assessment should be conducted from a life-cycle perspective starting at the feasibility study stage and carried out right through the operation and transfer stages with continuous monitoring. Hence, the paper provides a risk allocation framework for PPP projects, which is from a perspective of project life cycle (from feasibility study to operation stages) as shown in Figure 5a. This framework shows the dynamic process for allocating and monitoring risks and its aim is to achieve balance of interests between different parties involved and ultimately realise the value for money for all partners of the project including the public interests.


    Whatever strategies a government adopts for procurement of infrastructure and public assets, the quality of services (that is the public interests) should not be undermined. This should be a prerequisite when both the public and private sectors aim at value for money in their PPP practice. However, due to different benefits explored in PPP projects and different attitudes towards risk and different skills in risk management, the resources of PPP projects are often poorly collocated to achieve balance of interests as well as optimal risk allocation and management. As a result, the value for money objective is unattainable. Grounded on a thorough literature review, this paper identified positive and negative risk factors in implementing PPP projects and particularly examined three key issues: balance of interest, value for money and risk allocation and management. Three projects (The Sydney Cross City Tunnel project, Sydney Airport Rail Link project and Hebei Road project) were referenced, to investigate the root reasons leading to their unsuccessful circ*mstances. It is found from these case studies that optimal risk allocation according to the capability in controlling particular risks is vital in PPP projects. Based on the literature review and studies of the three cases, a life cycle risk allocation and management framework is proposed. The paper concluded that the importance of putting efforts on a continuous life-cycle risk identification and allocation is never overstated; protecting the public interests and allowing the private partners to gain reasonable return on their investments are essential for achieving value for money in PPP projects, which can only be viable through optimal risk allocation and balance of interests between the public and private sectors.


    The context of PPP project
    The term Public Private Partnership (PPP) indicates the two main parties who are involved in the process.Although the views from the public and private sectors are important, it is also interesting to realize the critics’ perspective on conducting PPP projects in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (referred to as Hong Kong from here onwards). Therefore as part of a comprehensive research study looking at implementing PPPs in Hong Kong, face-to-face interviews with experienced local industrial practitioners were conducted. Amongst these interviews, three were launched with experts from outside the public or private sectors. These interviewees included an academic and two legislative councilors from Hong Kong. This paper presents the analysis of these interviews which helps to fill in the gaps unrealised by the public and private sectors. The academic view is that further research was needed on how to decide on the concessionary period of the projects. Also, relational contracting could be considered in PPP projects. A regulation system for projects was necessary and a public sector comparator should be adopted. Projects with fewer competitors would be appropriate for PPP such as infrastructure, power transmission or network, and water and gas supply. In addition, due to the high costs involved in PPP projects those with a larger project sum would be considered to provide a better business case for the private sector. The legislative councilors suggested that the most ideal projects would be those that were task specific, and where the timeline and milestones would be foreseeable. The project nature itself would not be important. Critical success factors identified by the academic included:Government to leave more flexibility rather than prescribing specification; Clear legal structure and regulation mechanism; Business case; Technical and financial capability of concessionaire; and Fair handling of risks. The legislative councilors also suggested that PPP must have Clear objectives;Transparent approach; Adequate public consultation; Clear output specification and timeframe; Political environment; and Administration / financial services lead. Other problems related to PPP projects raised by one of the legislative councilors included the tendency in Hong Kong for projects to be labeled as ‘PPP’ when actually they are not of the same nature.

    Obstacles in conducting PPP projects
    There is no one best procurement method which can be applied to deliver all types of projects (Chan et al., 2001) and PPP is no exception. As part of this study the authors carried out a comprehensive literature review to identify the potential obstacles of PPP. Six key obstacle groups were determined by Chan et al., (2008) as follows:1) Misallocation of risksThe impact of risks to project objectives in completing a PPP project is usually significant, and these risks arise from multiple sources including the political, social, technical, economic and environmental factors, due mainly to the complexity and nature of the disciplines, public agencies and stakeholders involved.Both the private and public sectors need to have a better understanding of these risks in order to achieve an equitable risk allocation and enable the project to generate better outcomes (Chan et al., 2006; ETWB,2004; Gunnigan and Eaton 2006; Koppenjan 2005; Li 2003; Merna and Owen 1998; Mustafa 1999; Ng and Wong 2006; Satpathy and Das 2007; Xenidis and Angelides 2005; Zhang 2001; Zhang and AbouRisk2006). In fact, a fair and reasonable allocation of various risks is vital to PPP success. If risks are inequitably or wrongly allocated beyond the capacity of the parties concerned, PPP projects would fail (e.g. demand risk resulting from town planning falling on private consortia).

    2) Private Sector Failure
    PPP projects may fall apart due to failure on the part of the private sector participants. In contracting out the PPP projects, the government should ensure that the parties in the private sector consortium are sufficiently competent and financially capable of taking up the projects. Due to a lack of relevant skills and experience of project partners, PPP projects are more complex to procure and implement (e.g. London Underground). The operating company of the British National Railway after privatization, Railtrack, had allowed the skills and experience in engineering services and infrastructure operation vital to its success to fall into the hands of its suppliers, making it insolvent in 2001, and causing its replacement by the Network Rail (Higton 2005).

    3) High Transaction Costs and Lengthy Lead Time
    PPP project arrangements are complex and involve many parties with conflicting objectives and interests.Hence, PPP projects often require extensive expertise input and high costs and take lengthy time in deal negotiation. The high transaction costs and lengthy time may not represent good value to all parties and as a result the deal may not materialize in the beginning or may falter in the end. PPP projects may incur higher transaction costs than those under the conventional public sector procurement. The legal and other advisory fees would be included as lawyers are involved in all stages of a PPP project, as well as the cost of private sector finance, and the price premium for single point responsibility arrangement. The potential high transaction costs may have a negative impact on the objective of securing the best value (Corbett and Smith 2006; ETWB 2004; Grimsey and Lewis 2004; Li 2003; Li et al. 2005; Merna and Owen 1998; Zhang 2001; Zhang and AbouRisk 2006). Complex PPP projects require inputs from many parties of different expertise. Therefore, the projects should be economically viable to cover such costs.
    One common problem encountered in PPP projects is the high bidding costs, which is owing to increasing project complexity and protracted procurement process. The private sector incurs high bidding costs partly due to the consideration of the client’s and their financiers’ objectives. Lengthy negotiations and especially the cost of professional services may increase the bidding costs further (Chan et al. 2006; Corbett and Smith 2006; ETWB 2004; Li 2003; Li et al. 2005; Mustafa 1999; Xenidis and Angelides 2005; Zhang 2001).
    The PPP bidding process is also regarded as lengthy and complicated. For example, bidders are required to prepare tender proposals attached with a bundle of additional materials. Such a process may take three to four months. Besides, another several lengthy negotiations will be required for the formation of the contract. Clearly, setting up a complicated agreement framework for successful PPP implementation can slow down the bidding process (Chan et al. 2006; ETWB. 2004; Grimsey and Lewis 2004; Li 2003; Li et al. 2005; Merna and Owen 1998; Mustafa 1999; Zhang 2001).

    4) Political/Social Obstacles
    One other reason for failure is the stakeholders’ opposition and public opposition. Whether the proposed project is consonant with the interest of the public is important as public opposition can adversely affect the funding for the project from the public sector (El-Gohary et al. 2006; Grimsey and Lewis 2004; Zhang and AbouRisk 2006). PPP in public projects typically incur political and social issues like land resumption, town planning, employment, heritage and environmental protection. These could result in public opposition, over-blown costs and delays to the projects.
    Another common complaint by the public is the high tariff charged for the services provided. More often, the private sector would face political uphill in raising tariff to a level sufficient to cover its costs and earn reasonable profits and returns on investment. The participation of the private sector to provide public service will undoubtedly bring innovations and efficiencies in the operation, but may produce a fear of downsizing in the public sector. To a certain extent, there would be fewer employment opportunities if no regulatory measures were implemented (Li 2003; Li et al. 2005; Zhang and AbouRisk 2006).

    5) Lack of Well-established Legal Framework
    The introduction of PPP exerts unprecedent pressure on the legal framework as it plays an important role in economic development, regeneration and mechanism for developing infrastructure. Still, some countries do not have a well established legal framework for PPP projects and the current legal framework is only supposed to deal with the traditional command and control model. Although PPP involves a great deal of legal structuring and documentation to deal with potential disputes amongst PPP parties, a “water-tight” legal framework is still lacking (e.g. protection of public interests vs legitimate rights of private sector). Without a well-established legal framework, disputes are inevitable (Grimsey and Lewis 2004; Li et al 2005; Satpathy and Das 2007).

    6) Non-conducive Financial Market
    Private sector investors bear financial risks in funding of the investment. Seeking financially strong partners in a PPP project is regarded as difficult. In most PPP arrangements, the debt is limited-recourse or non-recourse, where financiers need to bear risks. In fact, most stakeholders are not willing to accept excessive risks. The lack of mature financial engineering techniques on the part of the host countries can also be another problem (Grimsey and Lewis 2004; Zhang 2001). Unattractive financial market (e.g. politically unstable or high interest rate) is often an obstacle to PPP success. Therefore, a conducive financial market is important for the private parties to drive PPP projects.

    The Research Framework
    The findings presented in this paper are part of an on-going research project looking at developing a best practice framework for implementing PPPs in Hong Kong. As part of the data collection, interviews were conducted with PPP critics, which included two legislative councilors and one academic in Hong Kong.

    Design of Interview Questions
    Utilizing in-depth literature findings, interview questions linking up to the project objectives were derived.
    The following questions were derived for the legislative councilors interviewed:
    1. What should be the main criteria for PPP proposal assessment?
    2. What are the reasons behind success/failure of PPP projects?
    3. How does PPP affect the public?
    4. Which type of project do you feel would best benefit the public by using PPP?
    5. In general, what do you think are the critical success factors leading to successful PPP projects?
    And the following questions were derived for the academic interviewed:
    4. Have you conducted any research looking at local case studies? And if so, could you share your insights?
    4. How would you compare PPP with traditional procurement methods?
    4. Which type of project do you feel is best suited to use PPP?
    4. What do you feel are the key performance indicators in a PPP project?
    4. In general, what do you think are the critical success factors leading to successful PPP projects?


    The context
    According to Wang et al. (2002) risks must be identified in a rational systematic manner, otherwise some risks may be overlooked, and it is these unidentified risks that tend to be most disastrous and catastrophic. Much research has been carried out in the area of risk identification with particular regards to BOT projects, in developing countries, resulting in different categorizations of risks (Gupta and Sravat, 1998, Kumaraswamy and Morris, 2002, Ozdoganm and Birgonul, 2000, Salzmann and Mohamed, 1999, Wang et al., 2000). Typical methods adopted by the private sector to identify risks include experience, risk matrices, checklists, databases, site visits and intuition (Akintoye et al., 2001). As project promoters and sponsors are becoming more experienced in the procurement of BOT projects, they are finding this process of identifying risks increasingly easier.
    The success of a contracting firm looking to invest in BOT projects in developing countries depends upon its ability to select those investment options of most benefit, whether these benefits are purely financial or a combination of financial and non-financial gains (such as increased market share). Therefore, once risks and uncertainties have been identified, it is vital that their potential impact on the project’s overall viability is assessed and evaluated so that all possible financial outcomes must be predicted and compared taking into account the impact of non-financial (risk) factors and uncertainty associated with the various investment parameters. To facilitate such a comparison, numerous attempts have been made to develop DSSs to assist in this process, the practical aspects of it still remain unstructured and lack strong foundations (Al-Jibouri et al., 2002). Employing a DSS could deliver benefits including:

    • A set of economic performance measures that would satisfy the needs of various stakeholders involved (financiers, government, developers)
    • A streamlined project rating system, which takes into account the combined effect of finances, risk, and uncertainty on the overall project attractiveness
    • Time and resource efficiencies due to the streamlined approach
    • Increased confidence that predictions are realistic
    • The facilitation of a Go/No-go decision through quantitative results
    • The clear identification of project risk (non-financial) factors that may have otherwise been overlooked
    • The identification of critical risk factors for input into the project’s risk management plan via sensitivity analysis
    • Analysis output values can be used in contractual negotiations between various project parties.

    Key requirements of a DSS
    In order for a DSS to effectively (most suitably reflect the degree of certainty), yet efficiently (requiring less effort in defining factor distributions) model a real-life BOT investment in a developing country, it should cater for the following ten aspects of a BOT project:

    • Various industries and evaluation methods;
    • Multiple project phases/sub-phases;
    • Cash flow characteristics;
    • Time dependent project variables;
    • Varied performance measures (eg. Benefit-cost ratio, NPV, IRR);
    • Uncertainty;
    • Comparison of several project alternatives/scenarios (including sensitivity analysis);
    • Both detailed and generalized aspects of projects;
    • Identification of individual important risk factors contributing to uncertainties (both positively and negatively impacting); and
    • Interdependency of identified risk factors.

    The first eight of these requirements were identified in recent work carried out by Abdel-Aziz (2000), while the last two became evident to the authors through extensive literature review. To illustrate, risk factors and their interdependencies which cause uncertainties, render the task of evaluation too complex for the human mind alone to evaluate. Thus, it is crucial to the effectiveness of the DSS that individual risk factors (financial and non-financial) as well as their interdependencies are accounted for in the investment model.


    Review of current DSSs
    According to the decision making framework they are based upon, current available DSSs can be classified as follows:

    1. Economic frameworks incorporating uncertainty (UNIDO’s COMFAR III, CASPAR, NPV-At-Risk, @RISK, Value At Risk, the World Bank’s INFRISK, and the Four Moment Framework);
    2. Real options frameworks;
    3. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) frameworks
    3.1 Frameworks not including factor interdependencies (Multi-Criteria Analysis, Weighted Sum Model (WSM), Weighted Product Model (WPM), and Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis);
    3.2 Frameworks including factor interdependencies (Neural Networks, Cross Impact Analysis (CIA), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), ICRAM-1 model, and Analytical Network Process (ANP)).

    These DSSs were then analyzed in relation to their ability in meeting the key requirements of a DSS detailed above. The advantages and limitations of each are listed in Table 1.

    The first category of DSSs is composed of fully developed computer software packages that perform both probability and sensitivity analysis on economic parameters in order to predict an expected envelope of values for selected economic performance measures of projects. Thus they facilitate a definite go/no-go decision through their quantitative results, yet are limited in one or more of the following ways: there is no allowance for interdependency of risk factors; individual non-financial (risk) factors are not formally identified; a high level input definition is required (probability distribution parameters); and/or the complexity of calculations renders certain systems prone to crashing when simulating realistic investment situations.

    The second category of DSSs includes those based upon the Real Options approach. The distinct limitations of this category are the high level input definition required, the assumption that firms have an option to defer the investment (project), and one particular system developed by Ho (2001) rules out risks caused by non-financial factors such as legal, economic, political environment, and host country credit rating.

    The third category of DSSs, has been divided into two groups: 1) MCDMs not including factor interdependencies, and 2) MCDMs including factor interdependencies. In real life BOT project situations, factor interdependencies can significantly affect the overall feasibility of an investment. Also, from review of the latter group of DSSs it was found that:

    • The Neural Network would be difficult to implement, due to the absence of large amount of data, needed to develop the DSS;
    • The AHP and ICRAM-1 (a variation of the AHP) both limit the way in which factors can be interdependent to some degree.
    • Finally, the ANP, which simply extends the AHP from a hierarchical to a network structure, would be capable of meeting all ten key requirements of a DSS. However, no evidence has been found of this framework being applied to the modelling of BOT investment options to date.

    Deterministic (single) values, probability distributions, or possibility distributions, are all mathematical techniques that could be used for this purpose. It would not be correct to define the majority of input values for a BOT investment model as deterministic values due to the risk and uncertainty that characterise these projects in developing countries. Also, while probability theory (including Monte Carlo simulation) has become the most widely accepted technique for incorporating risk and uncertainty in analyses, in the construction industry (Pender, 2001, Raz and Michael, 2001), the superiority of the possibility theory as a mathematical modelling technique for the evaluation of construction project investments is well documented (Andersson, 1998, Mohamed and McCowan, 2001).

    The possibility theory, also known as fuzzy logic, is based on the concept that all values within a certain range are possible, with the exact value being unknown. A range of possible values, or an interval, is assigned subjectively, but the individual values in the interval are not assigned a relative belief value. Using this technique, the project factors can be represented as crisp (single) values, intervals, triangular, trapezoidal, or even more rounded S, Z, or bell-shaped distributions. The possibility theory has already been applied successfully to a wide range of construction engineering fields.

    A pilot project was undertaken to investigate the implementation of possibility theory to modelling the combined effects of financial and non-financial factors on a BOT investment opportunity and hence evaluate and rank several options. A prototype DSS was developed using a simple Weighted Sum Method (WSM) MCDM framework and followed the process shown in Figure 1. This prototype was validated by comparing results with those gained from a probability based utility method, and successfully applied to the ranking of two BOT projects (Mohamed and McCowan, 2001). It was found that the possibility theory offers a less calculative intensive method whilst still providing accurate and transparent results.

    However, the WSM method falls into the category of “MCDM – Including No Factor Interdepencies”. This means that while it does allow for the specific identification of non-financial (risk) factors, and considers both financial & non-financial aspects according to relative importance, it does not allow for the interdependency of factors or assist in the development of factor importance weightings. As mentioned earlier factor interdependencies can significantly affect analysis results. From the above review of various available DSSs based upon economic, real options, or MCDM frameworks, it would appear that the ANP is the optimal DSS framework structure for the modelling and comparison of BOT investment options.



    Numerical example
    The following basic numerical example adapted from Mohamed and McCowan (2001) shows the difference in results (non-financial only) when analysis is based on; case 1) the independence of non-financial factors (using the WSM method), and case 2) the interdependence of factors as shown in Figure 2a (using ANP, based upon project description and findings of Hastak and Shaked (2000)).Table 1a presents the input weightings and impact values (possibility distribution) of the non-financial (risk) factors for BOT Project A, as defined in Mohamed and McCowan (2001). Table 2a compares the results of analysis cases one and two. As can be seen from these results, the inclusion of interdependencies between factors has noticeably altered the resultant value of non-financial factors for the project.



    The ANP advantage
    According to Saaty (2001), the discovery of new elements or the clarification of the decision problem often results from using the ANP. Also, the amount of user input and complexity of mathematical calculations could be greatly reduced by allowing users to define interdependencies between factors only where required.
    The ANP Project Rating Method is presented as Figure 3 (Saaty, 2001). This method overcomes difficulties encountered when combining financial and non-financial values into one aggregated project rating in the following ways:
    • The ratio of Benefit to Cost, and Opportunity to Risk, eliminates the need for a common unit ($$ vs. no units) or scale of comparison ($1billion vs. $10billion).
    • A series of linguistic pairwise comparisons overcomes the difficulty of subjectively assigning importance weightings to the non-financial factors.
    • This technique facilitates the inclusion of both positively (Opportunities) and negatively (Risks) impacting non-financial factors in a logical and well-structured manner.
    • Results will be similar to a Benefit/ Cost Ratio already used by most public sector departments to evaluate project feasibility and could therefore be presented as part of a bid proposal.

    The proposed design of the optimal DSS will consist of a Financial Module which will provide Benefit and Cost results, and a Non-Financial Module which will provide Opportunity and Risk results, to the Rating module of the DSS. The Non-Financial Module will implement the ANP to derive the various factor importance weightings (taking into account interdependencies) via two networks of Opportunities and Risks.The ANP can also be applied to the Group Decision Making Module. The decision to invest in a concession project will typically be made by a group of decision makers. The importance of each group member’s evaluation of the project will vary depending on the level of experience of the member and his/her position in the company. Pairwise comparisons of the group members importance weightings can be used to determine the group’s overall rating of the project (Yang et al., 2001).


    The Context
    Public-private-partnerships projects (later on PPP´s) are long term, complexed and very challenging contractual arrangements and relationships. They bring new roles for public sector and also for private sector in terms of construction and services. In Finland PPP´s are used for example in building large motorways, schools and sport and swimming halls. This paper will go through some features of the Finnish PPP´s.
    Preventive law focuses in practical views what comes to contract law and contractual issues. It emphasises contract preparation and negotiations as tools to recognize and allocate future´s risks and different kind of other special contract issues and questions. Main target is to prevent problems instead of confronting them. Preventive law means also company-specific working methods in contract/project preparation phase. For example engineers, economists and lawyers have to find a common language so they can find out critical questions and issues during the preparation of a contract. Only this way future´s contractual risks and problems can be avoided. This means also that companies have to invest to contract processes. This paper will clarify what preventive law is about in terms of contract law and contracting especially in PPP’s.
    For example 20-40 years partnership relation with PPP´s brings up also dozens of different risks into the picture. These risks are handled mainly during contract negotiations. During the negotiations parties allocate risks and also determine the tools for risk management. Risks can be seen in a preventive way and also as a tool for contractual planning. While risks are in a major role what comes to PPP´s, also risk management is important. Every PPP project form an unique starting point what comes to risk management and planning it. This paper will discuss risks and risk management first in general level and after that focusing on PPP´s in Finland.

    PFI/PPP project agreements - risk allocation issues to consider in flow down of risks
    • Introduction
    Over the last ten years, there has been a marked increase in co-operation between governments and private sector for the development, financing and operation of an array of infrastructure ranging from tollroads, water and sewerage treatment plants, sewerage outfall tunnels, power stations, hospitals, schools and prisons to defence-related equipment. These Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects are being primarily driven by governments wanting to implement projects without recourse to public funding, and to improve the quality and efficiency of delivering these infrastructure facilities and on-going services to the public.
    In some countries, PPP projects to date have been largely based on the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model and project financed by the private sector. They are also commonly referred to as private financing initiatives or (due to the enduring Australian obsession with the three letter acronym) PFIs, PPPs or PFPs.
    This paper will focus on how concession companies are managing project risks "downstream" with their construction and operator subcontractors.

    • Key principles of project financed PPP projects
    A PFI/PPP deal generally involves:
    a) A concession agreement between the government and the private concessionaire, with the concessionaire (usually a special purpose vehicle (SPV) formed solely for that purpose by the sponsors and having no substantive staff or physical assets) undertaking responsibility for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the relevant infrastructure
    b) The concessionaire subcontracting its design and construction obligations to a contractor under a design and construct contract for the project, and its operation and maintenance obligations to an operator under a medium to long term operating and maintenance agreement.
    c) Funding arrangements comprising both debt financing and equity.The essential element of the project financing is that the project financier's recourse is limited in the main to the project's assets and revenue stream (often described as limited recourse financing).
    3 overriding considerations when designing the risk allocation structure for a PFI/PPP are:
    i) the cost of the project in its entirety - whilst the government wants to transfer most of the risks to the private sector, and the private sector wants to reduce its risk exposure, the main consideration is the efficiency gains and costs for the project in its entirety
    ii) identification and allocation of all substantial project risks and the management of those risks by a combination of financial resources and firm contractual commitments, and
    iii) to ensure that the risk allocation structure is sufficiently sound (or sensible) to cope with a combination of worse-case scenarios for the project.
    Generally, the concession company can manage risks by:
    a) retaining and managing the risk (rare, given their usually "bare bones" SPV structure)
    b) transferring the relevant risk to another party (such as the contractor or operator), and
    c) using external risk management measures such as insurance.
    The nature and extent of a project, and the circ*mstances and risk appetite of the government entity, individual sponsors and their project financiers will affect how each project risk will be managed and priced. Accordingly, it is difficult to generalise about the risks applicable to any specific project.Most government entities will require a significant degree of risk transfer to the concession company to ensure off balance sheet treatment and to come within the "value for money" framework.
    Project financiers normally insist the concession companies retain very few risks and expect most risks to be transferred "downstream" to the construction contractors and operators.
    The most common approach for PFI/PPPs is for project owners to enter into fixed time/fixed price "turnkey" contracts for the delivery of the project so that the risks of cost overruns and delays, and technology risks (depending on the technology used in the project), are passed to the contractor. The concession company would normally effect insurance for those risks which the downstream parties are unwilling to assume.In addition, each concession company will need to ensure that it has appropriate and sufficient remedies against the construction contractor and operator in the underlying project documents.
    The transfer of risks to other parties inevitably leads to increases in project costs, because contractors naturally seek a higher return on investment for assuming a higher level of risk under the contracts, or because of increased insurance premiums. The project financiers are likely to require the concession company's sponsors to increase the equity in the project where a specific risk is not fully passed on.

    Flow-down or step-down of risks and obligations
    • Concession agreements
    The concession (or project) agreement sets the stage for risk allocation for the underlying project agreements. It will set out the government's overall requirements for the delivery of the project.
    It is important for the concession company and the construction contractor and the operator to identify and appropriately deal with any risk or obligation set out in the concession agreement.
    Although the construction contractor and the operator are not parties to the concession agreement, the final form of concession agreement shall reflect the design and construction risks and the operational risks that are accepted by the construction contractor and the operator and will "flow down" or "step down" into the underlying project agreements.
    During the bid preparation and contract negotiations phase, it is crucial that there is a co-ordinated approach towards finalising the project documents from the concession agreement down to the construction contract and operation and maintenance agreement.
    Any mismatch in risk allocation is most likely to result in adverse contractual (and monetary) consequences for those parties who have not adequately priced in or managed those risks.

    • Indemnities and "catch-all" provisions
    A concession agreement usually contains indemnities in favour of the government entity for the concession company's breach and negligence.These indemnities are generally made "back-to-back" with the construction contractor and operator in the underlying project documents to the extent that any damages suffered by the government for which the concession company must compensate have been caused by either or both of them.Usually, the underlying construction contract and operation and maintenance contract will contain a "catch-all" clause under which each contractor/operator is required to perform the concession company's corresponding construction or operation and maintenance obligations.

    • Security and payment issues
    a) Provision of security/bank guarantees
    Increasingly, concession companies are required by the government to provide security for performance of their construction, operating and handover obligations.In the bidding process, a concession company will seek to minimise its bid costs. For example, it might require the construction contractor and operator in a bidding consortium to provide the security (in addition to any additional security that financiers may require) which the concession company is obliged to provide to the government entity.
    A common contentious issue is what happens if the government calls on the construction bonds for non-construction matters. The resolution will depend on the risk management strategies of the project parties.
    One solution might be that construction bonds provided by the construction contractor may only be called by the government or concession company for a construction contractor related default. Alternatively, the concession company might indemnify the construction contractor if the construction bond is called for non-construction contractor defaults.

    b) Security of payment provisions
    To keep the concession company whole, construction contracts and operating contracts often provide that the concession company's liability to pay monies only arises if and when the concession company receives monies from the government entity under the concession agreement for the corresponding obligation. In addition, the obligation is often limited to the relevant portion of what the concession company recovers from the government entity.
    These type of provisions (better known as "pay if paid" or "pay when paid" provisions) are void and unenforceable under security of payment legislation now in force in New South Wales and Victoria1 (and which will shortly be coming into force in Queensland and Western Australia).2 The legislation also provides that contracting out (or attempts to contract out) of these type of provisions is void. Attempts to circumvent these legislative restrictions (such as restricting rights of recovery or through other devices such as structuring payments as loans, etc) have to date not been tested before the courts. The NSW security of payment legislation is presently the subject of a government review; it may be appropriate for governments to specifically exempt construction contracts in PFI/PPPs from these prohibitions due to the special nature of these projects and the project funding structures.

    • Completion issues
    a) Completion obligations and extensions of time
    Concession companies are increasingly obliged to meet completion deadlines under the concession agreements with limited extension of time entitlements.The construction contractor is expected to adhere to these completion deadlines and accept similar limited extension of time entitlements (with compensation often only for breach solely caused by the concession company).
    Generally, the construction contractor will only be entitled to an extension of time if the concession company is granted an extension of time under the concession agreement. Where a breach is solely caused by the concession company and the concession company is not entitled to an extension of time under the concession agreement, the concession company and the construction contractor will need to agree on alternative forms of compensation. These might include additional money to cover acceleration costs, and relief from liquidated damages in lieu of an extension of time (as the concession company will not be able to extend the completion deadlines under the construction contract beyond the completion deadlines under the concession agreement).

    b) Damages for late completion
    In some recent PPP transactions, concession companies have been required to accept the obligation to pay the government entities general damages for late completion (as compared to liquidated damages provisions commonly adopted in construction contracts). This is principally due to the fact that a government entity's losses are generally difficult to quantify and, for a liquidated damages regime to be enforceable, the liquidated damages need to be a genuine pre-estimate of the losses that that entity is likely to suffer.
    Liquidated damages are generally preferred by construction contractors as a means to quantify and limit the risk and the damages that they face for late completion. In PFI PPP transactions, it is generally accepted that there is a 2 tier damages regime, namely:
    i) an indemnity from the construction contractor to cover any general damages that the concession company is liable to pay the government entity, andii) liquidated damages covering any losses that the concession company separately suffers such as financing costs, loss of revenue and the like. This separate component of liquidated damages is usually capped.

    c) Compensation for delay and breach
    Most concession agreements provide that if the government entity delays the concession company in the delivery of the project, the concession company is entitled to be compensated for that delay. In most cases, the concession company will be compensated by extending the concession term, increasing the tolls or charges that the concession company can collect, direct monetary compensation or a combination of any of the above. The monetary compensation may thus flow significantly later than the time at which the delay is actually suffered.
    The construction contractor or operator in the underlying project agreements will also expect to be compensated for those events. The concession company may therefore need additional financing to cover the more immediate monetary payouts that the construction contractors and operators, due to their more limited project involvement, will demand.
    There is a potential mismatch between what the concession company is likely to get from the government entity under the concession agreement, what it is able to procure from the project financiers and its liability to the construction contractors and operators under the various underlying project agreements. The concession company should always attempt to ensure that there is no "gap" between what it receives and what it pays out.

    • Land issues - access and condition
    The concession company is generally expected to take the full risk of the condition of the project land and land requirements, unless it can demonstrate to the government entity that "carving out" a specific risk would be a "value for money" proposition for the government entity.
    The construction contractor will generally be given access to the land that the concession company is given by the government entity under the concession agreement, and take the risk of that land (unless any specific risks are expressly carved out and dealt with under a separate risk regime). The construction contractor will generally take the risk of acquiring (and the condition of) any additional land that has not been previously identified and is required by the construction contractor after the project commences.
    It is important, therefore, for the parties to accurately identify the land requirements for the project and to carry out proper due diligence regarding the ownership (including any easem*nts, restrictive covenants and the like), geological condition, contamination, native title, artefacts, planning approvals, endangered species present, etc as the government entity will not take responsibility (unless there are any carve outs agreed by the concession company and the government entity) for the land once the concession agreement is executed.
    The construction contractor will therefore need to carefully investigate any potential risks and constraints to the delivery of the project and manage those risks either by having the appropriate carve outs in the construction contract (which will then be attempted to be mirrored "upstream" in the concession agreement) or by pricing those risks accordingly.

    • Output performance
    The concession company will generally be required to meet specified performance requirements. Payments to the concession company will usually be linked to the quality, amount and frequency of the services, and the availability of the infrastructure facility. Performance measurement may be linked to key performance indicators or an agreed set of performance standards.
    If the concession company fails to meet the performance requirements, then its revenue stream (eg the tolls it is able to collect from the tollroad users, or the output or availability charges for use of a facility (such as hospitals, prisons, schools)) will be reduced accordingly to the level of achieved output performance.Output performance requirements may be impacted by the quality of the completed project and by the quality of its operation and maintenance.
    The construction contractor and the operator must therefore carefully review the output specifications issued by the government entity during the bid phase to ensure that they are clear and unambiguous, and that the criteria and methods for assessing performance are objective and measurable. Another area of concern which must be addressed is the allocation of responsibility for failure to meet the KPIs or performance standards and calculation of service credits. The failure could be due to defective construction works, failure to properly operate and maintain the infrastructure facility or to third party caused events (such as accidents).Some important interface issues are discussed below in the next section.

    • Design, construction and operation issues
    Concession agreements contain design, construction, operation and maintenance related obligations. It is therefore important to a concession company that those obligations are passed down to the construction contractors and operators, ideally by being closely mirrored in the underlying project agreements. Care needs to be taken to ensure there is clarity as to where responsibility lies for matters relevant to both design and construction, and operation and maintenance.

    a) Fitness for purpose warranty
    Concession companies are usually obliged to provide a fitness for purpose warranty to the government entity for performance of the infrastructure facility.
    However, whilst the construction contractor is responsible for the "initial" state of the infrastructure facility that it has designed and constructed, the facility must be appropriately maintained and where necessary upgraded to ensure that it continues to be fit for its intended purpose throughout the often decades long concession period. If the construction contractor is not itself responsible for the maintenance and any capital upgrades, it will not give a "blanket" fitness for purpose warranty of lengthy or unspecified duration. The concession company will need to careful manage the maintenance issues to ensure that the fitness for purpose warranty given by the construction contractor is not compromised.

    b) Design, construction, operation and maintenance interface issues
    It is also important for the concession company to manage interface issues between its construction contractor and operator. Some key interface issues include:

    (i) defects
    Under a concession agreement, the concession company would be responsible for correcting all defects arising from the design and construction work and be required to operate and maintain the infrastructure facility consistent with industry best practice. If there is a problem with the infrastructure facility during the operational phase, it may be difficult for the concession company to clearly allocate responsibility to any one party, as the problem could be due to defective construction work or poor operation and maintenance of the facility, or both.
    It is therefore important for the concession company to manage the allocation of responsibility for any defective work or poor operational /maintenance tasks so that it can discharge its obligations under the concession agreement.
    To address this issue, the concession company may allocate the task of correcting any urgent problem that may impact safety or revenue to the party best able to fix the problem and then allocate ultimate responsibility after the source of the problem has been identified. The underlying construction contract and the operation and maintenance contract will need to contain provisions under which all relevant parties agree to participate in a joint issues resolution process and to be bound by the final determination.

    ii) co-ordination of design and operator's whole of life requirements
    As the concession is normally for a lengthy term, the concession company is often required to ensure that the design of the infrastructure facility incorporates the operator's whole of life recommendations. The operator will also strive to ensure it receives a delivered facility which has been built to a high standard (so as to minimise operational and maintenance costs). This presents a potential conflict of interest (the concession company would want to limit the higher standard for the facility and the operator wants these enhanced). It is therefore imperative for the concession company to carefully manage the design and operation interfaces.
    iii) co-ordination of the construction and operational requirements to achieve completion

    Completion under the concession agreement, which will invariably be a pre-condition to the obligation of the government entity and/or the users of the facility to commence payment, will depend on certain specified requirements being satisfied. These requirements might extend to the preparation of operation and maintenance manuals and management plans, testing to ensure that the facility functions properly, handover and opening of the facility, provision of spare parts, etc. These interface issues need to be carefully managed and co-ordinated to enable the concession company to discharge its completion obligations.A useful discipline is to ensure underlying project documents contain an obligation allocation matrix which clearly allocates responsibility for each of the various obligations.

    iv) Quality of delivery facility and output specifications
    As the operator is expected to meet output performance requirements in the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure facility, it will inevitably require the concession company to ensure that the delivered infrastructure facility satisfies the specified technical specifications. The concession company will in turn seek indemnities from the construction contractor in this regard.

    v) Access to operator prior to completion
    The construction contractor is often required to complete various parts of the infrastructure facility before the completion deadlines, and hand over those facilities to the operator for training and pre-operation activities. Handover dates and co-ordination issues need to be carefully managed.
    As the concession company will pass on the construction and operational risks to the construction contractor and operator as fully as possible, it is not uncommon for the construction contractor and operator to enter into separate bipartisan interface or co-ordination agreements. These type of agreements will set out the co-ordination roles and obligations that those parties have towards each other, and can be used to manage any risk interface gaps (including recovery of moneys if there is a breach).

    c) Intellectual property
    Intellectual property issues to be considered include:
    i) ownership of intellectual property and licences to use
    ii) keeping source codes in escrow, and
    iii) attribution of contributors and waiver of moral rights.
    Depending on the type of infrastructure to be constructed, the government entity may require ownership of, or an irrevocable, perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free licence to use, the intellectual property associated with the infrastructure (including any associated equipment). The concession company must obtain the appropriate rights to the intellectual property so it can meet its obligations under the concession agreement.
    For high-tech equipment (such as telecommunications equipment, electronic tolling equipment and the like), the originating supplier is unlikely to give the project parties access to the source code except in limited circ*mstances, and then only after payment of appropriate compensation. In these cases, all interested parties may be required to enter into escrow agreements under which the source code supplier deposits the source code with an escrow agent, who will release that source code only in very limited circ*mstances, such as insolvency of the supplier or termination of the supply contract.
    It is also prudent for the concession company to ensure that its underlying project documents allow it to do necessary things which would otherwise infringe an author's moral rights (since enshrined in the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)) in works produced for the project.

    d) Independent certifiers, verifiers and other technical consultants
    Most concession agreements contain a mechanism under which the government entity and the concession company appoint independent technical advisers (with names such as independent verifier, independent certifier, etc) to monitor the project on behalf of the government and to carry out valuation and certification roles (including for extensions of time, variations, and the like). The decisions of those independent technical advisers are generally agreed to be final and binding with limited dispute rights.
    It is therefore important that the underlying project documents require the construction contractor and operator to agree to adhere to the decisions of the independent technical advisers.
    Concession companies may also want to limit the rights of the construction contractors and operators to require the concession companies to dispute these decisions (unless they are of a material technical or legal nature).
    As the construction contractors and operators are not parties to the appointment agreements for the independent technical advisers, they often seek the right to require the concession company to take action against the independent technical advisers if the advisers breach their obligations under their appointment agreements.

    • Material Adverse Effect (MAE) or Key Risk Events
    A concession agreement may include provisions for dealing with material adverse effects or key risk events. These provisions typically allow the parties to negotiate appropriate compensation to the concession company where a potential revenue shortfall, or a concession company's inability to repay project debt and equity, is caused by certain "high risk" events (such as uninsurable force majeure events or a discriminatory change in law) or other specific risk events for which the concession company is not prepared to take the risk (such as native title challenges).
    Usually, the compensation is only payable if a materiality threshold (such as the minimum rate of return for the concession company) has been triggered. The compensation may be in the form of an increased concession term, right to increase the toll or user charges or in monetary form, or a combination of those forms.In the underlying project documents, the construction contractor or operator may not be prepared to accept any of these risks and may require compensation if they arise.
    If the deal is to allow the construction contractors or operators to recover compensation, then the underlying project agreements will need to be drafted carefully to limit the compensation payable to an appropriate portion of what the concession company receives from the government entity. This may give rise to security of payment issues (discussed above).
    It is common for construction contractors to accept the initial threshold risks (that is, the risks assumed by the concession company before the material threshold is exceeded) during the construction periods.

    • Insurance
    Under the concession agreement, the concession company is generally obliged to effect and maintain a whole range of insurances (including contract works insurance, public and product liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, workers compensation insurance, director's liability insurance and business interruption insurance). Insurance costs are a major bid cost item. In some projects, the concession company (subject to the government entity's and the project financiers' agreement) requires the construction contractor to effect some of those insurances to avoid duplication.
    However, the concession company needs to assess carefully the risk exposure that the construction contractor may have on its other projects if utilising the construction contractor's global insurance policies. It is imperative that there is sufficient coverage for the relevant project at all times.

    • Compliance with obligations in ancillary project documents
    Normally, the concession company also has obligations under a number of other project agreements, such as leases, licenses, and interface agreements with other parties eg adjoining property and utility and infrastructure owners, etc. It is important that the underlying construction contract and operation and maintenance contract adequately identify which of these other obligations are to be assumed by the concession company, the construction contractor or the operator
    A similar analysis also needs to be carried out for any legislation (in particular, planning and environmental-related legislation) with which the concession company must comply under the concession agreement.

    • Dispute resolution
    In major projects involving many parties at various levels, it is important that disputes are managed in a co-ordinated manner. The concession agreement will contain the top-tier dispute resolution process between the government entity and the concession company. Disputes at the concession agreement level may be concerned with matters which arise under the underlying project documents (and vice versa). In other words, a dispute between the government entity and the concession company may also result in, or involve, a dispute between the concession company and the construction contractor or the operator (or all four of them).
    Where a dispute involving the same subject matter arises under the various project documents, the most common approach is for the dispute resolution process in the concession agreement to have priority, the dispute resolution process in the underlying project documents to be suspended, and for all the parties to be bound by the resolution under the concession agreement. The construction contractor and operator will, however, be given all relevant documents, and an opportunity to attend and make submissions and to participate in the upper tier dispute resolution process.

    • Termination
    The underlying project agreements will need to allow the concession company to terminate those agreements if the concession agreement is terminated for any reason. Different remedy mechanisms and financial consequences will apply depending on the cause of the termination, such as termination of the concession agreement due to breach by the government entity, or by the concession company (including a breach which arises because of a default by the construction contractor or operator under their respective contracts), termination for breach by some other contracting parties, termination for convenience, etc.
    article technical Risk Transfer in PPP Projects.


    The Context
    The principles of risk transfer in public procurement are set out in the green book (otherwise more dryly known as Appraisal and evaluation in central government - treasury guidance). These principles are supplemented by specific guidance from government departments and procurement routes. The principles and good practice for identifying and assessing risks within Public/Private Partnership (PPP) projects are set out in Treasury Taskforce guidance, and particularly in Technical Note No. 5, How to construct a Public Sector Comparator. The overriding principle in PPP procurement is that risk should reside with the party best able to manage it. In practice this means that design, construction and operation risks transfer to the private sector, and demand related risks are retained by the public sector.

    The risk transfer process
    In any contractual arrangement risk is transferred to some extent between the parties. The difference in PPP procurement is that risks are identified during the development of the outline business case (OBC), and explicitly managed and transferred through the procurement and negotiation process. While industry standards have been established regarding the core types of risk that should transfer from the public to the private sector, these have to be reviewed on a project-by-project basis.Risk assessment and quantification through the OBC, and subsequently through the procurement process, contribute to the overall assessment of value for money in the project. A study by Arthur Andersen and Enterprise LSE in 2000 identified risk transfer as a key driver of value for money in PPP projects. Risk transfer should be reviewed in conjunction with other key drivers, such as: long-term nature of the contract; use of output specifications; competition to provide the services; inclusion of performance measurement; and provision of management skills from the private sector.
    PricewaterhouseCoopers has recently published a study on the success of PPP projects: Public/Private Partnerships: a clearer view. Amongst its findings were that risk transfer should be fair and offer the private sector incentives to perform. This may be achieved by developing an 'optimum' risk transfer profile, where specific issues on each project are taken into account and risk is allocated :) the party best able to manage it, thus offering both the client and the contractor value for money. Risk transfer should be governed by an equitable payment mechanism to ensure that the services are delivered according to the specification. However, these are required to be further developed within the PPP sector to gain the advantages of the predicted risk profile.

    How risk is assessed?
    Treasury Taskforce guidance recommends a number of stages outlined below to quantify risk transfer in a PPP project.

    Cost of delivering the service
    To understand the risks in a PPP project it is necessary to establish the cost of delivering and managing the service - a public sector comparator (PSC). This involves comparing the costs of delivering the services by both the public and private sectors. An option appraisal may provide the context for determining the scope of the project - that is; the number and size of buildings, whether they are new-build or refurbishment, and the scope of the services required. The costing process should reflect the current and projected scope of service and cost profile. It includes assessment of: capital; life cycle and operating costs; land values/ capital receipts; and third-party revenue. From this information, the base public sector comparator (PSC) is established.

    Risk assessment
    Once the base costs have been established, a risk assessment is undertaken to identify the risks in the project, their allocation between the parties and their potential values.

    Risk identification
    Although every project must be assessed individually, there are a number of common categories of risk, including: demand, design, construction, performance, operation, revenue, termination, obsolescence, residual value and procurement-related risks. Within each category a detailed list of possible risks is identified. This may be done by using generic templates, supplemented by a workshop attended by a PPP project team consisting of representatives from a wide range of perspectives - core business, technical, financial and legal- to develop a comprehensive risk register.

    Risk allocation
    The risks are allocated to 'either the public or private sector depending on the type of risk and the ability of either sector to control and manage them. In some cases the risks are shared between the parties. The preliminary allocation of risk is used as a guide for the development of the invitation to negotiate documents, and is updated as bids are received and alternative divisions of risk are suggested to offer a value-for-money solution. The final allocation of risks may not be established until the end of the negotiation process. Examples of shared risks include energy and catering.Energy - the provision of energy in PPP projects depends on a combination of volume and price risk. Whereas the bidder may be in the best position to manage the consumption of energy through the construction of energy-efficient buildings and plant and a proactive management regime, he may not be in the optimum position to offer the best tariff for energy used. In portfolio PPP schemes where the project represents a significant part of the client body's total energy consumption, it may be in the interests of the client to retain tariff risk in order to obtain greater economies of scale across its whole estate: the more buildings the client body is responsible for heating, the greater its buying power, and the better its deal with an energy supplier is likely to be.In such circ*mstances, arrangements can be established whereby the bidder joins the client's energy purchasing scheme while taking volume risk.Catering - in catering the client may desire the bidder to accept demand risk, as it is perceived that the bidder is best placed to develop the customer base and meal uptake through a combination of restaurant location, atmosphere, menu and service. At the beginning of negotiations, the client sets a minimum level of meal uptake. In many instances the bidder will perceive that the client has unrealistically high expectations of the required uptake levels. In these situations the bidder will seek to demonstrate, on a business case basis, realistic uptake levels and invite the client to participate in risk sharing above a lower uptake level. It may be in the client's interest to develop a scenario where it can influence its staff's patronage of the bidder's service and incentivise the contractor.

    Risk Quantification
    There are a number of recognized methods for quantifying risks, such as those used in the health and safety industry. The 'method used depends on the size and complexity of the project; however, all methods have common themes, namely: calculating the monetary value of risks based on their likelihood, criticality and outcome. It is now accepted practice that the PSC will only include those risks that would be retained under traditional procurement but would transfer under a PPP scenario. Clients should however check with the relevant funding body for appropriate guidance when embarking on this exercise.

    Risk allocation matrix
    The risk allocation matrix will be used as a tool throughout the procurement process to review bidders' proposals and adjust predictions on the allocation and values of risk. The final value of risks must be seen to represent value for money for the bidder to deliver the services, rather than the public sector. The risk value is calculated by multiplying the probability of a risk occurring by its most likely cost. An example of a risk matrix is given in Figure 1.A workshop-based approach to the quantification process offers the client the opportunity to gain an insight into different parties' perceptions of the risks as well as the inter-relationships between the risks (the contractor will wish to ensure that if a building were to be flooded, for example, it would not be liable for loss of heating as a result of that flood). The discussions on key risks during these forums offer alternative values regarding the outcome and consequences of risks being realised. Instead of providing an average view of risks in the quantification model, the upper and lower limits are often used so that sensitivity analysis can be carried out.
    Those risks which have greatest impact in the risk assessment are not necessarily those with the highest monetary values, but are often those which have the greatest deviation between the upper and lower limits. Once the preliminary risk quantification exercise is complete, the ways of mitigating risks will be mapped against the risks to reduce the monetary values allocated to risks where appropriate. These include: insurance (and the cost relative to the potential frequency and consequences), removing risks (by excluding a building or function from the project, for example), retaining risk (not transferring it to the private sector) or adopting risk management methodologies. The monetary values in the risk matrix represent those residual values once good practice and value for money measures have been taken to minimize risks.

    Long term management issues
    The risk assessment process is the starting point for the development and tracking of risk through the procurement process and the life of the project. While significant effort is concentrated on the risk register during the OBC stage, it can be seen as a theoretical tool to gain the necessary funding support to allow the project to proceed.



    Selecting a Viable Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project to Propose
    Success in the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects mainly depends on choosing a right project to propose. However, it is very difficult to identify a preliminary feasible one at the up-fi'ont project development process due to the uncertainties involved. When choosing a probable project to propose, the developers in most cases rely on their experience, intuition, or gut feelings, tt is expected that they will improve the chances of deciding a viable project enough to propose if the methodical formalism is provided that guides to systematically recognize the risk factors inherent in the project environment, their impact on project feasibility and strategic alternatives to enhance them. The main objective of this research is to develop a go/no-go decision model as the formalism. Based on the review of diverse decision-making theories, the Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis Method (MADAM) is identified as a suitable theoretical background to developing the formalism. Five BOT experts are invited to put their experience in the model development. A nmnerical example is presented to demonstrate the computational procedures of the model developed.

    The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project delivery method has been increasingly used to promote diverse infrastructure projects. Under the BOT context, the developers are required (1) to identify, evaluate and select a preliminary viable project, (2) to prepare a proposal for the project, (3) to participate a competitive proposal tendering process, if the project is franchised, then (4) to design, finance, construct and operate the project and finally (5) transfer the project to the government after a specific period of lime (Williams and Conrad, 1996). While developers can benefit from the expanding infrastructure market, they need to assume much more risks than in conventional construction.

    The BOT mechanism is a highly integrated approach, where very complex technical, financial, political and legal transactions are involved.A successful BOT project is expected to meet the multiple objectives from various project participants' point of view while stiU generating sufficient revenue to cover the construction and operation costs as well as developers' profits, Tiong et al, (1992) described six critical success factors of the BOT projects: Entrepreneurship, Right project selections, Strong team of stakeholders, Imaginative technical solutions, Competitive financial proposals and Special features in the bid. As well, recent research has emphasized that, among these factors, right project selection is ranked as the most important by the developers (Tiong, 1996).

    A right woject selection, i.e., identifying a prefiminary feasible project to propose (a go/no-go decision hereafter), should be made as early as possible after the government initiates a project by issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP). It is a disaster for the developers to find out the project is economically or politically unacceptable after spending millions of dollars in the up-front proposal development process. During the early stages of the BOT project development, however, there is insufficient information available to measure project viability. Furthermore, it is very difficult to recognize which risk variables critically influence the feas~ility of a project.

    The projection of a go/no-go decision, in consequence, becomes a matter of subjective judgment based on the developers' experience, intuition, or gut feelings.

    A conceptual process model of risk allocation in ‘Public Private Partnership’ (PPP) projects is presented, as part of an on-going PhD study. Through an extensive literature review, risk factors in PPP projects have been identified. Primary data have also been collected through a questionnaire survey, and the analysis is in progress. Two key findings that have emerged from the analysis are presented. Eighteen measures that can enhance the achievement of ‘Value for Money’ (VFM) in PPP projects were subjected to a factor analysis, which grouped them into four categories: “project efficiency”, “project sustainability”, “multi-benefit objective” and “public effective procurement”. The second analysis discussed in this paper, concerns qualitative risk allocation, and is summarised in a tabular form. This later analysis illustrates that a majority of risks in PPP projects are “allocated to the private sector”. However, there are a few risks, where their unitary allocation is not obvious.

    Some preliminary results of an on-going PhD research are presented. The overall aim of the research is to develop a risk management model specifically for PPP construction projects. Several milestones have been achieved in the study, including the investigation of critical success factors of PPP construction projects, and assessment of approaches to risk management. Primary data have been collected through a detailed and structured questionnaire survey, and are currently being analysed. The paper thus reports on the two aspects of the analysis, which have been completed: measures that enhance the achievement of VFM in PPP projects, and risk allocation between the project parties.

    Public Private Partnership (PPP) in construction concerns “a long-term contractual arrangement between a public sector agency and a private sector concern, whereby resources and risk are shared for the purpose of developing or refurbishing a public facility” (Norment, 2000). At the moment, PPP is prominently used in public project procurement in many countries. In the UK, the number of PFI projects has increased steadily since 1997 when the Labour Government came into power (HM, 2000).Typical PPP project risks have been highlighted in PFI guidelines (HM, 1995; Gallimore et al, 1997; Lam, 1999). Some of these risks have been widely associated with political and legal conditions (Stager, 1996; Gupta and Sravat, 1998), economic conditions (Gupta and Sravat, 1998; Duffield, 1998), social conditions (Kopp, 1997) and relationships (Reijiners, 1994, Kopp, 1997). The various risks in PPP projects vary with the development process, i.e. from the planning stage through the design, construction and operation stages (Reijiners, 1994). The objective of risk analysis is to capture all feasible options and to analyse the various outcomes of any decision concerning their treatment (Flanagan and Norman, 1993).

    It has been argued that the contractual misallocation of risks is the leading cause of construction disputes in the USA (Megens, 1997). The UK government guideline on PPP/PFI procurement recommended the assignment of risks to the party best able to manage them (HM, 2000). Thus, a model which will help PPP parties to allocate risks between themselves more quickly is worthwhile.

    2. Conceptual model

    A three-level risk factor classification and checklist was proposed for risks associated with PPP projects (Li, et al, 2001). The three tiers in this classification concerned ‘macro’ (ecological, political, economic, social, natural environment etc) risks, ‘meso’ (project-engineering) risks and ‘soft’ (micro level) risks. The conceptual model is based on this classification.

    In the proposed model, the public sector is expected, in conjunction with the private sector to identify potential risks, which will arise throughout the life of a PPP project. The private sector evaluates its ability to deal with these risks, using the two dimensions of severity and frequency to measure the risk impact. The private sector also prices the risks in its tender, which is submitted to the public sector client. If the cost of the risks is acceptable to the public sector, a contract will be easily awarded. If however, the private sector’s charge is considered to be excessive, the public sector would go into negotiation with the private sector. The negotiations would consider whether the public sector should either accept the high risk cost, share the risks with the public sector, or retain the risk in the public sector.

    3. Current research

    The research was started in 1999. Literatures were reviewed to inform the preparation of a questionnaire, which consisted of two parts: the first dealing with general questions, while the second covered project specific questions. The issues covered in the questionnaire included:

    1. Attractive factors for adopting PPP, instead of traditional procurement.
    2. Negative factors associated with PPP.
    3. Critical factors for adopting PPP in project delivery.
    4. Measures enhancing the achievement of VFM in PPP projects.
    5. Critical success factors in PPP projects.
    6. Criticality of risk factors.
    7. Expected risk allocation framework.
    8. Risk allocation preferences.
    9. Risk treatment measures.

    Items 1-5 will allow an understanding of PPP in the UK. While items 6-9 will be used to inform the various elements of the conceptual model. The postal questionnaire survey was carried out between June and August 2001. 500 questionnaires were sent out; 61 responses were received in which, 53 respondents fully answered the first section, and 44 responded to the second section.

    4. Preliminary Results
    There are two elements of the analysis discussed in this paper: 1) factors enhancing VFM in PPP projects, and 2) perception of respondents on risk allocation in PPP projects.

    5. Factor enhancing VFM in PPP projects
    Analysis of the rating of several factors by the respondents shows that “efficient risk allocation”, “output based specification”, and “long-term nature of contracts” are reckoned by both the public and private sectors to be the top three VFM measures in PPP projects. This result is similar with that reported by Arthur Andersen and Enterprise LSE (2000). In an attempt to achieve more interpretable results and to establish clear benefits between the VFM measures, a factor analysis was undertaken.Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to identify a relatively small number of factors that can be used to represent relationships among a set of many interrelated variables (Kleinbaum, et al, 1988; Norusis, 1992). The eighteen variables identified as enhancing the achievement of VFM were rated by the respondents, and their ratings were evaluated through factor analysis. The correlation matrix showed that all the variables have a significant correlation at the 5% level. The value of the KMO statistic was 0.804, which according to Kaiser, is satisfactory (Norusis, 1992). Principal component analysis was also undertaken, which produced a four-factor solution, with eigenvalues greater than 1.00, thus explaining 63.45% of the variance. After varimax rotation, the loading exceeds over 0.50 is shown in Table 1, in which it can be noticed that the variable of “off the public sector balance sheet” received no representation by the components.The four major factors derived are interpreted as:

    1. Factor 1: for project efficiency,
    2. Factor 2: as sustainability,
    3. Factor 3: for multi-benefit consideration, and
    4. Factor 4: for public effective procurement measures.


    The following Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) summary focuses on the Riviera- Marcory bridge project in .Abidjan, C6te d’lvoire. It was carried out in the first quarter of 1998, by a French consulting firm, BurgCap, on behalf of the “Soci& Concessionaire du Pont Riviera-Marcory (SOCOPRIM)“. The study was carried out in accordance with the relevant Ivorian environmental regulation (decree 96-894 of 8 November 1996), and with the procedures and guidelines of the World Bank and the African Development Bank.

    The Riviera-Marcory bridge construction project was approved and declared to be of national interest by a decree signed on 14 January 1998, by His Excellency Henri KONAN BEDIE, President of the Republic of C6te d’Ivoire.

    Main Features of the Project
    The Riviera-Marcory bridge is an urban expressway linking Cocody and Marcory municipalities by a bridge across the Ebril lagoon. From North to Southit is connected to Boulevard Mitten-and by an interchange; it crosses the former Bingerville road, runs alongside the BlinguC dale between the University and the Riviera housing estate, up to Boulevard de France; it runs alongside this boulevard over the Mrs. ThCr&e Houphou&!t-Boigny Residence, and goes down towards the EbriC lagoon; it is on the bank of the latter that the toll gate platform as well as the operational complex will be located ; the Riviera-Marcory bridge then crosses the EbriC lagoon through a viaduct about 1,500 meters long, which is supported to the north by the Riviera islet, to the south by lands belonging to the National Institute of Youths and Sports, and to the immediate west by the mouth of the Anoumabo canal; the expressway crosses the INJS plots of land alorig the canal, runs alongside the latter up to the Anoumabo bridge, and follows the layout of the Avenue Pierre et Marie Curie up to Boulevard Valery Giscard d’Estaing, where an interchange is planned with the new road. This interchange marks the end of the project.

    The project comprises 2 x 2 lanes in the northern part (Mitten-and - toll gate), then 2 x 3 lanes on the viaduct and in the southern part (Marcory). It has a total length of about 6 6600 meters including (approximate lengths) : Mitten-and - toll gate : 2 600 mToll gate - INJS (viaduct) : 400 m of dyke + 1 500 m of viaductINJS - VGE (hlarcory) : 2 100m

    The Project and Concession: their objective and justification
    The project seeks to decongest the present roads crossing the Ebrit Lagoon. Only the Felix Houphouet-Boigny bridge and the Charles de Gaulle bridge provide a link between the southern areas of Abidjan and the northern districts, and they are getting saturated.

    The concept of the concession is to free Republic of Cote d’Ivoire (the State) budget from the expenditures related to the construction and operation of the structure. The project company, SOCOPRIM, is a semipublic company set up by the State and the Bouygues- Setao group of companies which was selected following an international competitive bidding. The concession is granted for a period of 30 years.

    The relationships between the State and the Concessionaire are governed by a Concession Agreement signed on 14 November 1997. This stipulates notably the general distribution of duties between the two parties, particularly on the following points:

    The State shall be responsible for the provision of the right-of-way in accordance with a schedule fixed by the Agreement;
    Consequently, the State shall also be responsible for the resettlement operations of the populations affected by the project;
    The environmental compensatory measures defined following the impact assessment will be borne by the Concessionaire, unless they are likely to deteriorate the overall financial balance of the project.

    After analyzing several options, the project layout was selected because it presented the least impact on the dwellings and the urban fabric, allowed a satisfactory distribution of traffic and fitted well into a rational traffic organization program in Abidjan and its suburbs.

    The project will therefore help make considerable savings in distance and time on the north-south route, with positive consequences on the economy in general as well as on the environment, especially \vith regards to urban air pollution, by limiting the distances collered and the traffic jams.

    During the concession period, the crossing will be subjected to a toll intended to pay off the investment and cover the operating expenses. The weighted average toll rate will be about CFAF 650 (Reference value date of July 1997) .

    The Physical and Ecological Environment concerned by the Project
    Marco~ commune: The southern part of the new expressway fits into a dense urban fabric. Only the INJS lands have a natural feature, but are of no particular interest.The project crosses in its central part the Ebrie Lagoon, a complex lagoon environment that contributes to the charm of Abidjan. Under the present study, detailed investigations on this environment were entrusted to the “Centre de Recherches Oceanologiques d’Abidjan” (Abidjan Center for Marine and Aquatic Research -CRO).

    This lagoon runs parallel to the Gulf of Guinea for 130 km, without its width exceeding 7 km. It is fed with fresh water from several rivers the biggest of which, the River Comae, joins its eastern extremity, towards Grand-Bassam. Its total volume of water is about 2.5 billion cubic meters for an average depth of 4.7m. The development of Abidjan has contributed to the spoilage of the lagoon: through the construction of embankments on these banks, especially in the island of Petit Bassam (h/larcory, Treichville, Koumassi) ; and through the opening of the Vridi Canal intended to develop the Abidjan harbor.

    The Vridi canal has modified flows into the lagoon : up to the 1970s floods from the River ComoC were flon-ing towards the ocean through the Bassam estuary. Henceforth, the estuary will no longer open automatically and flood flows are channeled through the Vridi canal. It is, nevertheless, artificially open, as was the case in .1997.

    Analyses of the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of the waters have been carried out, under the present study, by the “Centre de Recherches Oceanologiques d’Abidjan”. The results are as follows: the bacteriological pollution is heavy, especially in the Marcory area ; the chemical quality of the water is bad towards the Marcory bank, but more satisfactory in the Riviera area. This poor quality is in connection with the discharges of untreated wastewater which flows to the lagoon, mainly through the Anoumabo canal.

    In the project area, the currents are under the influence of the tides and sediments from the River Comae, especially during the flood period (July-October). The maximum speeds are observed at ebb tide (falling tide: from east to west) and do not seem to’ exceed 1 m / s.

    Some sectors, which are either directly or indirectly affected by the project, are more or less confined from the hydraulic standpoint : this is the case of the “Baie The&se” and of the channel separating the Riviera islet from the coast.

    The wildlife of the lagoon is characterized by the varying salinity of its waters : for example, fresh-water or salt-water or brackish-water fish species can coexist in the project sector. The same is true for shellfish. The temporap. invasion by floating weeds from the River Comoe is particularly considerable in places where the currents are low (bays, secondary channels). The \.egetation of the banks is in general of no particular ecological interest (water plants and cultivated plants).Cocody commune: Outside the Ebrie lagoon, the future expressway does not overlap the natural environment strictly speaking : the famled areas in the Blingue dale and on the bank of the lagoon are concerned.

    The Riviera area is the seat of a considerable underground sheet of water, in the deposits of the Continental Teninal. Its depth, depending on the areas and the altitude of the natural land, is between 2 and 15 meters. There is no public harnessing of drinking water in the project sector.

    The human environment and the population affected by the project

    In Cocody commune, the layout follows the Blingue dale on most of its length. This dale separates the University Campus from the Riviera housing estate. In the downstream part of this dale, near Boulevard de France, a precarious dwelling known as Blingue has developed. Cement, mud (bricks and clay) and wooden houses are found in this area. It has a total population of 1,200 households or 3,500 inhabitants.

    The district is mostly peopled with Burkina Faso nationals, as well as a few Ivorians and nationals of other West African countries. The majority of the inhabitants work in the Cocody employment area, mostly as domestics. The social life of this district is similar to the village type of organization, at least with regard to the Burkinabe community which is the oldest.

    Further upstream, some houses of the Riviera housing estate overlook the small valley from the eastern slope, beyond the project and outside its right-of-way. The University Campus which runs alongside the dale on the western side, is not concerned by the project.

    Along the Bingerville road, about fifteen craftsmen and traders (carpenters, upholsterers, ironworkers) are settled on the public right-of-way of the shoulder, in wooden shanties.

    In the precarious Blingue district itself, there are about twenty informal commercial and craft activities. In the dale, the inhabitants of the Blingue district are engaged in cash crop or subsistence farming. Finally, the area along the lagoon is used for growing decorative plants and vegetable crops, and teams of craftsmen remove and sell the lagoon sand using small canoes. This sand is used as construction material.

    Owing to the absence of roads in the project area, the current noise levels are low.

    The total number of persons affected by the project is 1 480 inhabitants.

    Marcory commune: The project fits into the dense and varied urban fabric along the Avenue Pierre et Marie Curie. It is a working class district characterized by the presence, of the Central Marcon. market, not far from the future expressway. In the neighborhood of the latter and along the Avenue Pierre et Marie Curie in particular, very many traders carry out varied activities, most often in an informal setting, either directly on the public road or in the premises adjoining the houses built on both sides of the road.

    The dwellings are made up of individual houses acquired under the large housing schemes (SICOGI and GFCI) carried out in the 70s and 80s. The households concerned by the project are either owners (l/4) or tenants (3/4).

    On the bank of the Anoumabo canal, between the latter and the extended Avenue P. et M. Curie, the lands and buildings belong to private owners; many commercial and smallscale activities and three blocks of flats (including one 4-storey-building) were identified.

    The district is characterized by an intense activity and a heavy traffic which results in high noise levels as of now. The presence of many public utilities in the neighborhood has led SOTRA to link up the sector through bus routes which run along Avenue Pierre et Marie Curie or intersect with it.

    Public Consultation
    An intensive Public Information and Disclosure process was organized during the implementation of the present EIA, as well as under the preparation of the RAP
    In December 1997, a pre-information exercise was carried out by the State under the Census of the Properties and Persons affected by the project. The consultations themselves were carried out within the framework of the procedures set forth by the relevant Ivorian regulation, which are: public inquiry: this inquiry is provided for by the above-mentioned decree of 1930; it seeks to bring to public attention the sectors of the right-of-way affected and likely to be expropriated, and to ensure that the lists of persons affected by the project are complete; public inquiF on the environmental impact assessment: provision of the EIA documents in the municipalities of the communes concerned, and the entering of the observations of the public in the registers. The latter are analyzed by an independent investigating commissioner who makes the observations of the public known to the Government, which takes them into account or not.

    In addition to these statutory procedures, the State and the Concessionaire have organized public meetings. Four in number, these meetings have made it possible to present to the population affected, the project and its impact, and to register the observations and grievances of the said population. These meetings (two per commune) were massively attended (several hundreds of persons) and enabled a free and open exchange

    Finally, in accordance with the recommendations of the Consultant in charge of the EIA, the Government entrusted to an NGO (Caritas Cote d’Ivoire) a consultation and mediation mission with the persons affected by the project. Caritas Cote d’Ivoire is an organization affiliated to the Roman Catholic Church of C6te d’Ivoire, and is greatly respected by Ivorians of all denominations as a trustworthy institution, independent of the parties concerned by the project.

    Principal results of the environmental consultation: The concerns of the riverside population are mostly as follows : resumption of traffic on the Anoumabo bridge; safety of children and maintenance of pavements for pedestrians on both sides of the expressway; noise control; toll amount deemed too high; correct maintenance of the structure; impact on the University campus.These concerns, which are justified, were taken into consideration in the definition of the compensatory measures.

    Regarding resettlement, the principles of the resettlement plan were subjected to an intense consultation with the population affected by the project. The following points emerged from the whole process:

    Funder’s intervention
    The International Finance Corporation, in collaboration with financing partners, will invest US$34 million in the first private transport infrastructure project in West Africa, involving the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of a toll road bridge over the Ebrié Lagoon in Abidjan.

    The project, which will be implemented by Société Concessionnaire du Pont Riviera—Marcory S.A. (SOCOPRIM S.A), will include new access roads and a six-lane bridge, to be known as the Marcory Bridge. It will link the residential areas surrounding Riviera and the industrial and commercial zone of Marcory, easing heavy traffic congestion and reducing delays on two existing bridges. The new bridge will reduce costs and travel time for users and contribute to road safety and air quality.

    At a signing ceremony in Abidjan with representatives of the Ivorian government, IFC Executive Vice President Peter Woicke said the project is a model for future private sector involvement in commercially viable and well-structured projects in this sector. He noted that the soundness of the project derives in part from IFC's experience in transport infrastructure and knowledge of environment and resettlement needs. Sensitivity to the residents in the path of construction and to the environment were key to finalizing the agreement, he said.

    A resettlement action plan was drawn up on the basis of extensive public consultation with local communities as well as municipal and national authorities. The Government of Côte d'Ivoire worked with advice from IFC to organize the resettlement of 3,200 affected people, including the Blingué shantytown in the Cocody district, the mid-income residential areas in Marcory, and numerous smaller businesses along the access roads. The international non-governmental organization, CARITAS, managed relocation activities and local religious and community leaders mediated differences.

    The project is sponsored by a consortium consisting of Bouygues, S.A.—a major French engineering and construction company that is active worldwide—and its subsidiaries, Bouygues Travaux Publics and Bouygues Batiments, as well as SETAO, its wholly-owned Ivorian subsidiary. The concession was awarded through competitive bidding in April 1997. SOCOPRIM S.A. will operate the bridge for 30 years.

    IFC's financing consists of a loan to SOCOPRIM of up to FRF180 million ($29 million) and a subordinated loan of up to FRF30 million ($4.8 million), both for IFC's own account. The FRF922 million ($150 million) project is being financed in partnership with the African Development Bank, the West African Development Bank (Banque Ouest-Africaine de Développement), PROPARCO (the private sector lending arm of the French development agency, Agence Francaise de Développement or AFD), Bank Austria, and DEG (Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, the German Investment and Development Agency).

    The mission of IFC, part of the World Bank Group, is to promote private sector investment in developing countries, which will reduce poverty and improve people's lives. IFC finances private sector investments in the developing world, mobilizes capital in the international financial markets, and provides technical assistance and advice to governments and businesses.

    Description of Company and Purpose of Project
    SOCOPRIM S.A. will design, construct, finance and operate a third bridge over the Ebrié Lagoon which separates the residential and commercial areas of Abidjan under a 30-year concession awarded by the Government of Cote d'Ivoire (GOCI) through international competitive bidding. The project will also include new access roads to the north and south. The new bridge will alleviate intense congestion on the existing two bridges which has a significant impact on travel in Abidjan throughout the week.The implementation of this project would be significant in providing a strong demonstration effect which IFC could lead manage through its (i) experience in transport infrastructure combined with knowledge of the local environment; (ii) leadership in technical/financial evaluation of the project and structuring a bankable transaction that underpins the country’s strategy objectives; and (iii) coordination of a multi-sourced financial package with other bilateral/multilateral lenders that are keen on promoting the development of private transport infrastructure in the largely untested African region.

    The joint CAS focuses on the twin aims of assisting Côte d’Ivoire in accelerating ongoing basic reforms to transform the country into a “good business address” and to begin to tackle more concretely the task of poverty alleviation, especially in rural areas. The project contributes to this by, first, freeing up scarce government resources for social programs and, second, providing a model for private projects that can assist in solidifying the private sector role in providing and expanding infrastructure services. IFC’s role under the CAS includes assisting private entry into infrastructure sectors.

    Environmental Category and issues
    According to the World Bank’s environmental and social review procedures, this is a Category A project because of its potentially diverse and significant adverse impact on the environmental and social detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required. Extensive public consultations were held in accordance with GOCI requirements and World Bank guidelines. The results of these consultations have been incorporated into a final EIA which was publicly released to the Infoshop and in country on April 24, 1998. The EIA addresses several key environmental and social issues associated with the project’s implementation, construction, and operation. The EIA also includes a environmental management and mitigation plan. Detailed environmental and resettlement monitoring plans are being developed in coordination with GOCI regulations and World Bank Group guidelines.
    The principal mitigation endorsed by the Company and already agreed by the GOCI are:

    Realignment and widening of the right-of-way in order to minimise• resettlement and provide space for street merchants;
    Reinstatement of traffic and pedestrian flows;•
    Comprehensive resettlement and compensation arrangements• (RAP);
    Noise protection using baffle walls and• tree plantations;
    Lagoon water protection during• bridge construction;
    Reinstatement of water• courses and lagoon water circulation;

    Run-off and drainage management

    Project construction will involve the physical/economic displacement of 2,920 Project Affected People (PAP). The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared in accordance with (i) the regulations of the Republic of C¶te d’Ivoire and (ii) the World Bank’s Operational Directive 4.30 on Involuntary Resettlement. It is in full compliance with national laws and policies concerning social housing and resettlement. The policies and guidelines of the World Bank Group which were fully satisfied are more favorable to PAPs than the local regulations. Wide consultation with PAPs was carried out on behalf of the Government by a local NGO, Caritas CI. Local religious leaders, both Christian priests and Muslim imams were also involved. Their participation will continue throughout resettlement and rehabilitation.
    The GOCI will finance resettlement and compensation of PAPs from its own budget; about FCFA5 billion (US$8.4 million) is allocated. Implementation arrangements appear to be effective; internal and external monitoring provisions are given and sufficiently budgeted. All categories of PAPs have been satisfactorily covered in the RAP.A detailed timetable / chronogram for project execution, including the RAP, has been prepared by the Sponsor. A revised timetable will be prepared which clearly indicates key performance benchmarks and implementation milestones for incorporation into Investment AgreementReason of the project failure

    The main reason of the failure of this project is the bad evaluation of the country risk.Indeed, nobody was capable of foreseeing the fall of the regime of the President Henri Konan Bedie while there were forerunners.


    Background and Purpose
    The types of road development projects that can be feasibly implemented using the BOT method are limited in number.Transportation infrastructure is characterized by relatively high market risk. Demand for transportation fluctuates widely with socioeconomic changes in the country and the level of services provided by the transportation facility. This makes private companies extremely cautious toward participation in a BOT project.Several projects have failed right after they were started, partly because real demand fell short of initial projections.The goal of this guideline is to help ensure the success of future BOT projects.

    The Need for Private Sector Vitality
    A BOT project is not an independent commercial project, even though its developer is a public enterprise. A BOT project is jointly carried out by the public and private sectors.

    “Jointly carry out” means that the two sectors closely cooperate in the planning and implementation of a project, instead of performing predetermined jobs independently of each other.

    Conventional BOT projects:
    “Consigned to private businesses by the government” BOT projects under the PPP system: “Carried out through public cooperation with private companies”

    BOT Projects Based On PPP
    In the following discussion, BOT projects are evaluated in terms of their ability to function as BOT projects based on PPP (Public-Private-Partnership). The discussion also covers the optimal form of a PPP-based BOT project. Several risk hedges are examined. Risk hedges can help get a project started, as well as help formulate a business plan that appeals to both the public and private sectors.

    Selection of a project:
    1) To qualify as a PPP-based BOT project, a project must have socioeconomic value.
    2) The BOT must be self-sufficient in the absence of public assistance. If the project does not need public support, it will be put into operation by the private sector.

    3) If the project cannot function as a private project, it is reexamined to see if help from the public sector, in the form of land or other privileges associated with the project, will enable the project to succeed. If public support makes the project feasible, it will be put into operation.

    4) A project that does not qualify as a conventional BOT project may qualify as a PPP-based BOT project if the public sector accepts a greater role to make it feasible.

    5) If a project is expected to be unprofitable under the BOT method even with substantial public support, the project may be canceled. Or, if the project is considered indispensable, it will be implemented as a purely public project with special public financing.


    When implementing a PPP – based BOT project, the public sector needs to apply the following measures:

    • Clarification of the project
    Clearly define the objective of each project and the expected socioeconomic results.

    • Improvement in the PPP system
    The public sector must recognize that BOT projects are “projects carried out jointly by the public and private sectors” and should participate in BOT projects to make them successful. The public sector and private enterprise should share and allocate the profits and social benefits, as well as share the risk.

    o Recognition of competence and role of private sector
    Before determining the roles of the government and the private sector in a BOT road project, the government should understand the role and competence of each participant.

    o project analysis
    In planning a project on behalf of the government, the public sector should review the opinions and proposals provided by the private sector and reexamine its plan from the perspective of the private sector.Similarly, a plan compiled by a private participant must be reviewed from the public’s point of view.

    o Review of necessary measures
    The project should be reviewed to determine whether or not it is feasible under appropriate risk management. When necessary, alterations should be made to the project scheme, including alterations of the project itself and to the public support policy.

    Appropriate toll setting
    Tolls must be set to a level that ensures the profitability of a project, since a BOT project is a financially independent project in which the private enterprise assumes the demand risk. Particularly in developing nations, the toll set by a private enterprise frequently exceeds the level calculated from a socioeconomic perspective, leading to the failure of the project.To avoid this problem, tolls should be set to the level calculated from socioeconomic conditions. If there is a discrepancy between this level and the level required by the private-sector participant, some form of compensation should be formulated and implemented under public-private partnership. A toll level is appropriate if it is acceptable to the citizens from a socioeconomic viewpoint.

    4. Proposal for a PPP-based Project Scheme
    A PPP-based BOT project requires an appropriate project scheme. For this purpose, these guidelines propose a hybrid project scheme.


    Hybrid-type Road Implementation

    Vertical separation
    For example, the roadbed is built by the public sector, while the private partner paves the road. The section is then maintained and operated by the private partner. In the construction of an elevated road, the public sector may build the piers, while the private partner builds the road section.Figure 3. Hybrid project (Type 1) (Vertical separation)

    Sectional separation
    For example, a bridge and an access road are built by the private partner and the public sector, respectively. The maintenance and operation of the completed road are placed in the hands of the private partner. In another example, the public sector may take charge of the main road, while the private partner is responsible for the interchanges.


    Public Role in the Promotion of BOT Projects
    To promote PPP-based BOT projects, the government must not only review the existing BOT project schemes and procedures, but also make the PPP system well known to the public.In addition, when a BOT project fails to cover its costs with public funding, coordination with an ODA project should be considered.Public Role

    • Develop a system for participating in BOT projects
    National consensus should be formed on public participation in BOT projects. It is essential to institutionalize a concrete framework for such activities.

    • Establish appropriate project plans
    BOT project plans must be designed so that the construction of transportation infrastructures not only conforms to the nation’s development programs, including economic development plans, but also guarantees the profitability of the projects. To encourage private participation, demand projections should be based on the results of market surveys, not on mere expectations.

    • Incorporate private-sector creativity into specifications
    Order specifications should incorporate original ideas from the private sector. These ideas can pertain to the use of vertical spaces, the integrated development of roadside areas, and the construction of road sections.

    • Reinforce financial resources for road construction
    Reinforcing financial resources is critical if the government is to support BOT projects or implement road construction on its own. Financial resources can be effectively built up when beneficiaries bear the financial burden, as is the case with Japan’s management system.

    • Guarantee transparency and fairness in the selection of private BOT participants
    To promote private participation and public confidence in BOT projects, the government should guarantee transparency and fairness when selecting BOT participants. Measures should include open competitive bidding and proposal competition.Utilization of Various Financial ResourcesPPP-based projects are carried out by private enterprises and the public sector using private and public money. The public sector opts for BOT projects, which are partially funded by the private sector, because the government often lacks sufficient funds. To implement a PPP-based project, the public sector raises funds from various sources, including ODA funds.To promote PPP-based BOT projects in developing nations, the following forms of assistance should be considered.

    • Technical Assistance such as M/P and FS
    Technical assistance includes the institutionalization of BOT projects, the compilation of specifications for individual BOT projects, and the evaluation of BOT applicants.

    • Provide funds and loans to governments to build an infrastructure under a joint ODA program and BOT project
    If necessary, ODA programs can include constructing open roads that connect to a BOT toll road, developing areas surrounding a BOT site, and constructing road infrastructures related to a planned BOT project. These supportive activities will stabilize the profitability of the BOT project and help gain international trust in the project, which, in turn, will expedite public financing by international banking institutions.

    • Help introduce new technologies
    BOT projects have the goals of introducing advanced technologies owned by private businesses, as well as cutting public expenditures. The ODA program should help developing nations build infrastructures that introduce such technologies as ITS (Intelligent Transport System)

    GOLDEN RULES OF PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENTThe benefits of risk management in projects are huge. You can gain a lot of money if you deal with uncertain project events in a proactive manner. The result will be that you minimise the impact of project threats and seize the opportunities that occur. This allows you to deliver your project on time, on budget and with the quality results your project sponsor demands. Also your team members will be much happier if they do not enter a "fire fighting" mode needed to repair the failures that could have been prevented.
    This article gives you the 10 golden rules to apply risk management successfully in your project. They are based on personal experiences of the author who has been involved in projects for over 15 years. Also the big pile of literature available on the subject has been condensed in this article.

    Make Risk Management Part of Your Project
    The first rule is essential to the success of project risk management. If you don't truly embed risk management in your project, you can not reap the full benefits of this approach. You can encounter a number of faulty approaches in companies. Some projects use no approach whatsoever to risk management. They are either ignorant, running their first project or they are somehow confident that no risks will occur in their project (which of course will happen). Some people blindly trust the project manager, especially if he (usually it is a man) looks like a battered army veteran who has been in the trenches for the last two decades. Professional companies make risk management part of their day to day operations and include it in project meetings and the training of staff.

    Identify Risks Early in Your Project
    The first step in project risk management is to identify the risks that are present in your project. This requires an open mind set that focuses on future scenarios that may occur. Two main sources exist to identify risks, people and paper. People are your team members that each bring along their personal experiences and expertise. Other people to talk to are experts outside your project that have a track record with the type of project or work you are facing. They can reveal some booby traps you will encounter or some golden opportunities that may not have crossed your mind. Interviews and team sessions (risk brainstorming) are the common methods to discover the risks people know. Paper is a different story. Projects tend to generate a significant number of (electronic) documents that contain project risks. They may not always have that name, but someone who reads carefully (between the lines) will find them. The project plan, business case and resource planning are good starters. Another categories are old project plans, your company Intranet and specialised websites.Are you able to identify all project risks before they occur? Probably not. However if you combine a number of different identification methods, you are likely to find the large majority. If you deal with them properly, you have enough time left for the unexpected risks that take place.

    Communicate About Risks
    Failed projects show that project managers in such projects were frequently unaware of the big hammer that was about to hit them. The frightening finding was that frequently someone of the project organisation actually did see that hammer, but didn't inform the project manager of its existence. If you don't want this to happen in your project, you better pay attention to risk communication.
    A good approach is to consistently include risk communication in the tasks you carry out. If you have a team meeting, make project risks part of the default agenda (and not the final item on the list!). This shows risks are important to the project manager and gives team members a "natural moment" to discuss them and report new ones.
    Another important line of communication is that of the project manager and project sponsor or principal. Focus your communication efforts on the big risks here and make sure you don't surprise the boss or the customer! Also take care that the sponsor makes decisions on the top risks, because usually some of them exceed the mandate of the project manager.

    Consider Both Threats and Opportunities
    Project risks have a negative connotation: they are the "bad guys" that can harm your project. However modern risk approaches also focus on positive risks, the project opportunities. These are the uncertain events that beneficial to your project and organisation. These "good guys" make your project faster, better and more profitable.
    Unfortunately, lots of project teams struggle to cross the finish line, being overloaded with work that needs to be done quickly. This creates project dynamics where only negative risks matter (if the team considers any risks at all). Make sure you create some time to deal with the opportunities in your project, even if it is only half an hour. Chances are that you see a couple of opportunities with a high pay-off that don't require a big investment in time or resources.

    Clarify Ownership Issues
    Some project managers think they are done once they have created a list with risks. However this is only a starting point. The next step is to make clear who is responsible for what risk! Someone has to feel the heat if a risk is not taken care of properly. The trick is simple: assign a risk owner for each risk that you have found. The risk owner is the person in your team that has the responsibility to optimise this risk for the project. The effects are really positive. At first people usually feel uncomfortable that they are actually responsible for certain risks, but as time passes they will act and carry out tasks to decrease threats and enhance opportunities.
    Ownership also exists on another level. If a project threat occurs, someone has to pay the bill. This sounds logical, but it is an issue you have to address before a risk occurs. Especially if different business units, departments and suppliers are involved in your project, it becomes important who bears the consequences and has to empty his wallet. An important side effect of clarifying the ownership of risk effects, is that line managers start to pay attention to a project, especially when a lot of money is at stake. The ownership issue is equally important with project opportunities. Fights over (unexpected) revenues can become a long-term pastime of management.

    Prioritise Risks
    A project manager once told me "I treat all risks equally." This makes project life really simple. However, it doesn't deliver the best results possible. Some risks have a higher impact than others. Therefore, you better spend your time on the risks that can cause the biggest losses and gains. Check if you have any showstoppers in your project that could derail your project. If so, these are your number 1 priority. The other risks can be prioritised on gut feeling or, more objectively, on a set of criteria. The criteria most project teams use is to consider the effects of a risk and the likelihood that it will occur. Whatever prioritisation measure you use, use it consistently and focus on the big risks.

    Analyse Risks
    Understanding the nature of a risk is a precondition for a good response. Therefore take some time to have a closer look at individual risks and don't jump to conclusions without knowing what a risk is about.
    Risk analysis occurs at different levels. If you want to understand a risk at an individual level it is most fruitful to think about the effects that it has and the causes that can make it happen. Looking at the effects, you can describe what effects take place immediately after a risk occurs and what effects happen as a result of the primary effects or because time elapses. A more detailed analysis may show the order of magnitude effect in a certain effect category like costs, lead time or product quality. Another angle to look at risks, is to focus on the events that precede a risk occurrence, the risk causes. List the different causes and the circ*mstances that decrease or increase the likelihood.
    Another level of risk analysis is investigate the entire project. Each project manager needs to answer the usual questions about the total budget needed or the date the project will finish. If you take risks into account, you can do a simulation to show your project sponsor how likely it is that you finish on a given date or within a certain time frame. A similar exercise can be done for project costs.
    The information you gather in a risk analysis will provide valuable insights in your project and the necessary input to find effective responses to optimise the risks.

    Plan and Implement Risk Responses
    Implementing a risk response is the activity that actually adds value to your project. You prevent a threat occurring or minimise negative effects. Execution is key here. The other rules have helped you to map, prioritise and understand risks. This will help you to make a sound risk response plan that focuses on the big wins.If you deal with threats you basically have three options, risk avoidance, risk minimisation and risk acceptance. Avoiding risks means you organise your project in such a way that you don't encounter a risk anymore. This could mean changing supplier or adopting a different technology or, if you deal with a fatal risk, terminating a project. Spending more money on a doomed project is a bad investment.
    The biggest category of responses are the ones to minimise risks. You can try to prevent a risk occurring by influencing the causes or decreasing the negative effects that could result. If you have carried out rule 7 properly (risk analysis) you will have plenty of opportunities to influence it. A final response is to accept a risk. This is a good choice if the effects on the project are minimal or the possibilities to influence it prove to be very difficult, time consuming or relatively expensive. Just make sure that it is a conscious choice to accept a certain risk.
    Responses for risk opportunities are the reverse of the ones for threats. They will focus on seeking risks, maximising them or ignoring them (if opportunities prove to be too small).

    Register Project Risks
    This rule is about bookkeeping (however don't stop reading). Maintaining a risk log enables you to view progress and make sure that you won't forget a risk or two. It is also a perfect communication tool that informs your team members and stakeholders what is going on (rule 3).
    A good risk log contains risks descriptions, clarifies ownership issues (rule 5) and enables you to carry our some basic analyses with regard to causes and effects (rule 7). Most project managers aren't really fond of administrative tasks, but doing your bookkeeping with regards to risks pays off, especially if the number of risks is large. Some project managers don't want to record risks, because they feel this makes it easier to blame them in case things go wrong. However the reverse is true. If you record project risks and the effective responses you have implemented, you create a track record that no one can deny. Even if a risk happens that derails the project. Doing projects is taking risks.

    Track Risks and Associated Tasks
    The risk register you have created as a result of rule 9, will help you to track risks and their associated tasks. Tracking tasks is a day-to-day job for each project manager. Integrating risk tasks into that daily routine is the easiest solution. Risk tasks may be carried out to identify or analyse risks or to generate, select and implement responses.
    Tracking risks differs from tracking tasks. It focuses on the current situation of risks. Which risks are more likely to happen? Has the relative importance of risks changed? Answering this questions will help to pay attention to the risks that matter most for your project value.The 10 golden risk rules above give you guidelines on how to implement risk management successfully in your project. However, keep in mind that you can always improve. Therefore rule number 11 would be to use the Japanese Kaizen approach: measure the effects of your risk management efforts and continuously implement improvements to make it even better.


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