The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

JANUARY 20, 1953 25 TUESDAY, NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE I EVA DEROY CARRIES APPEAL TO STATE ABCCi Acts After Board Does Not Acknowledge Package Store Request Chicopee. Jan. 19-Because the l.icense Commission failed to acknowledge or act on her application for package store license. Mrs. Liva roy, wife of former Rep.

Ernest DeToy of Willimansett, carried an appeal to the Stale Alcoholic BeverATA Control Commission, it learned today. Are. Deroy filed her application for A package goods license at TS6 Memorial Dr. at the commission office the first of December but the local licensing authorities refused to acknowledge that it was filed. statins that "applications were neither to he given out or received the present time." C'onforming with the law governing new applications, had published at her own expense advertisem*nt the that it was in the hand- of the commisan sion.

Thirty days elapsed without any commission action and Mrs. Deroy then filed an appeal with the A BeG Both the local commission and the applicant have Jereived word from the BCC that it has the appeal. hearing will be called, but when is not known. UNIT OF CHURCH GRANGE ELECTS Third Congregational Has Annual Meeting Chicopee. Jan.

187-Mies Ethel Coleman WAS elected clerk of Third tongregational Church and Elwyn Williams, clerk of its society, at the anmuni meeting in, the parish house of Federated Church. Third Congregatonal parishioners joined with Central Methodist Church members in forming the Federated Church some 3 ears ago. Rev. Chester F. Cooper, pastor, served as moderator.

Elected were William Plummer AS treasurer of the benevolent And fellowship funds. Mrs. Roberts, Miss Winifred Sanborn, Miss Mabel White and Mrs. Hugh 1. Jones to the benevolent committee, and Miss Coleman, Mrs.

Howard Hammond. Mabel White, James Dout and Emerson G. Gaylord LO the standing committee. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Beesler, Mr. and Mia. Albert Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Plummer were elected! represento the Conference Congre.Cational Churches, Malvolm Golding.

Beesley, Miss Elizabeth Knight, ('harles Leonard and Collis Haskins Mrs. were chosen to serve on the Congregational building and loan fund committee. Beesley was chosen moderator of the soviety meeting. Elected to its prudential committee were L'. Dundin Brainard.

Frederick sir. Beesley, Mr. Jones, and Dr. J. Stevenson Moore.

Leonard, Mr. Dout and Mr. Boesley were chosen AN Congregational representatives to the Federated Church Council. Harold T. Smith was chosen treasurer.

Miss Frances Webster And Mrs. Feraus Marshall will serve on the Federated Church musio committee. New Claims: 31; Drop in Week Chicoper, Jan. 12 -Only new claims for unemployment compensation were filed last week at the local office of the Division of Employment Security, 1S less than the week before, Justus FL Alvord. manager, reported today.

Compensation wore distributed anions 21S unemployed two. of which were Korean War veterans. DES placed 11 person, in jobs and reported 102 positions available. Among them are jobs for general office help, male and female general workers, A young man in a factory, shorthand reporter and warehouse Marriage Intentions Chicopee, Jan. 19-The following couples filed their marriaze intentions with City Clerk Arthur Balthazar: Jason C.

Deaton. 32. of Gastonia, N. U. S.

Air Force and Zelma Andruszkiewicz, 32, of 3 Carlton office clerk. Donald B. Woods. 23, of 106 SherM. Plant.

20. of 106 Heywood man U. S. Navy, And Elaines. West Springfield.

secretary. Adrian I. Roberge, 36. of 113 Taylor Springfield. police officer, and Jenny Zion, 38.

of 12 Burton pharmacist. WELL, BABY CLINIC Chicopee. Jan. 19-The weekly Health Department well -baby clinic will he held Wednesday from 10) A. m.

to noon at the Aldenville School, Miss Pauline Jotte, health agent. announced today. Dr. Lorenzo A. Remy will he the physician in charge.

assisted by departmental and school nurses. Alexander Chicopee. Jan. 19-Alexander Arlubetter known 71 Alexander "Jarvis. 61.

died this morning in his home at SO Beaumont C'hicopee, after short illness. He was born Poland and had been a resident of Chicopee for 30 years. He WAS A. carpenter by trade and was employed by various local construction companics. Besidedlhis wife.

Mrs. Bertha (Kleczynski) Arlukowski. he leaves five daughters, Mrs. Stella Tenerowicz of Windsor Locks, Dirs. Ann Graham of California.

and the Misses Jean, Bertha and Constance. all at home: three sons. Alexander of Fast Springfield and John and Frank at home: one brother, John of Wilkes- Barre. and grandchildren. The funeral will be held at the J.

Brunelle funeral home, Willimansett. Wednesday morning. followed by R. requiem high mass in St. Anthony's Church.

Burial will be in St. Stanislaus Ceme Burial will' be in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Polish National Alliance New Regime the Polish National Alliance installed officers last Group 2105 of with Miss Adele Banas, past district commissioner of Chicopee, presidents, Mrs. l'atricia ('hmiel and Mrs.

Anna Wengrz luncheon. From the left are: Mrs. Chmiel. Mrs. Antonia Szatrowski, Mrs.

Mary Jablonski. financial secretary: Mrs. Veronica treasurer; Mrs. Frances Jasinski, auditor; Mrs. Anna Bawol, recording Kosiba, Tutty Are Given Bars of Rank by Mayor Chicopee.

Jan. 19-Mayor Trybulski placed bars on the shoulders of Sgt. Walter Kosiba and P'atrolman ('harles F. Tutty at his office today to elevate to superior officer rank WAITER NOSIR two of the Police Department's able and conscientious police officers. The mayor made a little ceremony event and invited the wives of the two defenders of the law to attend.

They stood at the top of a list of civil service eligibles. Lt. Kosiba is a native of c'hicopee. and a graduate of Chicopee High School. He was appointed a patrolman reserve in March, 1936, and A regular in 1912.

In 1950 he was advanced to sergeant. The lieutenant, son of and Mrs. John P. Kosiba, served with the Army in Maska during World W'ar 11 and is a member of the American Legion. Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Amvets.

His wife is the former Sophie Orzechowski. 1.t. Tutty WAS horn in Chicopee Falls on July 14. 1911, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles A. Tutty. He is A gradof Chicopee High and his World War I service was in the Navy. He became patrolnian reserve in 1939 and a regular patrolman in 1911. HA is a member of the Amvets and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Tutty is the father of twO daughters and a son. His wife is the former Ernestine St. Leger. Lt. Tutty is a past president of the Chicopee Police Relief Association.

Assignments Announced For Two New Lieutenants C'hicopee. Jan. 19 Police Chief Theodore A. Fisher announced tonight the assignments for his two now lieutenant detectives, ('alter Kosiba and ('harles J. Tutty who were appointed today by Mayor Trybulski.

I.t. Kosiba, who has for some months been in charge of the to 12 I.T. CHARLES J. TUTTE midnight shift. will be moved 10 the Traffic Bureau.

He will direct the investigation of all accidents, a duty now being done by Acting Deputy Chief William C. McQueen, bureau heal. l.t. Tutty, who has been working the midnight to a. n.

shift. will heconte executive officer of the second shift. ('hief Fisher the transfers will take effect in three or four wepks. Both officers will work together until Tutty becomes familiar with the duties of handling a shift the chief said. The promotion of Kosiha to lieucreates a vacancy in the rank tenant of police sergeant.

Patrolman Arthur 1. Peloquin ranked second to Kosiba on the eligible list. There is also a vacancy in the ranks of police officers. .1 captaincy becanie available when Wilfred A. Couture retired in November.

T.t. Leonel Remillard heads the eligible list. He WaS third on the list from which Harold F. Connor and McQueen were elevated. Waste Collection Chicopee.

Jan. 19 and waste materials will be picked up by Ash Department tomorrow on the followina streets: Schorr, Bourbeau, Laramee, Searles, Day, Reed. Ingham, Quartus. Transit, Mary, Olea, lower Grattan. Nassau.

Hope. Philathea, Hilton. Leonard, Emerald. lower Exchange, Northwood and Sherman. Chicopee Skiers Try Vermont Slope The Union's far roving photographer chester.

this week end to do a of Chicopee people indulging in downhill run, they are, left to Carroll, George Taloumis and Mrs. out on the slopes when traveled to Big Bromley, Manlittle skiing and found this group the same sport. Resting up after a right; William Begley, Mrs. John F. William Regley.

Mr. Carroll was the picture was taken. CONTROVERSIAL ZONE CHANGE IS WANTED AGAIN But Another Petitioner This Time; Protest Made In 1949 Chicopee. Jan. 19-A one change petition which when submitted in 1919 drew such a great protest from upper East St.

residents that it WAS withdrawn, has been fled again but by a different applicant. Stanley J. 8 Court St. is requesting d. change from Residence A to Business A for tWO lots with A 100-foot frontage on East 118 feet north of the Carew and East Si.

intersection. It is reported the applicant wishes to construct 2. grocery store here. In April. 1949.

the previous owner, Louis D. Roberts of 69 Olea petitioned for the same zone change for these lots where he wished 10 build hardware store. The Planning Board, after a hearing. recommended that it be granted. The application ArOused storm of protest among East St.

residents and a petition with about 75 abutters' names WAS submitted to the Board of Aldermen. Roherts' attorney, Edward 1. Donnellan, asked to have the petition withdrawn before the zoning committee acted. The petition will he given hearings by both the Planning Board and the zoning committee shortly. CHICOPEE SAVINGS ADDS TO BOARDS Three Corporators and Four Trustees Elected Chicopee, Jan.

19-Three new members were elected to the board of corporators of Chicopee Savings Bank AL its annual meeting today and the corporators added four new members to the board trustees. James E. Marshall. re-elected treasel', in his annual report, said 10.141 savings depositors and 4055 school savings depositors were paid a total of $283.289 in dividends at the rate of 21. per cent during 1952.

A total of in deposits WAS 1'P- ported, showing a gain of $812.635 over 1931. Mortgage loans, he said, increased $612.834 to $5.187,509. The bank sot Aside $62.168 in surplus in 1962 to bring the total to $1.118.789. Stephen A. Zajchowski was re-elected assistant treasurer.

The now vorporators are Aime Lavallee, Charles O'Brien and Frank J. Skibingki. The new trustees APP Paul H. D'Amour. William IV.

I Sample. Edward J. Przybyla, and Dr. Lorenzo A. Remy.

The election saw the return of Nelson B. Carter AS president and all other officers in cluding those members of the board of trustees whose terms had expired. Ferry Lane League Election Is Tonight Chicopee. Jan. 19-Ferry lane Inprovement.

league will plect officers Tuesday night Ar 7.30 in the Palais D'Or Club. Charles Thompson. Acting president. asks men and women in this section to attend. An Amateur hour will he presented.

A group by boys. 15 to 17 years of age, will provide music. Date will ba sot for installation of the new officers. Pvt. Rider Leaves For West Coast Chicopee, of Jan.

15 19-Prt. Lafayette Willard husband of 'he former Irene Brault. left last night for Ft. Lawton. Seattle, from where he will embark for the Far Fast.

Rider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rider of 118 Walnut Holyoke. is an alumnus of Holyoke High School. Prior to entering the service in June, was employed at the Springfield Armory.

He received his basic training at Ft. Dix. N. and wAS assigned to leadership school, gradvating on Dec. 20.

He was then given a 20-day furlough at home. A going party was given him Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Germair of Holyoke. A purse was presented and a smorgashord luncheon served.

Hosts were the Germains and his parents. 200-Year-Old Church Chooses Women for Parish Committee Mrs. Amell, Mrs. Baker First of Their Sex So Named; Willard McKinstry Ends Family. Tradition Chicopee, Jan.

19-For the Arst time since its institution 200 years ago, First Congregational Church has MRS. MAREL AMELL women elected to its parish committee. The pioneering women are Mrs. Mabel Amell, prominent in veteran, PTA A and fraternal circles, and Mrs. one of the oldest families in the congregation.

The annual election broke another tradition when Williard .1. McKinstry declined re-election after 30 vears AS chairman of the parish committee, thus breaking H. long: string of years in which a descendant Rev. John McKinstry, first pastor of the church held this office. The parish chose Ellsworth Elmer in his stead.

Willard McKinstry WAS elecied, however, to his 31st term as modera: tor and: Carl Wright was the choice for and treasurer. Besides the two women and the new chairman, the parish committee WAS up with Willard McKinstry and James Cartmill AS the other two members. Mrs. Anne was made auditor and Willard McKinstry was named as the cemetery sexton. Committee assignments were as follows: cemetery committee, Miss Linda Baker, Mrs.

C. S. Chapin, James I. Todd and Winthrop and Alfred McKinstry; ushers, Leonard Fredette, Richard Market, Robert Madru, George Young. Edward Young, William Emmons, John Bobola and Raymond Greaves; nominating committee, MI's.

Ann Elmer, Warren Mckinstry, Mrs. James McKay, Miss Edna. Pringle and Earl Amell. and investment committee, Carl Wri2ht, Winthrop McKinstry and James CartI mill. Around Town Chicopee.

Jan. 19 Enterprising television merchants have Chicopee the way for half of the public school children to witness the inaugural Washington tomorrow ceremonialing sets in seven of the largest schools. Because the inaugural has R. decided educational advantage, Supt. John 1.

Fitzpatrick has nelcomed the installations, Starting it off were Frank Balicki and William Rucki who put sets up At Rowe and Valentine Schools where their children attend. Frank Skibinski. A graduate of ('hicopee High School. completed installation at the auditorium of his alma mater and R. Desnoyers, has installed sets in Memorial School, Fairview, and Belcher School, Chicopee Falls.

Louis Hudzikiewicz installed one at Kirby School. The Lions Club after a steak dinner last night in the Market, Square Hotel voted $25 of Dimes campaign. Ben Meyers, income tax specialist. advised what is deductible besides interest. dependents and so forth.

The club is preparing for a special baked bean supper on Feb. 12 with Stephen Gawron in charge. Drs. Frank Chretien of Narragansett Rivd. is convalescing at Holyoke Hospital where she underwent surgery last week.

The regular Wednesday night meeting of Boy Scout Troop 37 has been cancelled this week flue 10 the chest X-ray program being conducted at St. Mary's H.all. The fourth quarterly conference of Faith Methodist Church will be at the church Wednesday at D. 111. Rev.

G. Albert Higgins, superintendent of the Springfield District of the New England Conference, will preside. The Western Massachusetts Salt Water Sportsmens Club will meet Tuesday evening at 1.30 in its quarters, 819 Grattan St. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 333 will meet Tuesday at D. 11.

at the Legion Home. Final arrangements for the public card party Wednesday evening. Jan. 28, at the post home. will he made.

A social will and follow. Virginia Hostesses Suprenant. are Misses Marie Mr. and Mrs. Edward Purcell.

residents of 11 Hartford South Hadley Falls. have taken up residence at Call St. The annual banquet of St. Mary's Catholic Womens Guild will be Tuesday evening at 6.30 in St. Mary's Hall.

Officers will be elected and installed. Council 230. St. Jean de Baptist Society will meet Wednesday evening at 7.30 in the parish hall of St. Rose de Lima, Church.

Members will decide whether to change the meeting nights and it is hoped they offer suggestions as 10 what could" be done to make the meetings more interesting. Brownie Troop 15 of Fairview will meet Tuesday At 3.30 At Memorial School. Mrs. Yvette Bergeron and Mrs. Evelyn Dellapenna will be in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Girard of 365 East Main St. are being congratulated on the birth of their first child, a daughter, born Jan.

16 at 7.40 a. 01. in Mercy Maternity Hospital. They plan to name the girl Geraldine Alice. Mrs.

Girard is the former Viola Lukasik. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Girard of 27 Lincoln St. Are paternal grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Lukasik of 87 Taylor St. are maternal grandparents. Jerry Holder of Springfield College will start classes in in in ballroom dancing Wednesday at 2.16 in the Community ('enter.

Instruction will be free for all hoys and girls in the seventh. eighth. and ninth grades under 16 years of age who hold membership tickets in Community Center. Instructions will he given for the waltz, fox trot, rhumba, tango and samba, Robert Quintal, A member of the American Legion State Department ways and means committee, will speak on the Legion rehabilitation stamp program al the Charles C. Kennedy Post meeting Thursday nishi.

at in the legion Home. tin called a Kane. special post meeting of commander. the execu- has tive committee at 7.15. The speaker is an officer in Aldenville Post 337.

Mrs. Valerie Rzewnicki of 216 Exchange St. WAS tendered a surprise hirthday party esterday in the St. Joseph's Club. Perkins S1.

Many friends in the neighborhood offered their felicitations. Andrew Crane, grand knight of Elder Council, Knights of Columbus. has called a special meeting for TuesdAy night at 7.30 in the K. of C. home.

Sheridan St. Final plans for the barber shop concert and' parade of quartets Saturday night at 8.15 in the Chicopee High School auditorium will be made. Daniel J. Fitzgerald. chairman, reports that tickets may be purchased at Guerin's store, Main or from members.

RELLEVILLE FINED Pownal, Jan. 19-Edward I. Belleville of this town pleaded in Bennington Municipal Court today 10 charges of driving an 1111 registered automobile. Judge Georze A. Mathers fined him $15 and costs I of $8.20.

Dutch Treat for Chicopee Savings Bank Officers their annual "Dutch treat" dinner last night at the Yankee Officers of the E. Clark, center, factory manager of the Fisk Tire Plant of the U.S. Chicopee Savings Bank at Pedlar Inn, Holyoke, and its responsibility to the community." Seated are, left to right, heard Thomas Rubber speak on. Charles V. O'Brien, a J.

Stevens Arms Corp. official and J. Aime Lavallee, "Business Nelson B. Carter, and James E. Marshall, treasurer.

The dinner folpresident; president of the Eastern Etching new corporators, lowed the bank's annual meeting, REV. C. R. COOPER REQUESTS CHANGE IN PASTOR DUTY Says Transfer Would Be Best For Church, Self, in Letter to District A Chicopee. Jan.

19 -lev. Chester R. Cooper, pastor of Federated Church, Announced today he has requested Dr. G. Albert Higgins.

superintendent of the Springfield District of the Methodist Conference, to seek other parish for him when the quarterly conference of the Now England Conference convenes in March. 'ame From W'e4t Springfield Mr. Cooper declared he has served for nearly 11. VARIS as pastor of Federated Church and he believes it for to it not 3 of AN night in the Polish National Home in the alliance, installing officer. Two past at the tea table during a buffet auditor: Mrs.

Henrietta Lasocki, Pasterczyk, president: Miss Ranas, secretary; and Mrs. Wengrzyn. Chicopee. Jan. 19-Alvord PT.

Anticipates it will gain a substantial sun Tuesday night at at its putlic card party in the Community ('enter for the fund to advance educational advantages for pupils at Alvord The advance sale of tickets was largely conducted by the pupils. lt is estimated between 100 and 460 will attend. Arrangements have been completed by Mrs. Paul Knapik and Mrs. Stanley Stec as cochairmen with the assistance of Mrs.

D. Peter Drozek. Mrs. Joseph Sypek and Mire. I J.indstedt.

Door and table prizes will he available. The committee reports some tickets have been held for sale at the hall. Refreshments be served by Mrs. Edmund Short, Mrs. Antonio Leclair.

Mrs. Edward Sullivan. Mrs. Ramond Dumont. Mrs.

Stanley Kohanek. Mrs, Peter Michonski, Mrs. Raymond Fontaine, Mrs. Wanda Kagan, Mrs. Stanley Brerowek.

Mrs. Josephine Niedhala. Mrs. James Teehan. Mrs.

Mitsie Kapinos and Mrs. Stanley Ziemba. PTA Looks For Good Return at Its Party Tonight Chicomansett Pack Organized Chicopee. Jan. 19-The Chicomansett Civic and Social Association has completed organization of its cub pack.

designated as Cub J'ack 29 with Rosaire Ringuette chosen A cuhmaster. Committee members and den mothers have selected the first Wednesday of each 'month for meetings. Louis has been chosen AS chairman of the pack committee. Other officers are: secretary and treasurer, Verna Crowley; activities director, Armand Fortin: advancement director, Raymond O'Donnell, and institutional representative. Id ward Sanocki, president of the ARsociation.

On Jan. 27 af 7.30 in the village assembly hall. Ringuette will outline plans. Cub Scouts will be presented merit awards and badges. Home City Firm Makes Low Bid Chicopee, Jan.

19 Springfield Trucks, of Springfield was lowest bidder of four firms submitting prices on truck for the Highway Department. It offered A price of $5350 for Brockway truck. The bids. opened this afternoon, found only two Chicopee firms showing an interest in dealing with the city. Topor Motor Sales submitted a price of $6899 for A Dodge truck meeting specifications drawn up by the department and an alternate bid of $7362 for R.

truck with equipment in addition to what WAS called for. Janas and Son Motor Sales offered a bid of $5450 for A. GAl: truck. The fourth bidder WAS Redden -Sanderson of West Springfield, which offered a Mack truck at A price of $6662. All bids have been taken under advisem*nt, Birthday Party Wednesday Night ('hicopep.

Jan. 19 Menthers of Louschaeyna Council. Degree of Pounhontas. having January birthdays will be honored during the social which will follow Wednesday evening's meeting in the Willimansett American Legion Home. They inelude Mrs.

Leona Fleury: Mrs. Peggy Jones. Mrs. Eva Monfeite, Mrs. Conrad Ethier.

Mrs. Angelina Lapointe, and Mrs. Darvas Aubuchon. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ida P'aquette, chairman.

Drs. Ida Beaudry, Mrs. Edna Mattoon. Mrs. Inez Hamilton, Mrs.

Delia Tellier, and Mrs. Amanda Derov. Neighbor Grange to Call Chicopee. Jan. 19-The South Hade lev Grange will pity a neighborhood visit Tuesday night at 8 to Chicopee Grange in Union Canadian Hall.

Members of the visiting organization and Chicopee Grange have collaborated to provide entertainmenf. At a Chicopee Grange husiness session Mrs. Bella Crossley will be inducted as a. member of the executive committee. REV.

CHESTER R. COOPER is for the heat interests of the church and himself if a change is made. He came to Chicopee from West Springfield Methodist Church. Federated Church is composed of the federation of Third Congregational Church and Central Methodist, Churchior said his service with the church cannot be ended without considerable regret for it has been A source of "great satisfaction" to him and to his family to have served here. lie believes, he said, that new leadership would be best for the futhe church.

turne Federated pastor has heen active in civic circles and took AL substantial interest in the organizing of parent -teacher associations in Chicopee. He was 2. member of the Kiwanis Club and supported such other civic organizations as the Community Center and the Community Nursing Association. He was named to membership on the Chicopee Rotterment Federation. a commission of city officials and civic leadPI'S dedicated to planning for Chicopee's future.

Mrs. Cooper likewise was active in the Community Nursing Association and parent-teacher association work. She was first president of the ChicOpt Council. Chicopee. Jan.

19-Physical exams for all boys entered in the Community Center Senior Basketball League will be given Wednesday at 5 in the Community Center. The Chicopee Medical Socicty is contributing services of several physicians. All participants in the league must pass the physical. Forms for the doctors to sign will be passed out to the boy's Wednesday. Physical Exams Tomorrow for Boy Hoopsters ASHFIELD Christmas Club Elects Officers 1 Ashfield.

Jan. 19-The Christmas club at its recent meeting elected these officers and committees: president, Mrs. Raymond lowes; seeretary, Miss Myrtle Percy: treasurer, Mrs. (liften Scott: relief committee. Mrs.

Albert Howes. Mrs. Leon Alvord And Mrs. Ralph lease. February.

Mrs. Raymond Anderson, Air's. Albert Howes; March, Mrs. Leon Alvord. Mrs.

('lifon April. one -half of the club entertains the other half; May, Mrs. Harold Shaw, Mrs. Armond La Belle; June, Airs. Harold Howes, Mrs.

Alice O'Shea: July, vienic: August, Mrs. Ralph Pease. Airs. Donald Howes; September, Mrs. Clara Gloyd, Mr6, Raymond Reniff; October.

one- -halt entertains other half: November, Miss Myrtle Percy. Mrs. Raymond Howes: December. Christmas party ani banquet; January 1051, Ars. William Crafts, AIrs.

Charles Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Armond Labelle And son. Joe, have left for Washington, D.

C. to spend a week with friends and attend the inauguration. The citizen's caucus will he Tuesday At. 8 p. m.

in Town Hall. South Ashfield Sewing club colebrated the Airs. Percy Taylor at its meeting in South Ashfield library. "Trees" will he the theme of the lecturer's program Thursday at tho Grange with Mrs. Emory Howes, assisted by Guy Tanner.

in charge. Dutch elm disease will he discussed, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rico South Ashfield, and Mr. and Mrs.

Douglas Graves will have charge of refreshments. The Legion and Auxiliary will ment Wednesday in Grange Hall. Preced'ing the meeting. A11 Auxiliary executive meeting will he held at 7.15. The Rod and Gun club will hold A pitch party Wednesday at the fire station.

U-and-1 club met this ning with Mrs. Richard Field in South Ashfield. Twelve attended the University of Life in Greenfield Sunday evening. MONTAGUE Montague. Jan.

19 The Grange will meet Wednesday evening in the hall at 8. It will be neighbors night with Sunderland, Leverett and Greenfield Granges invited. Refreshment committee is Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisk, Mr.

and Mrs. Reuel Flood, Mrs. Arthur Fisk and Thomas Murphy..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.