1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (2024)

Closed Bug 1904168 Opened 7 days ago Closed 2 days ago


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect, P1)




Networking: HTTP


Firefox 127












129 Branch

Tracking Flags:

Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- fixed
firefox127 --- wontfix
firefox128 --- fixed
firefox129 --- fixed


(Reporter: cj65535, Assigned: kershaw)



(Whiteboard: [necko-triaged][necko-priority-queue])


(3 files)


7 days ago


346.45 KB, image/jpeg


Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work, r=#necko

3 days ago

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]

48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request

Details | Review

Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work,

2 days ago

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]

48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request


: approval-mozilla-beta+


: approval-mozilla-esr115+

Details | Review

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (2)




7 days ago

Attached image dns_over_https.jpgDetails

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0

Steps to reproduce:

Set "DNS over HTTPS" to "Max Protection", using Cloudflare as a provider, then hard-refresh any video on youtube.
Sometimes it works with default or increased protection, but max protection is the only way it's 100% consistent

Actual results:

There's a consistent 10+ second delay compared to not using DNS over HTTPS. Sometimes it's 30 seconds, sometimes it's more.
In addition to that, the video will keep sometimes freeze at the 20 second mark for a while.
In the network monitor, I see a lot of "NS_Binding_Aborted" for "videoplayback?[...]" which are otherwise absent when DNS over HTTPS is disabled. (See attached screenshot)

Expected results:

The video loads nearly instantly and doesn't pause at the 20 second mark when DNS over HTTPS is completely disabled. This should be the normal behavior

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (3)

BugBot [:suhaib / :marco/ :calixte]

Comment 1

7 days ago

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Networking' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Networking

Product: Firefox → Core

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (4)


Comment 2

7 days ago

Thanks a lot for this report! I started having this problem with YouTube about a week ago. I tried many different things, including using a fresh user profile, rolling back to an older Firefox version, disabling hardware acceleration and different decoders in about:config, but nothing helped. Turning off secure DNS completely fixed it! I can confirm that any of the 3 protection options (using either Cloudflare or NextDNS) breaks YouTube. It causes a very long delay when it tries to load ads at the beginning of a video.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (5)

Randell Jesup [:jesup] (needinfo me)

Comment 3

5 days ago

I've been unable to reproduce this locally. Can you check this in a new profile (via about:profiles)?

If it reproduces with a new profile, can you take a network log from about:logging, download the log/profile, and send it to necko@mozilla.org? (you'd probably need to put it somewhere like dropbox, since logs can be large.

If it doesn't reproduce in a new profile, can you check if it's being caused by an extension? (Temporarily disable all extensions).
You can also check what settings you've modified, to see if they're causing it. (You can to about:support and check "Important Modified Preferences"; you can also go to about:config and show only modified preferences, though note a ton of them are modified by the browser itself as part of normal operation, but if you changed any about:config preferences by hand they should show up there.


Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (6)



Comment 4

4 days ago

(In reply to Randell Jesup [:jesup] (needinfo me) from comment #3)

If it reproduces with a new profile, can you take a network log from about:logging, download the log/profile, and send it to necko@mozilla.org? (you'd probably need to put it somewhere like dropbox, since logs can be large.

I tried with a new profile, and I could reproduce it consistently. I tried on my laptop as well. The only setting I changed was setting the DNS over HTTPS setting to strict + Cloudflare
However, when I tried in a sandbox instance of Windows, I could not reproduce it. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the way sandbox works or not.
I tried to send you the email, but it couldn't get delivered, it says "Your message wasn't delivered to necko@mozilla.org because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. ". I tried sending the log as an attachment (~8mb) and as a google drive link as well, but neither worked. I use Gmail if that helps.

If it doesn't reproduce in a new profile, can you check if it's being caused by an extension? (Temporarily disable all extensions).

Just out of curiosity, I tried installing and enabling Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger in the sandbox instance, and I still couldn't reproduce the issue.

You can also check what settings you've modified, to see if they're causing it. (You can to about:support and check "Important Modified Preferences"; you can also go to about:config and show only modified preferences, though note a ton of them are modified by the browser itself as part of normal operation, but if you changed any about:config preferences by hand they should show up there.

I assume this is no loger relevant, but I still checked, and there didn't seem to be anything of importance.

Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (7)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 5

4 days ago

Sorry, the correct email address is necko@mozilla.com

Could you send the log again?

Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (8)



Comment 6

4 days ago

(In reply to Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] from comment #5)

Sorry, the correct email address is necko@mozilla.com

Could you send the log again?

Log sent

Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (9)


Comment 7

4 days ago

I also couldn't reproduce it in a virtual machine. That's why I initially thought it has something to do with hardware acceleration, which is false. But now I see why it worked fine there. For some reason, the DNS provider list for max and increased protection on the VM is empty, so I guess it just never uses secure DNS even for default protection.

I think I found a possible reason for this issue. My provider doesn't support IPv6. If I connect using my phone (IPv6 is supported by my mobile carrier), it fixes the problem even when using "max protection" for secure DNS. I was able to reproduce the problem with 2 different ISPs that don't support IPv6. First using Firefox 127 on Windows 10 and second using Firefox ESR 115.12 on Windows 7.

In all cases I used a new profile with all about:config settings in the default state and no extensions installed. Default protection is not 100% reproducible, only max protection is.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (10)



Comment 8

4 days ago

My ISPs do not support IPv6 either

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (11)


Comment 9

4 days ago

I had DNS over HTTPS enabled through Increased Protection and was having the buffer logo show up, and a refresh usually resolved it instantly. It would happen on many videos but not all.

I tried Quad9 and NextDNS and they both had issues.

Disabling DNS over HTTPS or using the Default Protection resolved the buffering issues.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (12)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 10

3 days ago

Hi Reporter,

Could you try to download this test build and see if you can still reproduce this issue? If yes, could you try to get a http log again?


Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (13)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 11

3 days ago

For those without IPv6 support, please go to about:config and enable the preference network.http.http3.retry_different_ip_family. Then, check if this issue still persists.

Thank you.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (14)



Comment 12

3 days ago

(In reply to Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] from comment #10)

Hi Reporter,

Could you try to download this test build and see if you can still reproduce this issue? If yes, could you try to get a http log again?


I tried the build, and it worked flawlessly. I hard-refreshed a couple dozen times and it didn't fail a single time.

For those without IPv6 support, please go to about:config and enable the preference network.http.http3.retry_different_ip_family. Then, check if this issue still persists.

I did that with a new profile using version 127.0.1 . Max Protection seemed to fail less frequently, but it was still like a 50% success rate. Do you need a network log for this as well ?

Flags: needinfo?(cj65535)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (15)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 13

3 days ago

I did that with a new profile using version 127.0.1 . Max Protection seemed to fail less frequently, but it was still like a 50% success rate. Do you need a network log for this as well ?

Yeah, a networking log would be very helpful. Thank you.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (16)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 14

3 days ago

Attached file Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work, r=#neckoDetails

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (17)

Phabricator Automation


3 days ago

Assignee: nobody → kershaw


Ever confirmed: true

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (18)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]



3 days ago

Assignee: kershaw → nobody

Severity: -- → S2


Ever confirmed: false

Priority: -- → P1

Whiteboard: [necko-triaged][necko-priority-queue]

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (19)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]



3 days ago

See Also: → 1904924

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (20)

Phabricator Automation


3 days ago

Assignee: nobody → kershaw


Ever confirmed: true

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (21)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 15

3 days ago

This is what happened based on the log:

  1. We created an HTTP/3 connection to the YouTube site with the IPv6 address, but the connection couldn't be established because IPv6 is not supported.
  2. We started another fallback connection.
  3. The fallback connection wasn't used because our SpeculativeTransaction only considers NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED as a success. Since the SpeculativeTransaction was closed with NS_OK here, the transaction didn't consider this fallback connection as successful.

Assignee: kershaw → nobody


Ever confirmed: false

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (22)

Phabricator Automation


3 days ago

Assignee: nobody → kershaw


Ever confirmed: true

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (23)



Comment 16

3 days ago

(In reply to Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] from comment #13)

I did that with a new profile using version 127.0.1 . Max Protection seemed to fail less frequently, but it was still like a 50% success rate. Do you need a network log for this as well ?

Yeah, a networking log would be very helpful. Thank you.

Here's a link with two logs https://we.tl/t-SXzZXUWxpS (the link expires in 7 days)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (24)


Comment 17

2 days ago

Pushed by kjang@mozilla.com:https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/rev/149729a2c3baMake sure fallback connection work, r=necko-reviewers,jesup

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (25)


Comment 18

2 days ago

This is affecting Google Drive too, since its video player uses the YouTube infrastructure in different ways.

Please upload a small MP4 video to Google Drive and try playing it to test if your patch fixes it too.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (26)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 19

2 days ago

Attached file Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work,Details

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (27)

Phabricator Automation


2 days ago

Attachment #9409874 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (28)

Phabricator Automation

Comment 20

2 days ago

beta Uplift Approval Request

  • User impact if declined: Youtube videos may stall
  • Code covered by automated testing: yes
  • Fix verified in Nightly: yes
  • Needs manual QE test: no
  • Steps to reproduce for manual QE testing: N/A
  • Risk associated with taking this patch: Low
  • Explanation of risk level: This patch only adds another check for the close reason.
  • String changes made/needed: N/A
  • Is Android affected?: yes

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (29)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 21

2 days ago

Comment on attachment 9409874 [details]
Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work,

ESR Uplift Approval Request

  • If this is not a sec:{high,crit} bug, please state case for ESR consideration: Youtube videos may stall
  • User impact if declined: Youtube videos may stall
  • Fix Landed on Version: 129
  • Risk to taking this patch: Low
  • Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky): This patch is very straightforward.

Attachment #9409874 - Flags: approval-mozilla-esr115?

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (30)

Sandor Molnar[:smolnar]

Comment 22

2 days ago




Closed: 2 days ago

status-firefox129: --- → fixed

Resolution: --- → FIXED

Target Milestone: --- → 129 Branch

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (31)

Phabricator Automation


2 days ago

Attachment #9409874 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (32)

Lando Automation


2 days ago

status-firefox128: --- → fixed

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (33)


Comment 23

2 days ago


1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (34)



2 days ago

status-firefox127: --- → ?

tracking-firefox127: --- → ?

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (35)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]

Comment 24

2 days ago

Clearing tracking request added for Fx127, this will ride the train with Fx128

status-firefox127: ?wontfix

tracking-firefox127: ? → ---

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (36)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]

Comment 25

2 days ago

Comment on attachment 9409874 [details]
Bug 1904168 - Make sure fallback connection work,

Approved for 115.13esr.

Attachment #9409874 - Flags: approval-mozilla-esr115? → approval-mozilla-esr115+

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (37)


Comment 26

2 days ago


1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (38)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]


2 days ago

status-firefox-esr115: --- → fixed

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (39)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]

Comment 27

2 days ago

Backed out of ESR115 for causing build failures (also backed out Bug 1878510 and Bug 1900191)

status-firefox-esr115: fixedaffected

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (40)

Alastor Wu [:alwu]


2 days ago

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (41)

Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]


Comment 28

1 day ago

Hi, could you reland the patch in this bug?
The build failure should not be caused by this one. Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(dmeehan)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (42)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]

Comment 29

1 day ago

This will reland shortly.

Flags: needinfo?(dmeehan)

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (43)


Comment 30

1 day ago


1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (44)

Donal Meehan [:dmeehan]


1 day ago

status-firefox-esr115: affectedfixed

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (45)

Mathew Hodson


1 day ago

Component: Networking → Networking: HTTP

You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.

1904168 - DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube (2024)


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