The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

I J. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1955 29 NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE 1.Y ROOM 213 RIVOLI BLDG. CATHOLICS SIGN FOR RELIGION CLASS AT CHS Record 850 Students Start Instructions, Arc Expected Chicopee. Out. 3-Roman Catholic religious instruction started today At Chicopee High School under the direction, of Rev.

Thomas F. with a staff of twenty priests and six friars. .1 record number of $30 students have already registered for classes and further registration will take place in Room 221 next Monday at 1:15 p. m. is pected that many more will signify, their intention of attending the instructional period.

Students at the Vocational School will open 1 their classes on Tuesday at which time further registration can be made in the auditorium at 1:40 D. m. Six priests will instruct the group. The elementary school children will receive instructions from their respective parish priests designated days during the week. Smith Highland Association Has Annual Banquet Chicopee, Oct.

3-The 26th annull banquet of the Smith Highland Improvement Association, hold Saturday night at the Chatonu Harmony, Granby, was tended by over 50 members and guests. including seven of the original charter members. They were Mrs. Jessie Frank. Mrs.

Diller. Mrs. Grace Pac. Margaret Scott. Mrs.

Tonblay. Joan WhalLAY and Mrs. Edith Miller. Following dinner. special trainment WAS presented by 'alonted members of the Myles Brennan.

starring as "Davy Crockett," W'AS 0. 01 by Perry Bardwell. Richard Tilden. Bud Bloedel. George Boi vert.

Francis White. Thomas Kelliber. Mrs. Ethel Stonina, Mr. Hazel Swanger.

Mrs. Yvettelo! Dialonov. Sally Bloedel. 11. 4.

Mary Kellihor. Mrs. Ruth accompanied at the pi7'10 by Mrs. Phyllis Kinsey. Dancing followed tO the music of the Blue Notes Orchestra.

Decorations. in charge of Mrs. Barbara Tilden. were in keeping the harvest season with A large cornucopia AS table c'entorpiece and pumpkins, corn and. miniature decorating tables.

Richard Tilden served as master of ceremonies and P'errv Bardwell, vice-president, in the absence of Ted Labreeque. presided and welcomed the guests and introduced the charter members. During the Francis evening, White movies and were they taken will bel shown at the October meeting. Suffers Heart Attack Chironce, Oct. 3 Jeremie: Gerous, 83, of 140 Beaudry victim of a slight heart attack.

WaS given oxygen treatment by Chiconce shortly afternoon under supervision of Dr. George Vash. The rescue unit of Squad 5 and Chief Peter Gula and DeputV Chief Jeremiah Falvey responded to the emergency call at 12.30 and administered the oxygen for 30 minutes, The elderly man was ordered to bed hy the doctor. Creighton Funeral the grave. displayed.

Late-Season Field Event Chicopee, Oct. 3 The fupetal of Mrs. Adele Creighton of 58 Mt. Carmel Willimansett, was held this mornung at the A. J.

Brunelle, with funori home. Willimansett. a requiem high mass in the Church of tho Nativity. Rev. Laurier L' Africain was the celebrant.

Bearers were Edward Bolduc. Louis Choiniere. Ralph Plante. and Leo. Paul and Joseph Plante.

Burial was in Precious Blood Cemetery. Rev. Clarence Forand read prayers at Red Feather Drive Is Launched George Murray, general manager of the Eastern Etching who is conducting as general chairman his second consceutire campaign for the Community Chest. 4 Four hundred volunteer workers Were spurred on by John Fitzpatrick, superintendent of schools to attain the $91.500 goal of the 1953-56 Red Feather campaign in Chicopee. The drive was launched last night at a kickoff dinner i in the Spalding cafeteria with representatives of civic, fraternal.

welfare. labor union and industrial groups at the dinner. the head table while Supt. Fitzpatrick spoke were from the left: Rev. Josaphat l'iasta of St.

Stanislaus parish, Mayor Walter J. Try bulski and Around Town Chicopee. Oct. 3-Mrs. Greta (Gridley) Straton.

A native of Chicopee, here on a visit from Tasinania, the Australian Island nearest the South Pole, dress the Federated "church Women's Guild Tuesday after a covered, dish supper to served She will speak lon "How Australians Are MeetTheir Responsibilities in Changing World." The committee for the meeting includes: Mrs. Charles Leonard, Miss Iola Hayden. Mrs. Alice Jones, Mrs. Larkin Hayden, Miss Ethel Coleman, Miss Mary Frodema, Miss Winifred Sanborn and Mrs.

Adam Cameron. The established in Assumption 1904 has Drum a display Corps, some of its 1935 cups and trophies won in New England competitions this year in Paul's Shoe Store in Market Square. Several pictures, including one of the original corps taken in 1901, are included in the display. Joseph Robillard. the president, has extended a welcome to any young man who would like to become a member to sign up ing the present drive.

According to Robillard, candidate does not have to know how to play any of the musical, 'instruments for the corps trainers will teach them but a candidate must have the desire to become an active and enterprising member. Mrs. Rita MacLure, skipper. of the Mariners, Unit of a Ship 135 Scouts and Mari-! nors. has invited all young girls 14 vears and older to join the ship at A meeting 10 be held in the Community Center Tuesday the mecting Plans, active fall and night 7.

will be made at (winter program. Among the events to be arranged will be a visit to the Marine Museum in Boston. Over 900 pounds of cusk were caught by the six men of the Salt Water Sportsmen's Club of Western Massachusetts taking the trip to Rockport Sunday. An- Honors for Pee Wees Chicopee, Oct. 3- The anaward of sportsmenship trophies to players of the Chicopee Pee Wee League will take place Sunday afternoon at 1.30 in the Davit Post Home of the VFW with Gene Balicki.

the league director in charge. One player from each of the teams in the league has been selected for an award. The players were selected by officers and team managers on the basis of the good sportsmanship 8 David Brassard and Shirley Polchlopck are pictured lashing their legs together to take part in the three legged race during Sunday's outing of l'ost 152 of the American Legion at the Aldenville American Legion THEROUX HAS PLAN FOR SWOL, SIMONICH STS. Gagne Agrees to Let Residents Tic in With His Sewer at 'Convenience' and Howard. 10.

Rings On Their Fingers Chicopee, Oct. 3 Alderman Robert Theroux, candidate for mayor, appears 10 have come up with a solution for the sewage disposal problems of residents of Simonich and Swoll a subject of public interest for more rhan a year, As 2 result of his conference with Cyril A. Gagne, one of Chicopec's major housing developmant contractors. Gagne has approved a plan to permit the 10 mako connections 10 sewer mains 111 an adjoining tract that Gagne las developed with more than 100 houses. Gagne state approval to drain the development into the Chicopee River until such fitne as An of interceptor the sewer Chicopee is River built It! the bed 10 carry off all sewage now draining directly into the river.

In a statement the contractor said: had a conference with Mr. Robert Theroux. and he, persuaded 110 to allow the people of Simonich and Swol Sts. 10 tie into my' sewer at. no cOni whatsoever.

With the consent of the city engineer and the superintendent of streets they may begin when it is convenient to them." Residents of the 1110 streets were aroused 10 anger against Mayor Walter J. Trybulski when from they. received information the Sanitation Division of the that no letter had been received Department of Health at Boston from the mayor urging permission be given the city to drain the 1WO streets into the river. Trybulski was accused of a letter that he sent to Ciarence I. Sterling director of the Division of Sanitation, that the Simonich-Swol people claim never was sent.

Later Alderman Walter M. Grocki also a candidate for mayor, took up the cudgels in support of the Simonich-Swol residents and promised to aid in getting results for the them. Chicopee Grocki found support from Taxpayers' whose executive director David J. Galligan, went to on Boston the to Trybulski get let- information ter in Sterling. Gallican returned with a informed roby port one of Sterling's assistants that he had been that there was no letter from the mayor the Sanitation Di-1 vision office addressed to Sterling or any other in the department.

The Theroux coup seems to have removed all complications for the Simonich-Swol residents. Gagne in his signed statement released to the public concludes it by saying residents "may begin when it is convenient to them' to lay mains from their houses and connect to the mains he has laid in his development off Granby Rd. Mrs. Mary Sawyer Moynahan) Chicopee. Oct.

Sawyer, 3. widow of Drs. Mary the Edward I. Sawyer. of 53 Sanford St.

died this morning in Wesson Memorial Hospital. She WAS horn here, the daughter of the Fitzgerald) late Moynahan and had Michael and Mary lived here all her life. She leaves tiro sons. Robert F. of this city, and Edward C.

of Genoa, three daughters. Mrs. Glenn Bach of North Merritt, Long Island. N. and Mrs.

Francis O'llare and John Healey, both of this city; three brothers, Edward Moynahan of North Wilbraham, Francis of Net Britain, Conn. and Lawrence of Holyoke; of three Springfield sisters. Mrs. and Sidneyoseph Orlandi and Mrs. Frank Chmura, hoth of this city.

The funeral will be held at the Grise funeral home Wednesday at 8.15. with a solemn requiem, Church high at 9. mass Burial in will Holy! be in Calvary Cemetery. Calling hours are from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. 4.

Members of the junior class of the College of Our Lady of the Elms received their class rings Friday during the annual Junior. Ring Ceremony when freshmen slipped the golden hands on the fingers of the upper class members. From the left are: Nancy Madden of Providence, R. Elizabeth Graham of Pawtucket, R. Natalie Mackie of Pittsfield and Greta Frechette of Manchester, Conn.

Miss Graham and Miss Frechette, both juniors. were cochairmen of the program. Five Welcomed to CHS Faculty FAIRVIEW BOYS' CLUB PROGRAM GETS APPROVAL Directors Review Schedule Of Games, Athletics for New Scason Chicopee, Oct. 3. The board of directors of the Fairview Roys' Club Friday night approved a program of notivities for the $0350:1 that opens Tuesiday, as submitted by Raymond Paul, executive director.

The program will consist of jumor and senior games including ping pons. checkers, and others, Fridays. Special events will include a pingness classes, weight lifting, pong tournament. physical ing and wrestling. Junior socials and dancing lessons will be condue tod for sub-teens and model aircraft classes will also he Cittured.

As in past years in compliance with requests of the tional headquarters, the local club will sponsor the junior book awards and athletic events with reports to he inade to bendquarters by Paul. A sports night IS heing planned tor November and holiday parties for the youth of the community will also be held. Paul reported that application for the Use of the Memorial School gymnasium four nights week has been sent to the Chicopee School department And acknowledgement is being awaited. When permission is granted. a complete basketball program will be outlined.

One night is to be set aside for girls only and the remaing three will he for boys. Woh the increase in membership, baskemll this year will be conducted aDit ,1 team basis with a competitive program. A definite program can not re outlined un-I til the numbor ol nights that the gym lean be used is determined. The Boys' Club program will bel delayed briefly because of faulty sewerage facilities. Through appropriation from the Community Chest.

the plumbing expenses will be cared for. The board of directors instructed Paul to hire additional instructors to assist him with the of activitics. They al-: $0 voted that the Fairview Knights of Columbus, Council 4044, may use the quarters Tor their bi-monthly meetings as long they do not conflict with the Boys' Club's programs. Permission was also granted to! continue dancing lessons 31 the quarters by A local dancing school. In District Court Chicopee.

Oct. 3 John Walsh of Massachusetts Spring. field. was fined $100 in District Court on a charge of being A lewd person in speech and behavior. Judge Daniel M.

Keyes, gave him until Nov. 1 to pay. Walsh was arrested by Patrolmen Aldore Minnie and Walter Dominik in Center shortly before 11 last night. Judge Keyes fined John W. Leonard, of 1031 Dwight Holyoke.

$5, and Thomas W. Cornish of Westover Air Force Base, $10 for speeding. Waste Collections Chicopee. Oct. 3.

-Ash and waste materials will be picked up by the Sanitation Department tomorrow 011 the following streets. Dixie, Massachusetts, Ohio. Towne, Montvale, Pennsylvania Donigomery. Forest. Skeele.

Bemis, Theodore, Sunnymcade, Reed, Butler, East to Beauchamp Oxford, Cambridge, Providence. Marcella, Mary. Sitnik Fairvicw Ave. from Bell to Bonneville lower Nonotuck upper School, Pleasant PRIMARY CALL FOR ALDERMEN TUESDAY NIGHT Clerk Proposes 10-to-8 Voting Hours; Petitions On Agenda r. 'The Chicopee High terday afternoon of whom were men president welcomed men from the left Curley, School Teachers Club a reception yesfor five new members of the school staff, all teachers.

Aliss Margaret Riley, the club the newcomers to club membership. The are: Edward Janasz, Melvin tirant, Robert J. Leroy White and John H. Moran. ELECT BOBOLA CHURCH DEACON First Congregational In- stalls Sunday Chicopee, Oct.

83 -John Bobola was elected as deacon for two years at the annual roll call of the First Congregational Church with Rev. Asa Mellinger, presiding As the moderator. He and! other officer's and committee members chosen will be installed Sunday during the 10.50 3. m. service.

Miss Grace McKinstry was chosen as clerk and treasurer of the parish and standing mittec included Miss Linda Baker, Mrs. James Todd, and Mrs. Ada Wright. Selections for the aliar guild were Mrs. Samuel Bazluke Mrs.

Robert Pytel and Mrs. Edna Roherts, Mrs. Karl Abramson, Miss Baker and Mrs. Howard White were named to the religious education committee and Henry Baker was selected as superintendent of the church school with Winthrop McKinstry and Fred Schutz as assistants. Mrs.

Nelson Usher became primary school superintendent and Mrs. Grace McKinstry was selected as tary and Mrs. Ellsworth Elmer as treasurer. Mrs. Kenneth Walker will supervise the cradel roll classes.

Shirley Drum was appointed as a junior member of the altar guild. The music committee chosen consists of William Littlejohn. Mrs. Donald Hamill, Mrs. Phrobe Pringle, and Mrs.

Karl Amell. The congregation elected Mrs. Alfred McKinstry. Mrs. Alfred Rota.

Mrs. Henry Marten. Miss Elaine Liberty Grace McKinstry as the flower committee. County lav representatives were Donald Hamill and Richard Marker. The representatives to the Chi opce Council of Churches were Mr.

and Mrs. Donald and George Young, Jr. Mrs. Richard Markert was assigned as church librarian and representatives to the Hampden Association of Congregational Churches were Mrs. William Littlejohn, William Littlejohn, and Mr.

and Mrs. Willard MeKinstry. The institutional representative for Cub Scouts sponsored by the church will be Raymond Graves. Harry Hill has resigned as TELEVISION Tuesday 4-WBZ-Boston 7.00 Today 6 An Rascals Swan Boat 4.30 NeWS 10.44) Ding Done H. 1.5 110.30 Beauty Search 7.18 Newsteller 11.00 Home Show Dinah Shore 12.00 Nans 15 Jolin Suayze 12.15 Big Brother 8.00 Boh Hope 12.45 World Series 9.000 Fireside 3.30 Marriage 9.5 Playwright 4.00 Four on 10.30 Studio 37 4.10 Mr.

Sweeney 11.00 News 4.45 Romanre 11.10 Play 5.00 Pinky Lee 11.40 Steve Allen 3.30 Howdy Doody 6-WRGB-Schenectady 6.43 Sign On 4.13 Secret Storm Today Your Account 9. Home FATe 5.00 The Fireman 4. 9.30 8 Read 3.13 Breadtime 10.10 Com. Chest Howdy Doody 10.30 Neighbors Bronco Rill 11. Home 6.30 TY Showcase 1: Valiant Weather Map 13 Lave nf Life Range.

Riders Playhouse 13 12.10 112 1. chit 1.13 News 1 Pari Spot Cherry Show 1.16 Gov. Harriman Theater 1. ('amerou Taste Time 119.30 ('its Detective 30 Trader Vau Newsreel .00 Strike it Rich 11.15 Patti Pace 3.30 Rob Crosby 11.30 Lone Wolf 4.00 Brighter Day 12 Tonight 10- 10-WJAR-Providence 6.35 Farm News 7.00 'Today 9.04) The Sheraton 110.000 Ding Dong 10.30 Your Trouble r11.00 tome Show 12.00 My Hero 12.00 Nest Feather 1.00 Matinee 2.30 Mian-Man 2.43 Minister Desk 3.00 Ted Mack 3. 30 Marriage 4.00 Worlds Way 4 13 First Love 1.30 Ar.

Sweenes 1.43 Romance 5.00 Looney Toons 3.30 Howdy Doody 0.00 Roy Rogers 6.30 Superman 6.43 Ames Bros. Telence 7.15 Sports 7.30 Dinah Shore 7.43 John Swayze 8.00 Rob Hope 9,00 Fireside The. 9.30 Theatre 10.30 Eddie Cantor 11.00 News 11.13 Wrestling 12.15 News 19-WMGT-Pittsfield 1.30 Matinee T. 10 John Daly 6.00 Stacie Vault 7.30 My Hero G. News 1) Documentary 6.13 8.30 Variety Th 1.00 Clubhouse 11.00 News 7.10 Sports 11.05 Late Show 30-WKNB-New Britain 7.00 Today 4.00 Mr.

Sweeney 10.00 Ding Dong 5.00 Western 9.00 Teletheater 4.15 Modern a Love 10.30 Beauty 5.30 I. Do. de 11.00 llome 6.00 News 12.00 Tonn, Ernie 6.15 Early Show 12.00 Nest. Feather 7.45 Weather 1.04) Report 7.30 Industry 1.16 Civ. Def.

7. 15 Patti l'ace 1.30 Kitchen 8.00 (1) Bob Hope 2.01 The Answer 0.0t) Alavor 3.30 Club 30 9. Play 3.000 Ted Mack 10.30 Rig Town 3.30 Mar. PAy A 11.000 1.00 World ay 11.03 Late Show 4.15 Birthday Chicopee, Oct. 3-The Board of Aldermen will get the preliminary municipal clection call for action from City Clerk Arthur Balthazar when it meets Tuesday night.

The city clerk has prepared A list of 21 polling places for adoption. He will propose that the polls be opened at 10 o'clock in the morning and be closed p. m. on Oct. 18.

the day" for selecting candidates who will take places in the November run-off election. There will be a public hearing at 7 p. m. on the petition of Donat and Blanche Isabelle for a settlement in the land taking of their property for the new Aldenville School. Other items on the agenda are of minor nature and include: a petition for an annuity by Katherine M.

Ilaggerty; a petition for a pension by Raymond Baker of the Highway Department; an order for the acceptance of deed for a strip of land from Ernest Kubicz to establish A street between Shirley St. and Labrie and a parking ordinance for Front St. Francis Dupius has filed for a license to deal in second-liahd merchandise and Laurent IT. Mathieu of the Hotel Edwards; Michael Harasik of 147 Bowles Park, Springfield, and. Herbort kummi*ngs of 135 Prospect have petitions filed for operators' licenses.

Joseph Zajac will seek a permit to remove subsoil from his land, and an order will be presented 10 install a catch-basin in Nash St. custodian of the church and was succeeded by David Elmer. After the mecting announcements were made that the flower and a altar guild will meet Wednesday, at 7 to plan for the year's work. Woman in Auto Hurt in Crash other trip is planned for Oct. 16, and reservations for this musi made lector Peltier no! later than Saturdav.

World War 1. Widows, Chapter 45. will mect Wednesday evening at 1.30 in Charles C. Kenntde POst Home. East St.

I .1 "novelty auction' will be! a held Tuesday evening at p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Sawver, Skeele St. Proceeds will turned over to St.

Mary's parish, fund. Members friends are invited and cach is asked to bring an article for the auction. Brownie Troop 321 and Intermediate Troop 325. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3.30 in the Lambert-Lavoie School. and the newly formed Brownie and Intermediate troops to care.

for the girls of St. Joan of will meet at the same time at that school. Brownie Troops. 15 and 33 of Fairview will meet Tuesday and'as Wednesday afternoons at Me-: morial School. Mrs.

Yvette and her assistant Icaders be in charge. a The Chicopee Golden Age Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at! 2 o'clock in the Community Cen.ter. Boy Scout Troop 37 of St. Mary's Church will meet day evening at o'clock in the parish hall. Scoutmaster Rene Bouthillier and troop committeemen will conduct A board of review for boys trying for adI vancement awards.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paul of Royal St. were hosts at a family dinner party Sunday honoring the birthday of Mr. Paul's mothcr, Mrs.

George Paul of Britton St, She was presented A clockradio. Those present were Lt. Col. and Mrs. Roland Paul.

Dr, and Mrs. George Paul of Granby. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul of Ludlow and Mr.

and Mrs. Leo(nard Paul. also of Fairview. Drs. Paul's 13 grandchildren and one -grandchild.

St. Ann Guild members of St. Mary's Church heard CD dirertor Robert J. Boulay tonight stress need for more women in defense set-ups throughout the nation and in Chicopee. Special emphasis was made for the preparation that Chicopee must undergo if it is attacked by an enemy country.

The Rent Control Board will meet Wednesday night at 6.45 in the office of the board to review petitions for adjustment of rent and decontrol of same. The Children of Mary Sodality of Assumption Church will con-! vene on Monday at. 7.30 p.m. for the first fall meeting of the year. Miss Ann De Loria will preside.

A fall program will be discussed and dates named for events to take place in the near future. The College of Our Lady of the Elms is taking registration for evening courses at the office of the registrar. Applications must he made before Oct. 4. However, persons may also register at the first or second meeting of A class.

Courses in communication arts, cducation, English. modern languages, philosophy. secretarial science, the social sciences and science are listed to he taught during the first semester. The regular Kiwanis meeting usually held on Wednesday evenings will not be held this week in licu of the Community Chest dinner being held this evening. The club will resume kick its activities next week.

A successful food sale was conducted yesterday by the St. Vincent de Paul socicty of St. Stanislaus Church with Martha Bajgier, Peggy Bragiel, Bertha Bosziewicz. Helen Bozek, Charloitc Rudness. Jennic Bodorek, Alice Chmura.

Violet Cichonski helping with arrangements. st Members of the Chicopee Lodge of Elks are busy making plans for their "Italian Night" 10 bc held at the organization's quarters Oct. 11 at 7 o'clock. A wide variety of specially prepared Italian foods along with refreshments will be served on that. cvening to members of Italian extraction.

Chairman is James Muscaro. Chicopee, Oct. 3 Mrs. Antonio Gonsalves of 106 Norman St. reccived abrasions to the head and left knee when she was thrown against the dashboard of her husbands' car when it rammed the rear end of a car operated by Edward Cieslak of 5.56 Chicopee St.

at 8.30 Chicopee tonight. St. and Dexter Ave. Mrs. Gonsalves was treated by Dr, Harry R.

Harhay where she was taken by Patrolman Sylvester Kraus and Berle Howard. She refused. a hospital treatment and was returned home. Cieslak had stopped suddenly to avoid hitting a dog but Mr. Gonsalves wasn't able to stop in time.

Field Trials Held, 'Specks' Is Winner field Chicopee, and Oct. outing 3-At of the the annual Fairview Sportsman's Fish and Game Association Sunday at the club's grove. George Formhals and his dog "Specks' won first place in the field trials. Second prize, was taken Lia Ernest Morin his dog Leo Turcotte and his dog "Tico" came in for third place. Judges were Pete Blain and Col.

Sam Paul. The committees arranging both affairs will make their final reports at a meeting Wednesday night at 7.30 in the club quarters. WELL BABY CLINIC Chicopee, Oct: 3-The Health Department's weekly Well Baby Clinic will be held Wednesday 10. a. in the health offices at City Hall.

Dr. Michael will be the attending physician at the clinic. assisted by departmental and school nurses. Emily P. Brach Chicopee, Oct.

3-Emily P. Brach. 45, of 430 North West Feeding Hills, formerly of 83 Belcher Chicopee Falls. died Sunday at Wesson Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. She had suffered a heart attack six days before.

She was born in Chicopee. daughter of John Brach and the late Ludwika Brach, and attended the public and schools here. She WAS last employed at the Taylor Bramley Chicopee Falls, as a scamstress and had recently moved Feeding Hills. She leaves A son. David, of Feeding Hills.

The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at the Rypysc-Cicrpial funeral home, Chicopee Falls, with a requiem high mass in St. Stanislaus Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Visiting hours are Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.

m. A. L. Auxiliary Supper Tonight Chicopce, Oct. 3-The annual membership supper of the Willimansett American Legion Auxiliary will 6:15 be in held the Tuesday home.

evening at post Among the invited guests will be county director, Mrs. Ethel Samble; department historian, Mrs. Mary Wellman and the senior county vice-director, Mrs. Josie Beloin. conjunction the per, Mrs.

Helen Boisselle, Christmas Gift Shoppe chairman, quested that all members bring in a dollar gift. These gifts collected will give the hospitalized veterans at" Leeds Hospital an opportunity to select gifts as Christmas presents. The supper arrangements are in charge of DIrs. Rita Mozeleski, assisted by AIrs. Lillian Roy, Mrs.

Yvette Lafleur, Mrs. Yvonne DeGraff and Mrs. Ida Gamache. Chicopee, Oct. 3-Four members of the United Church (en's organization attended the silver anniversary of that organization in Boston this week end at the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. Emma A. Howard, first president. Mrs. Elizabeth Curry.

Mrs. Eliza Long and Mrs. Charles Leonard attended. A worship service entitled "Windows on the world" was given by Dr. Naomi Ekehal.

Congregational leader. World Community day will he celebrated on Nov. 4 in Chicopee Council of Churches with Mrs. William N. Culver and Miss Linda Baker leading the worship serve ice.

VET GROUPS MEET TONIGHT Chicopee, Oct. 3 The Polish American Veterans will hear a report from the nominating committee at a meeting Tuesday night at 7.30 at the Polish ans' Club in School St. Fire Chief Peter J. Gula, the commander, announced plans will be made for a "country store night." Direcfors of the corporation will meet at 6.30 p. transact urgent business.

Six new members will be initiated into the Davitt VFW Post 625 on Tuesday night at in the Front quarters. A general meeting will also take place. CHURCH WOMEN HAVE ANNIVERSARY EVENT Former Grid Stars Hold Floor Lt. Col. Maurice J.

Trojanowski, manpower organization officer a at Westover Air Force Base told a gathering of the Holy Name Socicty of St. Stanislaus parish in Chicopee last night an intimate picture of big time college football as derived from his own experience as a varsity player for the Fordham College Rams. From the left are: Stanley Stolarz, Thaddeus Budynkicwicz, a former Nitro Dame first string player, Col. Trojanowski. and Thaddeus Malinowski, the society's president.

The colonel was an All- American choice in his senior year at Ford- ham. 3 3 1. 1..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.