The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

2: THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 31 NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE AIRMEN DRIVING UNINSURED, ARE REAL PROBLEM Civilians Find Damages Hard Collect From Soldiers Chicopee, Aug, 22-The Chicopee police are finding it a growing problem In enforcing, the compulsory insurance law on military personnel stationed at Westover Air. Force Base, who consistently ignore a Massachusetts statute that requires, all nontransient motorists personal injury insurance. Resident civilians whose cars are registered in the state and fully covered have found from frequent experience that it is impossible in too many instances to collect personal injury or property damage costs after collision with servicemen's cars, because the serviceman is uninsured. Roy Loses Leg One recent outstanding instance is that of a' young boy, so badly injured, he lost a leg, and the full medical and hospital expenses had to be met by his parents because the serviceman had no insurance coverage, according to one police source. l'atrol Maintained: Chief Theodore Fisher; of the police department, has set up continuous motorized patrol in the vicinity of the air base aimed at checking, speeding, reckless operation apprehending all.

servicemen who have evaded the insurance law. As a consequence, scores of the airmen have been given warnings when apprehended without proper insurance covera2e. Those who have not heeded traffic bureau warnings have been arraigned and generally given stiff penalties in District Court. Base Cooperates Westover Air Force command has endeavored to support the, police in enforcing the law. It, has rule that no serviceman may park his car on the base if not properly registered and insured in compliance with Massachusetts laws.

Until recently servicemen not properly registered and insured have left their cars parked off the base near one of the entrances. Police keeping a watchful eye on these vehicles, have first warned and then arrested on a second offense such soldiers who hare continued to operate without insurance. Impound Cars The police have also taken more stringent measures by impounding the car of an uninsured owner and holding it until it is properly covered. One cruiser officer, Patrolman Henry F. Dolphin.

moat Alert in apprehending the uninsured, has impounded more than 100. cars in a local used car lot. are servicemen and they fight for us." Patrolman. Dolphin agrees. but he also' points out that when they cause injury to persons in accidents end.

the injured cannot get financial recompense because of. the lack of insurance they are not assuming the responsibility expected of: all Massachusetts motorists and', are completely disregarding the burden they place ton others. 3.. Patrolman Dolphin reported that of late the servicemen have: resorted to a dodge that balks impounding of their cars until they are caught in actual operation. 3: Seek to Evade The Servicemen have made arrangementa with some property owners the base park their uninsured tired CArS on their property.

Police may not enter private property to confiscate a car under the circ*mstances. In one instance. in James the owner of she substantial area of land, has established such a parking lot and, gains A revenue of $1. per week for each car parked: It has been observed that as many. as 100 cars have been parked on the property at times.

Trybulski Makes Gift to Fairview Boys' Club Boxers Chicopee, Aug. 22-Members of the Fairview. Boys' Club 4 boxing and wrestling teams will he sporting new boxing shoes shortly as result of. a gift received from Walter. J.

Trybul-, ski, Chicopee lawyer. who was impressed by the boys at their recent! exhibition show. William Baker, who received the check, put in the order for the new boxing shoes and they should he in this week, he said today. John Losty and Tony Collucci comprise the trio who coach the Fairview, lads in the art of self defense. Lions' Practice Chicopee, Aue.

23-Joseph Kosiorek, manager of the Chicopee Lions Club softball squad. has requested all memhers to report promptly at 6. Thursday evening at Dana Park for a practice session. in anticipation of. the coming match with the Chicopee police team.

Proceeds of benefit game to be held at Szot Park on Monday evening will go to the Lions district eyesight conservation fund. ONE CANDIDATE Chicoper, Aug. 22-Only one candidate, Antonio Colucci of 102 Tenn took out nomination papers today. He is seeking the aldermanic post in Ward 7. 4 Lions Aim to Put Bee On Bluecoats, With 'Dick' as Coach Chicopee, Aug.

strategy employed by the Lions Club softball team its coming benefit game with the Chicopee Police has the blue, coats guessing. Joseph Kosiorek. Lions manager was j'eported today to have appointed Capt. Wilfred A. Couture, of police department, as the Lions coach.

Eli Cohen, publicity chairman, refused to explain the move and the Lions are silent: The game is to be played to aid the organization's blind and sight conservation fund and is to take place Aug. 27 At Szot Park. Patrolman Aldore Minnie, is charge of the police team. STABILIZATION BOARD MEETS FOR FIRST TIME Joseph A. Saulnier Heads Price Governing Committee in Chicopee Chicopee, Aug.

22-The first meeting of the. local Price Stabilization Board was held tonight in the mayor's office under the chairmanship of Joseph A. Saulnier of 30 Rivers Ave. The eight man board was appointed last March by the mayor. and the names approved by Gilbert C.

Hanco*ck, district director of the, Office of Price Stabilization in Springfield. The group discussed inflation and price stabilization methods. They contemplated organizing groun projects to urge. shoppers to be price conscious. Serving on the committee are Charles W.

King of 356 Grove Raymond Suprenant of 412 Thomas Shea 303 Fairview Mel Rumrill. of Grove Ernest R. Lavigne of 25 Stearns "Ter. John Leszcynski: nf 101 Chapin and Paul D'Amour of. 35 Felix St.

3 SANTA WILL COME TO BRIGHTSIDE- The Chicopee Falls Guild of ity found 100 guests at the garden party given last night at the home the Holy of Char. Family League the of Mrs. Adrien J. Ouellette, wife of chairman of the Chicopee Water Commission at her Courtland St. home.

An evening of games' and refreshments netted the guild a substantial sum for the Christmas Fund it is building for the Orphans. Left to right are: Mrs. Thomas P. Hallinan, Diana Leonard, junior hostess, Mrs. Viola Brightside ning, Mrs.

Joanne Gallant, adult hostesses; Mrs. Claire Leonard, guild Manboy. The guild's next event for the benefit fund will be a softball game between the a page president; and Billy Manning, 4. Sickles Girls 1 and the Chico-Litho Club at Szot Park. LOCAL SCOUTS' GIVEN HONORS Will Attend Governors at Eastern States: Chicopee, Aug.

22-Two Eagle scouts, Robert Piekarz of Ship. 135,. American Legion Post 275. and Leonard LaPierre of Troop 142, sponsored by. Chicopee of C.

are to he governore' aides at the Eastern States Exposition in September it was reported today by Edgar N. Desrosiers, district, scout Boy Scout commissioner. troops in the city will take part in activities on the grounds. Assignments will be first aid. messenger groups, information and other activities, The district commissioner also stated that scouts attending Camp Woronoak, will: return home this week.

A total of 60 per cent of the scouts attended the camp programs, Garrity Kids Going to Look Park for Picnic Chicopee, Aug. 22-A free routing with planned activities for. boys and girls Playground is being sponsored by the Garrity. instructors Monday at Look Memorial Park in Florence. The party is to leave by bus from Rivers Ice' Cream Co.

at Grattan and Columba. St. Miss Margaret Dowling is: supervisor of the trip assisted by James Sullivan. All children desiring to make the trip must sign up at the playground Sullivan. with The Miss playground Dowling closes OF Mit.

1.30 p. in the outing will a swim 'in the elaborate tank at the park. picnicing in the spacious grounds rides in the miniature trains and paddle boats. Knot Hole Gang Of Eagles Growing Chicopee, Aug. 22-The Fraternal Order of Eagles Knot Hole gang is steadily growing.

Jarvin. Meunier, reported today. Youngsters from Sheridan Cir. were among the latest to sign up to witness the free game between the Cubs and Ottawa Saturday night. a Informed of the ready response in different sections of the city a group of Fairview Boys Club who will be under the supervision of its director, Raymond Paul, the business manager of the Cubs.

George Nosker will throw in: a free "bonus game Monday night accommodate any surplus entrants to the gang. Boys desiring to take in the contest under the lights are. asked to inform Mr. at 80 Cochran St, Tel. 2678-R.

St. Anthony Church Silver Jubilee Committees Start Planning for Celebration Program, Banquet Groups Named; Further Preparations, Election of Chairmen at Meeting Monday at 8 Chicopee, Aug. 22-The first step taken in making preparations for the silver anniversary celebration of St. Anthony's. Church in Willimansett was, the appointing of a program Negotiate for Meadow Terrace Land With Roys Price Discussed at Meeting But No Agteement Reached Chicopee, Aug.

22-Mayor Edward 0. Bourbeau and members of the Chicopee Housing Authority met with representative of the J. G. Roy Lumber Co. last night to discuss the disposition of the Meadow Terrace property and although a price was arrived at, the mayor would not -say what it was.

The discussion centered on the price established on the property by the J. G. Roy Lumber the owners, the mayor said, but no agreement could be reached. The city offered to pay a certain sum and this will be discussed by the Roy associates later on this: week. Another meeting with the mayor and housing authority is scheduled for next Tuesday.

The Chicopee Housing Authority, the mayor said. has recommended the purchase of the 15: acre 'section so that eventually. it can be incorporated with the Senecal: Apartment development. When housing situation becomes less critical, the barracks can be torn down, Mayor Bourbeau stated, and in their place. modern apartments of the style of Senecal: Village could beerected.

Disposition of the property must he completed soon for the lease expired April 17. A period of six months was allowed to either purchase the property or remove all At Bainbridge Chicopee, Aug. 22- Thomas A. Wild of 29 Watson and Stanley WV. Orzech of 301 East Main two Chicopee Falls young men who have recently enlisted 'In the U.

S. Navy have been assigned to the Naval Training Center at Bainbridge, for. basic instruction. They 8. will be their approximately 11 weeks and then will receive new assignments.

al; 11.4 committee last night. The Laskowski, committee Walter consisting Porowski, of John Henry Szatkowski, Frank Gawron, Peter Bara, Stanley Press, Joseph Nurak, Frank Delucca, Julian Guzik, Frank Fred Smola, Walter Kuralowicz, Eddie Chester wak, Julian Papuga Mitchell, Jagadowski and Carl Clarkson will rush plans for: an all-day program. At present, a solemn high mass will he celebrated at 11 in the morning. In the evening, a banquet and reception will take place. Bishop Christopher Weldon church dignitaries and former pastors and curates will be invited, to attend.

A banquet committee was also selected to prepare for the evening event. The members include Mrs. Helen Ortyl, "Salomea Mrs. Stanley Mierziewski. Drs.

Mary (Januszkiewicz, Isabelle Ohuchowski, Drs. Mary Nadeau and Mrs. Alice 'Porowski. Former pastors who will be invited include the first, Rev. Celestyn wicz who served from 1926 to 1939, Rev Michael Ciealik, from to 11910.

Rev. Benign Ziemski, from 1940 to 1948 and the current pastor is Rev. Richard Brzozowski. Fr. Celestyn is presently.

pastor in Shamokin, Fr. Michael in Elli-1 cott City, and Fr. Benign in Sharon, Pa. During Fr. Benign's term, the interior of the church was renovated.

The 12 curates who were stationed here will also be invited. They include Rev. Herman Korzuch. Rev. F.

M. Andraka, Rev. 'Roleslaw Ciesielski, Rev. Roger Zabinski, Rev. Joachim Dembtk, Rev.

Steven Rev. Peter. Lis. Rev: Francis Kasprzak, Rev. Casimir Camara, Rev.

Valentine Rajter, Rev. Luke Byjak and Rev. Camillus Fr. Francis came to the parish in 1943 and Camillus this year. Another meeting will be beld Donday night at 8 in the church auditorium.

A general chairman and committee chairmen will be elected then and other committees formed. Further plans will be made. MINSTREL OUTING Chicopee, 22--The entire cast of a recent minstrel. show staged by the Shamrock will be feted at an outing of the club tomorrow night at 6 in the Szot Park picnic grounds. The bill of fare, Including hamburgers, hot dogs and sweet.

corn, will be prepared by chefs William T. Blanchard and. Arthur R. Lyons, who also acted as co-chairmen of the outing committee. FAIRVIEW BOYS' CLUB "UNCLE' -Ally.

Walter J. Trybulski, far right, long interested in youth activity, recently donated a dozen pairs of boxing and wrestling shoes to the youngsters of the Fairview Boys'. Club. Atty. Trybulski took in an exhibit last week to see how the boys worked out in their new foot gear.

He is shown 'with two. Brightside boys and members of the exhibition teams. They are Frank Powers and Bob Chamberland. James Hutton, Fred Kirchner, Marcel Goepfert, Rob Demers, Dick Borlen, Bob Yvon, Florian Neveu, Billy, Clarke, Peter, Demers, Frank Chenot, Bobby Desormiers, Dennis Delaronde and by Raymond. A a V.

JUKE BOX BLUES- full course clambake was the fare last evening for the employees of the Eastern Etching of Chicopee at the Red Barn, More than 200 employees and guests were on hand for the sports program organized by Ernest Gagne. This contingent pictured turned to dancing as milder exercise and includes from left to right: Max Ferus, Larraine LaCroix, George Murray, plant manager, Alfora Piela, Roger Beaudoin, Yola Marchand, Edward Campbell, Helen aWtson, Henry Cote, and Nancy Bazluke. The two young women at the right of the juke box in the foreground displaying their hair -does are Gladys and Agnes Piekora, i RECREATION MAN ADVISES SURVEY OF RESOURCES Believes Community Center Would Serve More Than Boys' Club Chicopee, Aug. 22-A thorough survey of the recreation picture in Chicopee was recommended by Richard Westgate of Portland, New Eng" land ation of director Association, interested of the at leaders A National lunchenn Recre- meeting this. noon at the Red Barn." He advised that a survey be made by a group such as the projected Community Council with the Aid of research specialists from the recreation association SO as to present a clear picture of the youth recreation needs of the city.

He applauded the work done by the Fraternal Order of Eagles in organizing a Boys' Club in Chicopee. He suggested however, that community center type of activity, would be better because a boys' limited by age and ox, He belived that a community center is: a much sounder investment because it serves: the needs of all groups. He that Chicopee should strengthen the recreation resources it has already. The survey would indicate the value of these and present suggestions as to what changes and innovations should be made. Present at the meeting were George Raymond of the Eagles Supt.

Joseph Preston of the Parks and Playgrounds Department Nap St Francis, recreation director: J. Aime Lavallee, treasurer and general manager of Eastern Etching Armand E. Daviau, veterans' service commissioner. Welfare Agent Albert Morin and Edward J. Canarie, executive.

director. of the Community Chest. Octogenarian to Preach Sunday at Baptist Church Chicopee. Aug. 22-Rev.

R. W. Bennett of East. Longmeadow, who has passed his eightieth birthday, and is a retired clergyman, will fill the pula pit and deliver the sermon during the 10 o'clock service in the First Central Baptist Church in Chicopee Falls, The pastor, Rev. Raymond Marlowe and his.

family" are away on their annual vacation. Mr. Bennett is highregarded by members of the congregation and it is expected he will be greated by many of the church. Rev. John Ashley Barker of Rockland.

a member of the congregation when he was a young boy, who is visiting with his parents in East Springfield, will occupy. the pulpit during the 7.30 servide in the evening. Following the evening' service the Young People's Fellowship will assemble at the home of Mr. and Drs. Herbert Henry at.

44 Arlington for the weekly Sunday social. The group anticipates that 23 servicemen from Westover Air Force Base will be present as guests. The Bible school will meet at 11.15 Sunday morning with Walter Hoyt in charge of the junior section and Walter Briggs conducting the adult forum. Mrs. Gordon L.

Hoyt will give an Illustrated Bible' story during the Thursday evening prayer meeting. She amplifies: her narration with chalk drawings, N- Airman Learns, The Hard Way Chicopee, Aug. -22-itonald Bevins, residing 11 Walnut Springfield and a.n airman 'at Westover W35 fined $100 by Judge Herman Ritter in District Court today after being found guilty of operating an sured auto. lie was found guilty of operating without registration in his possession and without a license in possession. These complaints were filed.

Bevins pleaded innocent to all charges. 3: wAs arrested at 8.45 011. by Patrolman Ilenry F- Dolphin in Memorial Dr. lle was taken to police headquarters and complaints were issued against him by the officer, Court convened at 9 a. m.

The heavy fine followed shortly thereafter, The airman was given three warnings by the Traffic Bureau the three preceding months, when he was stopped by Paw Dolphin, hence the largeness of the fine. Dolphin booked him dn May. June and July 18. Waste Collections Chicopee, Aug. 22-Ash and waste materials will be picked up by Ash Department tomorrow on following streets: 3.

"Montcalm, Boylston, Providence, Madison, Abbey, West and Northwood. Leaders Believe Bourbeau To Be Franco 5. Candidate Mayor, in Office Eight Years, Still Withholds Statement of Intentions; Francos to Meet at Red Barn Luncheon Today Chicopee, Aug. 22-In a move tol clear the air for possible candidates for mayor in the coming city election, approximately 35 Franco leaders will tomorrow afternoon at 1.30 at the Red 'Barn to begin the screening process, it was learned today. The meeting was instigated by several prominent politicos of the French faction because of the present crowded field: Invitationg were.

sent the declared and possible candidates and to backers in previous elections. Edward O. Bourbeau today declared that he too received an invitation and "signified his intention of attending. The mayor denied that he called the meeting, saying cnly that he was Invited 'as a possible candidatent weeks, two types of '1e- ports, one. that the mayor was going to run and the.

other, that he was not because of. a variety of reacons, have been circulated. Armand E. Daviau and Alvin A. Gosselin are two declared candidates of the French group.

Both have said that they are in the race until the end. The mayor today: confirmed a real port that he said that he would sup-1 port Daviau for but only if he himself did not run. The big 'it" has troubled many for several months. 31: It expected that the meeting will last for. some hours because of: the considerable let indecision as to what candidate back this "year.

The strength of some of the candidates has been questioned in face of opposition they will receive from the single declared Polish faction candidate, Atty. Walter J. Trybulski. A Mayor Bourbeau is viewed by many as the final choice of this body because of his record. experience And impressive showings in "previous elections.

It is believed that when tomorrow night comes, the Francos will be found for rallying about. the present mayor another campaign. LAWN PARTY FUNDS FOR VET HOSPITAL Chicopee. Aug. 22-The Polish American Veterans Club is sponsoring a lawn party starting Monday night at 7.30 at the club grounds in School Chicopee.

It will continue until Saturday night with prizes to be drawn. on the final night. Ignatius Jaszek, state commander, and John Leszczynski, post commander, are in charge of the affair. Proceeds will be used for. equipment fund for the Holyoke Veterans Hospital.

a Building Permits Chicopee, Aug. 22-Permits were granted. today' by Building Inspector Joseph R. Ducharme Gerald Delisle of 98 Broadway for the construction of a five room home at 19 Cherryvale St. at an estimated cot of $7500, to Victor Zaleski of 125 Chicomansett Village for A.

five room home at Lombard Rd. for $7000 and to Thomas Leahy of 152 East Main for 9. breezeway and one car garage. for $600. FRANCIS SKORKA Chicopee, Aug.

22-The youthful but capable commander of the yearold Chicopee Center Post 452 of the American Legion, Francis Skorka, is being supported by the delegates his post for the office of junior vicecommander of the Hampden County Council of the American Legion. Delegates from other Chicopee posts are reported to look with favor on the commander. and it is expected that he will be supported by many of them. Support may. also come from some of the Springfield posts also.

The county. convention and election of officers will take place Sept. 10 at the GAR Hall in Springfield, SUSAN WEHR'S FRIENDS JOIN TO AID BLIND Committee to 'Hold Annual Sports Program to Aid Association MAYOR EDWARD BOURBEAU Planning Board Recommends Mart, Homes and Motel Chicopee, Aug. 22-Plans for. the erection of a 17-home development the Chicopee Center section and for a large modern mart at Chicopee Falls, were approved last night by.

the Planning Board: it was announced today by Anthony F. Pimentel, executive secretary of the board. A subdivision plan. was submitted by Nora and Rosa Hafey, for the homes to he located off Fairview Ave. on the Hafey Roger Lauzier of 1385 Granby the proposes southwest to construct corner, the off martial Falls at An estimated cost of $80,000 at Memorial.

Chicopee to $100,000. proval following zone change The board. also recommended aprequests: William Keating of Sheridan Chicopee Falls, Residence. A to Business the area between Sheridan St. and Memorial for the purpose of constructing An auto show room: Eugene F.

Sullivan of 256 Marion Residence A to Business lot Nos. 142 and 143 in Marion junk salvage yard: Alfred Whalley of 897 Prospect St, side Residence A to Business the north of James St. the second rotary in Memorial for the tion of a group of stores, and Albert! Keating of 295 Chicomansett Village, Residence A to Business Mary T. Keating estate on Memorial Dr. for the construction 'of an elaborate tourist Marriage Intentions Chicopee.

Aug. 22-The following marriage intentions were filed in the office of City Clerk Arthur A. LaPalme, 23, of 98 West stock clerk. and Lucille M. Moineau, 20, of 608 Grattan key puncher.

Henry La Bonte, 24.1 of. 11 Mosher Holyoke, case maker, and Jeannette Archambault, 24, of 18 Adans registered nurse." Balarmino Martins, 25, of 5 Highland Ludlow, laborer. and Edna M. 23, of 169 E. Main office clerk.

Anthony W. Dulski, 14. of 182 Colloge Springfield, maintenance mechanic, and Frances M. Sabat, 33, of 68 Tremont assembler. ATTENDED CONVENTION.

Chicopee, Ang. 22-Raymond W. Gelinas of 655 McKinstry a pub. lic accountant, has returned from week-stay at Minneapolis, where. he attended the convention of National Society 'or Public Accountants as a stale delegate, Mr.

Gelinas is the president of the Aldenville Community Credit Union. Fire Assistance Is Given Brattleboro Greenfield. Aug 22-Mutual' aid went to action today when the old Maxim pumper was driven to Brattleboro by Deputy Chief Charles Ricker and Fireman George P. Billings to fill in while the Brattleboro equipment occupied in fighting a hay barn fire. Chief Herbert R.

Ferris said of the units in Brattleboro was out of order and two others were at the scene of the fire, meaning that additional equipment was needed for propprotection of the city. The 'men left shortly after 8 this morning and returned at 2.41 this afternoon. Chicopee, Aug. 22-Plans for an annual Susan Wehr Day the first to take place Sunday, Sept. 16.

at Vaillancourt Field, have been started by. the Susan Wehr committee, according to John Losty, chairman. He has called a meeting for Thursday night at 8.30 at Turn Verein Hall in Quincy Ave. The group of public spirited Chios opee citizens that raised a substantial fund for a small Fairview girl in. A move to help her regain her sight through hospital treatment and aid of specialists, has reorganized to hold an annual Susan Wehr Day to assist in supporting the Western Massachusetts Association for' the Blind.

of Mr. Mrs. Thomas Wehr 19 Susan, four blind daughter still being treated reriodically in Boston a and specialists are of the belief that continued treatment and added strength with years may one day. correct her blindness. Mr.

Losty said today that the committee hag voted to make Susan Wehr Day an annual Assisting Mr. Losty' with "arranged ments will be Mr. and Mfrs. Patrick Loftus, Raymond. G.

Paul, Everett Sittard: Patrolman Henry Dolphin, Patrolman Charles Tutty, Emile Mar tel, Thomas Wehr, Mr. and Drs. Ernest Picard, James Cassidy, William Baker and Anthony Colucci. A varied program including a soft; game between Fairview's rival teams, Manning's Cafe and the Turn Hall lineup will be featured. boxing and wrestling exhibitions by the Fairview Boy's Club teams and several star attractions to be announced later.

Proceeds will also benefit the Western Massachusetts Association for the Blind. Among apecial guests will be Robert Little, former Holyoke High School star athlete and "Chick" West of Holyoke, well known fighter in New England and members of the The co-operation of the Chicopes Police Department as well as of the Parks and Playgrounds Commission will be sought, the latter to be asked to: provide: additional a speaker's platform and to prepare the grounds for the event. The Fairview Boys' Club will contribute its amplifying system for the affair and volunteering their services as umpires for the softball game are Paul. Lukas of the Western Massachusetts Softhall Association and Donald Fletcher, treasurer of the Hadley Falls Trust Co. Tickets will be distributed to various clubs and organizations in Holyoke, Springfield and Chicopee and will also be available from members of the committee.

1. Erring Motorists Ante Up Fines In Safety Drive Greenfield, Aug. 22-District Court records during the past few weeks indicate that a drive against speeding and avoiding "stop" signs is showing results. Many. have appeared in court and paid fines for, such infractions.

campaign under Police Chief William J. O'Connell has been underway for some with the ain to make the town safer for both Grivers and pedestrians. One cruiser has been assigned to watch for such traffic violations: and the officers on duty recorded many, with most of the violators making a court appearance. Kiwanis Will Hear Of State of World Aug 22-J. Norman.

Lodge, assistant director of national public. relations for the American foreign anti correspondent will speak on former Associated Press "The state of the world" at a meeting of area Kiwanis Cubs at the Country club Monday evening. With the local club acting as host, members of clubs from Athol, Barre, Brattleboro, Orange, Shelburne Falls, Winchendon. and Winchester are expected to attend. Lodge recently returned from a trip around the There will be a tournament at 1 for those wishing to play golf and awards will be 'made during the dinner, which will be served at 6.30.: SEIZED AS DOPE PEDDLER 4 New York, Aug.

22 (AP)-A 42-yearold alleged dope peddler was seized tonight and police' accused him of invading Bellevue Hospital and setting up a $500,000 a year narcotics depot. Detectives said he stored dope in the hospital's underground engine room. He allegedly fused a waiting room: as his sales office, 4 52. 1 :1 I..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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