Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (2024)

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (1)

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In This Post

  • What Is A Chaffle?
  • Why You’ll Love My Chaffle Recipe
  • How To Make Chaffles
  • Flavor Variations
  • Recipe Tips And Tricks
  • Chaffle Maker Options
  • Storage Instructions
  • Serving Ideas
  • Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!)Recipe card
  • Recipe Reviews

This is the post you’ve been waiting for… my complete guide to chaffles! I’m spilling all of the details: what they are, why everyone is obsessed, and my best chaffle recipes. This includes the basic chaffle recipe I always seem to come back to, plus four additional flavors — both savory and sweet. I’ll also tell you about all my tricks and tips I’ve learned along the way!

I found out about the concept of chaffles from my Facebook support groupand severallong forum threads many years ago. They’ve taken the keto world by storm! (FYI: I’ve also heard some people refer to them as “okie eggos”.)

What Is A Chaffle?

Cheese + waffles = chaffles! Fun, right? The chaffle recipes I saw originally were made from just cheese and eggs, but I found these to be a bit too eggy. Instead, making them with almond flour and psyllium husk powder (in addition to the eggs and cheese) makes this low carb waffle taste much more like a regular one — so much so that my husband and kids could hardly believe they were keto!

Why You’ll Love My Chaffle Recipe

  • Not eggy at all – The original formula I saw on forums was 1/2 cup cheese+ 1 egg, which was good, but too eggy for me. So, I made some tweaks that I think make a far superior,best chaffle recipe without that eggy taste!
  • Perfect waffle texture – Crispy on the outside? Check! Chewy on the inside? Check! I do enjoy my almond flour waffles, coconut flour waffles, and protein waffles, but this is the waffle I make the most.
  • Quick and easy – These use simple ingredients and are ready in just a few minutes.
  • Low carb, gluten-free, and keto friendly – Just 2g net carbs each!
  • Different flavors – I’ve made 5 different chaffle recipes to choose from, so you can decide if you’re in the mood for savory or sweet.
  • Great for meal prep – Make a big batch on the weekend and freeze for nearly instant satisfaction whenever you feel like it.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (2)

Ingredients & Substitutions

This section explains how to choose the best ingredients for chaffles, what each one does, and substitution options. For measurements, see the recipe card below.

2 Ingredient Chaffle:

This is the original chaffle recipe, with just eggs and cheese. Like I said, I think this tastes a little eggy, but is the simplest version.

  • Shredded Cheese – Any kind will work. Mozzarella is used most often because it has the most neutral flavor, so it’s particularly great for neutral or sweet flavors. For savory versions, any other cheese from the keto cheese list (cheddar is common) will work great. Some chaffle recipes (such as the pumpkin and jalapeno popper versions below) also have cream cheese added, but I recommend this only in addition to shredded cheese, not instead of it, because the shredded cheese is what creates the crispy texture.
  • Eggs – The ratio is one large egg for every 1/2 cup cheese.

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (3)

CHEESE TIP: For a more uniform in texture, use finely shredded cheese instead of regular.

I usually have regular on hand, so that’s what I used and it was still delicious!

The Best Basic Chaffle:

To step up your chaffle recipe to taste more like a traditional waffle, this is the one to make! It’s similar to what people sometimes call a “wonder bread chaffle”. The taste is very neutral, not sweet or savory, and bread-like, making them great for sandwiches.

  • Eggs & Cheese – The same as the 2 ingredient version above.
  • Almond Flour – Only 2 tablespoons, but this addition makes them taste so much more like real waffles! Be sure your flour is blanched and super finely ground for the best texture; Wholesome Yum Blanched Almond Flour is the one I always use.
  • Psyllium Husk Powder – Adding just 1/2 a teaspoon makes your chaffles more chewy. Golden flaxseed meal is also fine to substitute.
  • Baking Powder – Helps make the result less dense. Make sure to use baking powder, not baking soda, or you’ll get a terrible aftertaste.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (4)

Common Substitutions:

These are pretty forgiving with substituting ingredients. Here are some options I’ve tested:

  • Eggs – If you can’t have eggs, you can substitute a flax egg in any chaffle recipe. I have not tested other egg substitutes, but let me know if you find a different one that works for you.
  • Cheese – Vegan cheese substitutes should work in place of shredded cheese or cream cheese. Check labels to make sure that the carb count is still low.
  • Almond Flour – This is not required for all versions, but my basic one does use it to improve texture. You can substitute coconut flour in place of the almond flour, but the amount will NOT be the same. Use 1 teaspoon of coconut flour to replace each tablespoon of almond flour in any chaffle recipe, or vice versa.

How To Make Chaffles

This section shows step-by-step photos together with the instructions, to help you visualize the recipe. For full instructions, including amounts and temperatures, see the recipe card below.

  1. Preheat. You want your waffle iron hot, so that when the batter hits the surface, it starts cooking right away and makes a crisp exterior. You can gather your ingredients while it preheats.
  2. Mix. Stir or whisk together all your chaffle ingredients to make the batter. You can make the basic version above, or see my flavor options below! (As always, amounts are on the recipe card at the bottom.)
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (5)
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (6)
  1. Cook. Scoop the batter into the waffle maker to cover the surface well. Cook until browned and crispy. They will crisp up more as they cool.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (7)

Flavor Variations

Once you know how to make chaffles the basic way, it’s really easy to experiment and change them up! Here are some of my favorite flavors:

  • Garlic Parmesan – Mozzarella, parmesan, egg, minced garlic (or garlic powder), Italian seasoning, and baking powder. These are like garlic bread in waffle form. I like topping them with extra melted mozzarella, grated parmesan, and a touch of parsley.
  • Cinnamon Sugar (Churro) – Mozzarella, egg, almond flour, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, butter, Besti, cinnamon, and vanilla. Who doesn’t love churros?! You can eat these whole, or for a more churro-like experience, cut them into sticks.
  • Pumpkin – Cream cheese, mozzarella, egg, Besti, coconut flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, and vanilla. I like to use homemade pumpkin pie spice for these, but store bought works as well. A dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and some keto maple syrup makes them just perfect.
  • Jalapeno Popper – Cream cheese, cheddar, egg, baking powder, bacon bits, and jalapenos. Many of my readers have asked me for spicy chaffles, so I made these jalapeno popper flavored ones! Melted cheddar, bacon bits, and a couple jalapeno slices make the perfect topping.
  • Pizza Chaffles – These are based on my basic chaffle recipe, with added seasonings and pizza toppings (I love marinara, mozzarella, and pepperoni).
  • Chocolate Chaffle – A sweet cream cheese center sandwiched between two chocolate waffles… they remind me of Oreos! If you prefer chocolate chip instead of all chocolate, make the cinnamon sugar recipe, but omit the cinnamon and add a couple tablespoons of sugar-free chocolate chips.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (8)

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (9)

Recipe Tips And Tricks

  • Batter contains cream cheese? Melt it first. My basic chaffle recipe doesn’t include cream cheese, but the sweet chaffles and the savory jalapeno popper ones do. This step just ensures that we can stir it into the batter. You can melt the cream cheese in a small bowl in the microwave or a double boiler. It doesn’t need to be piping hot, just warm so that you can stir it.
  • Batter contains coconut flour? Let it sit for a few minutes. This will allow it to thicken to the right consistency before cooking.
  • Extra sensitive to eggy flavor? Use egg whites only. I don’t find this necessary, but you can replace the egg with 1 1/2 egg whites (about 3-4 tablespoons) in any of my chaffle recipes.
  • Want extra crunch? Sprinkle cheese in the waffle maker.Simply add a little bit before adding the batter, then add more on top before closing the waffle maker. This works best for savory chaffles. I don’t recommend it for sweet ones, because cheese that’s not mixed into the batter will make them too salty.
  • Your chaffle is done when steam is no longer coming out the sides. Some waffle makers also have a light that will tell you it’s done, but it’s not always perfect. If you have trouble removing your waffle, most likely it needs to cook for a bit longer.
  • Cool slightly to crisp up and get more sturdy. Once the waffles cool from hot to just warm, any eggy taste diminishes and they get more crispy. The sweet chaffles in particular tend to be more fragile, so letting them cool in the (open) waffle maker for a bit can also help you remove them more easily.
  • Crisp more using other methods if you like. If you want them extra hot or even more crispy after cooling, you can quickly fry them on the stove top, or pop them in the air fryer, toaster, or oven afterward.

Chaffle Maker Options

I own two types of waffle makers and tested this chaffle recipe in both, as well as using the batter without a waffle maker altogether. Here are your main options and how much batter to put in each:

  • Dash Mini Waffle Maker – This mini waffle maker works great for 4-inch sandwich rounds, plus it makes a good serving size overall. I used it for all the ones pictured in this post, and I actually own two of them so that I can make more at once. Use 1/4 cup of batter per chaffle.
  • Belgian Waffle Maker – The classic waffle iron size will work well for the flavored varieties, as the recipes have a bit more batter than the basic one. I recommend cutting them into quarters, as the large size is way too filling whole. Use 1/2 to 2/3 cup of batter per chaffle. A standard-sized waffle maker should also work fine, but you may need to adjust the amount of batter.
  • Without A Waffle Maker – If you don’t have a waffle maker at all, you can cook this batter the same way you would keto pancakes! You won’t get the crunchy ridges, but they will still be delicious. Once you’ve mixed your batter, spread it onto a greased, hot nonstick pan over medium heat. (It’s typically too thick to pour.) Use 2 tablespoons of batter for small pancakes, or 1/4 cup for large ones. Cook until golden brown, then carefully flip and repeat on the other side.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (10)

Nutrition Info & Carb Count

The calories and carbs in chaffles will vary depending on which flavor you make. The chart below shows the nutrition info for all the different versions I made in this post.

FlavorCaloriesNet CarbsFatProtein
Basic chaffle2082g16g11g
Garlic parmesan1822g11g16g
Cinnamon sugar1792g14g10g
Jalapeno popper2312g18g13g

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (11)

TIP: The nutrition info listed above is always for 1 chaffle (for easy scaling), but sometimes you could have two, such as for a sandwich or full meal.

The basic and garlic parmesan chaffle recipes make 2 mini waffles each. The cinnamon sugar (churro), pumpkin, and spicy jalapeno popper recipes make 3 each.

Storage Instructions

  • Store: Once you’ve let your waffles cool, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  • Freeze: Chaffles keep in the freezer for up to 6 months, so I love to meal prep them and keep a stash in my freezer at all times! They reheat beautifully, straight from frozen.
  • Reheat: You can reheat these in the toaster, toaster oven, skillet, or conventional oven at 350 degrees F. I prefer the toaster, which is the fastest and easiest, and gets them crispy. Avoid the microwave, as the result is too soft, though my daughter likes them this way.

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (12)

FYI: Chaffle recipes that contain only egg and cheese, without any almond or coconut flour, will be a bit less sturdy in the toaster.

If they are too floppy for the toaster, you can try the oven instead.

Serving Ideas

Like keto bread, chaffles are kind of like a blank canvas, because you can do so many things with them. They are even better with toppings or as sandwiches! The way you serve them partly depends on the flavor. Here are some ideas:

  • Make a chaffle sandwich using the basic chaffle recipe. I often go for turkey, mayo, lettuce, and tomato, shown below. They are also delicious to have as a breakfast sandwich with oven baked bacon, egg, and cheese. Or use them as a bun for a juicy burger. If you want your sandwich to be reminiscent of a bagel and don’t want the effort of making keto bagels, add some everything bagel seasoning to the basic batter instead.
  • Drizzle with syrup or spread with jam. Wholesome Yum Keto Maple Syrupor my recipe for sugar-free chia jam are both delicious on sweet chaffles! A dollop of sugar-free whipped cream also tastes great.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (13)
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (14)
  • Add melted cheese and toppings. For savory chaffles, like garlic Parmesan or jalapeno popper, I like to melt some extra cheese on top and sprinkle with garnishes.
  • Cut cinnamon churro waffles into sticks and serve in a little basket like this. So cute! Sometimes I dip them in sugar-free chocolate syrup.
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (15)
Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (16)

Do you have other chaffle recipes you like, or other flavors you want me to make? Let me know in the comments below!

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Recipe Card

Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (18)

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Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!)

Learn how to make chaffles that are crispy & chewy, NOT eggy! Includes the best basic chaffle recipe, plus 4 other flavors (sweet or savory).

Prep: 5 minutes

Cook: 3 minutes

Total: 8 minutes

Author: Maya Krampf from

Servings: 2 (adjust to scale recipe)

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Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (20)

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Tap underlined ingredients to see where to get them.

Basic Chaffle Recipe For Sandwiches:

Garlic Parmesan Chaffles:

Cinnamon Sugar (Churro) Chaffles:

Pumpkin Chaffles:

Spicy Jalapeno Popper Chaffles:


Tap on the times in the instructions below to start a kitchen timer while you cook.


  1. Preheat your mini waffle iron for about 5 minutes, until hot.

  2. If the recipe contains cream cheese, place it into a bowl first. Heat it gently in the microwave (~15-30 seconds) or a double boiler, until it’s soft and easy to stir.

  3. Stir together all the chaffle batter ingredients (everything except toppings, if any), including the cream cheese from the previous step if the version you are making has it.

  4. Scoop enough of the chaffle batter into the waffle maker to cover the surface well. (That's about 1/2 cup batter for a regular waffle maker and 1/4 cup for a mini waffle maker.)

  5. Cook until browned and crispy, about 3-4 minutes. (See my tip in the post above about other ways to tell they are done without opening the waffle maker!)

  6. Carefully remove the chaffle from the waffle maker and set aside to crisp up more. (Cooling is important for texture!) Repeat with remaining batter, if any.

Special instruction for churro chaffles only:

  1. Stir together Besti and cinnamon for topping. After the chaffles are cooked and no longer hot, brush them with melted butter, then sprinkle all over with the cinnamon "sugar" topping (or dip into the topping).

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  • Coconut Flour Pancakes

  • Keto Crepes

  • Keto Waffles

  • Easy Peel Hard Boiled Eggs

Recipe Notes

Serving size: 1 chaffle

  • The serving size of 1 mini chaffle is just for easy scaling, but sometimes you could have two, such as for a sandwich or full meal.
  • The basic chaffle and garlic Parmesan recipes make 2 mini chaffles each.
  • The cinnamon sugar (churro), pumpkin, and spicy jalapeno popper recipes make 3 mini chaffles each.
  • The nutrition info on the recipe card is for the basic chaffles, but you can find nutrition info for the others in the post above.

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving. Serving size in recipe notes above.




Total Carbs3.2g

Net Carbs2.1g



Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy. Have questions about calculations or why you got a different result? Please see our nutrition policy.

Course:Breakfast, Dessert, Main Course


Keywords:chaffle recipe, chaffles, how to make chaffles, keto chaffles

Calories: 149 kcal

© Copyright Maya Krampf for Wholesome Yum. Please DO NOT SCREENSHOT OR COPY/PASTE recipes to social media or websites. We’d LOVE for you to share a link with photo instead. 🙂

Chaffle Recipe

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Chaffle Recipe (5 Flavors, Not Eggy!) - Wholesome Yum (2024)


What is a chaffle made of? ›

Let's get specific! A chaffle is a low carb waffle that is primarily made up of mozzarella cheese and an egg. The original chaffle recipe calls for one egg and ½ cup cheese. However, there are many different variations floating around.

What do chaffles taste like? ›

Chaffles are waffles made with cheese and eggs; its funny name is a combination of the words “cheese” and “waffle”. Without any sweeteners, they taste like your favorite grilled cheese sandwich but with the texture of a crispy, crunchy waffle.

Why are my chaffles sticking? ›

A common question or complaint that we get about chaffles is “Why are my chaffles sticking to the waffle maker?” The reason why your chaffles are sticking to your waffle maker (or your Dash Mini Waffle Maker) is that you are not leaving them in the waffle maker long enough.

Is a chaffle maker the same as a waffle maker? ›

While chaffles are made with different ingredients than traditional waffles, they are both made in the same machine. The most important feature to look for when buying a waffle maker for chaffles is nonstick plates or griddles.

Is it OK to eat chaffles everyday? ›

Eating 1 chaffle is almost 50% of that recommended daily intake. For that reason, I definitely wouldn't refer to them as a health food, but they are not necessarily unhealthy, either.

Are bananas okay on keto? ›

Bananas. Even though banana health benefits abound, like helping to boost heart and immune health, bananas are basically off the table when you're eating keto. Why? One medium banana contains a hefty 27 grams of carbs—eat one, and you're almost at your quota for the day.

Can chaffles be eaten cold? ›

Serve chaffles hot or cold, but I personally prefer them hot. The recipe yields approximately 2 cheese waffles, it depends on your waffle iron size. If you are making these chaffles for more than one person, double or triple the ingredients.

How long will chaffles last in the fridge? ›

To store: Chaffles can be stored in the refrigerator, covered. They will keep well for up to 5 days. To freeze: Place leftover chaffles in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months. Reheating: Simply pop them in a toaster oven or toaster until crispy.

Can you put a chaffle in the toaster? ›

Freeze: Chaffles keep in the freezer for up to 6 months, so I love to meal prep them and keep a stash in my freezer at all times! They reheat beautifully, straight from frozen. Reheat: You can reheat these in the toaster, toaster oven, skillet, or conventional oven at 350 degrees F.

What is the best way to clean a chaffle maker? ›

  1. Step 1: Review the manual. ...
  2. Step 2: Unplug and cool down. ...
  3. Step 3: Wipe down with a paper towel. ...
  4. Step 4: Brush away stuck-on bits. ...
  5. Step 5: Clean the cooking surface. ...
  6. Step 6: Dry the waffle maker.
Oct 1, 2021

Can I use Pam on my waffle maker? ›

If your waffle iron or pan has a nonstick surface, you should not use cooking spray. Cooking spray builds up on nonstick surfaces and eventually becomes tacky–rendering the non-stick coating useless.

What happens if you use pancake batter in a waffle maker? ›

If you just put pancake batter into a waffle maker, chances are it will spill over the edges of the iron, burn, and create a mess. Also, they'll come out a bit flat and too crunchy, as opposed to having that fluffy soft center that you usually look for in a waffle.

Can you use cottage cheese to make chaffles? ›

We obviously love Greek yogurt and we're gaga for eggs, but sometimes you need another protein-packed option in the rotation for breakfast (or as a snack). Enter: cottage cheese waffles (aka "chaffles").

How many carbs are in 2 chaffles? ›

Chaffles Nutrition And Carb Count

But in general, assuming you use real, whole milk cheese like cheddar or mozzarella (as opposed to cream cheese or American cheese), chaffles are entirely carb-free. A typical serving size of two chaffles contains roughly: 300 calories. 0g total carbs.

How many carbs are in a chaffle? ›

Nutrition Info & Carb Count
FlavorCaloriesNet Carbs
Basic chaffle2082g
Garlic parmesan1822g
Cinnamon sugar1792g
1 more row
Mar 22, 2024

Can you eat peanut butter on a ketogenic diet? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

How many carbs are in a chaffle pizza? ›

Ham and Cheese Chaffles – a great breakfast and only 1.2 net carbs each. Bacon Cheddar Chaffles – 2.2 net carbs each. Pepperoni Pizza Chaffles – the perfect keto appetizer and only 2 net carbs each. Sausage Jalapeno Chaffles – 1.8 net carbs each.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.