When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (2024)

Table of Contents
Why The CIA Uses Cartagena As a Strategic Location For Black Operation’s Funding and Sex Trafficking for Elites The CIA’s Black Alliance With Cartels Specific Operations Subliminal Connection (Too Many Dots to Connect Not to ‘See The Pattern’) 1. "Clear and Present Danger" (1994) 2. "Blow" (2001) 3. "Collateral Damage" (2002) (One of my favorite movies) 4. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (2005) 5. The Good Shepherd (2006) (Another Favorite of Mine and One Of The Most Accurate Depictions of What I am Writing About) Competition for Colombian Coffee Fields—The Birth of Clandestine Operations in Colombia 6. Continuing on…. "Narcos" (2015-2017) 7. "American Made" (2017) 8. "The Infiltrator" (2016) 9. Sound of Freedom (2023) (Should be shown to every high school student) (A new favorite) Counter Measures The Next Time You Are Bumping Your Head to a Song About Pimping or Hoes: Know, ‘You’re Bumping Your Head to Entities Like Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’ Key Aspects of Their Relationship: Turning Girls and Women into whor*s—Pimping: The American Glorification of Sex-Trafficking and Human Trafficking A Major Contributor to Human Trafficking—I Do Not Know of Any Other Genre of Music That Glorifies Human Trafficking So Extensively: Glorification and Consequences: 2. Impact on Gender Relations: 3. Social Attitudes and Behaviors: 4. Psychological Effects: 5. Cultural and Societal Implications: 6. Legal and Moral Issues: 7. Public Health Concerns: 8. Community and Global Consequences: Pedophiles and The Scum in Hollywood and Government—If They Ignore The Cues, They’re a Pedophile Ariana Grande Being Touched Inappropriately by Preacher Oprah and João Teixeira de Faria, Convicted Mass Rapists and Pedophile Again, Watch The Cues. Pedo-Joe Biden References

I send my respects and prayers to the very few women and men who are a support system for the brave souls who do such jobs to protect children, stop human trafficking, fight evil, and share awareness across the globe.

I also thank all those of you who fight evil by educating others about God and how to protect each other, especially the youth. I thank those, who not being afraid to peer into the abyss: bring light into this vastly dim world. Lastly, I thank those of you who are truly trying to make the world a less delusional and less selfish place.

People who avoid seeing and trying to solve the issues the world faces are the vast majority. This mass complacency places the global burden on the very small percentage of us who try to help alleviate suffering in the world. Though the burden is extremely great, those of you try to help: you lighten the weight and suffering involved for us all. Without God’s and your support, the world would be entirely overrun by evil men and women. Nowadays, people think evil is “cool”; Hell is anything but… cool…

Why The CIA Uses Cartagena As a Strategic Location For Black Operation’s Funding and Sex Trafficking for Elites

1. Strategic Importance of Cartagena:

  • Cartagena, a major port city in Colombia, has long been a critical point for cartel’s child trafficking and drug trafficking routes. Its strategic location on the Caribbean coast makes it a primary transit point for cocaine, child trafficking and human trafficking, and other illicit drugs to be smuggled in from Colombia to the United States and Europe.

  • The rise of powerful drug and child trafficking cartels in Colombia, such as the Medellín and Cali cartels, drew significant attention from U.S. intelligence agencies, including ‘CIA Black Operatives’ and their ‘Splinter Cells’ within the CIA and clandestine government operations.

The CIA’s Black Alliance With Cartels

1. Covert Operations and Collusion:

  • There is persistent evidence that the CIA today, and at various points, colludes with cartels for black operations: using cartel’s monetization of cocaine and human trafficking to fund black operations. These operations that trade protection for funding from cartels are to fuel clandestine activities and operations, or for supporting paramilitary groups for gorilla warfare. This in-turn: protects the vast majority of: the cocaine fields, a vast amount of human trafficking rings (which involve hundreds of thousands of children), and sex trafficking rings that seem nearly endless in their scope and reach.

  • The most infamous example is the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s, where it was revealed that the CIA facilitated drug trafficking to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Although this specific scandal did not directly involve Cartagena, it set a precedent for how cartels which use drug trafficking, human trafficking, and child trafficking are used today to fund covert operations.

2. Use of Cartels for Intelligence and Counter-Insurgency:

  • Many reports suggest that the CIA also uses cartel networks to gather intelligence on leftist guerrilla groups like the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), such groups are just as evil, they may at times refuse to operate for the CIA. These guerrilla groups may eventually become recruited by the CIA and are also heavily involved in child trafficking and the drug trade, often competing with or collaborating with other cartels and black operatives within the United States Government.

  • By leveraging cartel networks, the CIA gains valuable intelligence and disrupts or gains funding for insurgent groups, funding black operations outside and inside of Colombia which are virtually untraceable.

Specific Operations

1. Operation “Just Cause” and “Plan Colombia”:

  • While not directly tied to black operations involving cartels, these large-scale military and counter-narcotics operations highlighted the intricate relationship between the CIA, U.S. military, and Colombian forces.

  • Cartagena’s role in these operations was significant due to its status as a key drug and sex trafficking hub.

2. Black Operations in Cartagena:

  • While concrete evidence is scarce (which is their point), several investigative reports and whistleblower accounts provided substantial evidence that the CIA uses Cartagena as a base for black operations involving cartels. These operations have included arms smuggling, intelligence gathering, and covert actions against political targets, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.

  • The complexity of the drug trade with sex trafficking rings in Cartagena, involving multiple cartels and international players, provides a cover for various clandestine activities within both the United States Government and the Colombian Government.

Subliminal Connection (Too Many Dots to Connect Not to ‘See The Pattern’)

I am fully aware that Movies ‘most often’ do not portray reality. I want you to see that there are also subliminal messages within many of them, and over the years, what was once subliminal becomes liminal and conscious.

1. Movies That Are Subliminally and Directly Telling Us About Clandestine and Nefarious Activity within Cartagena:

1. "Clear and Present Danger" (1994)

This movie, based on Tom Clancy’s novel, features scenes involving Colombian drug and human trafficking cartels. Cartagena is mentioned as part of the storyline involving drug trafficking and sex trafficking.

  • Quote: "The delegation from Bogota will fly into Cartagena."

2. "Blow" (2001)

This biographical movie about George Jung mentions Colombian locations involved in the cocaine trade, including Cartagena.

  • Quote: "We flew into Cartagena with 300 kilos."

3. "Collateral Damage" (2002) (One of my favorite movies)

This movie features scenes set in Colombia, including Cartagena, as part of its plot involving international terrorism and drug trafficking.

  • Quote: "I was in Beirut. I was in Bosnia. I'm not afraid of death. I was in Rwanda. What about Cartagena?.."— Tom Cruise’s character, an ex-C.I.A member gone rough-hitman.

4. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (2005)

This movie, features a reference to Cartagena in a conversation about past missions, hinting at illegal activities.

  • Quote: "That little garden party job you pulled in Cartagena?"

It all started with the Coffee Fields, between America and Russia

5. The Good Shepherd (2006) (Another Favorite of Mine and One Of The Most Accurate Depictions of What I am Writing About)

In "The Good Shepherd," the competition between the U.S. and Russia for Colombian coffee fields is a central point—depicting the broader context of Cold War espionage and geopolitical maneuvering between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. The CIA was created the same year that the Cold War started. This movie outlines the clandestine efforts of both the united States and Russia to acquire coffee fields in Colombia which would become funding sources for both parties operations. This is no different than China buy up mass amounts of land in America, Africa, Canada, and all over the world today.

I was just wanted to share this movie in general and was not aware that it too mentions… Cartegena:

  • Quote: "The CIA received information from Cartagena about Soviet activity in Cuba."Of course it did… I looked it up about two hours before the scheduled posting time, and lo and behold…

Not mentioned in this movie is how most of the events that happened in this movie, that this basis of real events was the beginning of all that you see written here, from cartels to the CIA, from human trafficking to Hollywood. Absorb that for a minute…

Competition for Colombian Coffee Fields—The Birth of Clandestine Operations in Colombia

During The Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union fought for influence over strategic resources and locations around the globe. One such valuable asset is Colombia's rich coffee fields, which are seen as economically and strategically important to fund any and all operations necessary during the inception of the CIA and Russian Spy Agencies.

  1. CIA Involvement:

    • The United States mission during this time involved ensuring that the Colombian coffee trade remained under American influence to prevent it from falling into Soviet hands.

  2. KGB Countermoves:

    • The KGB, aware of the CIA's intentions, sent its operatives to Colombia to undermine American efforts. The Soviet’s aim was to gain control over the coffee fields and to disrupt the global coffee market and strengthen their geopolitical position in Latin America.

  3. Espionage and Sabotage:

    • Both the CIA and KGB engage in covert operations, including espionage, bribery, and sabotage, to achieve their objectives. This included infiltrating coffee plantations, manipulating local political figures, and engaging in propaganda campaigns to sway public opinion. Now, the coffee fields are cocaine fields, and human slaves…

  4. Local Alliances and Conflicts:

    • This struggle for control over the coffee fields also involves local players, including Colombian government officials, rebel groups, and coffee plantation owners. Each party had its interests and alliances, making the situation more complex and volatile.

  5. Climactic Confrontation:

    • The competition reaches a climax when major coffee plantations become the focal point of both the CIA and the KGB's efforts.

  6. Resolution:

    • The conflict over the Colombian coffee fields ends with a precarious balance of power. While the CIA manages to secure key alliances and maintain American influence, the KGB succeeds in creating enough disruption to keep the region unstable, reflecting the broader stalemate of the Cold War.

6. Continuing on…. "Narcos" (2015-2017)

Though a TV series rather than a movie, "Narcos" frequently mentions Cartagena as part of its exploration of the drug trade.

  • Quote: "In Cartagena, we had a big seizure."

7. "American Made" (2017)

This movie, also starring Tom Cruise, involves the Medellín Cartel and mentions various Colombian locations involved in drug trafficking, including Cartagena.

  • Quote: "You land in Cartagena, you pick up the product, and you bring it back here."

8. "The Infiltrator" (2016)

Based on a true story about a U.S. Customs official uncovering a money laundering scheme involving the Medellín Cartel, the film mentions Cartagena as a key location.

  • Quote: Specific quotes mentioning Cartagena are subtle but integral to the plot involving Colombian cartels.

  • While these representations are fictional, they draw from real-life events and operations, providing a glimpse into the possible uses of cartels for black operations.

9. Sound of Freedom (2023) (Should be shown to every high school student) (A new favorite)

"Sound of Freedom" is a biographical movie that testifies of the real-life efforts of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent turned founder of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR). This biographical movie delves into the organization's mission to rescue children from child trafficking and sexual exploitation (rape) around the world.

  • Quote: “Tell Miss Cartagena you got a horny, hung-over, rich, American, looking for a little pedo-action. You don't just set up a date with Katty Juarez.”

Here is a quote from Google down-playing child trafficking, as one of its ‘top suggestions’.

Those men who created this on Google as a top suggestion, and that are in office down-playing child trafficking should face the death penalty.

Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar-a-year business. The United States and the pedophile elites in the U.S are the top destination for human trafficking and are among the largest consumers of child rape or child trafficking.

I would like to take this as an opportunity to salute, Tim Ballard, as well as all the men and women fighting sex trafficking, child trafficking, and evil all over the world. Without such souls, evil would fully prevail. Thank you.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (1)

“There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history - including when slavery was legal. Millions of those slaves are children…”

2. Investigative Journalism:

  • Several journalists and authors have delved into the murky world of CIA operations in Colombia. Books like "Dark Alliance" by Gary Webb have highlighted the CIA’s complex relationship with drug trafficking, and human trafficking.

  • Cartagena is frequently mentioned in these reports as a hotspot for drug-related and human trafficking activities as high priority black operations sources for CIA oligarchs.

Counter Measures

1. Ongoing Counter-Sex Trafficking and Narcotics Efforts:

  • Today, Cartagena remains a focal point in the global sex and drug trade. The city’s ports are constantly monitored by international law enforcement agencies, including the noble men and women within the CIA.

  • The legacy of past operations and alleged collusions continues to impact U.S.-Colombian relations and the strategies employed in counter-narcotics and counter-human-trafficking efforts.

2. Evolving Threats and Intelligence Operations:

  • The nature of child trafficking, sex trafficking, and organized crime has evolved, with cartels becoming more sophisticated and diversified. This ongoing evolution necessitates continued intelligence and covert operations, potentially involving covert collaborations with or infiltration of cartel networks.

The Next Time You Are Bumping Your Head to a Song About Pimping or Hoes: Know, ‘You’re Bumping Your Head to Entities Like Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (2)

Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted human trafficker, sex trafficker, and sex offender. Here are some key pieces of evidence and information related to the Epstein case:

  1. Indictment and Charges:

    • In 2007-2008, Epstein faced federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors in Florida. He ultimately pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution and served 13 months in a county jail, during which he was allowed to leave for work release.

    • In 2019, Epstein was arrested again on federal charges of sex trafficking of minors in New York. The charges included allegations of sexually exploiting and human trafficking dozens of girls as young as 14 years old. Many of the girls were his sex slaves for the pedophile elites like Bill Clinton, and other politicians.

  2. Flight Logs ("Lolita Express"):

    • Epstein owned a private jet known as the "Lolita Express," which transported influential individuals to his private island (Little St. James) or “Epstein Island” and other locations. The flight logs have prominent figures in politics, business, and entertainment. Here are a very few:

  • Bill Clinton: Former President of the United States.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (3)
  • Prince Andrew: Duke of York, member of the British royal family.

  • Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein's associate and accomplice.

  • Kevin Spacey: Actor.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (4)
  • Chris Tucker: Actor and comedian.

  • Larry Summers: Former President of Harvard University.

  • Stephen Hawking: Theoretical physicist.

  • Les Wexner: Business magnate, founder of L Brands (Victoria's Secret).

  • George Mitchell: Former U.S. Senator and Special Envoy for Middle East Peace.

  • Bill Richardson: Former Governor of New Mexico and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

  • Marvin Minsky: Cognitive scientist and co-founder of artificial intelligence.

  • David Koch: Billionaire businessman and philanthropist (deceased).

  • Bill Gates: Founder of Microsoft…

Epstein Island was like a pedophile/human trafficking resort for elites to engage in sex trafficking, human trafficking, and child abuse. These prominent figures would participate in prostituion: using human trafficking from human-trafficked boys, girls, men, and women. It was a Babylonian orgy palace as well. No one who buys sex from a prostitute or anyone cares where they came from, about their well-being, or the complete lack of morality involved… Many who went to Epstein’s Island were political figures who pretended to care about laws, and the welfare of humanity.

  • Victim Testimonies:

    • Multiple women came forward with allegations of sexual abuse and trafficking by Epstein when they were minors. Their testimonies provided crucial evidence in the case and highlighted the scope of Epstein's alleged criminal activities.

  • Associates and Alleged Accomplices:

    • Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's longtime associate and accomplice, faced charges related to facilitating Epstein's abuse and exploitation of minors. She was convicted of recruiting and grooming underage girls for Epstein and his associates.

  • Financial Records and Investments:

    • Epstein's financial records, including transactions, investments, and properties, were investigated to trace the flow of money related to his criminal activities.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell had a long-standing relationship that spanned several decades. Maxwell, the daughter of British media mogul Robert Maxwell, was a close associate and confidante of Epstein.

Key Aspects of Their Relationship:

  1. Professional and Personal Partnership:

    • Maxwell played a pivotal role in Epstein's social and professional life. Maxwell introduced Epstein to many of her influential connections in high society and facilitated his access to prominent individuals.

  2. Co-Conspiracy:

    • Maxwell had been actively participating in Epstein's sex trafficking ring by recruiting, grooming, and trafficking underage girls for Epstein and his associates. She played a crucial role in identifying and exploiting vulnerable young women, luring them into Epstein's orbit under false pretenses.

  3. Legal Charges:

    • Maxwell faced federal charges related to her alleged involvement in Epstein's sex trafficking ring. In July 2020, she was arrested by the FBI and charged with multiple counts, including conspiracy to entice minors to engage in illegal sex acts, transportation of minors for illegal sexual activity, and perjury.

    • Maxwell's trial began in late 2021, where prosecutors presented evidence and testimonies linking her to Epstein's crimes. The trial highlighted the extent of their partnership in the exploitation and abuse of minors.

  4. Ongoing Investigations and Legal Proceedings:

    • The legal proceedings against Maxwell continue to unfold, with ongoing investigations into Epstein's network and any potential co-conspirators. The case has drawn scant media attention due to most of the media are ruled by scum, perverts and pedophiles.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell had a nefarious and intertwined relationship marked by exploitation, abuse, and criminal conduct. Maxwell's role as Epstein's associate and co-conspirator has been central to shedding light on the dynamics of diabolical power, influence, and criminality within their partnership, the United States, and Europe.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (5)

Here’s part of Kevin Spacy’s rant that he gave after being convicted of raping an under-age boy. Ooooo, what a poor ol’ modern-day Roman pedophile (written with extreme sarcasm…)

Turning Girls and Women into whor*s—Pimping: The American Glorification of Sex-Trafficking and Human Trafficking

The intersection of pimp culture and the glorification of sex trafficking and human trafficking in music and American society is a contentious and disturbing issue. This plague involves the portrayal of pimping and prostitution in rap music, media, and popular culture, which aims to normalize and glamorize sex trafficking to both the youth and adults alike.

A Major Contributor to Human Trafficking—I Do Not Know of Any Other Genre of Music That Glorifies Human Trafficking So Extensively:

  1. Lyrics and Imagery:

    • Many rap songs and lyrics depict narratives of pimping, where individuals are portrayed as controlling and profiting from the prostitution of others (commonly referred to as "hoes" or "bitches"). These narratives often emphasize themes of diabolical power, immoral acquisition of wealth, and complete control over women's bodies.

  2. Cultural Influence:

    • Rap culture has had a significant influence on mainstream music and youth culture, and has shaped societal attitudes towards sexuality and gender dynamics. The portrayal of pimping and prostitution in music videos, lyrics, and media has globally contributed to desensitization and normalization of human trafficking.

Glorification and Consequences:

  1. Impact on Perception:

    • The glamorization of human trafficking in rap culture has greatly distorted perceptions of sex trafficking and prostitution, presenting these activities as glamorous or even as empowering choices rather than diabolical and coercive situations.

  2. Social Implications:

    • This glorification has perpetuated harmful stereotypes and attitudes towards women, reinforcing false social structures where women are completely objectified and commodified for slimy gratification, less than objectification, and turned into profit, (ever heard of a, “two-dollar ho”?… The men that manipulate, kidnap, or control these girls or women, and the women who make music glorifying this are absolutely disgusting.

The glorification of sex trafficking and human trafficking in any form of media, especially in rap culture, has had far-reaching negative consequences on individuals, communities, and society at large. These consequences span social, psychological, and ethical dimensions, impacting both perceptions and behaviors:

1. Normalization of Exploitation:

  • Perception of Normalcy: When sex trafficking and pimping are portrayed as glamorous or normalized in rap lyrics and media, it has distorted the perceptions of these activities as acceptable or even desirable. This normalization undermines efforts to combat trafficking by minimizing the severity of the issues and overlooking the human trafficking and coercion involved.

2. Impact on Gender Relations:

  • Objectification of Women: Rap lyrics that depict women as commodities to be bought and sold reinforce harmful and false gender stereotypes. They perpetuate a culture where women are viewed primarily as objects of scumbaggery’s pleasure and economic gain, rather than as individuals with inherent dignity, self-respect, and rights.

3. Social Attitudes and Behaviors:

  • Influence on Youth: Rap music has a significant influence on youth culture, shaping attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Exposure to lyrics that glamorize pimping and trafficking desensitize young listeners to the realities of human trafficking and contribute to attitudes that trivialize or justify violence against women.

4. Psychological Effects:

  • Impact on Self-Image: For both young men and women, exposure to media that glorifies exploitation distorts perceptions of self-worth and relationships. It negatively contributes to low self-esteem, unhealthy relationship dynamics, and internalization of harmful gender archtypes.

5. Cultural and Societal Implications:

  • Reinforcement of Power Dynamics: The portrayal of pimping and trafficking in rap culture reinforces false power dynamics where vulnerable individuals, often from marginalized communities and starting from human or child trafficking are exploited for profit by those in positions of diabolical authority or influence.

6. Legal and Moral Issues:

  • Ethical Responsibility: Artists and media creators have an ethical responsibility to consider the impact of their work on society. Glorifying trafficking not only perpetuates harm but also undermines efforts to promote justice and human rights.

7. Public Health Concerns:

  • Health and Safety Risks: Victims of trafficking face severe physical and psychological health risks, including trauma, substance abuse, and infectious diseases. Elites and their pawns glorifying human and sex trafficking in media divert attention from the urgent need for prevention, intervention, constructive communities based on principles, and victim support services.

8. Community and Global Consequences:

  • Global Perception: Internationally, the portrayal of human trafficking in rap culture has effected how other countries view and respond to human trafficking issues. It has influenced policy decisions, international relations, and efforts to combat transnational crime.

Here is a list of a very small percentage of rap songs that encourage human trafficking (pimping) or depict aspects of pimp culture, including some lyrics:

  1. "P.I.M.P." by 50 Cent

    • "I don't know what you heard about me

      But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me,

      No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see,

      That I'm a motherf*ckin' P-I-M-P"

  2. "Big Pimpin'" by Jay-Z ft. UGK

    • "Big pimpin', spendin' cheese,

      Check 'em out now,

      Big pimpin' on B.L.A.D.'s,

      We doin' big pimpin' up in NYC"

  3. "Pimpin' Ain't Easy" by Ice Cube

    • "Pimpin' ain't easy but it sure is fun,

      I love to hit 'em where it hurts,

      I love to leave 'em stunned"

  4. "Pimpin' All Over the World" by Ludacris ft. Bobby Valentino

    • "The fancy cars, the women and the caviar,

      You know who we are, 'cause we pimpin' all over the world"

  5. "Pimp Juice" by Nelly

    • "She only wants me for my pimp juice,

      Not my pimp juice, I'm talkin' new pimp juice"

  6. "Pimp Hard" by Three 6 Mafia

    • "We pimp hard in the streets,

      Nobody better not f*** with me"

  7. "Pimpin' Ken" by Pimp C

    • "If you know like I know, you would get down on the floor,

      I keep a bad b***h with me, 7 days out the week"

  8. "Pimpin' Ain't Dead" by Twista

    • "Pimpin' ain't dead,

      These hoes just scared"

  9. "The Pimp and the Bun" by Bun B

    • "It's Bun B and I'm the king of moving chickens,

      Not them finger lickins"

  10. "Pimp" by Slim Thug

    • "I'm a P-I-M-P, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be,

      I'm like a young Bill Gates, now how trill is that?"

  11. "Pimpin' Ain't Easy" by Kurupt

    • "Pimpin' ain't easy but somebody's gotta do it"

  12. "Pimpin' (Interlude)" by Lil Wayne

    • "Pimpin' is an art and I'm like a Picasso,

      I hit the lotto"

  13. "Pimpin' Ain't Easy" by Snoop Dogg ft. Too $hort

    • "Pimpin' ain't easy man, these hoes out here crazed"

  14. "Big Pimpin'" by Tha Dogg Pound

    • "Big pimpin', down to the floor,

      Ain't no playin', 'cause this pimpin' ain't no joke"

  15. "Pimp Like Me" by D12

    • "I wanna be a pimp like me,

      Work that, twerk that, girl, let me see"

  16. "Pimp Slapp'd" by Dr. Dre

    • "Let me show you motherf*ckers how to handle a ho,

      Catch a bitch, smack a bitch, come across her face,

      Throw some dollars at her ass, tell her get in her place"

Over 250,000 ‘CHILDREN’ are sex trafficked every year in America. Many ‘pimps’ kidnap and brainwash children and turn them into sex-slaves for life… Around 15-25% of women choose to become pimped-out whor*s. Yet, how many people bump their heads to music glorifying human trafficking?

Pedophiles and The Scum in Hollywood and Government—If They Ignore The Cues, They’re a Pedophile

Woody Allen Marrying His Adopted Asian Daughter In-law and Nobody Giving a sh*t…

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (6)
  1. Relationship Background:

    • Woody Allen had a relationship with Mia Farrow (click here to see that Mia Farrow is also evil as hell). Farrow adopted several children, including Soon-Yi Previn from South Korea.

  2. Discovery that Woody Allen is a pedophile:

    • In 1992, Mia Farrow discovered child, nude photographs of Soon-Yi Previn taken by Woody Allen.

  3. Marriage:

    • Allen and Soon-Yi Previn married in 1997. They have been married since then and have two adopted daughters together.

What….. the… f*ck…

Ariana Grande Being Touched Inappropriately by Preacher

During the service held at the Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, Ariana Grande performed Franklin’s hit “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman.” Following her performance, Bishop Ellis invited Grande to the podium for a brief interaction. As Ellis wrapped his arm around Grande, his hand appeared to be placed uncomfortably high on her torso, making her visibly uneasy (sound and look like joe Biden, or what…). This moment, broadcasted live, was quickly disseminated across social media platforms, leading to widespread condemnation.

Look at her face as she realizes that the scum next to her is another Satanist pedophile fake preacher. This is the exact same body-language kids showed while Joe Biden touched them… Scum….

Here’s the video to the clip:


Oprah and João Teixeira de Faria, Convicted Mass Rapists and Pedophile

João Teixeira de Faria (born 24 June 1942), is a Brazilian convicted rapist, self-proclaimed medium, and self-proclaimed psychic surgeon. He was based in Abadiânia, where he ran a spiritual healing center called the Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola. He received media coverage on CNN, ABC News, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

In 2018, after over 600 accusations of sexual abuse, Faria turned himself in to police. He received as sentence of 489 years.

On 17 November 2010, Susan Casey wrote in O Magazine about her trip to see Faria in Brazil and was subsequently covered on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The article was entitled "Leap of Faith: Meet John of God". The show was entitled "Do You Believe in Miracles?". In both, she discusses her need to deal with the traumatic loss of her father. After he suddenly died in 2008, Casey experienced a "tsunami of grief" that she says she couldn't escape from. She wondered if Faria could help heal her grief. She met him twice and later stated, "Three hours went by like 20 minutes, and it was blissful– it was like I was floating." Casey claims she was able to speak with her dead father. "It was very real," she says. "More of a vision than I had ever had before. ... I got this feeling like I shouldn't be sad, that everything was okay."

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (7)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (8)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (9)

Harvey Weinstein:

  1. Multiple Testimonies of Coercion: Weinstein was facing conviction from more than 80 women, including well-known actresses such as Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, and Gwyneth Paltrow, who accused him of sexual harassment, assault, or rape.

  2. Criminal Charges in Los Angeles: Weinstein also faced charges in Los Angeles, including rape, sexual penetration by a foreign object, and forcible oral copulation. These charges were filed in January 2020, just before his trial in New York concluded.

  3. Civil Lawsuits: Apart from criminal charges, Weinstein faced numerous civil lawsuits from women who accused him of sexual assault and harassment. These lawsuits sought financial compensation and accountability for the alleged abuses.

  4. Legal Proceedings and Conviction: The trial in New York City, which resulted in his February 2020 conviction, marked a significant legal outcome in Weinstein's case. His conviction lead to the subsequent sentencing of 23 years in prison (not enough).

  5. Ongoing Legal Issues: Even after his convictions, Weinstein's legal battles continued, including appeals and other legal maneuvers. His case remains a prominent example of the complexities and consequences surrounding allegations of sexual misconduct by powerful figures.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (10)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (11)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (12)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (13)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (14)
When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (15)
  1. Criminal Sexual Act in the First Degree: This charge related to forcing oral sex on production assistant Mimi Haleyi in 2006.

  2. Rape in the Third Degree: This charge related to raping actress Jessica Mann in a New York City hotel room in 2013.

These convictions marked a significant legal outcome in Weinstein's case and were part of a broader reckoning with allegations of sexual misconduct against him.

In addition to the convictions of criminal sexual act in the first degree and rape in the third degree in New York, Harvey Weinstein has faced a range of legal actions and consequences related to allegations of sexual misconduct and assault:

  1. Civil Lawsuits: Weinstein has been named in numerous civil lawsuits filed by women who accused him of sexual harassment, assault, and misconduct. These lawsuits sought financial compensation and accountability for the alleged abuses.

  2. Charges in Los Angeles: Weinstein faced additional charges in Los Angeles, including rape, sexual penetration by a foreign object, and forcible oral copulation. These charges were filed in January 2020, around the same time as his trial in New York.

  3. Sentencing: Following his conviction in New York, Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison in March 2020. The sentencing was seen as a significant moment in the fight against sexual violence and abuse.

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (16)

Again, Watch The Cues. Pedo-Joe Biden

There are numerous instances where Joe Biden's interactions with children have been captured on camera where he inappropriately touches children. Here are some documented examples:

  1. Swearing-In Ceremony (2015):

    • During a ceremonial swearing-in session for new senators in 2015, Biden was seen whispering into the ear of Senator Chris Coons' daughter and holding her shoulders from behind.

  2. Defense Secretary Swearing-In (2015):

    • In another instance in 2015, Biden was photographed with then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter's wife Stephanie and his then-13-year-old granddaughter. Biden's hand is seen resting on the girl's shoulder, which some observers found uncomfortable given the proximity and duration of the touch.

  3. Various Campaign Events and Public Appearances:

    • Biden has been seen interacting with children at various campaign events and public appearances throughout his career. These interactions often involve hugs, shoulder touches, having his hand near or on the breasts of young girls, and women, or whispers like f*cking pedo creep into the ears of children. Anyone ever tried to touch or talk to my kids (don’t have any, but still) like that, I would break his her arm in half. ‘If you don’t’ have a similar sense of protecting your kids, you’re scum too.

Are you connecting the dots yet?.. (Click link)

Written and Copyright by Nicholas Morrissey 2024 ©

When Men and Women Choose Complacency: They Are Not "Being Positive"—Is Evil Prevailing? Part 1 (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.